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When it comes to encrypting money or virtual currency, many think of bitcoin (BTC) as the largest encrypt currency in the current market. Bitcoin is an investment option for many people who have just come into contact with the encryption industry, and “miners” around the globe are doing everything they can to get it, thus creating a global card shortage.


So, what's a bitcoin? Why does a bitcoin need a mine? And how do you dig a bitcoin?


This paper will give you details of the bitcoin mining, the bitcoin mining principles, the website and the teachings and risks of bitcoin mining. You must not miss it if you want to be a bitcoin miner!

比特币于台湾时间4 月20 日上午8 时9 分完成第四次减半,而矿工挖矿奖励也从6.25 枚BTC 减至3.125 枚BTC。尽管矿工的区块奖励大幅消减,但由于备受瞩目的比特币符文协议Runes在减半之际同步上线,导致比特币交易费用创下历史新高,比特币矿工收入也在21 日达到1.07 亿美元,创下历史新高。

Bitcoin was halved for the fourth time in Taiwan on April 20th at 8:09 a.m., and miner mining incentives were reduced from 6.25 BTCs to 3.125 BTCs. Despite a significant reduction in block incentives for miners, the high-profile Bitcoins synchronous roll-in at the time of the cut-off, led to a historic increase in Bitcoins transaction costs, and a $107 billion in Bitcoin miner revenues on 21 days, which was the highest in history.


In a sense, bitcoin can be described as a pronoun for virtual currency, which is both the first encrypted currency to be introduced and the first digital currency to rank in the current market value.


Bitcoin is a decentralised virtual currency that does not require central institutions such as banks or governments. As a “net currency” that is different from real money, bitcoin is a money transfer via the Internet.

身为目前最火红数位货币之一的比特币,由于获取难度高,且物以稀为贵的条件下,导致比特币的相对价值非常高。在数位货币市场上,比特币被当成一种「股 票」操作,它可以用来当作保值品投资,也可以将其转换成各国货币并存入现行银行帐户,许多网路商店(全家、711)甚至支援直接使用比特币购买商品。

Bitcoin, which is currently one of the most burning red-digit currencies, has a very high relative value because of the difficulty of obtaining it and the fact that it is rare. In the digital currency market, bitcoin is treated as a "equity ticket" that can be used to invest as a collateral, or to convert it into national currencies and deposit it into current bank accounts, and many Internet shops (family, 711) even support the direct use of bitcoin to buy goods.


There are currently two ways to get bitcoin,

用金钱购买是获得比特币最快的方法,在撰写本文时(2024/4/23),一个比特币的价格66,770 美元,约为217 万新台币。

Money purchases were the fastest way to obtain bitcoin, and at the time of writing (2024/4/23) a bitcoin had a price of US$ 66,770, or approximately NT$ 2.170,000.


If you want to buy bitcoin, you need to get a virtual currency wallet first. Usually, you can get it by registering an exchange account, which facilitates your subsequent transactions.


However, because of the high unit price of Bitcoin, many people will also choose to be a bitcoin "miner" to get BTC. This is called "bitcoin mining."


Bitcoin was issued in its own time and quantity, and the new bitcoin was issued by code every 10 minutes and was awarded to a group of people involved in the bitcoin deal, so that the new bitcoin was acquired as a gold mine, so that the people who acquired the bitcoin were compared to miners.


By virtue of its specific consensus mechanism & mdash; & mdash; workload proof (PoW) and the involvement of large miners, Bitcoin is currently one of the safest blocks. In addition to the security provided by mining, the process serves as the only distribution system for encrypted currency, releasing newly forged coins to miners as incentives.


The bitcoin mining is an important part of the security of the Bitcoin net and the only mechanism for issuing the new currency. participants are known as miners who, by mobilizing powerful computing equipment, compete to be successful inspectors of new blocks in the Bitcoin block chain, thus including the Internet transaction costs and newly forged coin bags.


