xMeta行业周报|香港警务处推出新的元宇宙平台“CyberDefender”;北京发布Web 3创新发展白皮书

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:31 评论:0



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xMeta行业周报|香港警务处推出新的元宇宙平台“CyberDefender”;北京发布Web 3创新发展白皮书


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below are some of the highlights of the industry . >..................................................................................................


MakerDAO approves the establishment of a treasury, which can invest up to $1.28 billion in United States Treasury bonds

6月2日消息,根据周四结束的一项投票,MakerDAO社区一致赞成设立一个名为BlockTower Andromeda的现实世界资产(RWA)金库。该金库由资管公司BlockTower Capital管理,将投资最多12.8亿美元的短期美国国债,资金来自Maker的超额抵押稳定币DAI。Maker将向BlockTower Capital支付0.15%的安排费。Celadon Financial Group将担任经纪人,资产将由Wedbush Securities保管。此前Maker已经通过资管公司Monetalis Clysdale管理的金库购买了11亿美元的政府和公司债券。

On 2 June, according to a vote that ended on Thursday, the MakerDAO community unanimously favoured the establishment of a Real World Assets (RWA) vault called BlockTower Andromeda, which is managed by the capital company BlockTower Capital and will invest up to $1.28 billion in short-term US Treasury bonds, with over-collateralized DAI funds from Maker. Maker will pay the BlockTower Capital 0.15% of the arrangement fee. Celadon Financiol Group will act as a broker and the assets will be held by Wedbush Securities.


The Centurion-led patent pool for the meta-cosmos industry was officially launched, and the first patents were opened for permission


On 1 June, the People's Daily reported that, at the Global Forum on Intellectual Property Protection and Innovation, 2023, the country's first meta-cosm industry patent pool had been officially launched, with more than 170 first entries, 53 of which had been opened for licences.


It has been reported that the Mesospace Industries Patent Pool was launched by the Beijing Intellectual Property Operations Management Corporation Ltd., which focuses on the semi-cosmos and related technological areas of the city’s focus, through complementary endowments such as patent cross-licensing, open preferential use, and synergistic innovation by innovative subjects with key technologies in the joint domain. The future will be driven by State-owned platforms, which will continue to combine high-quality innovation resources within the industry, following the international rules of the patent pool, incorporating high-quality patents, building business models, promoting joint technological efforts and transformation of results through industrial cooperation, and accelerating industrial synergies, innovation and autonomy.


Sui became the official block chain partner of the F1 Oracle Caravan >

6月1日,Sui 区块链宣布与一级方程式车队甲骨文红牛车队(Oracle Red Bull Racing)达成合作,Sui 成为甲骨文红牛车队的官方区块链合作伙伴。Sui 表示,将在接下来的几个月为赛车迷推出一系列数字体验。

On 1 June, the Sui block chain announced a partnership with the Oracle Red Bull Racing, a first-line equation convoy, where Sui became an official block chain partner. Sui said that a series of digital experiences for car racing fans would be launched in the coming months.


Financial Times: Traditional financial institutions prefer to establish or support new, independent encryption companies

6月1日消息,据英国金融时报报道,一些金融业最知名的公司正在建立自己的数字市场交易平台,押注基金经理将更喜欢、熟悉和值得信赖的品牌,而非押注于主导该行业的不透明的加密交易所。渣打银行、野村证券和嘉信理财等传统金融机构正在创建或支持新的、独立的加密公司,其中包括可以处理比特币和以太坊等数字货币的交易所和托管集团。 报道称,嘉信理财、做市商Citadel Securities和Virtu Financial是支持EDX Markets的团体之一,而英国银行渣打银行则支持交易所Zodia Markets和托管公司Zodia Custody。纽约梅隆银行和富达已经拥有自己的数字资产托管部门,美国证券交易所纳斯达克正在等待美国监管机构的批准,以便推出自己的服务。

On 1 June, the British Financial Times reported that some of the most well-known companies in the financial sector were establishing their own digital market trading platforms, and that fund managers would be more fond of, familiar with, and trusted brands than the untransparent cryptographic exchange that dominated the industry. Traditional financial institutions such as Chartered Banks, Nomura Securities, and Creditors were creating or supporting new, independent encryption companies, including exchanges and trusts that could handle digital currency such as Bitcoin and Etherno.



