
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:25 评论:0



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The Secretary-General of the National Council of Ministers of Italy: China is the ideal partner in areas such as the block chain; the fielding of the rooster “block chain traceability system” in Xianyang County, Guizhou; and the implementation of block chains + a guarantee fund in Yu An-Zin district to address the problem of unpaid wages for farmers.


Look at it today.


1 The currency should be copied, prosecuted and claimed 10 million

据新浪科技消息,因认为币应(inChat)全面抄袭微信,腾讯科技(深圳)有限公司、深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司以不正当竞争纠纷为由将币应软件开发商Chips Limited及运营商北京风气云飞科技有限公司诉至法院。

According to new wave technology sources, Tseng Tsing Tseng (Shenzhen) Ltd. and Shenzhen City Tseng Computer Systems Ltd. filed a lawsuit against Chips Limited, the software developer and the operator Beijing Windy Cloud Technology Ltd. for unfair competition disputes.

腾讯方面要求判令Chips Limited停止侵权行为,二公司刊登声明消除影响并连带赔偿腾讯公司经济损失及合理维权支出共计1000万元。日前,海淀法院受理了此案,此案正在进一步审理中。

In response to a request for an injunction against Chips Limited, the company published a statement to eliminate the effects and to compensate the company for its economic losses and reasonable maintenance of its rights in the total amount of $10 million. The case is currently before the Haydean court and is under further consideration.


2 The first case before the Beijing Internet Court was officially opened today, using block chain forensics techniques


The first case before the Beijing Internet Court — “Small Videos” v. “Small Videos for Partners”, copyright and tort disputes — was opened today, using block chain forensics techniques.


The case was said to have been documented by the third-party platform Beijing “Middle and Sky” during the tort evidence. During the morning hearing, video evidence submitted by the plaintiff, captured by block chain technology, was shown on the Internet court's large screen.


3, Secretary-General of the Italian National Council of Ministers: China's ideal partner in areas such as block chains


According to the Global Network, the “China-Europe and America Industry Investment Consort” was held at the Beijing State Building International Convention Centre in the morning of 30.

意大利国家部长会议主席秘书长Simone Valente表示:“意大利非常重视绿色能源的发展和区块链的发展。对意大利来说,区块链在两个方面的发展是很有意义的:其一是意大利制造的品牌,另外就是合同手续的简化。”

The Secretary-General of the Italian Council of Ministers, Simone Valente, said: “Italy attaches great importance to the development of green energy and the development of the block chain. For Italy, the development of the block chain is significant in two respects: first, the brand made in Italy and, secondly, the simplification of contract procedures.”


He further stated: “The block chain also plays an important role in the area of credit finance. This is also the focus of Italy's recent development and requires cooperation in various areas, including talent. China is the ideal partner in these areas.”


4. The Tiled Chicken Tray System operates in Suyang County, Guizhou .


This system is a retrospective “pre-sale platform” that combines the Internet with eco-farming to determine the amount of pheasant delivered by orders from clients and to track back through block chain technology.


Financing Express


1, Aoe's music chain was invested in millions of yuan

Aoe音娱链获得数百万元人民币融资,投资方为亮资本,信达融创,ZB Capital。Aoe音娱链是一个区块链音乐服务平台。基于IPFS存储系统,所有的音乐作品通过加密且永久存储在IPFS系统中,密钥将永久存储在AOE智能合约上,基于AOE协议的平台和应用能共享全网资源,通过密钥映射到作品。Aoe音娱链以开放合作共赢的生态,全球范围内任何人均可以随时随地使用、管理、消费作品且保持对相应作品的所有权。

The Aoe audio chain is financed by millions of yuan, with investments in capital, credit, and ZB Capital. The Aoe music chain is a platform for block music services. Based on the IPFS storage system, all music works are encrypted and permanently stored in the IPFS system, the keys are stored permanently on the AoE smart contract, and the AoE platform and applications share web-wide resources, which are shown through a key map. The Aoe music chain wins by open partnerships, and any person around the world can use, manage, consume and maintain ownership of the work at any time.