In the following, we will discuss in detail what is meant by encrypt currency mining, how bitcoin mining, how bitcoin mining works, the cost of bitcoin mining, whether bitcoin mining is illegal, and the various bitcoin mining problems faced by miners.


In the process of digging bitcoin, miners act as auditors of the Bitcoin net, verifying the validity of new transactions and then adding them to the block chain. This task helps to eliminate the so-called double-expenditure possibilities. Unlike the statutory monetary system, the decentralized structure of the encrypted money grid exposes them to this unique type of problem. For the Internet to be viable, it must be possible to verify that the participants did not attempt to exceed the system by spending the same coin twice, and this must be done without the intervention of banks or any other intermediary.

为了防止双重支出的可能性,矿工的任务是验证交易。在每种情况下,矿工都会确认价值1 MB 的新比特币交易的有效性,然后只要它们成功满足网路共识机制提出的其他要求,它们就会被添加到比特币区块链中。

In order to prevent the possibility of double spending, the task of the miners is to verify the transaction. In each case, the miners confirm the validity of a new bitcoin transaction with a value of 1 MB, and as long as they successfully meet the other requirements of the Internet Consensus, they are added to the Bitcoin block chain.

确认1 MB 的设定是由比特币协议的基础设施设计决定的。比特币的创建者将每个区块设计为具有固定的1 MB 大小。因此,不可能加载超过此限制的交易数据。

Confirms that the setting of 1 MB is determined by the infrastructure design of the Bitcoin protocol. The creator of Bitcoin designs each block to have a fixed size of 1 MB. Therefore, it is not possible to load transaction data beyond this limit.

在验证了价值1 MB 的交易后,矿工就有资格挖掘新币。这并不意味着矿工将自动获得比特币作为验证这些交易的奖励,相反,矿工必须与其他矿工竞争,成为网路上第一个成功验证并因此为比特币区块链上的下一个新交易区块提供担保的矿工。

Once a transaction worth 1 MB has been validated, miners are eligible to dig new currency. This does not mean that miners will automatically receive bitcoin as an incentive to verify these transactions. Instead, miners have to compete with other miners to become the first miner on the net to successfully validate and thus guarantee the next new trading block on the Bitcoin block chain.


It is worth noting that the difficulty for miners to dig bitcoin is not static.

由于比特币网路是完全分散的,而不是由任何单一的总体权威机构运行,因此使用了由比特币的创造者中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)硬编码到原始程式码中的演算法。该演算法根据网路中有多少矿工不断重新调整挖比特币过程的难度,以确保以稳定的速度发现区块。

Since the Bitcoin network is completely decentralized, rather than run by any single general authority, it uses the algorithm of Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, which is hard-coded to the original code. The algorithm constantly adjusts the difficulty of digging bitcoin to ensure that blocks are discovered at a steady pace.

比特币挖矿难度演算法被程式设计为通过保持10 分钟的持续时间来查找新区块,以保持整个系统的稳定。从本质上讲,整个网路中的一个矿工大约需要10 分钟才能生成一个获胜代码,并赢得提出一个新的比特币交易块的权利,以将其添加到区块链中。

Bitcoin mining difficulty algorithms are programmed to search for new blocks by maintaining a 10-minute duration in order to maintain the stability of the system. Essentially, one of the miners in the entire network takes about 10 minutes to generate a winning code and wins the right to propose a new bitcoin tradable to add it to the block chain.


In order to maintain this frequency, the algorithm intervenes and increases or reduces the difficulty of digging bitcoin. Whenever a miner or mine-mining equipment arrives, it increases the difficulty of digging bitcoin; if it is the contrary, the agreement reduces the difficulty of digging.


Target Hash is the name of a particular Hash (fixed length code) that all miners are trying to defeat, and those who generate random codes that happen to have a random code equal to or greater than the target have been selected as winners.


In the absence of such a system, blocks are likely to be discovered more quickly as more miners use more and more sophisticated equipment to join the network. This will result in new bitcoins entering circulation at unpredictable speeds, and may have a chain reaction that discourages their value from rising.

