● 比特币挖矿原理
is based on P2P networks, digital signatures, cryptographic evidence to initiate and verify transactions. Node to broadcast transactions that, after certification by miners, are confirmed by miners using their work certification results, confirm that subsequent transactions are packaged into the data block and that the data block is joined into a continuous data block chain .
every bitcoin node collects all unconfirmed transactions and brings them together in a data block that combines with the previous data block. The miner node adds a random adjustment and calculates the SHA-256 Hashi value of the previous data block.
since Hashi is irreversible, finding random adjustments that meet the requirements is very difficult and requiring a continuous trial process that can predict the total number. The workload proves that the mechanism works. When a node has found a solution that meets the requirements, it can broadcast its results to the whole web. Other nodes can receive the new unresolved data block and check its conformity with specifications. If other nodes are found to satisfy the requirement by calculating the Hashi value, the data block is valid and the others will accept the data block and attach it to their existing chains.
● 如何获取比特币
> how to get bitcoin
比特币早期通过CPU来获取,而随着GPU通用计算的优势不断显现以及GPU速度的不断发展,矿工们逐渐开始使用GPU取代CPU进行挖矿。前面我们已经介绍,比特币挖矿采用的是SHA-256哈希值运算,这种算法会进行大量的32位整数循环右移运算。有趣的是,这种算法操作在AMD GPU里可以通过单一硬件指令实现,而在NVIDIA GPU里则需要三次硬件指令来模拟,仅这一条就为AMD GPU带来额外的1.7倍的运算效率优势。凭借这种优势,AMD GPU因此深受广大矿工青睐,DIY硬件二手交易论坛“AMD挖矿卡”庞大的交易量就足以证明一切。
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