A股午评:沪指高开低走半日跌0.21% AI应用方向继续活跃

资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:32 评论:0



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The three main indices of the

A share fell early, with 0.21 per cent for the midday round, 0.42 per cent for the bottom, 0.49 per cent for the start-up board, 1.41 per cent for the North Certificate 50 index, and 701.2 billion yuan for half a day in the tri-city of Xinjing, including 697.2 billion yuan for the bottom two cities and $4 billion for the north. The 3700 shares in the two municipalities fell and $4.117 billion was sold from the North half-day.


On the block, precious metals, pork, low-altitude economy, game media panels were up and down, car dismantling, PET bronze and the CRO concept.


On board, the precious metal plate opens early, Hyresat=[a] , > <[aclastst” > >


plate analysis:


homogenous list:


Animation Review:

  09:25 A股开盘,上证指数高开0.15%,深证成指高开0.19%,创业板指高开0.19%。

09:25 The A share is open, with a 0.15 per cent increase in the above index, a 0.19 per cent increase in the finger and a 0.19 per cent increase in the start-up panel.

  09:26 KIMI概念股开盘活跃,华策影视20cm涨停,掌阅科技涨停、海天瑞声、九安医疗002432)、中文在线300364)、人民网跟涨。

09:26 KIMI concept unit active, 20cm viewing: href=http://stockpage10jqka.com.cn/002432" medical ( 9am medical ( http://gpk4/kn4k_bnknk_36kknk_bunkk_bunkkk""jasknknknktk_36/kkkkkk_36kkkkk_bn_bkkkn_bk_bkk_bk_bk_bk_bk_k_k_k_bk_bk_bk_k_k_bk/s/s/s/s/s/s/bk_bk_36/s/bk_36/bk_bk/.

  09:28 贵金属板块高开,金贵银业涨超5%,四川黄金001337)、山东黄金、中金黄金600489)涨超4%。消息面上,国际金价创新高。

09:28 Precious metal plates rise by more than 5 per cent, > (aclass=single stock" gold >, > >.

  09:32 低空经济概念股继续活跃,永悦科技涨停走出8连板,北纬科技002148)涨停,卧龙电驱600580)、流金科技、华设集团603018)等跟涨。

09:32 The low-altitude economic concept unit continues to be active, with never-ending technology rising out of 8 lines , > ( > < < < < > > > > > > > < < < httpsunsattsat_bunts5 > < < < < > > > > > > > < httpstststststststststst_ >; < http_ < httpstststststststststststststststststststststst_ < http_ < http

  09:34 证券板块盘初拉升,国联证券601456)涨近6%,国盛金控002670)、方正证券、国金证券、华林证券002945)等上扬。

<09:34 Portfolio plate initial upscaling > > > > < < < > > <[blacks> > <[blacks]

  09:36 存储芯片板块盘初震荡走高,大为股份002213)涨停,佰维存储、香农芯创300475)、澜起科技涨超7%,德明利001309)、江波龙301308)、北京君正300223)涨幅居前。

<09:36 Storage chip stung high, ,

  09:38 猪肉板块盘初走高,天邦食品002124)涨停,傲农生物603363)涨超8%,大北农002385)、唐人神002567)、巨星农牧603477)等跟涨。

09:38 The pork plate is very high, >, > () > "jka"[ststrintambak_mbak_mbak_mbak_mak_mbak_mak_mak_mak_mak_mak_mak_mak_mak_mak_mak”""[[str_mak_mak_stak"""[stak""[st_mbla"

  09:41 汽车整车板块盘初冲高,动力新科600841)涨停走出4连板,亚星客车600213)涨超9%,汉马科技600375)、东风汽车600006)、江铃汽车000550)等跟涨。

<09:41 The whole car plate is running high >"http://stockpage10jqka.com.cn/600841/" Mouseover,"singleStock" target=" javascript:tip.createStocktips (event, 'hs_600841', 'new power section')" href=http://stockpage10jqka.com.cn/600841"

  09:44 煤炭加工板块盘初下挫,新大洲A000571)跌超7%,上海能源600508)跌超6%,中煤能源601898)、陕西煤业601225)、山煤国际600546)等跟跌。

09:44 The coal-processed blocks are initially foiled by ; >; < http://blacks08k> > < http://wwwsclackka's"

  09:48 算力板块震荡走强,安诺其300067)涨超18%,安奈儿002875)涨超9%,润泽科技300442)、盛天网络、首都在线300846)、青云科技等上涨。

09:48 "Href=http://stockpage10jqka.com.cn300067" Anok(, blank" onmouseover="javascript:tip.creteStocktips (event, 'hs_300067', 'Anoch')"