比特币减半是指挖掘比特币新区块的奖励减半的事件,这意味着矿工收到的用于验证交易的比特币减少了50%。比特币减半大约每四年发生一次,最近一次减半时间为2024 年4 月20 日,矿工获得的区块奖励从6.25 BTC 减少至3.125 BTC。

The halving of bitcoin refers to the halving of incentives to dig new bitcoin blocks, which means a 50% reduction in the amount of bitcoins received by miners to validate transactions. The halving of bitcoins takes place approximately every four years, the most recent of which was on 20 April 2024, and the reduction of block incentives received by miners from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC.

随着比特币减半的临近,加密矿工持有的比特币(BTC)数量已降至2021 年7 月以来的最低水平。 Glassnode追踪的数据显示,自今年年初以来,与矿工相关的钱包中持有的BTC 数量估计减少了8,426 BTC(5.3 亿美元),目前为1,812,482 BTC。

With the halving of Bitcoin approaching, the number of bitcoin (BTC) held by encryption miners has fallen to its lowest level since July 2021.Glassnode tracking data show that the number of BTC held in miners-related wallets has been estimated to have decreased by 8,426 BTCs ($530 million) since the beginning of the year, and is currently at 1,812,482 BTCs.

总部位于多伦多的加密货币平台FRNT Financial 表示,为了提高获利能力,矿工可能会使用储存的BTC 购买更有效率的设备,从而降低营运成本。此外,「矿商也可能倾向于抛售,以便在减半之前占据更好的位置。」

The encrypted currency platform, FRNT Financial, based in Toronto, states that in order to increase profitability, miners may use the stored BTC to purchase more efficient equipment, thereby reducing operating costs. Moreover, “miners may also prefer to sell in order to take a better place before halving.”


Bitcoin miners do possess and operate powerful and sophisticated computing equipment to try to solve highly complex mathematical problems, which are central to becoming successful bitcoin miners. The profitability of /strong miners depends largely on the quality of their hardware and how quickly they can solve these problems before other competing miners.

为了安全起见,网路的工作量证明系统使用密码学中所谓的安全散列算法256 (SHA-256) 散列函数。 SHA-256 输出256 位长的哈希值,并以加密输入。

For security reasons, the network workload proves that the system uses the so-called security hash algorithm 256 (SHA-256) hash function in cryptography. SHA-256 produces a 256-bit Hashi value, which is entered with encryption.


These hash functions are falsely random, so it is almost impossible to predict any input output before input is actually run through a hash function. In order to add a new block to the block chain and to get a reward for the newly mined bitcoin, miners need to use their computing resources for intensive and very fast mathematical guessing, thus generating an effective Hashi threshold below a given value, known as the target.


Mining therefore requires strong and competitive computing resources, which is why hardware requirements are such an important component of mining.


Now that you understand the principles of bitcoin mining and the requirements of the miners, you need to know how to dig bitcoin.


If you want to start mining, there are a number of pre-events to do before you start, including the cost of . The former refers to the purchase, installation, electricity, depreciation, site and radiation of hardware, etc.; the latter to the cost of maintaining these hardwares on a continuous basis. When combined, the costs involved in mining can be found to be enormous, which also results in the cost being recovered in the form of a "rent" of some part of the money to set up a dedicated hardware for mining, a model of mining that is packaged into a "commodity" and traded in the open Internet market, and when it reaches bitco, it will be divided according to the price paid by each lessee by Billy, which is the so-called "clouds mining".


While there are three main approaches to the extraction of bitcoin by


When we know bitcoin digs, we can't avoid ponds and diggers, so what are they?