2、科银资本CollinStar Capital宣布战略投资ENECT

2. CollinStar Capital announces strategic investment in ENECT

科银资本CollinStar Capital宣布将对环保能源项目ENECT进行战略投资。据了解,ENECT将通过整合基于创新的能源信息并利用区块链技术最大限度地提高能源信息收集和效率,创建透明能源信息交易系统和高效管理等新平台。

It is understood that ENECT will create new platforms such as transparent energy information trading systems and efficient management by integrating innovative energy-based information and using block-chain technologies to maximize energy information collection and efficiency.


Industry direct.


1 The Policy and Legal Study Group for the Credible Block Chain Advancement Plan will be established on 31st day


According to the China Communications Court officials' network, with the guidance and support of the Department of Informatics and Software Services of the Ministry of Industry and Informatics, a credible block chain promotion plan is scheduled to be launched in Beijing on 31 October 2018. At the meeting, a credible block chain promotion policy research group will be formally established. The conference will also publish the White Paper on Block Chains and Supply Chain Finance (version 1.0).


2, Smartlands announced collaboration with CMS, a global law firm

据The Daily Hodl消息,区块链通证平台Smartlands(SLT)宣布与全球律师事务所CMS达成合作,寻求法律支持以应对SEC、FINRA、ECB及ECB等机构的监管要求。

According to The Daily Hodl, the block chain pass platform Smartlands (SLT) announced a partnership with CMS, a global law firm, to seek legal support to address regulatory requirements of SEC, FINA, ECB and ECB.


The Chief Executive Officer of the Smartlands Platform stated that CMS would play a significant role in accelerating the achievement of this goal in order for the Smartlands Platform to meet its intended objectives and to successfully trade in tagged assets on the Steelar network.


3, EOS Core Arbitration Community ECAC formally established to promote EOS governance and ecological development

据引力观察消息,EOS核心仲裁社区ECAC正式成立。据悉,ECAC——EOS Core Arbitration Community中文名是EOS核心仲裁社区,也是首个为EOS生态提供服务和支持的公益节点,形成以节点账户为唯一审计主体的EOS治理公益基金。

According to gravity observation, the EOS Core Arbitral Community (EAC) is officially established. According to the information received, the ECAC-EOS Core Arbitration Community is the EOS Core Arbitral Community, the first public benefit node to provide services and support for EOS Ecology, forming the EOS Governance Public Interest Fund, which is the sole audit subject of node accounts.


According to information received, ECAC reports that nodal income, community donor income, is fully fed back to the community to provide support and feedback to the EOS community in need of help and support. Addressing the current state of uninvited EOS community governance and slow progress in governance is a tangible contribution to EOS governance and ecological development.


4, Zhao Chang Peng responded to the money laundering challenge: account numbers have been frozen and willing to cooperate with law enforcement


Recently, Twitter users questioned the fact that the account numbers in the cold wallet WEX were secretly moving assets through currency security, which may mean that the currency was acquiescing in the black market money laundering of the cold wallet. Zhao Changpung replied: “The account numbers can be frozen, they can be turned over to law enforcement, and he has offered to cooperate with law enforcement investigations, which is also one of our worst aspects of centralization — being involved in the chaos of other exchanges, although we do not know what that is.”


5, the Morgan Chase block chain platform Quorum will be used to “currency” the gold bars


CCN reports that Quorum, the US banking giant Morgan Chase,’s block chain platform, will be used for “currencying” gold bars. Quorum, developed by Morgan Chase as an Ether section chain business version, will ensure that users operate smart contracts while automating them using pre-programming rules.


Links to policy.