  09:49 中药板块异动拉升,大理药业603963)涨停走出8连板,益盛药业002566)、新光药业300519)、太龙药业600222)、龙津药业002750)等拉升。

<09:49 >

  09:51 艾艾精工603580)再度涨停,走出13连板,成交额超4亿元。

AIE (Ai's sperm (读客文化(301025)20cm涨停,欢瑞世纪000892)、慈文传媒、中广天择涨停,巨人网络002558)、盛天网络、凯撒文化002425)等多股大涨。

09:59 The concept unit of AI continues to rise. The media and game applications are rising. The reader's culture

  10:09 汽车拆解概念股震荡下挫,超越科技、德众汽车跌超6%,华宏科技、怡球资源、华新环保跌幅居前。

10:09 The concept of car dismantling suffered a shock, exceeding technology, German cars by more than 6 per cent, and Chinese technology, idiosyncratic resources, and China's new environment by far.

  10:13 教育板块再度拉升,美吉姆002621)触及涨停,创业黑马300688)涨超5%,科德教育300192)、中国高科600730)、博瑞传播600880)、开元教育300338)等跟涨。

10:13 Education blocks reloaded

  10:16 房地产服务板块震荡走高,新大正002968)此前涨停,我爱我家000560)涨超5%,特发服务300917)、南都物业603506)、珠江股份600684)等跟涨。

10:16 The real estate services stung high Target="_blank" onmouseover="javascript:tip.createStockTips (event, 'hs_00296', 'New Magnity')" href="http://stockpage10jqka.com.cn/00298/" new stung > > < < < > > < > < http://blacks/hunkk> < http://blacks/hunkk> < http://blacks< http://wwws > > > > <.tsct_sct.t".t".t.t.t.tsctsctsct.t".tsctsct".t".t".t".tst".tststststst.

  10:18 创业板指盘中翻绿,两市超3000只个股下跌。

10:18 Greening of the business board, with 3,000 shares in both municipalities.

  10:22 据同花顺300033)iFinD数据,按余额规模口径统计,截至目前南向资金净流入超30亿元,其中港股通沪净流入15.66亿元,港股通深净流入14.36亿元。

10:22 According to , iFinD data, based on balance-scale statistics, have so far reached a net flow of more than $3 billion to the south, with a net flow of Hong Kong shares flowing into $1.566 billion, and a deep flow of Hong Kong shares flowing into 1,436 million yuan.

  10:25 A股三大指数全线翻绿,汽车拆解、PET铜箔、CRO概念股跌幅居前,两市超3700只个股下跌。

At 10.25 a.m., the three main indices were turned green, car dismantling, PET bronze and the CRO concept were among the first to fall, with the two municipalities exceeding 3700 shares falling.

  10:40 美团盘中涨超5%,现报93.250港元。

1040 US$ 93.250 was reported as an increase of over 5 per cent in the United States condo.

  11:17 核电概念股震荡走高,中广核技000881)、沃尔核材002130)涨停,中核科技000777)、威尔泰002058)、佳电股份000922)等跟涨。

11:17 The concept of nuclear power is rocking high, ; ; ;




1. The Fed maintains the interest rate


For the fifth consecutive time, the Federal Reserve maintained the base rate at 5.25 per cent - 5.50 per cent, in line with market expectations.


At the end of 2024, the median interest rate for the Federal Fund was expected to be 4.6 per cent, compared to 4.6 per cent previously.


According to the Federal Reserve point array, the projected median federal fund interest rate at the end of 2024 was 4.6 per cent, compared to 4.6 per cent previously; the projected median interest rate for 2025 was raised from 3.6 per cent to 3.9 per cent.


3, following the release of the Federal Reserve interest rate resolution, the three main shares of the United States were short-lined


Following the release of the Federal Reserve's interest rate resolution, the three main shares of the United States dollar increased by 0.26 per cent, the Papp 500 index by 0.25 per cent and the NASDAQ composite index by 0.4 per cent.


4; core PCE inflation forecast for 2024 up to 2.6%


The Federal Reserve projected core PCE inflation at 2.6 per cent in 2024, compared to 2.4 per cent last December.


5, “Front Reserve Cylinder” Nick Timiraos: The Fed remains unchanged and is expected to reduce interest rates three times in 2024


The Fed “NickTimiraos”: The Fed remains unchanged and is expected to reduce interest rates three times in 2024. The core PCE forecast for 2024 increased from 2.4 per cent in December to 2.6 per cent in 2024, and GDP projections for 2024 increased from 1.4 per cent in December of last year to 2.1 per cent.


6; United States 2-year rate of return on national debt has fallen by six basis points since the Federal Reserve announced its interest rate resolution and is now reporting 4.63 per cent


The two-year rate of return on United States national debt has fallen by six basis points since the Federal Reserve announced its interest rate resolution, and is now reported at 4.63 per cent.

