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USDT prices were once low at $1.89, and this is a rare case!


This time, we may be witnessing the collapse of the USDT Empire.


Tether, this is the most successful dollar-linked “stabilized currency” to date, and is the middle pillar of the crypto-digital asset trading circle, with prices that have recently reached record record levels at a low price of 1: 0.89, which is extremely rare!


As a rule, the price of this “stable currency” denominated 100 per cent full French-currency collateral is not less than 0.98 >, and will quickly bounce back near 1:1 /strong >, even occasionally as a result of the influx of arbitrators.


However, this episode has been reversed, as can be seen from the following graph, that since the beginning of October, USDT's transaction value to the United States dollar has gone “southward”, and today (15 October) conversion prices on four platforms ranged from 0.89~0.94 , holding up to 1 million USDT values by 11 per cent:


This price has been at its lowest level since the end of the year, but at that time it fell continuously for no more than four days, and now the USDT has an unprecedented record of eight consecutive drops. In addition, the USDT price has not been a premium for six consecutive weeks, i.e., it has been hovering under a dollar:


The overall market value of Tether has also fallen, with CMC data showing that the market value of USDT was $2.8 billion last week, falling to $2.4 billion this Monday, and that in the absence of USDT destruction, the market value evaporated by 14 per cent immediately :


What is even more alarming is the decline in the USDT turnover, with the following green line, the CMC-based daily USDT turnover, already reaching a low of $2 billion. If this could be a coincidence, the seven-day rolling volume (red line) reached a low of $2.3 billion this month, and the lowest level in four months was updated by :

  种种迹象显示USDT 的市场信心正在崩溃,这可能与最近Tether公司接二连三的“异样”事件有关。

There are indications that USDT's market confidence is collapsing, which may be linked to the recent series of “disguised” events by Tether.


Bank of Trust Insolvency >/strang >

  首先是10月3日彭博社报道称,USDT的托管银行Noble Bank目前已失去包括USDT发行方Tether以及加密货币交易所Bitfinex等多个客户,且正在寻找新的买家。此前,该银行在1月份与Bitfinex达成了一项原则上的债务重组协议。

First, on 3 October, Bloomberg reported that USDT’s hosting bank, Noble Bank, had now lost multiple clients, including the USDT issuer, Tether, and the encrypted currency exchange, Bitfinex, and was looking for new buyers. Prior to that, the bank had reached a debt restructuring agreement in principle with Bitfinex in January.


  10月7日名为Proof of Research的媒体发文《警告:Bitfinex丧失偿还能力 取回你的资产》质疑Bitfinex现已丧失偿还能力,并警告用户取回资产,这篇文章旋即引在全球投资人中再次点燃了对USDT的担忧情绪。

A media release entitled Proof of Research on 7 October, Warning: Bitfinex became insolvent to recover your assets, questioned Bitfinex's current inability to repay


Four key pieces of evidence are listed:


1. Connectivity problems in physical access to exchanges;


2. Serious problems of physical access to the exchange;


3. Automatically updating funds to certain accounts, resulting in customers being unable to prevent their password assets from being lent on the platform in unlimited loops;


4. The exchange service received these complaints at without giving a corresponding answer or giving a specific timetable or even acknowledging that they were aware of the problem itself.


The article also gives a great deal of information from users who can support these problems. It is important to note that Tether shares a management team with Bitfinex, and that the exchange will not be “steward of self-inflicted theft”? Plus Tether has never issued an authoritative tripartite audit to prove that its token USDT is fully supported by the United States dollar, and that the two issues of


Bitfinex suspends the deposit of the United States dollar

  没过几天,就在美国时间上周四(10月11日),Bitfinex宣布暂停美元存提业务,结合之前Noble Bank申请破产的传闻,这不禁让人浮想联翩。

Just a few days later, just last Thursday (11 October), United States time, Bitfinex announced a suspension of the dollar deposit, which, in the light of earlier rumours that Noble Bank had applied for bankruptcy, gave rise to speculation.

  尽管市场传闻本次暂停美元出入金是因为Bitfinex 正将部分银行业务转移至汇丰银行(HSBC),但目前为止两家机构都还没有正式对此事发表声明。

Although there are rumours in the market that Bitfinex is transferring part of its banking operations to HSBC, , neither agency has made a formal statement on the matter so far.


The Trustnodes visit found that some users of Bitfinex had indicated that the withdrawal issue had not arisen after a statement, some claiming that they had waited for several weeks, and even more that the customers had waited for six months.


and HSBC

  作为元老级加密货币交易所,Bitfinex 经历了不少困难的挑战,尤其是在日本、韩国和美国等主要加密货币市场受监管之前。

Bitfinex, an older crypto-currency exchange, has experienced a number of difficult challenges, especially before major crypto-currency markets, such as Japan, Korea and the United States, have been regulated.

