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Good evening. The weather has been getting colder lately, but the market is still hot, and forums and summits are taking place.


The Davos Forum continues with Maun's continuation of "The King of the Golden Words" as follows: "I can give up my position, but I can't give up my mission." Directly up to the level of the mission (the content can move to ).


It was interesting to talk about the origins of the name “Kingdong” in the interview, and I don't know what Zhang Tse-Tse thought about it.


Let's not talk about it. Let's see what's going on.


据财新网报道,记者从接近京东物流的人士处获得多份融资文件,显示京东物流正以 109 亿元美金(折合人民币约为 691 亿元)的估值进行融资,本次融资总额为 18 亿至 20 亿美元。

, and journalists obtained multiple financing documents from people close to the capital logistics in Kyoto, showing that the capital logistics is being financed at an estimated value of US$ 10.9 billion (approximately US$ 69.1 billion equivalent) for a total of US$ 1.8 billion to US$ 2 billion.


Kyoto did not comment on the details of the financing.


At the Davos Forum, Liu Jiangdong indicated that since the main business in King-dong was listed in the NASDAQ Securities Market, he suggested that logistics operations might be listed in both Hong Kong, China, and mainland China, but the details were still pending.


The news isn't hidden.

同样要融资的还有快手,不知不觉快手的市值已经 180 亿美元了。

There are also fast hands to finance, and unwittingly the market value of the fast hands is already & nbsp; $18 billion.

快手又融了 10 亿美元,投后估值达 180 亿美元

据知情人士透露,短视频平台快手即将完成新一轮融资。快手本轮融资 10 亿美元,投后估值在 180 亿美元。上一轮领投方腾讯将在此轮继续跟进,快手 B 轮投资方红杉也在此轮跟进。

According to sources, short video platforms are about to complete a new round of financing. Fast-forward financing is $1 billion, valued at $18 billion. The last round will follow up, and fast-forward B investment, Redwood, will follow.

2017 年 3 月快手完成 3.5 亿美元的融资,由腾讯领投。这也是继百度以后,快手引入的第二位互联网巨头。该轮融资完成后,快手估值 30 亿美元。

In March 2017, fast-handedly completed $350 million in financing, to be invested by the Queens. This is also the second largest Internet giant that fast-handedly introduced after 100 degrees. When the round was completed, fast-handed was valued at $3 billion.

融资完成后的半年,快手估值翻了 6 倍。这主要源于快手在日活与注册用户实现的增长。

Half a year after the completion of the financing, the fast-track valuation has doubled six times. This is mainly due to the growth of fast-trackers and registered users.


Quick, record the money on the financing record.


But it's not as much fun as a fast hand. It's back yesterday, but it's coming to a halt.


乐视网复牌之后连续第二天跌停,报 12.42 元,逾 800 万手封单封死跌停板。目前,乐视网市值跌至 495.5 亿元,相比较复盘前已经下跌超过百亿元。

For the second consecutive day, after the replay of the network, 12.42 yuan was reported, with more than 8 million hand seals sealed and frozen. At present, the market value of the network has fallen to 495.5 billion yuan, down by more than 10 billion yuan before the rediskp.

面对着乐视网的重组失败以及经营困难等问题,不少基金公司下调了对乐视网股票估值,调整后价格多为 3.92 元或 3.91 元,较乐视网停牌前 15.33 元的价格下跌超过 70%,大约相当于 13 个跌停。

Faced with the failure of the reorganisation of the network and the difficulties of doing business, a number of fund companies have reduced their valuation of the stock of the network to $3.92 or $3.91, representing a price decline of more than 70 per cent, or about 13 drops, compared to the price of $15.33 before the stoppage of the network.


It is worth noting that if the bond is not replenished because of the falling stock price, the pledge of the stake in the net will be disposed of by the pledge authority in accordance with the terms of the agreement.


To live a good life, you have to look green on your back.


A few days ago, a little blue bicycle was stopped by the Guangzhou municipality, but there was a policy response and a trick.


AI 财经社报道,一位接近滴滴的人士表示,今天青桔单车正式开始在成都上线试运营。滴滴取名青桔,其寓意是略显青涩又饱含希望的果实。

AI Financial and Economic Report , a close man who said that the orange bike was officially starting to run on the Chengdu line today.

