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This post is part of our special coverage Egypt Protests 2011.


Translation: White section chain


Main points:

由Lido DAO管理,Lido協議是一個開源中間件,用於將ETH、stETH和以太坊的獎勵傳輸到一組驗證者和ETH質押者之間。

Managed by Lido DAO, the Lido agreement is an open-source intermediate for transferring ETH, stethH and Ether's awards to a group of testers and ETH detainees.


StETH is the most fluid LST and the most widely used chain-based form of collateral.


The fluidity of steth and stethh as collateral have also grown on a central trading platform, showing the institutional tendency to replace ETH by trading and holding steth.


Through a combination of powerful witnesses, the risk of stETH is lower and offers a higher chance of adjusting.


As traditional finance seeks to secure ETH rewards, this may mean development & quot; traditional ETH& quot; and products, stETH as an instrument of coordination to counter centralization.

2024年5月20日,Eric Balchunas和James Seyffart將現貨ETH ETF核准的幾率從25%上調至75%。 ETH在幾個小時內上漲了約20%。然而,根據美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的要求,發行人修改了S-1註冊聲明,將質押獎勵從ETF中移除。因此,持有現貨ETH ETF的投資者將無法獲得以太坊的質押獎勵,可能是因為提供質押ETH產品需要必要的監管明確性。無論如何,按照當前利率,選擇持有現貨ETH ETF的投資者將損失約3-4%的年化收益率,這是共識和執行層獎勵所帶來的。因此,為了減少稀釋,有動機將質押納入ETF產品中。

On May 20, 20, 2024, Eric Balchunas and James Seyffart increased the rate of approval of the current ETH ETF from 25% to 75%. The ETH rose by about 20% in a few hours. However, at the request of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the issuer modified the S-1 register to remove the pledge from the ETF. Thus, investors holding the current ETH ETF would not be rewarded by the taupuleta, probably because the necessary oversight would be required to provide the ETH product.

Lido協定是一個開源中間件,根據委託標準自主地將ETH匯集路由到一組驗證者中。由LDO持有人管理的Lido DAO管理前述委託標準的一些參數,如協議費用、節點操作員和安全要求。然而,該協定是非託管的,DAO不能直接控制底層的驗證者。佔網路總質押的約29%(9.3百萬ETH,即358億美元),stETH是質押產業中的重要基礎設施,其效能、委託和其他質押實務要求都處於較高水準。

Lido's agreement is an open-source middle, autonomously and in accordance with the Commission's criteria, to transfer the ETH channel to a group of testers. Lido DAO, managed by the LDO holder, manages some of the parameters that the commission has mandated, such as the cost of the agreement, node operators and security requirements. However, the agreement is uninvited, and the DAO has no direct control over the bottom. About 29% of the total Internet pledge (9.3 million ETHs, or $35.8 billion), the stETH is an important infrastructure in the delivery industry, and its effectiveness, commissions and other security requirements are high.


ETHETF may be the most convenient option for traditional financial investors to be exposed to ETH today, but these products cannot capture Ether’s launch or encrypted economic activity. With more traditional financial establishments connecting themselves to Token, TokenstETH’s fluid pledge by Lido can be described as the best product to be rewarded by ETH and Ether, because it has the following key uses in existing market structures:


StETH is the most dynamic and traded ETH-carried asset on the decentralised trading platform (DEXes).


StETH is the most widely used form of collateral in DeFi, exceeding the largest stable currency USDC and ETH itself.


StETH is the most dynamic and rewarding L1 primary asset on a centralized trading platform (CEXs) and is growing as a substitute for and collateral for the current ETH trade.