On 31 May, it was reported that Suzhou City would open a vehicle subsidy campaign for the city from 1 June to 31 July 2023 for a “flamming future” that would benefit a summer-sum — 2023 — Carnival of Cars in Suzhou, with a capital of up to $100 million. The purchase and review of vehicles in Suzhou City will be followed by a one-time subsidy of up to 3000 yuan yuan for the purchase of fuel or new vehicles using new energy sources (the list will be published through Su Chow to the platform). There will be no restriction on the home ownership of motorists and whether they will be listed in Suzhou.


U.S. Secretary of State Bullin: working with allies to develop a voluntary code of conduct for artificial intelligence


On May 31, according to Kim X, US Secretary of State Bulkin said that the US and the EU had engaged in intensive and productive discussions on artificial intelligence, and that the US and the EU had a responsibility to play a role in developing a code of conduct on artificial intelligence. We are working with our allies to develop a voluntary code of conduct on artificial intelligence.


The Executive Vice-President of the European Commission said that, in the coming weeks, we would move forward with the draft code of conduct on artificial intelligence.

Galxe联合创始人Charles Wayn已加入Salad Ventures顾问团队

Charles Wayn, co-founder of Galxe, joined Salad Ventures' team of consultants .

5月31日消息,区块链和X to Earn智库Salad Ventures宣布,Galxe的联合创始人兼 BulletLabs 的管理合伙人Charles Wayn已正式加入其顾问团队。Galxe(前身为 Project Galaxy)由 Bullet Labs 创建,迄今拥有超1000万独立用户,其通过基于奖励的忠诚度计划推动了 Optimism、Polygon、Arbitrum 和 2400 多个品牌的发展,是构建 Web3 社区的全球领先平台。

On May 31, the block chain and X to Earn think tank Salad Ventures announced that Charles Wayn, the co-founder of Galxe and managing partner of BulletLabs, had formally joined their advisory team. Galxe (formerly Project Galaxy) was created by Bullet Labs, with over 10 million independent users to date, and promoted the development of Optimism, Polygon, Arbitrum and 2400 brands through a programme based on incentive loyalty, which is a global leading platform for the construction of the Web3 community.


The Union of Tron to Qinghua University Student Block Chains Association launched an introductory course on block chain application development


According to official sources, the THUBA course on the development of block chain applications, launched by THUBA, is divided into four sections, designed to provide a better understanding of the practical use of the wave chain and to develop high-quality learning and practical opportunities for individual programming skills.
The TRON-THUBA collaboration with THUBA has elicited a positive response from a wide range of practitioners and developers, demonstrating the “product-level integration” of the block chain promoted by TRON in the field and a strong determination to continue to develop industry excellence.
The TRON is committed to building the next generation of global Internet and financial infrastructure.


Mercedes-Benz launched three core NFT series

汽车制造商梅赛德斯-奔驰在官方社交媒体上称,推出Mercedes-Benz NXT,Mercedes-Benz NXT将是梅赛德斯奔驰的web3家园,提供基于区块链的数字艺术和数字收藏品。
Mercedes-Benz NXT官方表示,经过数月准备,将推出3个核心NFT系列,该系列数字收藏品由梅赛德斯-奔驰设计团队围绕首席设计官Gorden Wagener创建,将过去、现在和未来联系起来。
此外,Mercedes-Benz NXT称,任何看起来像来自我们的推文都有可能是冒充者,不要点击他们的链接。

The car manufacturer, Mercedes-Benz NXT, stated in the official social media that the introduction of Mercedes-Benz NXT would be the home of Mercedes Benz NXT, and would provide a digital art and digital collection based on the block chain.
Mersedes-Benz NXT officially indicated that, after months of preparation, three core NFT series would be launched, created by Mercedes-Benz-Benz NXT design teams around the chief designer, Gordon Wagener, linking past, present and future.
Furthermore, Mercedes-Benz NXT claims that any tweet that looks like us could be an impostor and do not click on their links.

