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Man/Wang Yongfei

1 月 25 日,波场创始人孙宇晨发推表示“波场平行链拍卖”,引发业内舆论关注。而此前波卡(Polkadot)平行链插槽的拍卖一直备受关注,可以说是2021年初加密货币市场的“重头戏”之一。在波卡平行链插槽还未正式宣布开拍之际,波场先声夺人,可以说这也算是波场创始人孙宇晨一贯的营销作风。

On January 25, Sun Woo, the founder of the Porcupine, pushed for a “porcade parallel chain auction,” causing public interest in the industry. The previous auction of the Polkadot parallel chain slot, one of the “heaviness” of the encrypted currency market in early 2021, was one of the main events.


As of the date of the communication, Poca Polkadot had a DOT price of $15.82 and a total market value of fourth; its experimental block-chain platform, Kusama KSM, had a price of $94.37 and a total market value of 47; and TRON, a total market value of $0.02857 and a total market value of 22.


It is interesting to note, however, that among the top 20 currencies, the seven-day increase of UNI reached 63.51 per cent, up to $13.45, with a total market value of 13; the seven-day increase of Aave reached 42.23 per cent, up to $264.09, with a total market value of 15. The seven-day increase in the SushiSwap forklifting project, SushiSwap, was 15.09 per cent, and up to $7.28, with a total market value of 41. According to community project architects for community projects in the Taiku chain, the 2020 DeFi project experienced an explosion in ecological numbers and active users.


In addition to solid bottom-level technologies and innovative public chain management, the building and development of high-quality ecological projects on the chain is an essential link to the success of the public chain.


Bands and Poca are separated from each other


As regards the current state of development of the above-mentioned power points, Sun Woo-moo said in his community that it was planned to launch a wave of power, the parallel chain auctions in DeFi, the wave, and the solar network's solar energy. Sun Woo-moo said that the Poca parallel chain had been developed; the next step would be to move all of the DeFi categories in the near future, such as arithmetic currency stabilization, and Bitcoin DeFi, to the waves.


The dramatic scene is that Sun Woo-moo also published in the community the “Bobs and Friends” that cannot be issued for even 20 generations now, and that smart contracts, stable currency, mainstream asset infrastructure, all of the “Bobs and Friends” projects have their currency on Ether, and that there is much more at play than “Boms and Friends” and that the “Boms and Friends” are nothing more than pseudos.


The journalist in the newspaper notes that, according to the official news from the waves, the current structure for the design of access mechanisms in parallel chains across the chain has been completed.

在这一波暗指后,“波姓友商”波卡(Polkadot)中文社区官方回怼孙宇晨,波卡被碰瓷了;孙哥口中所说的 “波姓友商” 有 99.99% 的概率就是指波卡了;在蹭热度的领域,孙哥第二没人敢当第一,现在竟然碰瓷到了波卡头上,看来波卡是真的火了啊;波场要蹭波卡的热点,抄波卡的平行链拍卖机制可以,但是孙哥为了捧高自己,说一些不实的言论来抹黑波卡,这就不太酷了。

After this wave, Polkadot's Chinese community officially returned to Sun Woo in the morning, and Poka was touched; the probability of the “Bobo's friendly business” referred to in Sun's mouth is 99.99 per cent; in the field of heating, Sun's second-best no one dared to be the first and now touch the porcelain on the head of Poca, which appears to be a real fire; and it is not so cool that Sun's side of the chain auctions can take Poka's hot spot and porca's copy, but it is not so cool that he says something false to erase Poca in order to promote himself.

波卡中文社区列举了几点孙宇晨口中的“不实的言论”一一回怼。比如针对“波卡发不了 ERC20 代币,所有波卡项目的币都是发在以太坊上的”,波卡中文社区表示波卡不仅可以发代币,而且波卡的 Substrate 技术框架甚至可以做到 “一键发链”,半个小时能写一条区块链(是区块链,不是智能合约),链上当然也可以有代币,所以发链、发币都是很方便的。甚至你可以在波卡上做一条智能合约平行链,然后基于这条链可以发行 ERC20 代币或者基于其他协议的代币;波卡生态有一部分项目是在主网上线时直接发行了自己的主网代币,比如 ChainX 就发行了 PCX 代币。还有一些波卡生态项目甚至计划不发行自己的代币,比如 Patract Network。

The Boca-Chinese community lists a few examples of “untruthful statements” in Sun Woo’s morning mouth. For example, “Poca can’t send ERC20 tokens, and all Poca-based coins are sent to Etheria”, the Boca-Chinese community suggests that Poca not only can issue tokens, but that Boca’s Substrate technical framework can even be “one-key hair chain”, with half an hour of writing a block chain (a block chain, not a smart contract), and that it can also have tokens, so that it can be convenient. Even you can make a smart contract parallel chain on the Boca, and then issue ERC20 or other agreements based on that chain; some of the Boca eco-based projects have directly issued their own Internet tokens on the main web line, such as CharinX, and PCX. Some of the Boca-ecological projects are not even planning to issue their own tokens, such as Patratt Network.

