贾跃亭创办的Faraday Future公司又“摊上事了”。当地时间10月7日,美国做空机构J Capital Research发布了一份关于FF公司的沽空报告,该机构通过现场走访调研、对公司财报数据以及技术能力的分析并结合上市后系列资本运作等,直言“不认为FF公司能卖出哪怕一辆汽车”。
Faraday Future, a company founded by Jiajuntun, was “sold” again. On October 7, local time, the U.S. agency J Capital Research released an empty report on FF, which “does not think that FF can sell even one car” by means of on-site research, analysis of company financial reporting data and technical capacity, and in conjunction with post-market capital operations.
“经过8年的经营,FF公司未能交付一辆汽车并再次表示‘明年交付’,此外公司违背了在美国及中国五个地方建厂的承诺,对于第六个工厂建设也一再推迟。”J Capital Research在做空报告开篇如是说。
“After eight years of operation, FF failed to deliver a car and again stated that it would deliver next year, in addition to its breach of its commitment to build plants in five locations in the United States and China, the construction of the sixth plant was repeatedly delayed.” J Capital Research is opening an empty report.
J Capital Research这份28页的沽空报告从FF公司投产能力、资本运作表现、研发投入状况以及贾跃亭自身在国内受到的处罚等多个角度表达了其对FF公司的质疑,消息来源包括实地调研走访、公司财报数据及公开资料等。尽管隔夜FF公司股价出现反弹,但就在前一日其刚创下上市以来新低。(中国证券报)
J Capital Research’s 28-page report expresses its doubts about FF from a variety of angles, such as FF’s ability to get into business, capital performance, R & D input status, and the penalties imposed on Jiajun himself in the country. Sources include field research visits, company financial reporting data, and public information. Although FF’s share price rebounded overnight, it has been newly low since its inception the previous day.
拟筹资 5 亿美元付港二次上市?爱奇艺:不予置评 proposes to raise $500 million for secondary listing in Hong Kong? Aichi: no comment 10 月 6 日,据彭博社报道,爱奇艺拟筹资 5 亿美元,最快 2021 年年底在港交所上市。据悉,本次上市计划,爱奇艺考虑让高盛、美国银行和法国里昂证券担任上市承销商。10 月 7 日,爱奇艺方面对该消息表示:不予置评。(亿欧网) On October 6th, according to Bloomberg, the Aichi art project raised $500 million, the fastest to be marketed in Hong Kong by the end of 2021. According to the information received, Aichit's plan was to put Goldman Sachs, American banks, and French securities in Lyons on the market. On October 7th, the Aichi culture side said: "No comment." 我国研发的自主水下机器人完成北极海底科学考察 Autonomous underwater robots developed in our country complete scientific expeditions to the Arctic seabed 近日,由中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所主持研制的“探索4500”自主水下机器人在我国第12次北极科考中,成功完成北极高纬度海冰覆盖区科学考察任务。日前,4名科考人员已随“雪龙2”号科考船返回。 In recent days, the “Exploring 4500” autonomous underwater robots, developed under the auspices of the Shenyang Automation Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, successfully completed a scientific mission to the Arctic high-latitude sea ice-cover area during our 12th Arctic Science Examination. 此次自主水下机器人在北极高纬度地区的成功下潜为我国不断深化对北极洋中脊多圈层物质能量交换及地质过程的探索和认知提供了重要数据资料,将为我国深度参与北极环境保护提供重要科学支撑。(新华网) This successful dive of autonomous underwater robots at high Arctic latitudes provides important data for the country’s deepening exploration and recognition of multi-circle energy exchange and geological processes in the Arctic ridge, and will provide important scientific support for our deep engagement in Arctic environmental protection. (Sinhuanet) 神舟十三号船箭组合体已转运至发射区 The Archer Cluster 13 has been transferred to the launch area 据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,北京时间2021年10月7日,神舟十三号载人飞船与长征二号F遥十三运载火箭组合体已转运至发射区。目前,发射场设施设备状态良好,后续将按计划开展发射前的各项功能检查、联合测试等工作。 According to the China Human Space Engineering Office, on 7 October 2021 Beijing Time, the Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft and the Long March 2 F remote 13 launch vehicle complex have been transferred to the launch area. Currently, the launch site facilities are in good condition, and all pre-launch functional inspections, joint tests, etc. will be carried out as planned. 国际新闻 (雷锋网 雷锋网 雷锋网) The project manager for Asahi Linux said that the M1 chip Mac computer is currently running Linux very well. Because the processor is so powerful that it can only be rendered by CPU, it is faster than any Rockchip ARRM64 machine with hardware acceleration. (IT House)
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