成都市民罗先生透露,1 月 24 日晚间,滴滴自研的共享单车品牌已经在成都铺货。根据罗先生发来的图片显示,该车车身上写有“青桔单车”字样,主色调为浅绿色,采用实心胎和电子锁;车上所挂的传单表示,滴滴 App 内可免押金骑行。

In the evening of January 24, Mr. Chengdu revealed that the brand of a shared bicycle was already in preparation in Chengdu. According to a picture sent by Mr. Rowe, the car had the word "green car" on it, the main color was light green, using solid heart and electronic locks, and the flyers on it indicated that drops of free money were available in App.

据另一位滴滴内部人士透露,截止 2017 年 11 月底,成都市共享单车总数约为 130 万辆,运营企业 7 家,其中,ofo 小黄车约 70 万辆,摩拜单车约 50 万辆,占全市单车投放总量的 92%。

According to another insider, by the end of November 2017, the total number of semi-urban shared bicycles was about 1.3 million and the number of companies operating seven, of which the number of yellow cars was about 700,000, while the number of motorbills was about 500,000, representing 92 per cent of the total number of bicycles in the city.


All right, get ready to burn the money.


Another congress, from Hightower.



Today, Hightower has a big deal in Beijing, and the mobile phone industry's “half of the mountain” is on the scene, like rice, OPPO, vivo, and so on. Of course, there's a self-research chip that won't come.

在峰会上,高通宣布,与小米、OPPO、vivo 等厂商分别签署了非约束性的关于芯片采购的谅解备忘录。三家公司表示,有意向在未来三年间向高通采购价值总计不低于 20 亿美元的射频前端部件。购买和供应这些部件的义务都将根据后续的最终协议执行。

At the summit, Chase announced that non-binding memorandums of understanding on chip purchases had been signed with manufacturers such as Mi, OPPO, and vivo, respectively. Three companies indicated their intention to purchase radio frequency front-end components valued at no less than $2 billion over the next three years.

除此之外,中国多家手机厂商与高通进一步确定合作关系,力挺高通。这让最近面临多项调差罚款和面对博通的收购上底气更足,高通 CEO 在会上,仍然持相当乐观的态度,他预计高通2020年可服务市场的业务规模达 1500 亿美元。

In addition to this, China’s many mobile phone manufacturers have been able to establish more cooperative relationships with Hightowers. This has made it possible to face a number of fine-fixing and bottom-up purchases in the recent past, and the Hightower CEO was still quite optimistic at the conference, where he expected the highto-service market to reach $150 billion in 2020.

会上,下游的手机厂商们还 Diss 了一下想恶意收购的博通。

During the meeting, the downstream cellular operators also took Diss  they gave an idea of a malicious acquisition.



Senior managers such as Mi, Naking, Opo and Vivo expressed their views at the forum on the “Botton buy-up” issue, which was of concern to the outside world.

vivo CEO 沈炜:“我们不希望有变化,变化会带来不确定性。一个企业要走得更远,重要的是文化,我认为高通是有追求的公司,不在乎眼前利益。”

Vivo CEO: "We don't want to change, we don't want to change, we don't want to change.

OPPO CEO 陈明永:“我认为这里面有很大的不确定性。oppo与高通合作将近10年,高通有些情怀,以技术驱动创新,这是我十分欣赏的点。”

OPPO CEO Chen Mingyong: "I think there's a lot of uncertainty in this. Oppo has worked with Hightower for almost 10 years, and it's something that I really appreciate when it comes to technology-driven innovation."


The President of Mi Corporation, Lim Bin, said, "Mi and Hightower are friends of war, and they get high-tech support when they're young. We heard this news, and the most worrying thing is that there's no landmark chip product in the future? And we fully support Hightower, and we maintain innovation, input and support for emerging businesses."



聊完手机,来看看微信的新动向。对于这种体量的 App 来说,其每一次更新都会对你的日常生活造成不小的影响。

Talk to your cell phone and look at the new movement of the micro-letter. For this volume of App , every update will have a significant impact on your daily life.

微信小程序支持跳转到第三方 App ,创业公司的日活有保障了


Today, in its message , the micro-programme from mobile application sharing to micro-mail page, the user supports open source applications when accessing them. At the same time, the developers can customise the titlebar area outside the applet menu.