隨著ETH ETF的出現,stETH的主導地位有可能持續存在,因為投資者對以太坊的了解更多,並尋求來自共識和執行層獎勵的額外回報,這對於鞏固更強大的stETH市場結構來說是有利的。更進一步展望,隨著傳統金融機構最終將質押納入其產品(稱為「傳統金融ETH」),Lido DAO的治理和stETH的成長變得至關重要,以維持以太坊上足夠分散的驗證者組合。

With the advent of ETH ETF, the dominant position of stETH is likely to persist, as investors know more about Etheria and seek extra rewards from the consensus and executives, which is beneficial for the stronger market structure of stETH. Looking further, as traditional financial institutions finally commit their products (known as "traditional financial ETH" ), Lido DAO’s governance and growth of stETH become critical to sustaining a sufficiently fragmented portfolio of witnesses in the community.

因此,“stETH > 傳統金融ETH”,因為它提供更好的回報,比相鄰產品擁有更多的實用性,並作為對抗中心化的協調工具。

As a result, “stETH & gt; traditional financial ETH”, which provides better returns, has more practical applications than neighbouring products and is used as an instrument of coordination against centralization.


stETH reflect: what are the deep edges under the dominant position?


In the middle of the Lido agreement, a group of intellectual compacts distributed the user's ETH to a censored Ethio-based tester. This fluid pledge agreement (LSP) is designed to enhance the local capacity of the community. It serves two participants: node operators and ETH-depositors, and solves two problems: the access door for the tester and the fluid loss caused by locking the ETH to make the pledge.


Despite the fact that the hardware requirements of the tester operating at the Etheria are not as high as those of the other chains, in order to be part of the consensus, node operators need to hold an increase of exactly 32 ETHs among the tester to be rewarded by Ether. It is not only not easy to raise this amount of money for potential tester, but the distribution of ETHs under 32 ETHs may be extremely inefficient.

為了簡化這個過程,Lido將來自投資者的ETH路由到驗證者組合,並有效降低了高經濟門檻。此外,透過嚴格的評估、監控和節點操作員間的委託策略,Lido DAO減輕了驗證者組合的風險。可以在此處找到包含來自驗證者組合的操作員統計數據和指標數據。

In order to simplify the process, Lido combines the ETH route from the investor with the tester, which effectively reduces the high-income economy. In addition, Lido DAO mitigates the risk of the tester grouping through a rigorous evaluation, surveillance, and node operator strategy.


In return for their ETH deposits, investors get stETH, and its value is simple. The operator or hostage ETH needs to lock the ETH in an account, while the stETH is a moving user of Token, which can be used in CeFi and DeFi.



STETH is a fluid type of hostage to Token (LST), a form of practical use of Token, which represents the sum of ETH deposited in Lido, plus the amount of money to be fined (reduced) and to be punished by the tester. The fee consists of a pledge commission from the tester, DAO, and the agreement.

當用戶將1個ETH存入Lido時,會發行1個stETHToken,並發給用戶,協議會記錄用戶在協議中所持有的ETH份額。該份額每天進行計算。 stETH是用戶可以兌換為他們在資金池中所持有的ETH份額的憑證。透過持有stETH,用戶可以透過重新基準機制自動獲得以太坊的獎勵,基本上隨著獎勵的累積到驗證者組合,協議會根據帳戶在協議中持有的ETH份額來發行和分發stETHToken。

When the user deposits an ETH in Lido, a stETHToken is issued to the user, and the agreement records the amount of ETH held by the user in the agreement. This amount is calculated every day. The stETH is a certificate that the user can exchange for the ETH amount they hold in the pool. Through the holding of stETH, the user can receive self-initiated ETH awards through the re-establishment of the standard system and basically accumulates to the tester group with the rewards, and the council issues and distributes the stETHToken according to the number of ETHs held by the account in the agreement.