万向区块链实验室、HashKey Capital发起Web3.0创新孵化平台Future3 Campus,首期招募已开启

Launched Web3.0 Innovation Incubation Platform Future3 Campus to the Block Chain Laboratory, HashKey Capital, where the first recruitment started

万向区块链实验室、HashKey Capital宣布联合发起Web3.0创新孵化平台Future3 Campus,重点聚焦Web3.0 Massive Adoption、DePIN、AI三大赛道,以上海、粤港澳大湾区、新加坡为主要孵化基地,辐射全球Web3.0生态。同时,Future3 Campus将推出首期5000万美元的种子基金用于Web3.0项目孵化,服务于Web3.0领域的创新创业。
孵化营第一期Future3 Camp 1将聚焦Web3.0 Massive Adoption,全球报名现已开启。

HashKey Capital announced a joint launch of the Web3.0 Innovation Incubation Platform Future3 Campus, focusing on the Web3.0 Massive Autoption, DePIN, AI three main tracks, the Sea, the Bay of Australasia in Hong Kong, Singapore, and the Wib3.0 Ecology around the world. Meanwhile, the Future3 Campus will launch the first $50 million seed fund for the Web3.0 project to serve innovative start-up in the Web3.0 area.
The first phase of the Camp 1 will focus on Web3.0 MassiveAdoption, and the global register is now open.


Hong Kong police use the Yuan Cosmos platform to combat cryptographic currency crime

中国香港警方周六推出名为“Cyber Defender Metaverse”的新Web3平台来打击加密货币犯罪。在发布会上,网络安全及科技罪案调查科(CSTCB)总督察叶卓宇讨论了 Web3 带来的危险。他告诉与会者,欺诈、黑客攻击、盗窃和性犯罪等犯罪都是元宇宙中的威胁,该活动还重点关注当代网络犯罪分子对数字资产的使用以及在打击加密犯罪方面取得的进展。
香港警方在发布时发布的新闻稿中表示,2022 年全市记录了 2336 起与虚拟资产相关的犯罪。这些导致受害者损失了 17 亿美元。

On Saturday, the Hong Kong Police of China launched a new Web3 platform called “Cyber Defender Metaverse” to combat cryptographic currency crime. At the launch, Chief Inspector Ye Cheo-woo of the Cybersecurity and Science Crimes Investigation Section (CSTCB) discussed the dangers posed by Web3. He told participants that fraud, hacking, theft, and sexual offences were threats in the Woncosmos, and that the event focused on the use of digital assets by contemporary cybercriminals and progress made in combating encryption crime.


Guangdong: Targeting high points in areas such as artificial intelligence, quantum technology, forward-looking design of future clusters of industries

据财联社 5 月 29 日报道,广东省委、广东省人民政府发布关于新时代广东高质量发展的若干意见,其中提出,建设现代化产业集群。着力发展先进制造业,打造梯次型产业格局,争创国家先进制造业集群。推动 20 个战略性产业集群发展,重点加快发展集成电路、新能源汽车、新型储能、海洋牧场等产业,新增若干个万亿元级产业集群。瞄准人工智能、量子技术等领域抢占制高点,前瞻谋划打造一批未来产业集群。深入实施产业基础再造工程和重大技术装备攻关工程。加快推动家具、智能家电、纺织服装等传统优势产业改造升级,大力发展食品工业。

On 29 May, FI reported that the Guangdong Provincial Council and the Guangdong People's Government had issued a number of opinions on high-quality development in Guangdong in the new era, in which they proposed to build a modern industrial cluster. Investing in the development of advanced manufacturing industries, creating a staircase industry pattern, and competing for the country's advanced manufacturing cluster. 20 strategic industrial clusters were promoted, with a focus on accelerating the development of such industries as integrated circuits, new energy vehicles, new storage capacity and marine pastures, adding several trillion-dollar clusters.