早期比特币还不兴盛的时候,大部分人都用自己的电脑来挖矿,最早当然是用尽CPU的能力来运算,接着有人发现用显示卡的GPU Stream Processors来计算会快更多,可是当大家纷纷投入挖矿以后,出现了很多为挖矿优化的设备,一般个人电脑根本拼不过,因此需要加入矿池(Mining Pool)来挖矿,由伺服器集合所有使用者的运算力量来挖,再由一定比例回馈使用者(矿工),才不会发生挖了老半天却拼不过专业挖矿机,花了电费却什么都得不到的情形。

In the early days when Bitcoin had not flourished, most people used their own computers to dig, first of all, using the CPU's capacity to do so, and then it was discovered that the GPU Stream Processors, who showed the cards, would be much faster to calculate, but after the mining effort, there had been a lot of equipment to optimize mining, which the personal computer could not do at all, so there was a need to join the Mining Pool, so that the server would assemble the computing power of all users and then give back a percentage of the users (miners) so that it would not happen that the old miner would not be able to do without a specialized miner and pay for nothing.


Since the cards show that, despite the speed of mining, the chips are not meant to be used for mining, they are not only very expensive, but also high in heat. If the three or four cards consist of mining computers, it is more likely to consume electricity, the final calculation is that the profits from digging bitcoin will not be enough to pay for electricity. Therefore, starting in 2013, the heart of digging bitcoin will gradually shift to a specialized miner, which is divided into two main types:

  • FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array,现场可程式化闸阵列):是一种平行架构的逻辑晶片,可以重复编程设计,将软体烧录到FPGA上运作,并可将内部的逻辑区块以程式连接在一起,有容易修改及成本较低的优点,不过缺点是速度比较慢及无法完成复杂的设计,功耗也比较高。
  • ASIC(Application-specific integrated circuit):与FPGA灵活有弹性的特性不同,ASIC是针对特定应用而产生,例如专为挖矿所设计的晶片,即是对Hash计算优化,当然比起FPGA来说效能更高,且与显示卡比较来说,ASIC的功能专一,不需加上一堆有的没的晶片或电容,当然功耗低非常多,长期使用不但节省电费,运算能力也提高至数十甚至百倍以上,专业矿机多是ASIC架构。

投资矿机的选择,除了要考虑币种的挖矿算法对矿机的限制,使用者也需要考虑ASIC 矿机和GPU(显示卡)矿机的优缺点。

The choice of an investment miner, in addition to considering the limitations of a currency mining algorithm on a miner, also requires users to consider the advantages and disadvantages of an ASIC miner and a GPU miner.

ASIC 矿机的优点在于:(1)单机的算力相对较大;(2)管理矿机方便,适合大量部署;(3)操作简单,移动方便,机器比较稳定。

The advantages of the ASIC mine machine are: (1) the relative numeracy of the single machine; (2) the ease of managing the mine machine, which is suitable for large deployments; and (3) the ease of operation, mobility and stability of the machine.

ASIC 矿机缺点也不少:(1)只能挖固定算法的币种;(2)噪声比较大;(3)保值特性差。

There are also a number of shortcomings in ASIC mine machines: (1) currency that can only dig fixed algorithms; (2) noise; and (3) preservation characteristics.


The advantages of a GPU (carat) miner are: (1) flexible exchange of mining coins based on earnings; (2) low noise and power consumption; and (3) extensive card use and relative preservation.


GPU (carat) miners also have their shortcomings: (1) they are large, they are difficult to assemble, they are not fit to move, and they are more difficult to deploy on a large scale; (2) they have fewer bulk management tools and more cumbersome cluster management; and (3) they have some difficulty in operating over-frequencys, brush BIOS, hardware maintenance, etc.


In summary, investors need to refer to the advantages and disadvantages of the ASIC and GPU machines in order to identify their best investment options before selecting a miner, in addition to taking into account the limitations imposed on the miner by the currency mining algorithm.

挖矿的过程并不复杂,只需要下载「挖矿程式」其实就能开始挖矿。网路上的比特币挖矿软体百百款,这里我们将以NiceHash Miner 这款软体举例说明。

The process of mining is not complicated; simply downloading the "mining program" will actually start digging. Bitcoin on the net digs 100 cents of the mine soft, and here's the example of NiceHash Miner.