stETH=thinking: what's the depth advantage under the guiding position?/></p><p> stETH的獎勵是基於ETH的發行量、優先手續費和MEV獎勵的函數。 ETH的發行是驗證者參與共識並正確提出區塊所獲得的獎勵。目前,發行速度為每年917,000個ETH(對於此貨幣政策的變動有所討論)。優先手續費是用戶支付的,以優先包含交易。 MEV獎勵是運行MEV-Boost的額外收入來源,它透過為驗證者提供以太坊區塊獎勵的一部分來促進市場。這部分獎勵是根據以太坊區塊空間需求的函數計算的。根據mevboost.pics的數據,2023年,驗證者透過MEV-Boost大約實現了308,649個ETH的收益(使用2024年1月1日的ETH價格,相當於704.3億美元)。考慮到這些因素,僅持有stETH,投資者在2024年期間可以獲得3-4%不等的年化報酬率。</p><p>Currently, the rate of issuance is 917,000 ETHs per year (discussed about changes in the currency policy). The premium is paid by the user, to include transactions first. The MEV reward is the source of extra revenue from the MEV-Boost operation, which promotes the market through the use of a share of the tester’s incentive with the Tai H block. These awards are based on the number of letters of demand in the district. According to the data of the, 2023, the testee has passed through MEV-Boost about 308,649 ETHs (using the ETH price of 1 January 2024, equivalent to US$ 704.3 million).</p><p>總之,與現貨ETH ETF不同,stETH是一種流動性產品,投資者可以擁有ETH這一資產並獲取以太坊的現金流。此外,在DeFi的各種環境中,stETH也是最常被使用的資產之一。</p><p>In any case, unlike the current ETH ETF, the stETH is a fluid product, and investors can own the ETH and access the cash flow of the Etherm. In addition, the stETH is one of the most commonly used assets in the various settings of DeFi.</p><h4> 2)stETH的實用性</h4><p>使stETH成為理想資產的關鍵功能是流動性和作為抵押品的能力。通常情況下,質押的ETH提取需要數天的時間,因為質押者必須等待退出隊列的時間取決於隊列的規模。這可能導致持續時間不匹配的情況,即在提取請求和贖回之間,ETH的價值會發生劇烈變化。</p><p>The key function of making stETH the ideal asset is fluidity and the ability to be a collateral. Normally, it takes several days to extract the pledged ETH, because the grantor has to wait to leave the queue to determine the size of the queue. This may lead to a continuing mismatch, i.e., a dramatic change in the value of the ETH between the extraction request and the redemption.</p><p> stETH的核心價值主張是其流動性。質押者無需等待退出隊列,只需在去中心化交易平台(DEX)或中心化交易平台(CEX)上市售stETH即可退出質押位置。一個敏銳的讀者會意識到,消除持續時間不匹配的風險將風險轉嫁給二級市場接受stETH庫存的意願和能力。儘管如此,鑑於現貨ETH ETF的批准以及stETH的特性和基礎市場結構的趨勢,我們可以更有先例地預期進一步採用stETH,甚至更深的流動性。</p><p>The core value of stETH is its fluidity. The grantor does not have to wait to withdraw from the queue, but only sells stETHs on the market at the decentralized trading platform (DEX) or the central trading platform (CEX). A keen reader will realize that removing the risk of a continuous mismatch of time will shift the risk to the second-tier market to accept the wishes and capabilities of the stETH bank.</p><h4> 3)stETH的流動性</h4><p>值得注意的是,2023年,在以太坊和Rollups上,stETH在流動性池中的儲備量有所下降。這是因為DAO調節了鏈上stETH LPs的激勵支出,這意味著主要透過挖礦LDO獎勵的LPs已經從池中撤回了他們的儲備。到了2024年,儲備量趨於穩定。從受補貼的LP(通常在最需要時更傾向於撤回儲備)轉向真實的、非補貼的stETH LP對於stETH的鏈上流動性格局來說更加健康。儘管存在這些市場糾正力量,stETH仍然是DeFi中最具流動性的資產之一,並且在Uniswap的TVL(總鎖定價值)中排名前十。 </p><p>It is worth noting that in 2023, on Ether and Rollups, there was a decline in the reserves of stETH in the fluid pool. This is because DAO adjusted the incentive spending on stETH LPPs on the chain, which means that LPs, who are mostly rewarded by mining LDOs, have withdrawn their reserves from the pool. By 2024, the reserves were stable. The real, non-replenished stETH LPs are healthier for the flow patterns of stETHs. Despite these market dynamics, stETH remains one of the most dynamic assets in DeFi, and ranked first ten in Uniswap's TVL (general lock value).</p><p><img style=

stETH reflect: what's the deep advantage under the dominant position?