The Hong Kong Police Service launched a new Yuan Cosmos platform, “CyberDefender”

5月28日消息, 据Cointelegraph报道,香港警务处网络安全部门推出了新的元宇宙平台CyberDefender,旨在教育公众与 Web3 和元宇宙相关的潜在危险。网络安全及科技罪案调查科总督察刘卓裕强调了在虚拟世界中保持谨慎的重要性,并敦促在使用互联网时保持同样的警惕。据透露, 2023年第一季度报告了663起涉及虚拟资产的案件,总损失为5.7亿美元,与2022年第一季度相比增加了75%。据悉,该创新平台由南京信息工程大学 (NUIST) 牵头创建。

On 28 May, according to Cointelegraph, the Hong Kong Police Service's Cybersecurity Service launched a new Yuan Cosmos platform, CyberDefender, designed to educate the public about the potential dangers associated with Web3 and the metaspace. General Inspector Liu Joo-hyu of Cybersecurity and Science Crimes, stressed the importance of maintaining caution in the virtual world and urged the same vigilance in the use of the Internet. It was revealed that 663 cases involving virtual assets were reported in the first quarter of 2023, with a total loss of $570 million, an increase of 75 per cent compared to the first quarter of 2022.

Cronos Labs启动第二批加速器计划,将提供1亿美元支持

Cronos Labs initiates the second batch of accelerator plans, which will provide $100 million in support

5月27日消息,据Cointelegraph报道,区块链孵化机构Cronos Labs宣布启动第二批加速器计划,为期12周,重点关注人工智能和区块链技术的融合,并拟提供1亿美元支持,指导并资助早期加密项目。共有8个Web3项目入选本次加速器计划,分别为Omnus、DeMe、Furrend、Solace、Sakaba、Eisen Financ

27 May, according to Cointelegraph, Cronos Labs, the block chain incubator, announced the launch of a second batch of accelerators for 12 weeks, focusing on the integration of artificial intelligence and block chain technologies, and proposed $100 million in support to guide and fund early encryption projects. Eight Web3 projects, Omnus, Deme, Furrend, Solace, Sakaba, Eisen Financ, were selected for this accelerator.


According to the New Zone of Hong Kong to launch a programme of eco-action to accelerate the construction of arithmetic industries with a view to breaking the scale of $10 billion by 2025 > /strang >


On 2 June, according to press reports, the Deputy Secretary of the Labour Committee of the New Zone of Hong Kong in the Shanghai Free Trade Trial Zone, Wu Xiaohua, launched the Program of Action for the Accelerated Construction of the Arithmetic Industry in the New Zone of Hong Kong.


The Programme proposes that, by 2025, the new sector will form a diversified system of numeracy, foundational and extra-arimental synergy, with a combined capacity of more than 5EFLOPS (FP32) and an AI numeracy ratio of 80 per cent. The total size of the computing industry (including related hardware, software, applications, services, etc.) will have reached $10 billion, a public computing service platform will have been established, a numeracy trading mechanism will be regulated, a regional numeracy movement will have been achieved, a national numeracy cluster of industries will have been created, and a set of computational demonstration applications will have been built.


The Korea Financial Supervisory Authority will meet today with exchanges to discuss how to judge the securities properties of encrypted assets


On June 2, it was reported that the Korea Financial Supervisory Authority (KFSS) will convene five cryptographic exchanges today, Gopax, Bithumb, Upbit, Korbit, Coinone, etc., in a private meeting with DAXA, the Association of Digital Assets Exchanges (DAXA), to discuss the details of determining the identity of securities in individual virtual assets. The FSS plans to raise concerns when reviewing virtual asset securities and share examples of virtual asset exchanges, such as Upbit and Korbit, which will self-judge securities.


Korea Financial Supervisory Authority has an encrypted money investment fraud reporting centre


On 31 May, the Korean Federation reported that the Korea Financial Supervisory Authority (FSS) had opened an “encrypted asset-related investment fraud reporting centre” to detect investment fraud related to virtual assets, which would have a centralized reporting period before the end of the year.


The Financial Supervisory Authority indicated that, if the frauds received by the reporting centre were of a serious nature or showed specific facts that required an investigation, it would immediately inform investigative bodies such as the Public Prosecution Service.