  7、美联储主席鲍威尔:通胀率已大幅下降 但仍然过高

7, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell: Inflation has dropped considerably, but it's still too high


US Federal Reserve President Powell has said that the economy has made considerable progress. The Fed remains firmly focused on its dual mission; inflation has declined significantly, but remains too high; the Fed remains committed to the 2% inflation target; and the risks to achieving the Fed’s goals are moving towards a better balance.


8; Fed Chairman Powell: Possible interest reduction at some point this year


Fed Chairman Powell said that our policy rates might have peaked. It would be appropriate to start easing monetary policy sometime this year, but with uncertain prospects, we remain concerned about risk and, if necessary, prepare to maintain high interest rates for longer periods of time; we will carefully evaluate published data to determine policy; we need to have greater confidence in the continued decline in inflation before we cut interest rates; our predictions are not planned, and we will adjust to the situation.


9; Fed Chairman Powell: Commodity prices are not expected to fall so fast


As Fed Chairman Powell said, the Fed is firmly committed to reducing inflation to 2% in time; commodity prices are not expected to fall so fast. If there is a significant weakness in the labour market, that would be a reason to trigger interest rate reductions. I think we are not sure whether interest rates will rise in the long run.


10, the first patient at Mask Brains can play chess with intent. >/strang >


Neuralink, Mask's brain interface company, updated the first brain implant, which enabled the quadriplegic patient to play chess through his mind.


11, Bitcoin bounced strong, breaking the $68,000 gate


Bitcoin rebounded strongly, breaking the $68,000 gate with a 6.92 per cent increase in 24 hours.


12, spot gold breaking $2,200 per ounce, continuing at an all-time high


Cash gold continued to rise, breaking $2,200 per ounce and now reporting $2214 per ounce, continuing at an all-time high.


13, “Dr. Copper” stock linkage rises and end bearing remains a concern


According to the Securities Times, despite Dr. Copper’s upswing, journalists have found in interviews that the supply-side-driven current round of copper prices have soared that they are testing the industrial chain’s ability to carry high-priced raw materials downstream, and that a decade-long low smelting fee has been created, causing some concern for the present “exploitation.” The recent decline in copper smelting fees is also worrying. It is known that the current processing fees for imported copper concentrates have dropped sharply by more than 80% in just four months, from nearly $90 per ton in the fourth quarter of 2023 to around $10 per ton in mid-March.


14, continuing high innovation after 225 indexes


Japan’s Eastern Certificate index rose by 1.1 per cent, and Seoul, Korea, by 1.5 per cent.


15, the main contract continues at an all-time high .


The main contract was raised by more than 2 per cent and now stands at $515.94/g, up to an all-time high of $8 per short line of cash gold, up to $2212.33 per ounce.


16, individual pension funds under the umbrella of multiple public funds or will enter the e-social security card

  中证报记者从业内独家获悉,3月21日,富国基金、南方基金、华宝基金、嘉实基金、中欧基金等公募基金旗下的个人养老金基金或将进入电子社保卡“个人养老金产品购买专区”。他们也成为新一批进驻电子社保卡的个人养老金产品。 此前,已有银华基金、广发基金、华夏基金、汇添富基金、招商基金等5家基金公司旗下个人养老基金进驻电子社保卡“个人养老金产品购买专区”。用户可通过展示页面外链至基金公司平台,享受个人养老金开户、缴存、投资交易、权益查询等服务。 人力资源社会保障部日前表示,在36个城市及地区先行实施的个人养老金制度,目前运行平稳,先行工作取得积极成效。下一步,将推进个人养老金制度全面实施。

On 21 March, private pension funds under the umbrella of rich country funds, South Fund, Huabao Fund, Trust Fund, Central European Fund, etc., or will enter the private pension card to purchase a special area for personal pension products. They have also become a new group of personal pension products for electronic social security cards. They have a silver fund, an open fund, a summer fund, a money transfer fund, and a private pension fund under the umbrella of five foundations, such as a fund to raise wealth, a recruitment fund, have been placed in an “specialized area” for personal pension products. Users can access personal pension openings, deposits, investment transactions, equity inquiries, etc. by displaying a page chain to a fund platform. The Ministry of Human Resources Social Security has recently indicated that the personal pension system, which has been introduced in 36 cities and regions, is now running smoothly, with positive results. The next step will be to promote the full implementation of the personal pension system.

  17、深铁拟转让所持万科股权予中国平安?万科不予回应 中国平安:假消息

17, China is safe with 10,000 shares to be transferred from deep iron? Vanko won't respond: China is safe with false news


According to FAFI, there have been rumours in the previous market that the relevant authorities in Shenzhen City are in peace with China, planning to transfer the ownership of Huanko in Shenzhen subway to China for peace. In response, China safely informed journalists that the rumours were “false news”; as soon as the report was sent, there was no response on the part of Huanko.