1 The Caribbean Examinations Board will issue e-Certificate for Block Chains


According to Jamicaobserver, the Caribbean Examinations Board (CXC) is about to begin issuing electronic certificates, as well as traditional paper certificates, and CXC announced yesterday that some 24,000 candidates for the May/June 2018 examination will be awarded Blockcerts or block-based certificates. Registerers have been informed that, as review committees, the security of certificates is a priority for CXC and that block chain technology provides the strongest protection.


2, multiple projects such as the implementation of integrity upgrades in Guiyang town using block chain technology


According to recent reports from the Guyang People's Government Network, the city of Guiyang has developed platforms for the accelerated construction of credit system infrastructure, the construction of rural property rights management platforms and transit systems, the “Trustee Me” APP, block chain monitoring, etc. With full use of block chain technology, projects such as the upgrading of integrity, the “tri-change” in rural areas, joint law enforcement, bank accounts and digital wallets have been implemented.


3. > > >. > >. >. > >. >. >. > > >. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >


The Yuan group recently introduced a scheme for the management of the builder’s wage guarantee, based on the application of block-chain funds for the management of construction projects, the establishment of a builder’s wage guarantee, the introduction of a “double-insurance” approach to guarantee the builder’s right to pay for his work, and the elimination of wage arrears for farm workers from the source. At present, the Yuan group’s block-chain platform has more than 700 enterprises, with a multi-billion-dollar management fund.


Link International


1, Vice-President of the Central Bank of Canada: Encrypted currency and French currency can coexist

加拿大央行高级副行长Carolyn Wilkins近日在演讲时表示,很多人对货币和加密资产的兴趣增加是因为,公共和私营机构给予的待遇不公。她承诺,加拿大央行有可能推出其支持的资产。Wilkins表示仍对分布式账本技术的未来感到兴奋和乐观,但认为央行发行加密资产仍会是一个非常大的社会问题。

In a recent speech, the Senior Vice-President of the Central Bank of Canada, Carolyn Wilkins, said that many people’s interest in monetary and encrypted assets had increased because public and private institutions had treated them unfairly. She promised that the Bank of Canada could launch the assets it supported. Wilkins said that he was still excited and optimistic about the future of distributed book technology, but believed that the central bank’s release of encrypted assets would remain a very large social problem.


2. Engate, Japan, will pilot the P2P power trading system for block chains

据Prtimes报道,日本系统开发初创企业Engate宣布将与Cryptoeconomics Lab合作,共同试行基于区块链的P2P电力交易系统,并以评估其实现可能性为目的。据悉,该研究将从2018年11月1日开始进行,并计划于2019年3月26日结束。3、阿联酋推出首个政府认可的区块链平台,由迪拜和IBM合作完成

According to Prtimes, Engate, a start-up company for the development of systems in Japan, announced that it would work with Cryptoeconomics Lab to pilot a block-based P2P power trading system with the aim of assessing its likelihood of realization. It was reported that the study would begin on 1 November 2018 and end on 26 March 2019.3 The Emirates launched its first government-endorsed block chain platform, which was completed in cooperation with Dubai and IBM.


According to prnewswire, Dubai and IBM announced the launch of the Dubai Block Chain Platform, the first government-sanctioned block chain platform in the United Arab Emirates, to serve as a service. The Dubai Block Chain Platform will operate in an IBM cloud for government block chain projects and will be made available to the private sector. The platform will also save data domestically and traded locally, thereby reducing operating costs.

4、瑞士公司Sirin Labs下月推出区块链智能手机

4; Swiss company Sirin Labs launched block-link smartphone next month

据独立报消息,瑞士公司Sirin Labs将于11月29日在巴塞罗那推出备受期待的“FINNEY”区块链智能手机。

According to independent sources, the Swiss company Sirin Labs will launch a much-awaited “FINNEY” block chain smartphone in Barcelona on 29 November.

这家瑞士公司去年筹集了1.57亿美元,并以足球偶像Lionel Messi作为其品牌形象大使。

This Swiss company raised $157 million last year and used football icon Lionel Messi as its brand image ambassador.


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