
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:27 评论:0



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2023 年,MetaTdex 作為 DEX 市場頭號黑馬,因交易量快速增長,在全球 DEX 排位中躍升至第 6。幣股通產品發布,更是將 DEX 衍生品服務拓展至萬億級股票市場,讓 Web 3.0 用戶有了更多元的投資選擇。

In 2023, MetaTdex, the number-one black horse in the DEX market, rose to 6 in the global DEX ranking because of the rapid growth in the volume of transactions. The currency share product distribution, which expanded DEX derivative services to the trillions stock market, gave Web 3.0 users more investment options.

?2023 年第 1 季度,MetaTdex 交易額達到$34.73 億,環比增長 141.85%,創歷史新高;

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?MetaTdex 升至全球 DEX 排行榜第六位;

♪ MetaTdex rises to sixth place on the global DEX list;

?平台幣 Tdex Token 衝進加密貨幣市值前 100 位,達到$4.15 億;

♪ Platform currency Tdex Token rushes 100 bits before the market value of the encrypted currency to $415 million;

?幣股通產品發布,MetaTdex 與$124 萬億股市聯動,元資產跨鏈橋生態建設開啟;

♪ The currency shares are published, MetaTdex is linked to the $124 trillion stock market, and the value of the interlinkage bridge is opened;

?MetaTdex 成為全球首家拿到迪拜 DMCC 牌照的去中心化交易平台,樹立起 DEX 行業合規標杆;

♪ MetaTdex became the world's first decentralised trading platform to get Dubai's DMC license and set up the DEX code-based logo;

?MetaTdex 交易挖礦參與者獲得了挖礦和 Tdex Token 上漲(漲幅超 70%)雙重收益。

#MetaTdex trading mine diggers received double returns on mining and Tdex Token up (over 70%).

1. 交易量高速增長,日交易額超 4500 萬美元

2023 年第 1 季度,MetaTdex 交易量開啟了高速增長模式, 日均交易量從 2500 萬美元增至 4500 萬美元以上(3 月份日均值)。其中,Polygon 鏈交易量份額提升最為迅速,3 月底交易占比提升到 30%。 (MetaTdex 是多鏈部署的去中心化協議,於 2022 年底在 Polygon 成功部署,另兩條鍊為 HECO 和 BNB Chain)

In the first quarter of 2023, MetaTdex opened up a high-speed growth pattern, with average daily transactions increasing from $25 million to more than $45 million (March average). Among these, the most rapid increases were made in the volume of Polygon chain transactions, which rose to 30% by the end of March. (MetaTdex was a multi-chain decentralisation agreement, which was successfully deployed in Polygon by the end of 2022, with two other chains: HeSCO and BNB Chain)

?季度交易規模環比增幅 141.85%。 2022 年第 4 季度為 14.36 億美元,2023 年第 1 季度達到 34.73 億美元。


?月交易規模環比增長率達 27.6%。 MetaTdex 月交易規模持續高速攀升,從 12 月份的 7.16 億美元,增至 3 月份 14.89 億美元。

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?3 月份,MetaTdex 日均交易規模達到 4500 萬美元以上。在 2022 年底,MetaTdex 日均交易額維持在$2500 萬左右。

♪ In March, MetaTdex averaged over $45 million a day. At the end of 2022, MetaTdex averaged around $25 million a day.

2.MetaTdex 升至全球 DEX 排行榜第六位

2023 年第 1 季度,MetaTdex 達到了一個新的里程碑,行業排名衝至第 6 位。 Web 3.0 行業最為知名的兩個數據分析平台 CoinMarketCap 和 DefiLlama 在 DEX 排名中不約而同將 MetaTdex 列出,證明了 MetaTdex 在加密貨幣交易者中越來越受歡迎。

In the first quarter of 2023, MetaTdex reached a new milestone, ranking six in the industry. The two most well-known data analysis platforms of the Web 3.0 industry, CoinMarketCap and DefiLlama, were listed in the DEX ranking, and showed that MetaTdex is increasingly popular among encrypted currency traders.

?3 月 8 日,CoinMarketCap 發布 DEX 週交易量排名報告,MetaTdex、Uniswap、Curve 等知名平台位列其中。

♪ On March 8, CoinMarketCap released the DEX weekly trading ranking report, among other well-known platforms such as MetaTdex, Uniswap, Curve.

?3 月底,DefiLlama 數據顯示,MetaTdex 綜合實力位列全球 DEX 第 6。

♪ At the end of the month, DeviLlama data showed that MetaTdex was ranked 6th in the global DEX.