首先,根据手上显卡厂商下载对应的NiceHash Miner 版本并开启软体,在正式开始挖矿以前,有几个步骤要先设定。

First, based on the downloading of the corresponding NiceHash Miner version by the hand-held card manufacturer and the opening of the software, several steps have to be set prior to the formal commencement of mining.


The most important information on the electronic wallet page is the wallet address, which, in addition to the information to be used by Bitcoin buyers and sellers during transactions, is also the target address for Bitcoin's storage during mining operations, and by clicking on the wallet address on the currency-top page, a series of " unnamed wallet addresses " will be obtained. Please copy these digital numbers and save them properly.

接下来在挖矿程式中点击「钱包」(Wallet)选项,将刚刚复制的数位码贴上后即可完成储存目标设定。在左下方的「硬体资讯」(Hardware Details)选项中,系统预设会找到你电脑使用的显示卡型号,也可以在这里开启处理器加入挖矿的行列,可根据需求和喜好设定。

Next, click on the Wallet option in the mining program and post the digital code that has just been copied to complete the storage target. Under the Hardware Details option at the bottom of the left, the system presets the display card type used by your computer.

一切都准备就绪后,就可以按下中间的「开始挖矿」(Start),你的电脑会自动开启命令执行视窗进行挖矿,不同的挖矿软体无论每次挖矿的动作成功与否,都会释出不同的通知指令,以NiceHash 为例,成功挖矿时视窗上将会出现的绿色的指令通知。但这时候软体挖到的比特币数额其实非常小,需要长时间连续不间断的挖矿才能挖到完整一个比特币。

When everything is ready, you can use the middle of "start mining" (Start), your computer will automatically open up the order to dig through a window, and the different mining software, whether successful or not, will release different notification instructions, using NiceHash as an example, the green instructions that will appear on the window when the mine is successfully dug. At that point, the amount of bitcoins that the soft body digs is really very small, and it will take a long, uninterrupted period of time to dig for a full bitcoin.


There are two types of incentives: the new bitcoin created by each block, and the fees paid by users to exchange on the Internet.


So, how much money can a bitcoin miner make?

截至2023 年11 月,新铸造的比特币的区块奖励为6.25 BTC,占矿工收入的大部分。该值被编程为以大约四年的固定间隔减半,以便最终不再开采比特币,只有交易费用才能保证网路的安全。

As of November 2023, the newly forged Bitcoin block reward was 6.25 BTC, which accounts for most of the miners’ income. The value was programmed to be halved at a fixed interval of about four years, so that Bitcoin would eventually no longer be mined, and only transaction costs would guarantee the safety of the Internet.

到2040 年,区块奖励将降至不到0.2 BTC,2,100 万枚比特币中只剩下8 万枚可供争夺。只有在2140 年之后,随着最终的BTC 被缓慢开采,挖矿实际上才会结束。

By 2040, block incentives will fall to less than 0.2 BTC, with only 80,000 of the 21 million bitcoins left to compete. Only after 2140, with the final BTC slowly mined, mining will actually end.


Although block incentives have been reduced over time, the past half has been fully compensated by higher Bitcoin prices. While this does not guarantee future outcomes, bitcoin miners have a relative degree of certainty about their prospects.


Communities are very supportive of the current mining arrangements and there are no plans to phase it out as is the case with the other major mineable coins.


Apart from the choice of hardware, the profits and incomes of single miners depend to a large extent on market conditions and the presence of other miners. During the cattle market, the price of bitcoins may soar that the bitcoins they exploit are higher in dollar terms.


However, the positive capital inflows from the cattle market are offset by the increased profits seen by other bitcoin miners and the purchase of more equipment to take advantage of revenue flows. As a result, each miner now produces less bitcoin than before.


Ultimately, the income generated tends to be a balance where less efficient miners begin to earn less than they spend on electricity, closing down equipment and allowing others to earn more bitcoins.

