继萨尔瓦多总统之后,阿根廷国家代表Francisco Sanchez也将推特头像换成激光眼图片,并发文表示“我不敢相信,但事情就是这样。”
Following the President of El Salvador, the representative of the Argentine State, Francisco Sanchez, replaced the Twitter image with a laser eye image and wrote, “I can't believe it, but that's what happened.”
Officially, a number of Korean parliamentarians have recently drafted and submitted to Congress, respectively, proposals for the Digital Assets Industry Act and the Digital Assets Development and User Protection Act, in which the Digital Assets Industry Act is intended to protect user assets by developing a definition of the digital asset industry, introducing new regulations for reporting by digital asset operators, establishing a duty to protect users of digital assets and prohibiting behaviour; the Digital Assets Development and User Protection Act starts with specific policies to develop and support technology development in the sector chain, promoting related industrial development, and developing effective responses to create a sound market loop and protecting users.
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