?Q1 季度,MetaTdex 還展示了強勁的國際化用戶聚合能力。 MetaTdex 海外(中國大陸以外)用戶月新增佔比、月活躍佔比分別達到 95% 和 80%。

#Q1 Q1 quarter, MetaTdex also shows strong internationalization user-aggregation capabilities. MetaTdex has a new monthly share of households abroad (outside China), with a difference of 95% and 80%.

3.MetaTdex 平台幣市值衝進全球前 100 位

MetaTdex 平台幣 Tdex Token 在 Q1 季度展示了強勁的上漲能力。 MetaTdex 在 1 月開啟 TT/USDT 交易挖礦後,TT 流通動能進一步得到釋放。 Earn 產品 7 天無理由退幣服務合約在 Polygon 部署,支持幣種包含了 TT,無風險投資增強了新用戶持有 TT 動力。

MetaTdex platform coin Tdex Token showed a strong upscaling capability in the Q1 quarter. MetaTdex further released the TT flow energy after opening the TT/USDT transaction for mining in January. Earn product seven days of unprovoked withdrawal service deployment in Polygon, supporting currency inclusion of TT, and riskless investment increased the new user holding TT power.

?平台幣 TT 季度漲幅超 70%。從 1 月 1 日的$0.866 上漲至 3 月初$1.79 高峰,當前穩定在$1.5 以上。

Platform currency TT has increased by more than 70% in the quarter. From $0.866 on 1 January to a peak of $1.79 in early March, it was stable at more than $1.5.

?3 月 27 日,TT 市值達到 4.15 億美元(流通量 2.56 億枚*$1.62),衝進全球加密市值排行榜前 100 位。

On March 27, the market value of TT reached $415 million ($256 million in circulation*$1.62), moving into the top 100 places of global encrypted market value.

4. 幣股通產品發布,與萬億級股票市場聯動

MetaTdex 在產品端進行技術打磨和金融模型創新,以提升行業競爭力。其中,MetaTdex 幣股通產品的發布,被視作幣的價值與現實資產錨定的顛覆式創新,MetaTdex 在將股票形態資產逐步引入到 Web 3.0 世界流通的同時,為用戶跨區域、低門檻資產配置提供了嶄新策略。

MetaTdex has developed technology and financial models at the end of the product to boost competition in the industry. Among these, the distribution of MetaTdex shares, which is seen as the value of the currency and the incorruptibility of real-estate assets, MetaTdex, while gradually introducing stock-based assets into the web 3.0 world circulation, has provided new strategies for user cross-regional, low-gate capital allocation.

?福利中心上線:該模塊為全球加密貨幣愛好者提供了多重福利,用戶導入錢包、充值、交易、邀請好友註冊都可以獲得額外獎勵。近期,越來越多加密用戶加入到 MetaTdex 平台體驗加密資產金融服務。

*The Welfare Center is online: the module provides multiple benefits to global encryption customers, who can receive extra rewards for directing their wallets, charging, trading, and inviting friends to register. More and more encryption users have recently joined the MetaTdex platform to experience encryption financial services.

?機槍池:U 本位單幣質押無損挖礦理財產品,提供行業有競爭力的年化收益,最高可達 20%。機槍池有低門檻、期限選擇靈活、0 手續費等特點,在加密行情整齊相對低迷的情況下,滿足了用戶持 U 賺幣的普適需求。

The machine gun pool: U.S. currency holds undamaged mining property and provides a competitive annualized gain of up to 20%. The gun pool has such special features as low doors, life-selection, zero fees, and meets the common demand for user U-dollars in a context of perfect encryption.

?主流幣:MetaTdex 在幣幣交易中加入了更多主流幣,滿足全球用戶的多元資產交易需求。

{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} Main currency: MetaTdex adds more mainstream currency to currency transactions to meet the needs of global users for diversified asset transactions.

?幣股通產品發布:MetaTdex 正嘗試加密市場($1.2 萬億)和股票市場($124 萬億)的互通。 3 月 20 日,MetaTdex 同時發布了 DEX 天使和 DEX DAO 兩個幣股聯動產品,以權益 NFT 方式開啟元資產跨鏈橋生態建設,吸引了 Web 3.0 愛好者和傳統金融機構兩大領域共建者。

On March 20, MetaTdex also released DEX Angels and DEX DAO joint shares in order to open, in the interest of the NFT, an interlinkage of meta-equity bridges, which attracted web 3.0 co-builders of two main domains of loved ones and traditional financial institutions.