通常,这不会立即发生。存在一定的滞后性,因为ASIC 的生产速度有时无法足够快地弥补比特币价格的上涨。

Usually, this doesn't happen immediately. There's a certain lag, because ASIC production is sometimes not fast enough to compensate for bitcoin price increases.


To avoid being defeated in competition, existing bitcoin miners must find a favourable position and a hard mix that enables them to maintain their advantage. They must also maintain and reinvest their capital on a continuous basis, as more efficient hardware can completely stifle the profits of older miners.


Over the past few years, the advent of an encrypted currency wave headed by bitcoin has triggered the participation of a number of companies in mining, many of which operate only on the basis of the extraction of bitcoin.

其中,持有比特币(BTC)最多的顶级比特币矿业公司是Marathon Digital Holdings,拥有13,726 BTC。 Marathon Digital 占所有知名比特币矿业公司BTC 持有量的35%。它运作超过15 万台采矿设备,安装的算力为每秒23.1 Exahash (EH/s),占全球比特币网路的4.8%。

Of these, the top Bitcoin mining company with the largest Bitcoin (BTC) is Marathon Digital Holdings, with 13,726 BTC. Marathon Digital accounts for 35% of the BTC holdings of all well-known Bitcoin mining companies. It operates more than 150,000 mining units, with a capacity of 23.1 Exahash (EH/s) per second, accounting for 4.8% of the global Bitcoin network.

Marathon Digital 也是市值最高的比特币挖矿公司之一,其市值为16.4 亿美元,与Riot Platforms 持平。这几乎是市值第二大矿业公司的两倍。这家顶级比特币挖矿公司过去12 个月(TTM) 的收入为1,700 万美元,较上一时期成长47.8%。

Marathon Digital is also one of the highest-market Bitcoin mining companies, with a market value of $1.64 billion, which is the same as Riot Platforms. This is almost twice the value of the second largest mining company. The top Bitcoin mining company has earned $17 million over the past 12 months, an increase of 47.8 per cent over the previous period.

不过,目前前14 名的比特币挖矿公司总共持有38,903 枚比特币。然而,这仅占2,100 万比特币最大供应量的0.18%,远低于MicroStrategy 的152,333 比特币持有量。其中,前三名的比特币挖矿公司(Marathon Digital、Hut 8 Mining Corp 和Riot Platforms )均持有超过3000 枚比特币。相比之下,其余11 家公司每家持有BTC 不足3,000 个,总计8,502 个BTC。

However, the top 14 Bitcoin mining companies currently hold a total of 38,903 bitcoins. However, this represents only 0.18 per cent of the maximum supply of 21 million bitcoins, well below the stock of 152,333 bitcoins in MicroStrategy. Of these, the top three bitcoins (Marathon Digital, Hut 8 Mining Corp and Riot Platforms) hold more than 3,000 bitcoins.


Whether you buy it directly with money or using different mining models, how should you use it when you get Bitcoin?

先你可以把它当成是一种投资品保存,由于全世界几乎无时无刻都有人在进行比特币交易,因此,它的币值也在不断波动,你可以在它未来价格涨到最高点时脱手卖出,以去年一整年最高的平均价格50多万台币来看,现在一个比特币大约是92 万台币,有可能可以获得大于成本两倍的获利。

First, you can think of it as an investment conservation, and because the world is dealing in bitcoin almost every hour, its currency is also volatile, and you can sell it off when its future price rises to its highest point, and now a bitcoin of about 920,000 bitcoins is worth more than twice the cost, in terms of the average price of more than half a million currency for the entire year last year.

如果没有打算将比特币当作保值品来看的话,你可以到币托或是BTCC 等网站里,将获得的比特币转换成新台币,换取现金到现行的银行帐户中供其他使用。如果不想换成新台币的话,也可以将比特币转换成其他虚拟货币来持有。

If you do not intend to use Bitcoin as a safeguard, you can convert the earned bitcoin into a new currency for other use in a bank account. If you do not want to convert it into a new currency, you can convert bitcoin into another virtual currency.