The Hong Kong Virtual Asset Rating Agency (HKVAC) was established and will introduce the Virtual Asset Index and Exchange Rating

5月31日消息,据官方消息,香港虚拟资产评级机构HKVAC(Hong Kong Virtual Asset Consortium)宣布正式成立,并将推出“虚拟资产指数”及 “虚拟资产交易所评级”。其中,HKVAC大型加密货币指数反映了市值高的加密货币在全球加密货币市场中的整体表现,包含符合其候选资格的全球市值最高的30种加密货币,指数调整于每季度进行检阅,调整检阅日期分别为每季度(3月、6月、9月及12月)的最后一日。虚拟资产交易所评级反映交易平台的信用状况并促进虚拟资产交易市场透明度和问责制。

On 31 May, according to official sources, Hong Kong's Virtual Asset Rating Agency HKVAC (Hong Kong Physical Asset Consortium) announced its official establishment and will introduce the Virtual Asset Index and the Virtual Assets Exchange Ratings. In it, the HKVAC Large Encrypted Currency Index reflects the overall performance of high-market encrypted currencies in the global encrypted currency market, including 30 of the highest-market encrypted currencies globally eligible for its candidacy, index adjustments are reviewed on a quarterly basis, adjusting the review to the last day of the quarterly (March, June, September and December). The Virtual Asset Exchange rating reflects the credit position of the trading platform and promotes transparency and accountability in the virtual asset trading market.


HKVAC is an initiative of professional rating agencies and industry and is composed of virtual asset industry stakeholders, including big data companies, exchanges, institutional investors, etc., and Hong Kong license rating agencies. It aims to create a secure virtual asset investment climate to increase the recognition of virtual assets by public investors. HKVAC continuously monitors the level of risk in the trading market, provides risk management indicators for industry stakeholders and investors, conducts credit evaluations of virtual assets on the exchange, and ensures that all investors are aware of the risk levels of their investments.

深圳:加大财政资金投入力度,形成规模 1000 亿元的人工智能基金群

Shenzhen: Increased financial investment to form a $100 billion group of artificial intelligence funds

据金十 5 月 31 日报道,深圳印发《深圳市加快推动人工智能高质量发展高水平应用行动方案(2023—2024 年)》。《方案》指出,要加强资金保障。加大财政资金投入力度,重点支持人工智能创新和应用。发挥政府投资引导基金作用,统筹整合基金资源,形成规模 1000 亿元的人工智能基金群。鼓励人工智能企业在境内外多层次资本市场开展股权融资,支持风投、创投机构加强对人工智能初创企业的投资并购,在每月 8 日举行的深圳创投日活动中设立人工智能专场。

According to Kim X on 31 May, Shenzhen published the High-level Application Action Programme (2023-2024) for the Accelerated Development of Artificial Intelligence in Shenzhen City. The Programme states that financial security needs to be strengthened. Increased investment in financial resources focuses on supporting innovation and application of Artificial Intelligence.


National Centre for Innovation in Block Chain Technologies (Energy Area) established!


On 29 May, the National Centre for Innovation in Block Chain Technology (Energy Area) was inaugurated at the 2023 Central Village Forum “The Block Chain + Privacy Computation Development Forum”. The Centre focuses on the digitization of energy and the creation of a global platform for innovation in sector chains that integrate energy characteristics. This is the first national centre for industrial innovation at the national level to map key areas of the national economy, following the official launch of the National Centre for Technological Innovation in Block Chains.


At the beginning of May, the National Centre for Technological Innovation in the Block Chain became operational, making it clear that it would speed up the construction of a super-large cluster of block numeracy, consisting of a network of provincial and municipal backbones, and a network of industrial application nodes. At the same time, it would build a network of sector innovation centres in key areas of the country, such as energy and finance, as well as regional innovation centres in the sector chains in priority areas where the digital economy is growing and operating at a high rate, with a “national chain” that would lead to high-quality development of the digital economy.

北京发布Web 3创新发展白皮书

Beijing launched the White Paper on Web 3 Innovation for Development


On 28 May, the Beijing City Council for Science and Technology and the Governing Board of the Science and Technology Park of the Central Kwan village released the White Paper on Innovative Development of the Beijing City Internet (2023) during the Central Kwan Village Forum, which concluded that the Internet 3.0 is the conglomerator of modern science and technology and a necessary trend for the future development of the Internet industry.

