Recently, on 4 June, at the Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, a proclamation was issued stating that the medical representative of the Red Day pharmaceutical industry, the “Physic Net Blood Injection fluid”, had seriously violated the hospital's quarantine requirements and violated the Circular on the Distribution of Regulations Governing the Marketing Activities of Representatives of the People's Pharmaceutical (Arms) Production and Operations Enterprise of the Guangdong Provincial Hospital (No. 112). The decision to stop the procurement of the Red Day pharmaceutical industry, the “Physic Net Blood Injection fluid”, has been taken.
The Red Day Pharmaceuticals industry responded and confirmed this information, stating that the relevant medical representatives had separated and that the training and management of sales personnel would be enhanced.
In 2009, the red-collar industry became the country's first company, Tianjin's first entrepreneur, listed on the list of Chinese potential companies listed in Forbes after the company's listing, and ranked as top 20 top 10 of the 2012 Chinese-listed company value test. Twenty-six cases between 2015 and 2019 were classified as complementary and focused surveillance drugs, and even in 2020, the National Health Council and the National Health Administration jointly issued the "Pneumonia Clinical Programme for new coronary virus infections (pilot version V) ", and the blood-compulsory-injection fluids in the red-day industry were included in other treatment measures for heavy and dangerous cases, respectively, and recommended for use during clinical treatment in Chinese medicine.
Thus, the purchase of the core medicine of the red-day medicine industry was stopped at the Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital, where, according to the information reported, the medical representative of the “blood required net injection” seriously violated the hospital's quarantine requirements and violated the circular on the issuance of regulations governing the marketing activities of representatives of the People's Hospital's pharmaceutical (arm) production and operation enterprises.
In the instruments published by the journal network, the court of first instance found that “at the end of 2014, the defendant’s soldiers took advantage of the wall flip software to find internal information on the search engine, including a list of business offerings and documents of improper business conduct in Tianjin’s Red Day pharmaceutical industry, Inc. (known as the Red Day Company), and then downloaded all of it to hard disk. In December 2014, the defendant’s soldiers found, via the Internet, the mailbox belonging to the board of directors of Red Day’s company, and sent mail to it using the u88 ×@mail.com mailbox to obtain money for the disclosure of the above-mentioned information in the Red Day company’s mail box, the company’s failure to do so and the company’s subsequent attachment to the company’s commercial inventory list at the Tianjin Forum, accompanied by a stop map of the company’s commercial cost list. After discovering the Tianli Forum’s attachment, the company decided to pay the sum of US$ 300,000 to the owner’s bank account of US$29 million to the owner’s bank account of US$99.
At the time of this extortion case, we were puzzled by the use of money to appease and solve criminals. Why did the public drug firm not report a extortion first, but rather to report it? And the Red drug industry did not disclose it to the public? After the list of commercial gifts and documents of illegal business had been made public, the company agreed to pay $3 million to resolve the matter.
In the same year, a number of media articles pointed out that the exclusive blood form of the Red Day pharmaceutical industry had entered the Guangdong drug catalogue through irregular channels, but the Red Day pharmaceutical industry had subsequently issued a clarification circular stating that there was nothing wrong with the selection of the drug and that there had been no irregularities in its operation.
So, as the red-day drug industry says, is there no problem of medical corruption, gold sales, drug kickbacks?
In another case, from January 2013 to July 2015, the accused Hmong, using his position as Director of the Inner Second Section and Director of the Cardiovascular I Disease District, assisted the agent of the Tianjin Red Day Pharmaceuticals Industries Inc. in the introduction and use of medicines, receiving multiple refunds for the sale of a given drug amounting to $19,059. The operator also confirmed that he had sold an injection fluid at the Central Hospital of the Mine Group from January 2013 to July 2015 and that he had given multiple refunds for the sale of a drug at the rate of $5 per injection.
In these disclosed cases, there is no doubt that the Red Day pharmaceutical industry is selling, operating, and paying bribes are “carrying gold” by the end of 2014. Is the data that Doo downloaded through the wall flip software in December 2014 just about the amount of money that he paid to keep the drug safe?
The State's corruption of “gold sales” in the pharmaceutical sector is becoming more severe. At the 5th plenary session of the 19th Central Disciplinary Committee, it was stressed that corruption and manipulation in the medical sector should be addressed on a continuous basis, that irregularities should be seriously investigated and that the chain of interests in the medical sector should be completely cut off.
On 30 September 2020, the National Drug Control Service issued the "Medical Representative Recording Management Scheme ", which defines the main tasks of the representatives as: developing plans and programmes for the promotion of pharmaceutical products; transmitting information on pharmaceutical products to medical personnel; assisting medical personnel in the rational use of their own pharmaceutical products; and collecting and providing feedback on the clinical use of medicines and hospital needs. Moreover, the above-mentioned document emphasizes that pharmaceutical representatives cannot take on marketing tasks, which also represents a return to the academic promotion of medicines and feedback on clinical use, which also compels pharmaceutical companies to re-establish the academic extension of this extension project and give their enterprises their own “soft power”.
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