Movement Labs 於 A 輪融資活動中籌集了 3,800 萬美元,將 Facebook 的 Move 引入 EthereumUSA - NederlandsUSA - DeutschUSA

资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:26 评论:0



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舊金山2024年4月26日 /美通社/ -- 總部位於舊金山的區塊鏈開發團隊 Movement Labs 已在由 Polychain Capital 領投的 A 輪融資中籌得 3,800 萬美元。這筆資金將支援該公司的使命,將 Facebook 的 Move 虛擬機引入 Ethereum,解決智能合約的漏洞並提高交易輸送量。

San Francisco 26 April 2024 /American Institute of Statistics/- headline branch development team in San Francisco ,

本輪融資吸引了 Hack VC、Placeholder、Archetype、Maven 11、Robot Ventures、Figment Capital、Nomad Capital、Bankless Ventures、OKX Ventures、dao5 以及 Aptos Labs 等著名創投公司參與,展現了業界對 Movement 生態系統的強大信心。

This round has attracted the participation of such well-known starters as Hack VC, Placeholder, Archetype, Maven 11, Robot Ventures, Figment Capital, Nomad Capital, Bankless Ventures, OKX Ventures, Dao5 and & nbsp; Aptos Labs, which have shown great confidence in the Movement system.

Movement Labs 成立於 2022 年,旨在解決 Ethereum 生態系統中常見的智能合約漏洞,同時引入一個專為每秒交易量 (TPS) 超過 30,000 筆而設計的新型執行環境。透過利用與 EVM 完全相容的字節碼解釋器和 Ethereum 進行運算,Movement Zero Knowledge Layer 2 區塊鏈將為希望留在 Ethereum 生態系統的使用者帶來平行運算和智能合約的安全性。

Movement Labs was founded in   2022, designed to solve common intellectual contract gaps in the Etheum system by introducing a new enforcement environment designed specifically for   (TPS) more than   30,000 copies. Through the use of   EVM fully compatible & & & Etherium, Movement Zero Knowwledge Layer 2 chain will be used as a hope to stay in   users of the Etheeum system bring parallel calculations and smartness to security.

在 2022 年至 2023 年之間,駭客透過常見的重新進入攻擊,利用了智能合約進行攻擊,導致了超過 54 億美元的損失,影響了 Curve 和 KyberSwap 等主要協議。Movement 的 Move-EVM 允許 Move 和 Solidity 開發人員在運行時部署完全驗證代碼,從而防止重新進入等攻擊媒介的執行。該團隊稱這種措施為「集成方法」,其中有多個模塊化元素,例如共享排序,嵌入式正式驗證測試器,替代資料可用性和 Ethereum 運算,可以結合來為一個區塊鏈提供支援,從而提高安全性和性能。

Between   2022 through & & nbsp; 2023, hackers attacked with the usual re-entry, using smart contracts, causing losses of over $5.4 billion, affecting key agreements such as & nbsp; Curve and & nbsp; KyberSwap. Movement-EVM allows   Move and & & nbsp; Solidity Developer deploys a full-testing code during the operation, from preventing re-entry into the attack media. The team called this measure an "assembly method" with several modular elements, such as shared sequencing, embedded formal testers, substitution of data availability and Etheum operations, to improve safety and performance by combining support for a block chain.

「目前區塊鏈基礎設施中最大的兩個問題是不良的使用者體驗和智能合約的漏洞,」Movement 共同創始人 Rushi Manche 表示,「共同創始人 Cooper Scanlon 和我創建 Movement 是為了提高加密貨幣創新的速度,讓沒有大型開發團隊和昂貴的審計人員資源的開發人員能夠在鏈上建立下一代 Facebook。Move 解決了 Solidity 的缺點,我們正在以加密原生的方式將其推向市場。」

"Movement co-founder & nbsp; Rushi Manche states that "the co-founder & nbsp; Cooper Scanlon and I created Movement to increase the speed of encrypting currency creation, allowing developers without large development teams and expensive auditists to create the next generation of Facebook on the chain. Move solved the & nbsp; Solidity's gap, and we are pushing it to the market by encrypting its originals."

除了旗艦版 Movement L2 以外,Movement Labs 還將推出 Move Stack,這是一個與 Optimism、Polygon 和 Arbitrum 等公司的多個 rollup(彙總)架構相容的執行層架構。團隊的願景是與其他 Ethereum 參與者合作,透過共享序列器為使用者擴充智能合約在所有網絡的執行,並將它們進行統一。

In addition to the flagship version & nbsp; Movement L2 the Movement Labs will launch   Move Stack, an executive with Optimism, Polygon and & nbsp; several   Rollup (General) executive structures that are compatible with other   Etherum & nbsp; participants working with shared sequencers to expand their intelligence for users on all networks and to bring them together.

「儘管大多數其他 rollup 團隊的核心重點是可擴充性,但 Movement 的關鍵見解是,單方面的可擴充性並非目前未能大量採用的原因。MoveVM 提供直觀且防出錯的開發人員體驗,並且具有高度可擴充性。透過將這些優勢與 Ethereum 生態系統的網絡效果和基層安全保證相結合,我們相信 Movement 可以建立一個蓬勃發展的生態系統,成為新一代主流應用程式的理想之地。」Polychain 的 Bobby Beniers 在一份聲明中表示。

"Although most other & nbsp; rollup & nbsp; the core focus of the team is scalability,   Movement's key is that scalability is not the reason why it is not available. MoveVM provides visual and anti-wrong developers experience and is highly scalable. By combining these advantages with the network effects of the Etheium system and the security assurance of the base, we believe & nbsp; Movement can build a dynamic living system that is the ideal place for the new generation of mainstream applications." Polychain & nbsp; Bobby Beniers in a statement.

該團隊之前曾於 2023 年 9 月宣佈進行 340 萬美元的種子輪融資。使用者將能在今年夏天與其網絡互動。

The team was launched in September in   2023 & nbsp; September to announce 340  millions of dollars in seed rotations. Users will be able to interact with their networks this summer.

欲了解更多有關 Movement Labs 的資訊和參加開發網絡的指引,請瀏覽,在 X @movementlabsxyz 和 Discord 上關注。

For more information on and guidelines for participating in the Web of Development Labs, please visit: ;

關於 Movement Labs: 
共同創始人 Rushi Manche 和 Cooper Scanlon 是 Move 生態系統的早期建設者,於 2022 年創立 Movement Labs,作為首個集成的區塊鏈網絡,為 Ethereum 上最快、最安全的第 2 層提供支援。Movement 旨在將智能合約安全性和平行運算與 EVM 流動性和使用者群體相結合,將 MoveVM 透過其旗艦 L2 和與 Move Stack 連接的 rollup,將 MoveVM 引至 Ethereum。

About   Movement Labs:  

[email protected]

Media contact: br glass="dnr"

SOURCE Movement Labs




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