耐克和 EA 达成合作,将把 .SWOOSH 虚拟创作带入 EA Sports 体验

Nek and EA are collaborating to bring the.SWOSH virtual creation into the EA Sports experience

6 月 1 日,耐克虚拟工作室(Nike Virtual Studios)宣布与游戏工作室 EA Sports 建立新的合作伙伴关系,将为粉丝增强和个性化虚拟体育体验。Nike Virtual Studios 和 EA SPORTS 将把 .SWOOSH 虚拟创作带入 EA Sports 体验。Nike Virtual Studios 表示,将在未来几个月内提供有关 EA SPORTS 和 .SWOOSH 集成的更多信息。

On June 1, Nike Virtual Studios announced a new partnership with the games studio EA Sports, which will enhance and personalize virtual sports experiences for fans. Nike Virtual Studios and EA SPORTS will bring the.SWOOSH virtual creation into the EA Sports experience. Nike Virtual Studios has indicated that more information on the integration of EA SPORTS and.SWOOSH will be provided in the coming months.

Meta发布新款VR头戴式装置Meta Quest 3

Meta issues a new VR headwear device Meta Quest 3

6月2日消息,据华尔街日报报道,Meta首席执行官扎克伯格发布了该公司最新版的虚拟现实头戴式装置Meta Quest 3。产品采用高通新芯片,装置本身比前一代薄了40%,显示屏和分辨率也有所提升。

On 2 June, according to the Wall Street Journal, Meta’s CEO, Zuckerberg, released the company’s latest version of the virtual reality headline device, Meta Quest 3. The product, using a new high-access chip, is 40% thinner than the previous generation, and shows an increase in screens and resolution.


Zuckerberg, in a video on social media, said that this was the company’s most powerful head-dressing device to date. Meta’s new virtual reality-dressing device will be on the market this fall, with an initial sale price of $499. He said that the company would publish more details at the September Connect conference. Prior to the news, Apple would be hosting the Global Developer Conference WWDC23 from 6 to 10 June, and it was expected that the company would publish a new virtual reality-dressing device by that time.



On 1 June, IFA reported that Ariyun collaborates today with Guangzhou City, Haiju, Baiyun, and Nansha. Among these, Guangzhou City, Haiju, works with Ariyun to build a new numeracy infrastructure for intelligent cities; Ariyun and the government of Baiyun have signed a cooperation agreement to build partnerships in the fields of smart cities, artificial intelligence, and meta-cosm to promote the ecology of a new generation of artificial intelligence technology industries, including large models; and Guangzhou, South Sha, China and Ariyun, will work together to create a world-oriented platform for digital bottom and industrial development across the sea.


Metaplex launched the creator's studio to support the creation of NFT

6月1日消息,据官方推特,Solana生态NFT平台Metaplex宣布推出“创作者工作室(Creator Studio)”,创作者可在该平台以简单的步骤创建、销售和管理Solana NFT,而无需编写代码。

On 1 June, according to official Twitter, the Solara EcoNFT platform Metaplex announced the launch of the Creative Studio, where creators could create, sell and manage Solana NFT in simple steps without having to write codes.


The second auction of the three-arrow capital NFT collection will take place on 15 June at .

5月31日消息,据CoinDesk报道,苏富比拍卖行将于6月15日在纽约举行三箭资本NFT藏品的第二次拍卖,本次拍卖将出售 Dmitri Cherniak、Tyler Hobbs、Jeff Davis 等艺术家的 37 件作品。此次拍卖将标志着有史以来规模最大的数字艺术品现场拍卖。本次NFT拍卖的亮点包括Cherniak的Ringers #879,该NFT于2021年8月被三箭资本联合创始人以1800 ETH的价格收购,当时价值约580万美元。

On 31 May, according to CoinDesk, the Sofubi auction house will hold its second auction in New York on 15 June for a collection of three arrow capital NFT, which will sell 37 works by artists such as Dmitri Cherniak, Tyler Hobbs, Jeff Davis. The auction will mark the largest digital art auction ever. The highlights of the NFT auction will include Ringers #879, Cherniak, which was bought by the three arrow capital co-founders at a price of 1800 ETH in August 2021, at a price of approximately $5.8 million.