2020年12月,波卡Polkadot平行链测试网Rococo V1已正式启动并运行。当时波卡联合创始人Robert Habermeier撰文写道,“Rococo 是一个公共测试网,由Parity 和Polkadot开发者社区共同维护,旨在测试平行链共识过程的本身和社区建立的平行链,以及相互之间的交互。”随着Rococo V1版本的正式启动,也就意味着Kusama和Polkadot平行链插槽拍卖的“大戏”,将随着2021年的到来,逐渐拉开帷幕。

In December 2020, the Poca Polkadot parallel chain testing network, Rococo V1, was officially launched and operational. Robert Habermeier, the co-founder of Poca, wrote that “Roco is a public testing network, maintained by the community of the developers of Parity and Polkadot, which aims to test the parallel chains established by the parallel chain consensus process itself and the community, as well as the interaction between them.” With the official launch of the Roco V1 version, it would also mean the “maze” of the auction in the parallel chain of Kusama and Polkadot, which will gradually be opened as 2021.


业界普遍认为波卡是继以太坊之后重要的区块链项目,也是Web 3.0的核心区块链基础设施,并有望通过互连多个公链、私有链、联盟链等,推动新行业产生以及创造更多的社会经济互动模式。从2015年波卡项目发起至今,波卡生态已经十分丰富,据PolkaProject统计,当前波卡生态应用数量已达349个,其中包括底层技术、开发工具、钱包、基础设施、预言机、NFT,数据、bridge、验证器、DeFi等。波卡是首个进行平行链设计和拍卖的项目,根据波卡官方的相关规划,波卡测试网Kusama(KSM)和波卡主网(DOT)将陆续开启平行链插槽拍卖。

It is widely recognized that Poca is an important block chain project after the Ether, and the core block chain infrastructure of Web 3.0 and is expected to contribute to the creation of new industries and to the creation of more socio-economic patterns of interaction by connecting multiple public, private and union chains. From the launch of the Poca project in 2015, Poca Ecology has been rich. According to PolkaProject, the number of Boca eco-applications currently stands at 349, including bottom technologies, tools, wallets, infrastructure, predictors, NFTs, data, Bridge, certifications, DeFi, and so on. Poca is the first project to undertake parallel chain design and auctions, and the Poca Test Network Kusama (KSM) and the Boca Main Network (DOT) will open parallel chain slot auctions in accordance with the relevant planning of Poca.


The architect Forrest explained to journalists in this paper that the parallel slot auction refers to the fact that each block chain is independent of each other and cannot interact with the chain, and that it can interact directly or through a bridge, with the Boca trunking chain, and with other parallel chains with access to the Boca, before each block chain is filmed successfully and becomes a parallel chain slot in Poca, thus generating more overlapping operations and increasing its scalability, while also enjoying the security provided by the chain.

Forrest指出,对于项目方来说,如此有诱惑力的好处让非常多项目方翘首以盼。但是波卡项目创始人Gavin Wood表示,平行链的数量上限大约会在100条左右,此外平行链插槽每次只会释放一个,也就是说错过了一次机会就要等待一定时间直到下一个插槽的释放,在“狼多肉少”的情况下,一个好的解决办法就通过拍卖;根据官方消息,波卡平行链插槽将采用蜡烛式拍卖方式。值得注意的是,平行链插槽,实际上是只租不卖的,波卡上的平行链插槽每个租赁期为6个月,拍卖时可竞标四个租赁期,也就是说项目方可拍下一个或者多个租赁期,KSM上的平行链插槽租赁期时长会更短一些。

Forrest points out that such an attractive benefit for the project side is expected from a very large number of projects. But Gavin Wood, the founder of the Poca Project, said that the maximum number of parallel chains would be around 100, and that the parallel chain slot would only release one at a time, meaning that an opportunity would be missed to wait until the release of the next slot, and that a good solution would be through the auction in the case of “wolves with less meat”; according to official information, the Boca parallel chain slot would be auctioned in the candle format. It is worth noting that the parallel chain slot, which is in fact non-sale, would be leased only, and the parallel chain slot on the Poca would have a six-month lease period at the time of the auction, which would allow for a bid for four lease periods, i.e. the project would be able to film the next or more lease period, and the parallel chain slot on KSM would have a shorter lease period.


However, the planning and further details of parallel chain auctions in the waves have not yet been made public, but it is not clear which of the waves and Poca can be auctioned earlier.


He's a researcher at the Warsaw Times Financial Research Institute.

责任编辑:孟俊莲 主编:冉学东

Responsible Editor: Mon Jun-Lian, Editor-in-Chief: Peng Xiaodong


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