18. The 2nd Car Plan for the Wise was launched in July, and an expanded version was launched at the end of the year .


According to 36 kryptons, the first S7 car of the intellectuals project will be released again on 8 April. As the new production line is put into use, it will also support additional upgrades of the intellectuals S7. In addition, the second SUV vehicle of the intellectuals project, which is about to land, is expected to be launched in July or August of the second half of the year.


19. Our autonomous development of the first hydrogen-energy city train has been a successful speed test run


According to the Xinhua Society, on the morning of 21 March, the country's first hydrogen energy city train, which was developed autonomously by the China-China-Changer-Governance Company, conducted a pilot operation on the Chinese-Change-Longway test line in Changchun. The train was successfully carried out at a speed of 160 kilometres per hour, leading to a system-wide, panorama and multilevel performance validation, marking a new breakthrough in the application of hydrogen in the field of orbital transport.


20, National Development Commission: appropriate expansion of local government-specific debt flows and use of capital


According to the Securities Times, on 21 March, Liu Su, Deputy Director-General of the National Development and Reform Commission, stated that improving the efficiency of the use of government investment and its role as a catalyst for government investment was key to this year's investment efforts. As a next step, the National Development and Reform Commission will optimize its investments in the field, extend the scope of local government-specific debt flows and use of capital funds as appropriate, enhance the coordination, harmonization and misallocation of all types of government investment, and increase the overall dynamism of all types of funds.


21, National Development Commission: Maximizing the involvement of private enterprises in the construction and operation of projects such as infrastructure


According to the Securities Times, the Deputy Director-General of the National Development and Reform Commission, Liu Su, stated that the pace of private investment had changed from positive to positive in January to February this year, and that there had been a relatively positive development. The next step was to promote private investment by means of stronger and more practical initiatives, and to try to maintain the growth of private investment. The institutional environment had been improved to allow private enterprises to “put in”, and work was currently under way to draft a law on private economic promotion that would provide a guarantee of the rule of law for better promotion of private economic development.

  22、央行:正加强监测资金空转问题 将密切关注企业贷款转存和转借等情况

22, Central Bank: Increased monitoring of capital flight will closely monitor the transfer and borrowing of business loans


According to the First Economy, the Vice-President of the People’s Bank of China announced at the launch of the new government office that we are also strengthening the monitoring of money flight, and that we will continue to pay close attention to business transfers, transfers, loans and loans, and to improve the mechanisms for the evaluation of management and the efficiency of the use of funds, in conjunction with the relevant departments. The effects of preventing capital flight are already evident, and the overall volume of financing may increase at a lower rate than before, with the use of corporate funds regulated, but the actual support for high-quality economic development will be greater.

  23、拜登政府推出“美国史上最严汽车排放标准” 料提振电动汽车销量

23, the Biden government introduced the “Stightest Vehicle Emission Standard in the History of the United States” to boost the sale of electric cars .

  据财联社,拜登政府周三采取行动遏制美国汽车和轻型卡车的污染排放,实施十分严格的尾气排放限制,以至于势将迫使汽车制造商迅速提高纯电和插电混动车型的销售。该规定实现了“美国历史上最为强劲的汽车污染标准”,并且为持续的“美国创新”搭建了平台,EPA署长Michael Regan向记者说道。“新标准将确保污染排放车辆更加清洁,同时允许企业决定如何以可持续和最有效的方式达到这些标准。”根据EPA对一种情境的建模,汽车制造商可能寻求遵守2032年规定,将纯电动汽车占美国总销量的比例提高至56%,而插电式混动车的渗透率为13%,传统内燃机汽车的渗透率为29%。 根据该规定,2032年汽车尾气排放二氧化碳的上限将从2027年的每英里170克降至每英里85克。相较于现有标准,新要求有望使得2026年汽车平均排放量减半。该措施还规定了对烟尘和雾霾形成污染的限制。政府表示这将令主要道路附近不堪重负的社区空气清洁度得以提升。

According to FAFI, the new standards will ensure that polluting vehicles are cleaner, while allowing businesses to decide how to meet these standards in a sustainable and most efficient way.” In accordance with EPA modelling of a situation, car manufacturers may seek to comply with the 2032 requirement to increase the share of pure electric cars in total sales in the United States to 56 per cent, while the penetration rate for plugged electric vehicles is 13 per cent, while the penetration rate for traditional internal combustion vehicles is 29 per cent. According to the regulation, the cap on CO2 emissions from vehicles will be reduced from 170 grams per mile in 2032 to 85 grams per mile in 2027. The new requirements are expected to reduce vehicle emissions by half by 2026.





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