5.MetaTdex 成為首家拿到迪拜 DMCC 牌照的 DEX

1 月初,MetaTdex 在迪拜順利完成合規性審查,成為全球第一家獲得 DMCC 牌照的去中心化交易平台(編號:DMCC-870791)。這不僅讓 MetaTdex 成為去中心化交易平台的行業合規運營典範,也有利於 MetaTdex 在中東地區市場活動、品牌推廣、社區建設的高效推進,更是從政策層面為用戶在 MetaTdex 參與 Web 3.0 金融提供了政策防護。

In early January, MetaTdex successfully completed a regulatory review in Dubai, becoming the first global decentralised trading platform to obtain a DMCC license (No. DMCC-870791), which not only allowed MetaTdex to become a business-specific operating model for decentralised trading platforms, but also facilitated the efficient advancement of MetaTdex in market events, brand promotion, community-building in the Middle East, and provided policy protection from the policy level for users to participate in Web 3.0 finance in MetaTdex.

6.MetaTdex 現在有哪些獲益機會?

MetaTdex 業務規模極速擴張過程中,用戶價值捕獲空間非常大。典型的有交易挖礦、幣股通的權益 NFT、機槍池等,當下和未來都有著很好的收益預期。

MetaTdex’s business scale is expanding rapidly, and user value capture is very large. Typical are trade mining, currency equity rights, NFT, machine gun pools, and so on, with good revenue expectations now and in the future.

?交易挖礦,每天有 27000 枚 TT 獎池福利,按照 1.5 美元價格折算,獎池總額超 40000 美元。獎勵分佈在 Polygon 鏈的 TT/USDT、MATIC/USDT 交易對。 Q1 季度,不少交易挖礦參與者獲得了幣數增多和幣價上漲的雙重收益。如 2 月 19 日,榜 1 用戶獲得了 4271 枚 TT 獎勵,現在價格漲幅超 50%。

The prizes are distributed among the TT/USDT, MATIC/USDT trading pairs in the Polygon chain. In the Q1 quarter, many of the participants in the transaction received double returns in terms of the increase in the number of coins and the increase in the value of the coins. For example, on 19 February, one of the top users received 4271 TTs, and the price rose by more than 50%.

?幣股通,認購權益 NFT。 MetaTdex 上市前原始估值 1.7 億美金,NFT 錨定其股票 16.5% 份額鎖倉發行。其中粉絲 NFT 錨定 1.5%;經紀人 NFT 錨定 15%。粉絲 NFT 認購僅需 9.9U,用戶不僅可獲得一定數量股票權益,還能獲得最高 40% 推薦返佣,並享受幣幣交易手續費折扣。認購 2000U 經紀人 NFT 可獲得 6000 個股權 Token,認購後即刻開始釋放,後續可在質押挖礦中獲取豐厚收益。

The fan NFT locks 1.5%; the manager NFT locks 15%. The fan NFT buys only 9.9U, with users receiving not only a certain amount of equity gains, but also a maximum 40% return to work and a discount on currency transactions.

經紀人 NFT 於 3 月 21 日開始發售,半個月內便有 9258 張售出(截至 4 月 5 日),折合超 1850 萬美元進入幣股生態。剩餘 3242 張經紀人 NFT 預計 4 月中旬售罄。粉絲 NFT 也異常火爆,在全球最大的 NFT 市場 OpenSea 上價格達到 19 美元(0.01ETH),比發行價 9.9U 高出 90%。

The manager NFT started its sale on March 21, and within half a month, 9258 sales (as of April 5) were sold over $18.5 million into the currency. The remaining 3242 agents NFT are expected to be sold out by mid-April. The fans NFT is also hot, and the price on OpenSea, the world's largest NFT market, is 19 United States dollars (0.01 ETH), 90 per cent higher than the price of 9.9 U.

?機槍池理財,用戶質押 USDT 可賺利息收益。門檻超低,用戶最低 10U 便可參與,並有 7 天、30 天、60 天、90 天、180 天等不同質押期限自由選擇。年化收益最高達 20%,在行業同類型產品中領先。

There are seven days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 180 days, and so on. Annualized gains of up to 20%, leading by industry-like products.

2023 年第 1 季度,MetaTdex 還活躍在迪拜、香港、泰國等地的區塊鏈峰會上,品牌知名度不斷提升。 Q2 季度,MetaTdex 將深耕幣股通(BGT)生態建設,廣泛開展與 Web3 金融機構和傳統金融機構的多方合作,為加密市場和股票兩大萬億級市場的聯動提供流動性通路,為用戶安全、便捷地跨界資產配置提供整體解決方案。

In the first quarter of 2023, MetaTdex was also active at the chain peaks in Dubai, Hong Kong, and Thailand, and its brand name was raised. In the Q2 quarter, MetaTdex created the Deep Farming Stock Exchange (BGT) policy, with a wide-ranging opening and multi-faceted collaboration with Web3 financial institutions and traditional financial institutions, to provide fluid access to the secure market and to the two-billion-dollar stock market, and to provide a whole-of-the-board solution to the secure and easy-to-reach cross-border asset allocation of users.

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