  2017 年4 月,Bitfinex 就美国银行巨头富国银行(Wells Fargo) 冻结其帐户存款服务,并扰乱业务运营一事提起诉讼。Bitfinex 当时在诉状书中写道,富国银行明令禁止四家台湾银行与Bitfinex 之间进行诸如境外电汇等业务往来。根据诉讼文件,这四个银行分别为为凯基银行、第一银行、华泰商业银行及台新银行。

In April 2017, Bitfinex filed a lawsuit against the United States Bank’s Big Rich Bank, Wells Fargo, for freezing its account deposit services and disrupting its operations. Bitfinex wrote in a petition that the Bank of Rich Nations had explicitly prohibited transactions such as offshore wire transfers between four Taiwan banks and Bitfinex.


As the leading international bank, HSBC has strict requirements for KYC and anti-money laundering (AML), Bitfinex cannot access HSBC services if it does not meet strict regulatory requirements.

  尽管有人认为与汇丰的合作可能是“烟雾弹”,不过话说回来,假如Bitfinex 和汇丰银行之间能够达成长期合作写一,将为其运营带来一定程度的稳定性,而这是Bitfinex 在过去4 年来无法实现的,USDT如今的折价也有可能被抹平。

While some argue that cooperation with HSBC may be a “smoke bomb”, again, long-term cooperation between Bitfinex and HSBC would bring a degree of stability to its operations, which Bitfinex has not been able to achieve in the last four years, and the discounts of the USDT today could be wiped out.


So, simple thinking that USDT is going to crash this time may not be the case.


Because of the banking blockade imposed by the United States Commodity Futures Commission (CFTC) on the digital currency sector after the 2016 fines, it is difficult for mainstream exchanges to obtain formal large bank accounts, and therefore the `strong' exchanges must settle their funds confidentially through third-party “financial processors”

  不过Bitfinex为了证明自己的偿付能力,最近展示了自己的冷钱包,大约有14万个 BTC,价值10亿美元,此外还有4亿美元的ETH和2亿美元的EOS钱包。

However, in order to prove its solvency, Bitfinex has recently shown its own cold wallet of about 140,000 BTCs worth $1 billion, in addition to $400 million in ETH and $200 million in EOS.

  但这个数字似乎又不能证明什么,因为我们谁也不知道Bitfinex欠用户多少个BTC,例如,MT Gox在破产时拥有20万个比特币,但当时仍然破产,因为他们欠了用户100万个比特币。

But this number does not seem to prove anything, because none of us know how many BTCs Bitfinex owes to users,


“The idea of , an investor, said in an interview.


Teth's essence: private bonds

  Tether虽然号称“基于区块链技术发行的一种去中心化的数字货币。据Tether公司最初承诺——其将严格遵守 1:1 的准备金保证”,但究其本质,只是一种私人债券。

Although it is called “a decentralized digital currency based on block chain technology. According to Tether's initial commitment — it will strictly adhere to the 1:1 reserve guarantee — it is essentially a private bond.


“The essence of Tether is the claim of a private company.” Mikko, founder of Wisburg, an economic research institution, stated that the user was in possession of cash or bank deposits in United States dollars, corresponding to bank liabilities and sovereign monetary authority liabilities, while the holder of Tether was exposed to the company's credit risk, and that the `strong' user buying into Teth actually downgraded his assets.


Extreme: What happens if the USDT crashes?


The prevailing pessimistic view is that any currency of dealing based on the USDT offer could be seriously damaged if there was a problem, not only Bitfinex would be bankrupt, other exchanges that hoarded USDT would be implicated, and a large number of investors would even lose their blood. would be a nuclear explosion!


But it has also been argued that the USDT market is running without the USDT, because the currency circle today has a wide variety of stable currencies, whether based on algorithms and over-collateralized DAIs, or with regulatory licence plates PAXOS, GUSD, , which quickly closes the gap and is not too worrying.


The founder of the currency, Zhao Chang Peng, responded last week on Twitter to the blogger’s concern that if users were worried about USDT, they could replace it with a regulated stable currency, PAX.

  MakerDAO经济研究员潘超今日评论认为,“USDT 这波能否扛得住要看中国市场的承兑能力了,因为中国市场占了很大的流动性,但即便USDT不彻底崩盘,也很难回到 par(1:1) 了。”

According to MakerDAO economic researcher Pan, “the ability of the Chinese market to hold the wave depends on whether the Chinese market holds up,


Another interesting idea is that the crash of USDT could be the beginning of a cow market


In general, however, the USDT, with its current largest stable currency market value of $3 billion, whose user base is so large that the market (project owner, owner) will not allow the USDT to come to zero, is a delicate game relationship when it comes to crisis.





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