The specific explanation in the document is that, in order to facilitate user access to the service in use, open source applications are supported during user access, from mobile application sharing to the micro-application page.

简单来说,就是我用某 App 分享一个小程序到你的微信,你点击小程序后可跳转到该 App 中去。

In short, I used some App  shared a small program to your micro-mail, and you clicked on it to jump into the App 


That's good, like the little title says: the daytime of start-ups is secure. We can say "single trees," and the ecosystem is becoming more and more complete.


In the new year, China's space industry was also “drawn to the ground” and today it has successfully launched its satellites, which in one instance were four.


今天下午 13 点 39 分,长征二号丙运载火箭在我国西昌卫星发射中心,以一箭三星的方式成功发射遥感三十号 04 组卫星,卫星随后进入预定轨道。

This afternoon, at 13:39 p.m., the Long March 2 C carrier rocket successfully launched the Remote Sensing Group 30 04 satellite in the form of an arrow or three star at our Xichang satellite launch centre and then the satellite entered its intended orbit.

遥感三十号 04 组卫星采用多星组网模式,主要用于开展电磁环境探测及相关技术试验。

The Remote Sensing Group 30 04 satellite is based on a multi-star network model and is used mainly for the detection of the electromagnetic environment and related technological experiments.

这是长征系列运载火箭的第 265 次飞行,也是长二丙火箭 2018 年的首战。

This is the 265th flight of the Long March series of launch vehicles and the first battle of the 2-proper rockets in 2018.


Let's go, China Space!


And then we'll see what's worth looking for abroad.

谷歌母公司叫 Alphabet, 这个单词的中文意思是字母表。今天,“字母表”扩充到了 13 个:网络安全公司 Chronicle。


据科技博客 The Verge 报道,今天,谷歌母公司 Alphabet 旗下再添一新子公司:Chronicle,脱胎于旗下秘密实验室 Google X。未来 Chronicle 将专注于网络安全,旨在为用户开发数字化“免疫系统”。

According to the Science and Technology blog The Verge, today Google's parent company Alphabet adds a new subsidiary: Chronicale, released from the clandestine laboratory Google X. In the future, Chronicale will focus on cybersecurity, with the aim of developing a digital “immunization system” for users.

谷歌 Google X 实验室主管阿斯特洛·特勒将未来 Chronicle 提供的服务称为“数字免疫系统”,Chronicle 能够通过分析和存储大型企业内的相关安全数据,从而探测、发现来自网络上的潜在威胁。谷歌表示,Chronicle 能够比现有系统更快地、更广泛地检测到网络安全威胁,这可能是尽早阻止黑客攻击的关键。

Google Google X, the director of the laboratory, Astro Teller, calls the future services provided by Chronique a “digital immune system” that allows Chronique to detect and detect potential threats from the Internet by analysing and storing relevant safety data in large businesses. Google states that Chronique can detect cyber-security threats faster and more widely than existing systems, which may be the key to stopping hacker attacks as soon as possible.

什么时候集齐 26 个字母?

When's the collection 26 & nbsp; a letter?

接着来看看已经是“26 个字母”之一的 YouTube。

And then look at YouTube, which is already one of the 26 letters.

YouTube 花 500 万美元宣传“正能量”

为消除人们对不恰当内容和品牌信息的担忧,继日前宣布利用 AI 和人工配合的方式对付费视频内容进行审核之外,今天 YouTube 再次宣布投资 500 万美元推动 Creators for Change 项目,通过正能量的视频来帮助 YouTube 成员“放下成见和仇恨、拥抱宽容”。

In order to address concerns about inappropriate content and branding information, and in addition to the earlier announcement of the use of AI and manual collaboration to review the content of the paid video, YouTube today announced another $5 million in investment to promote the Creators for Change project, helping YouTube members “to put down stereotypes and hatred, embrace tolerance” through positive energy videos.

Creators for Change 项目于 2016 年启动,当时公司宣布同全球39个创作单位开展合作,现在已推出多个宣扬同情心和谅解宽容的,其中涉及种族歧视、难民以及穆斯林女性如何突破传统等题材,反对警方暴力、欺凌、仇外和种族主义等。

The Creators for Change project was launched in 2016, when the company announced its collaboration with 39 creative units around the world and has now launched a number of sympathetic and understanding tolerance issues, including racial discrimination, refugees and how Muslim women break through traditions and fight against police violence, bullying, xenophobia and racism.