During the same time period, the volume of transactions at stETH and the utilization rate in these pools have increased.

  • 流動性提供者更加穩定和一致
  • 市場對於stETH的流動性已經接近更穩定的均衡點
  • 越來越多的參與者更習慣於交易stETH


These market structures provide a much stronger and more dynamic basis for expansion than they use the LDO incentive to spend too much on seasonal fluids. As shown in the figure below, the volume of transactions and fluidity in stETH is clearly the main guiding position compared to other fluid-carried Tokens (LSTs).


stETH reflections: what's the deep edge under the dominant position?


stETH reflections: what's the deep advantage under the dominant position?


Flowability is very important, and mobility can be described as the biggest determinant of financial market risk management. The liquidity situation has a significant impact on risk adjustment rates and has an impact on the attractiveness of investors. StETH is a better option for investors and traders wishing to get an Ether prize, as evidenced by the discussions in Blockworks, a small group of large encrypted local institutions such as Hashnote, Copper, Deribit, and Cumberland.


stETH=thinking: what's the depth advantage under the dominant position?/></p><p><img style=

stETH reflect: what are the deep edges under the guiding position?



StETH is also the most popular collateral in DeFi, even exceeding ETH and popular stable currencies such as USDC, USDT, and DAI. The figure below shows that, since its launch, it has risen to that position, accounting for about one third of the total market share.


stETH reflect: what are the deep edges under the guiding position?


Bybit announced in February this year that it would increase the value of its mortgage from 75% to 90%. Since then, the volume of its transactions on Bybit has increased almost tenfold.


It seems that the market structure of stETH on the chain has reached a more stable equilibrium, which may provide a solid foundation for a long-term progression. Under the chain, we can observe more evidence of the use of institutions, because investors tend to choose the ETH rather than the ordinary ETH. Although we also anticipate that other fluid threats to Token (including possibly mobile security rights) will be marketed, the market structure and guiding position that STETH now has, as well as the vanguard advantage, should maintain its strong position on the market. In addition, Lido and StETH have a number of advantages compared to other pledge options.


No authority: Lido and node operators do not charge the user’s deposits. This feature reduces the risk to the counterparties, and node operators will never have access to the user’s ETH.


Decentralizing: No single organization has tested the agreement, and the technology risks are distributed equally among a group of nodes, increasing the resilience, availability and rewards.


Open Source: Anyone can review, screen and/or propose changes to the code of the agreement.

當stETH與其他流動性質押Token(LST)和質押服務提供者進行比較時,根據Rated的數據,按總質押量排名靠前的節點運營商之間的獎勵差異很小,大約在3.3-3.5 %之間。然而,考慮到營運節點的因素,包括維運、雲端基礎設施、硬體、程式碼維護、用戶端類型、地理分佈等,獎勵的微小差異包含了許多風險。

When stETH compares with other fluid delivery providers of Token (LST) and pledge services, according to the Rated data, the difference in reward ratings by aggregate amount to the previous node operator is small, ranging from 3.3 to 3.5%. However, considering the factors at the node, including maintenance, cloud infrastructure, hardware, code maintenance, client type, geographical distribution, among others, there are many risks involved.


The risk is lower because it ensures exposure to a number of operators who operate different machines, codes, and clients at different locations, and are managed by many teams. As a result, the probability of crashing machines is lower and the risks are more diffused; and other providers are more concentrated, with potential single-point failures. For more information on the field, Blockworks Research Analyst 0xpibblez wrote an exhaustive study.