IOST 联合香港金融科技教育专家Emil Chan创建NextEduDAO

IOST United Hong Kong Financial Science and Technology Education Specialist Emil Chan created NextEduDAO

5月31日消息,IOST 宣布与香港智慧城市联盟金融科技委员会主席、香港城市大学EMBA特约教授 Emil Chan 联合创建分布式自治组织 —— NextEduDAO,旨在立足于香港,联动全球社区及生态合作伙伴,通过结合区块链、人工智能(AI)和非同质化代币(NFT)等技术,打造全球新兴科技教育 DAO,构建一个由社区驱动的去中心化、开放、公平、透明的高等教育生态系统。

On 31 May, IOT announced the creation of a distributed self-governing organization, NextEduDAO, in partnership with the Chairman of the Finance Science and Technology Committee of the Hong Kong Smart Cities Alliance and Professor Emil Chan of the City University of Hong Kong, aimed at bringing together the global community and ecological partners to build an emerging global science and technology education DAO, building a community-driven decentralised, open, equitable and transparent higher education ecosystem, by combining technologies such as block chains, artificial intelligence (AI) and non-assimilated monets (NFT).

Otherside拟挑选非Yuga Labs生态NFT系列加入其游戏LoTM

Otherside proposes to select non-Yuga Labs EcoNFT series to join its game LoTM

5月31日消息,据官方推特,Yuga Labs旗下元宇宙平台Otherside宣布,部分非Yuga Labs生态NFT系列将会受邀加入到旗下游戏Legends of the Mara(LoTM)中。Otherside表示 LoTM游戏不会仅包含Yuga Labs旗下NFT资产,将精选一组第三方PFP NFT系列结成联盟参与游戏。

On May 31, according to official Twitter, Yuga Labs has announced that some of the non-Yuga Labs ecoNFT series will be invited to join the Legends of the Mara (LoTM) game. Otherside says the LoTM game will not contain NFT assets under Yuga Labs, and a select group of third-party PFP NFT series will join the game.

日本最大航空公司 ANA 推出 NFT 市场,未来计划增加 NFT 产品线

The largest Japanese airline, Ana, launched the NFT market and plans to increase NFT product lines in the future

日本最大的航空公司全日空航空公司(ANA)与其子公司 ANA Neo 推出了以航空为主题的 NFT 市场「ANA GranWhale NFT Marketplace」,上线的首套 NFT 是由航拍摄影师 Luke Ozawa 创作的首个系列,价格为 10 万日元,带正片的 NFT 将在拍卖会上出售。第二套 NFT 合集将于 6 月 7 日发布,代表全日空运营的首架波音 787 的 NFT 形象转换。

ANA, Japan’s largest airline, and its subsidiary ANA Neo, launched the air-based NFT market “ANA GranWhale NFT Marketplace” with the first set of NFTs created by the aerial photographer Luke Ozawa at a price of 100,000 yen, with NFTs with real films to be sold at the auction. The second set of NFTs will be released on 7 June and will represent the conversion of NFT images of the first Boeing 787 operating on a day-to-day basis.

Web3企业在香港成立两个新协会HKLVAA和Web3 Harbour

Web3 established two new associations in Hong Kong, HKLVA and Web3 Harbour

周一,Web3企业在香港宣布成立两个新协会,即香港许可虚拟资产协会 (HKLVAA) 和Web3 Harbour。他们的首次亮相是在Radical Finance Asia活动中,旨在促进虚拟资产行业和去中心化互联网的增长和发展。根据一份联合声明,这两个协会现已开始接受会员申请,并计划从7月开始开展社区活动、研究项目和教育计划。

On Monday, Web3 announced the establishment of two new associations in Hong Kong, namely, the Hong Kong Licensing Virtual Assets Association (HKLVAA) and Web3 Harbour. Their first appearance was at the Radical Finance Asia event, aimed at promoting the growth and development of the virtual asset industry and decentralizing the Internet. According to a joint statement, the associations have now begun to receive applications from their members and are planning to start community activities, research projects and educational programmes starting in July.