据 YouTube 表示,本次投入的 500 万美元将用于支持“生产和推广”,包括一些制作拍摄成本。公司希望 Creators for Change 项目 在2018 年能够吸引更多的创作者加入。

According to YouTube, $5 million of this investment will be used to support “production and extension”, including some production and photography costs. The company hopes that Creators for Change will attract more creators in 2018.


Of course it's a good thing, but we can't see it.


The once-a-year-old LG, which had a strong sense of recent activity, had just been published. No, it was just published that the LG was finally running out of money.

LG 电子第四季度扭亏为盈:营业利润人民币 21.94 亿元

今天下午,韩国 LG 电子官方表示,在上年同期出现亏损后,公司第四季度扭亏为盈,营业利润达3669 亿韩元(约合人民币 21.94 亿元),与公司本月稍早进行的指导性预测相符。

This afternoon, Korea LG e-officials indicated that after a loss in the same period of the previous year, the company's fourth quarter had lost a surplus of 3.669 billion won (approximately 21.94 billion yuan) in operating profits, consistent with the company's guiding forecast earlier this month.


第四季度业绩提升是受到电视和电器的强劲销售影响。但分析师称,LG 电子为扩大家电市场份额而增加投资投资令营业利润承受压力。

The fourth quarter’s performance improvement was influenced by strong sales of television and electrical appliances. However, analysts argue that LG’s increased investment in electronics to increase the share of the domestic electricity market puts pressure on business profits.


该公司称,当季营收同比增长 15% 至 17 万亿韩元(约合人民币 1016.45 亿元)。

According to the company, the year-on-year revenue increased by 15 per cent to 17 trillion won (approximately 101,645 billion yuan).

说白了就是 LED 屏大卖,市场为了联合起来对付垄断的三星,纷纷选择站队 LG。

Let's just say it's LED  the screen sale, the market, in order to unite against the monopolistic Three Stars, LG chooses to stand.


And Samsung uses another way to brush the sense of existence.


关注小米的同学应该都知道,小米的手机在印度卖得很好。今天,雷军还在公众号发文,称在 2017 年第四季度,小米在印度市场超过三星,再次成为排名第一的智能手机品牌。

All those who focus on Mi should know that Mi's cell phone is well sold in India. Today, the Lui Army is still in the public domain , saying that in the fourth quarter of 2017, Mi surpassed three stars in the Indian market and once again became the number one smartphone brand.


But the “overtaken” three stars stopped listening, and just after Mi announced his results today, Samsung stated that he was still the leading smartphone manufacturer in India.

三星发言人在回应 Canalys 的报告时表示,“三星是遥遥领先的印度第一大智能手机厂商。根据市场研究公司 GfK 的数据,去年最后一个季度,按销售额计算,三星在印度手机市场占比为 45%,按销量计算占比为 40%。三星手机产品线覆盖全部手机细分市场,2017 年领跑印度各个细分市场。更重要的是,三星是印度‘最受信任品牌’,我们无可争议的领先优势,得益于印度无数消费者的喜爱和信任。”

Three Stars spoke in response to the Canalys report, saying, “The Three Stars are the leading Indian smartphone manufacturer. According to the market research company GfK, the last quarter of last year, Samsung had a sales ratio of 45% and a sales ratio of 40% in India. Three Stars' mobile phone lines covered all mobile phone segments, leading India’s market segments in 2017. More importantly, the Three Stars are India’s ‘most trusted brand’, and we have an indisputable lead, benefiting from the love and trust of millions of consumers in India.”


If you say who's first, we can't do anything to you, just be happy.


Now that bitcoin is frenzy, it's linked to money-laundering, etc. But, in the view of the Indonesian government, bitcoin is potentially more dangerous.



According to


The central bank of Indonesia is concerned that the anonymous nature of the transaction of the digital currency Bitcoin is highly likely to be used for terrorist financing and money-laundering, and that according to statistics from the relevant central bank departments, Bitcoin was previously used for terrorist activities, including the terrorist bombing in the capital, Jakarta, in 2015, when the perpetrators threatened the mall administration and demanded large amounts of Bitcoin as ransom.


Bitcoin isn't the culprit. There's no money.


Well, that's today's evening paper. Tomorrow's Friday.




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