Looking at the first graph below, we can observe that the executive-level reward (plus base line MEV) is more variable than the corporate-level reward (volume distribution). The second graph below shows the magnifying picture of this change over the past month. This is due to the cyclical nature of the activity on the chain, in which, at some times, the level of activity coincides with the value-added block and the resulting higher enforcement-level reward; and the shared-level reward is permanent. This means that the actual pledge of the ETH reward is the function of verifying the probability of the next block in the programme, capturing the variability of the executive-level incentive.


stETH reflect: what are the deep advantages under the dominant position?


stETH reflections: what's the deep advantage under the dominant position?


Since StETH is being held hostage in a wide variety of operators and represents 29% of the total, the probability of stETH capturing block rewards is higher than the number of independent test nodes, smaller operators, or less. This means that on average it will always get a higher reward.


stETH reflect: what's the deep advantage under the dominant position?

換句話說,在極端情況下,當一個獨立驗證節點提議一個極具價值的區塊時,即使總回報率要高得多(例如,質押32個ETH在一個區塊中賺取10個ETH) ,這種情況發生的機率非常低,大約是一百萬分之一(32/32,400,000)。他們基本上贏得了一場彩票。而另一方面,Lido的驗證節點集更有可能捕捉有價值的區塊,大約有29%的時間。因此,持有stETH的用戶選擇並且加強了分享更多獎勵的機會。

In other words, in extreme cases, when a stand-alone test node proposes an extremely valuable block, even if the overall return rate is much higher (e.g., the pledge of 32 ETHs to earn 10 ETHs in one block), the probability is very low, about one million (32/32,400,000). They basically win a lottery. On the other hand, Lido’s test node collection is more likely to capture valuable pieces, about 29% of the time.


In any case, another reason why stETH is a superior choice to be exposed as a hostage-taking ETH prize is because it generates a highly competitive reward on the basis of both probability and risk adjustment.

現貨ETHETF的批准帶來了對額外產品的期望,其中最明顯的一個是質押ETH產品。在他的牛市週期休息期間,加密原生傳奇人物DegenSpartan寫了一篇名為《我們可以推出多少特洛伊木馬? 》的貼文。在這篇簡短的部落格文章中,DegenSpartan寫道:「在現貨ETF之後,我們仍然可以期待在[傳統金融]領域獲得更多的接入,期權,納入基金組合,共同基金,退休賬戶,定投計劃,結構化產品,雙幣種,蘭巴德貸款等等。

In this short blog post, DegenSpartan writes: “After the current ETF, we can still expect more access in the [traditional financial] domain, options, access to funds, mutual funds, retirement accounts, investment plans, construction products, double currency, Rambad loans, etc.


While the US capital market will be more exposed to ETH, leading to more permanent (structured) winds, it is unclear how traditional finance integrates other digital or derivative goods and their possible side effects on decentralisation.


從哲學上講,我們認為LST是保持足夠去中心化、安全和高效能的驗證節點集的最佳方式。 Grandjean等人計算了以太坊的HHI指數(一種評估市場集中度和競爭力的指標),發現Lido已經改善了去中心化(如下圖中較低的HHI讀數所示)。

Philosophy, we think that LST is the best way to maintain enough central, safe, and efficient testing nodes. Grandjean et al., using the Taiyo HHI index (a guide for evaluating market concentration and competition), finds that Lido has improved decentralisation (as shown in the lower HHI readings below).


While treating Lido as an entity that leads to a higher HHI (i.e. the Internet is less central), we do not believe that this description of Lido accurately reflects the presence of Lido in the market, because the agreement is not managed or controlled by an organization or entity, and the test nodes are composed of separate entities. While there are risks in large LSPs, there are appropriate governance mechanisms and regulatory oversight, such as double governance, which should reduce its severity.


stETH reflect: what are the deep advantages under the dominant position?


In spite of this, it is possible for traditional finance to eventually provide the ETH product, taking into account the economic incentives to hold the ETH, or where the possession of the original ETH would be diluted. Some of the possible (purely) outcomes include:


Traditional finance explicitly uses stETH and all its benefits.