索尼Web3孵化计划启动首个“Demo Day”,19个项目入围并将推出参与证书NFT!

SonyWeb3 Incubation Plan to launch the first Demo Day, 19 projects will be surrounded and the participation certificate NFT! will be launched

索尼旗下子公司Sony Network Communications与波卡平行链Astar Network合作推出的Web3孵化计划宣布将于6月18日在东京启动首个“Demo Day”,据悉索尼Web3孵化计划已对200多家申请公司进行了严格筛选,最终入围的只有19个项目。此外,索尼Web 孵化计划还宣布将会为本次Demo Day获得推出一款名为“Lemonade”的参与证书NFT系列。(Eventbrite)

The Web3 Incubation Project, launched by Sony Network Corporations, a Sony Network Corporation, in partnership with the Boca parallel chain of Astar Network, announced that the first “Demo Day” would be launched in Tokyo on 18 June. According to the Web3 Incubation Project in Sydney, more than 200 applicant companies have been screened rigorously and only 19 projects have ended. In addition, the SonyWeb Incubation Project also announced that Demo Day would be presented with a NFT series called Lemonade.

Open Campus将推出Golden Backpacks和Silver Notebooks系列NFT免费铸造

Open Campus will launch the Golden Backpacks and Silver Notebooks series for free.

5月29日消息,据官方推特,Web3教育协议Open Campus即将在BNB Chain上推出用于校园的Genesis NFT免费铸造,分别为Golden Backpacks(金色背包)和Silver Notebooks两类,总发行量分别为1333个和5333个,无人认领和未分配的NFT将保留在金库中,用于未来的合作伙伴关系/赠品。

On 29 May, according to official Twitter, the Web3 education agreement Open Campus was about to launch on BNB Chain a free cast of Genesis NFT for the campus in the Golden Backpacks and Silver Notebooks categories, with a total circulation of 1333 and 5333 respectively, with unclaimed and undistributed NFTs remaining in the vault for future partnerships/gifts.


The casting list will be frozen after 3 June to see if it is qualified for casting.


Web3 browser Opera plans to launch a block-chain-based scorecard

5月29日消息,Web3浏览器Opera在其官网发文称,已推出奖励计划“Opera Points”,首先会在西班牙、巴西和墨西哥启动,用户购物时可以赚取“Opera Points”并存储在其原生钱包Opera Wallet中。该积分奖励计划现阶段支持美元、欧元等货币兑换,很快将支持Opera生态系统内的其他产品。

On May 29, Web3 browser Opera wrote on its web site that an incentive scheme, “Opera Points”, was launched in Spain, Brazil, and Mexico, and that users could earn “Opera Points” while shopping and store it in their original wallet, Opera Wallet. The credit incentive scheme supports currency exchange in the United States dollar, euro, etc., at this stage, and will soon support other products in the Opera ecosystem.

此外,Opera下一步计划将推出基于区块链的积分系统,为用户提供基于Web3的线上购物方式,并且能将“Opera Points”兑换成加密资产。

In addition, the next plan for Opera is to introduce a block-chain-based crediting system that will provide users with web-based on-line shopping methods based on Web3 and enable the conversion of “Opera Points” into encrypted assets.

Sei Network:支持用户通过Humanode人脸验证获得“Verified Seilor”徽章

SeiNetwork: Support users to obtain the “Verified Seal” badge through Humanode face verification

5月27日消息,Layer1公链Sei Network在推特发文称,其Discord容量升级已完成,用户现可通过Humanode人脸验证获得“Verified Seilor”角色。 “Verified Seilor“”是表明用户真实性的徽章,证明用户是真人,而不是机器人。

On 27 May, the Nayer 1 public chain Sei Network wrote on Twitter that its Discord capacity had been upgraded and that the user could now authenticate the role of Verified Seal through Humanode's face. “Verified Seal” was a badge showing the authenticity of the user and proving that the user was a real person, not a robot.


Editor: xMeta Alliance


Publisher: Information forest, reprinted with reference to: https://nft.aiju.com/news/76378.html, for work content, copyright and other questions, please contact the site!




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