In addition, there are many websites or services on the Internet that support Bitcoin payments, and in Taiwan the most famous example is the Bitcoin Taiwan Exchange, a website that supports buyers and sellers to exchange bitcoins for each other's needs and can be purchased directly by Bitcoin payments.

其他还有很多网路零售商也支援买家使用比特币在平台上购买商品,国外电子产品零售业龙头之一的newegg 就是其中之一,它们和Bitpay 电子钱包合作,让消费者可以在购买商品时,选择使用比特币进行支付。其他还有像是NASDAQ 的线上百货零售商Overstock、纽约地产公司邦德纽约或是利用信用卡定世界各国旅馆获得比特币现金回馈的PointHound 等等,种类非常多。

There are many other Internet retailers that also support buyers using bitcoin to buy goods on platforms, one of the leading neweggs in foreign electronics retailing, which works with Bitpay electronic wallets, allowing consumers to choose to pay in bitcoins when buying goods. There are also online department stores like NASDAQ, Overstock, New York Realty, Bond, New York, or, for example, PointHound, which uses credit cards to set up world hotels for bitcoin cash returns.


There are still many bitcoin users who are digging, either by team or by cloud, because of the heat that Bitcoin is causing around the world. In this case, there are also indirect problems.

首先最直接的问题就是显示卡,由于显示卡是矿工们最主要的挖矿工具,它们需要大量显示卡加快挖矿的速度,借此抢在他人以前获得比特币,也导致目前无论是NVIDIA 还是AMD显示卡在全球都出现缺货的情形,同时也造成显示卡价格上涨,尤其是高阶的显示卡问题更严重,常常会需要以比厂商建议售价高出许多的价格购买,也让想要单买显示卡帮电脑升级的民众购买困难。

First of all, the most immediate problems are the cards, which, since the cards are the most important tool for miners to dig, require a large amount of cards to speed up the pace of mining, in order to obtain bitcoin before others, and the current global shortage of cards, whether NVIDIA or AMD, as well as the increased price of cards, especially the high-level ones, which often require purchase at much higher prices than recommended by the manufacturers, and make it difficult for people who want to buy a single purchase showing the upgrading of the computers of the Cards.


The process of mining not only needs to maintain the temperature of the computer mainframe at all times, but even the mainframe needs to be ventilated to avoid overheating and to keep the mine under continuous mining for long periods of time, which is also harmful to the product life of the card. In addition, the mining process must take into account the issue of electricity costs, which, according to the Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index, have accumulated over the past year a total of 29.51 megawatt hours of electricity consumption, about 0.13 per cent of total global electricity consumption, which is equivalent to 11.64 per cent of Taiwan's annual electricity consumption, but which is already more than one year of electricity consumption in nearly 160 countries worldwide, and the amount of electricity spent on mining, which can be seen to be quite high. Although Bitcoin is indeed attractive, many of the costs and implications are still being considered by miners on the path to wealth-rich mining.


The negative impact of such mining is not merely caused by Bitcoin, which can be exacerbated by the use of virtual currency with workload proof. Thus, the second-largest market-market apparel chooses to shift the block chain to a more environmentally friendly certificate of interest (POS), thereby reducing environmental harm.

目前比特币挖矿最普遍的风险集中在监 管上,近来越来越多的城市和地区采取行动禁止比特币挖矿。因此,建议在投资任何比特币挖矿设备之前彻底研究您所在国 家对加密货币和相关活动的立场。

The most common risk of bitcoin mining is currently concentrated in surveillance, and more and more cities and regions have recently taken action to ban bitcoin mining. Therefore, it is recommended that your home’s position on encrypted money and related activities be thoroughly studied before investing any bitcoin mining equipment.


Moreover, joining a pond does not necessarily mean that you will automatically profit.


This is the teaching of bitcoin mining: How does bitcoin dig? What's the miner? What's the cost of digging?




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