Traditional finance works closely with Coinbase or other large institutional providers to establish this framework, where cbETH or tradfiETH becomes the official pledge of ETH products in traditional finance


Traditional finance develops its own practices, invests in specialized nodes, holds its own ETH and issues tradfiETH products.

「雖然對於BTC [和ETH]來說這一切都很好,但未來的發展有些未知。」- DegenSpartan

"It's all good for the BTC [and the ETH], but there's a little bit of an unknown development." - DegenSpartan.


We believe, and there is evidence to suggest, that (1) is a better solution for the Internet, given that, in any event, the risk of chain-based pledge of ETH is centralized if the hostage is moving towards the traditional financial ETH. Thus, in the case of the centrally developed products of highly capitalized present participants, as long as Lido remains sufficiently central, stETH and DAO are key factors in maintaining overall euphoric coherence, given the DAO’s mandate to manage the ETH and, in turn, influence the effectiveness, security and decentralization of the Internet.



Wave and fluidity: When ETH surges, investors prefer to sell stETH on the open market instead of waiting for extraction. During high wave activity, if there is not enough fluidity, high sales may result in stETH's price being set at 1:1 below the ETH, which poses a subsequent risk until market conditions are restored.


Environmental risk: A common way of earning rewards (e.g. by participating in airdrops or mobile mining incentives), users take a stick position, borrow a stETH, borrow an ETH, borrow an extra stETH, and repeat the loop until they reach maximum capacity. During a wave, the looper faces a liquidation risk that could trigger a magnifying risk associated with wave and fluidity.

協議與治理:與LSP佔據重要市場份額相關的風險。 stETH委託的協議由DAO管理。雖然DAO正在朝著雙重治理邁出步伐,這將減少這些風險,但如果stETH佔據了質押ETH的大部分份額,那麼對ETH份額集中化到LDO治理的擔憂是有理由的。

Agreement and governance: The risks associated with the LSP’s occupation of important markets. The agreement commissioned by the stETH is administered by DAO. While DAO is moving toward double governance, this will reduce these risks, but if stETH is holding a large share of the ETH, there is a reason to worry about centralizing the ETH to LDO governance.


Smart contract: Lido's agreement is executed by a series of smart contracts. This includes deposits, withdrawals, bailing, penalties, and key management. There are unexpected errors or malignant upgrades in these systems associated with intellectual agreement.


Competition: The LST market is huge, and there are more re-privileged agreements to enter the competition. Traditional finance also has the ability to develop its own collateral, which is more relevant to some investors than the current market structure.

監管:儘管現貨ETH ETF的批准可能使質押服務提供者在平均水平上更安全,但對質押ETH仍將進行監管審查。相關的法律討論包括(但不限於)質押服務提供者的角色、根據豪伊測試的「管理」和「行政」之間的區別,以及LSPs是否是「發行人」(根據Reve測試)。

Monitoring: While the approval of the current ETH ETF may make the delivery service provider safer on average, the custody of the ETH will continue to be subject to supervisory scrutiny. The related legal discussion includes (but is not limited to) the role of the delivery service provider, the difference between "management" and "administration" according to the Howie test, and whether the LSPs are "issuers" (according to Reve test).


By today’s standards, stETH can be described as the best product to secure ETH’s involvement. It is the most fluid LST on the chain, the most widely used form of collateral in DeFi, and these market structures are rapidly spreading under the chain, as evidenced by the growth of trading platforms (especially ByBit and OKX).


Despite the risks associated with holding stETH, these powerful market structures are likely to continue to exist and may be associated with stETH attributes, Lido’s agreement, the growing demand for Ether’s overall consistency, and the impending push for catalytic agents. These catalysts on the road map include decentralized tester techniques (DVT), double governance, support to pre-reconfirmation and allocation of extra resources for the re-prising of stETH, and an improved governance structure, will be instrumental in the development of ETH products.




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