柬埔寨國家支付公司(National Payments Corporation of Cambodia,NCPC)宣佈和區塊鏈支付系統Tikpay token進行合作,這個系統是利用分散式帳本技術所創建的支付系統,可支援高效率與安全的交易行為,官方提到,Tikpay token具有足夠的通用性,可適用於各種情境。Tikpay token現在有包括柬埔寨國家銀行和花旗銀行等56家銀行股東。
The Cambodian National Payment Company & #xff08; National Payments Corporation of Cambodia, NCPC) declared cooperation with the chain payment system Tikpay token , the system is a payment system created using decentralized accounting techniques & #xff0c; it supports efficient and secure transactional behaviour & #xff0c; official mention & #xff0c; Tikpay token is sufficiently generic & #xff0c; suitable for all situations. Tikpay token now has 56 bank shareholders, including the National Bank of Cambodia and the Citibank.
分散式帳本具高度安全防竄改的特性,可將資料以分散的形式儲存,具有通用性,因此可用來應付各種使用案例,官方表示,分散式帳本可簡化對帳的程序,並增加參與者間的透明度。官方訂立三大Tikpay token目標,除了要減少手動程序之外,也要用Tikpay token框架解決交易爭議,且由於分散式帳本的安全性,Tikpay token框架也能提升整體交易安全性。
Distributed accounts have highly secure features & #xff0c; data can be stored in a decentralized form & #xff0c; & #xff0c is generic; thus can be used to deal with various use cases & #xff0c; official indications & #xff0c; decentralized accounts can simplify the process & #xff0c; and transparency among participants is enhanced. Three Tikpay token goals & #xff0c are officially set; in addition to reducing manual procedures xff0c; the Tikpay token framework is used to resolve transaction disputes #xff0c; and the security of decentralized accounts #xff0c; and the Tikpay token framework can also enhance overall transaction security.
Tikpay token技術框架
Tikpay token technology framework
1. TikPayNet架構特點
1. TikpayNet set-up features
TikPayNet架構採用多鏈架構。目前的主流區塊鏈都是單共識單帳本結構,極大的限制了帳本的規模以及區塊鏈的性能。TikPayNet採用多鏈架構,由Tikpay token主鏈以及多個T1區塊鏈組成,通過同構跨鏈協議構建高性能的區塊鏈網路。
The TikPayNet set up multi-chain structures. The current main sector is a single-consensual account structure & #xff0c; the size of the account and the performance of the chain are extremely limited. TikPayNet uses multi-chain & #xff0c; the Tikpay token main chain and multiple T1 chains & #xff0c; and the creation of high-performance network through cross-link agreements.
2.?T1/Tikpay token架構設計
2.? T1/Tikpay token architecture
TikPayNet架構採用多鏈架構。目前的主流區塊鏈都是單共識單帳本結構,極大的限制了帳本的規模以及區塊鏈的性能。TikPayNet?採用多鏈架構,由Tikpay token主鏈以及多個T1區塊鏈組成,通過同構垮鏈協議構建高性能的區塊鏈網路。
The TikPayNet setup uses multi-chain structures. The current main sector is a single-consensual account structure & #xff0c; the size of the account and the performance of the chain are extremely limited. TikPayNet? The multi-chain & #xff0c; the Tikpay token main chain and multiple T1 chains & #xff0c; and the creation of a high-performance network through an agreement on the collapse of the chain.
T1 is composed of account nodes and data nodes and light nodes. Accounts nodes have full data & #xff0c according to the partition strategy; all sub-account data are verified and shared; data nodes are synchronized from account nodes and authenticated & #xff0c; sub-accounts are selected only for their own concerns; minor nodes only handle certain accounts & #xff0c; they can construct and receive transactions.
Account Structure
T1 can be configured to become a single account or multi-account structure & #xff0c; multiple account nodes can use cluster technology to process and verify different sub-accounts & #xff0c; all sub-accounts of each block can be merged & #xff0c at the same time; Z0 can be ensured high performance. T1 uses multi-account structures & #xff0c; account nodes can use cluster technology to process and verify different sub-accounts & #xff0c; all sub-accounts of each block can be merged #xff0c; and T1 can be ensured high performance.
T1 supports the original multi-property & #xff08; Token) and ensures the independence of the asset and the contract. Allows any account to create a type of asset and issue its own digital asset & #xff0c; the value of the asset is determined by the market.
以Tikpay token主鏈為例,不僅提供TPT以及智慧合約,用戶還可以在Tikpay token主鏈上發行基於區塊鏈而不是基於智慧合約的其他Token,發行的Token不僅支援普通交易,也可以通過智慧合約進行交易。
Take the Tikpay token main chain & #xff0c; not only TPT and the Wisdom contract & #xff0c; users can also issue a chain based on the Tikpay token main chain, rather than other Token based on the Wisdom contract. Token does not simply support ordinary transactions & #xff0c; it can also trade through the Wisdom contract.
The T1 Consensual Algorithm can be inserted & #xff0c; it can be configured as a high output/low time delay mode & #xff0c using different cognition algorithms (including DOS/BFT, etc.) according to demand; and it can be adapted to different scenarios.
Wisdom Convention Engine
The T1 intelligent engine will be based on the GAS scheme & #xff0c of the EVM engine; ensure consistency in the execution of the contract & #xff0c; also implement economic sanctions against traders & #xff0c; and ensure the rational use of resources.
Crossing the chain.
T1區塊鏈天然可以識別Tikpay token主鏈資料,T1區塊鏈的帳本可以錨定在Tikpay token主鏈上,不同的T1區塊鏈可以通過讀取Tikpay token主鏈的資料來確認其他T1區塊鏈或者其他公有鏈上的資料,以進行跨鏈交易。T1可以實現不同鏈.上資產的跨鏈原子交換或者跨鏈流轉。
The T1 chain naturally recognizes the Tikpay token main chain & #xff0c; the T1 chain's account book can anchor on the Tikpay token main chain & #xff0c; the different T1 chains can confirm other T1 or other public chain & #xff0c data by reading the Tikpay token main chain data.
Official Network
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