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  • 上海升级时间预测与优先级安排
  • 各客户端团队对上海升级候选 EIP 的考量
  • 审查区块占比现状
  • Flashbots 开源 sync-proxy
  • zkSync 2.0 推出主网 Baby Alpha 版本
  • StarkNet 编程语言 Cairo 1.0 即将上线,随后启动 Regenesis 阶段
  • FTX 支出 600 万美元补偿收到钓鱼攻击的 FTX 用户
  • Vitalik 就监管问题发表看法
  • superphiz 创建呈现以太坊相关信息 Dashboard 的列表
  • Apple 应用商店不允许通过 NFT 回避“苹果税”
  • 下一届 Devcon 举办地点调查

?各客户端团队对上海升级候选 EIP 的考量

? Consideration by client teams of Shanghai upgrade EIP

停办了超过一个月的以太坊核心开发者会议 (ACD) 于上周四 10 月27 日重新举办,在第 148 次 ACD 上,不同客户端团队的开发者对考虑纳入上海升级的 EIP (CFI) 都发表了看法,并对一些新出现的提案进行了讨论,此次会议让上海升级的内容和推进方向变得更加清晰。以下为会议具体内容的编译:

Over a month of suspension of the Etheria Core Developer Conference (ACD) was re-organized last Thursday, October 27, at ACD 148, where developers from different client teams expressed their views on the EIP (CFI) to be considered for inclusion in Shanghai upgrades and discussed some of the emerging proposals, which made the content and direction of Shanghai upgrades clearer. The following is a compilation of the specific content of the conference:

首先从执行层客户端 Nethermind 的开发者开始,他们已经对所有当前考虑纳入上海升级的 EIP 起草了 PR,并表示有兴趣探索 EIP-1153 (引入瞬态的存储操作码) 和 EIP-4758 (停用操作码 SELFDESTRUCT 并将其转换为操作码 SENDALL )。

Starting with the developer of the executive level client Nethermind , they have drafted PR for all current considerations for inclusion in Shanghai upgrades and have expressed interest in exploring EIP-1153 (introduction of transient storage codes) and EIP-4758 (deactivate and convert to SENDAL).

此外,Nethermind 团队已经在同步新推出的 Shandong 开发者测试网并通过了现有的 EOF 参考测试。在他们看来,现有的 CFI EIP 清单很好,如果添加工程量大的 EIP 到上海升级,会延迟提款的部署。也就是说,添加入上述的小型 EIP 的话,问题不大。

In addition, the Netmind team

然后 Erigon 团队表示同意 Nethermind 团队的看法,并强调停用操作码 SELFDESTRUCT 能帮助 Erigon 显著简化它的代码库。

Then the agrees with the Nethermind team and stresses that the deactivated SELFDESTRUCT can help Erigon significantly simplify its code library.

Geth 团队对上海升级的最佳推进方向有分歧意见。在他们看来,现在有两类级别的提案在互相竞争,一类是像 1153、4758 等的小型提案,另一类是像 EOF (EVM 对象格式)、4844 和提款这种大型提案。

The Geth team disagrees on the best way forward for upgrading in Shanghai. In their view, there are now two types of proposals competing with each other: small ones like 1153, 4758 etc., and large ones like EOF (EVM object format), 4844 and withdrawals.

对于小型 EIP,没有一个看起来是特别难实现的,尽管它们都需要广泛的测试。他们对任何社区认为最有价值的提案保持开放态度。

None of the small EIPs seem particularly difficult to achieve, although they need extensive testing. They are open to proposals that any community considers most valuable.

对于大型 EIP,他们认为应该纳入提款,4844 对于执行层来说是相对简单的变更,尽管它需要在网路协议上做出变更(见:https://t.co/1sGF7XxFdB)

For large EIPs, they believe that withdrawals should be included, and 4844 is a relatively simple change for the enforcement level, although it needs to be changed on the web protocol (see https://t.co/1sGF7XFdB).

对于 EOF,他们认为可以有两条路径:

For EOF, they think there are two paths:

要么推进现在 CFI 的两份 EIP (3540 & 3670),它们是最小型的实现但需要在之后进行扩展;要么一次纳入更多功能并推出一个“功能完备”的 EOF 版本。具体来说,这些额外的 EIP 是 EIP-4200 (它引入静态的相对跳转) 和 EIP-4750 (它为 EOF 合约中的函数引入特殊的代码部分)。

Either advance the two EIPs (3540 & 3670) of the current CFIs, which are the smallest to achieve but need to be extended later; or either incorporate more features and introduce a fully functional version of EOF at a time. Specifically, these additional EIPs are EIP-4200 (which introduces a static relative jump) and EIP-4750 (which introduces a special code part for the EOF contracts).

Besu 团队也同意 Nethermind 团队的看法,关于 4844,他们目前还不确定实际的实现复杂性并希望对此有更好的了解。而且,他们也同意 EOF 需要更多的讨论以选择正确的路径,以及像 1153 和 4758 这样的变更将很有价值。

The Besu team also agrees with the Nethermind team that, with regard to 4844, they are not yet sure of the complexity of actual realization and wish to have a better understanding of it. Moreover, they agree that the EOF needs more discussion to choose the right path, and that changes like 1153 and 4758 would be valuable.

关于 4844,Nethermind 团队对其规范的状态提出了一些问题。因为最近 4844 的规范做出了很多修改,他们感觉如果考虑在上海升级纳入的话,应该早点敲定规范,理想情况是能在下个月左右。

Regarding 4844, the Nethermind team asked questions about the state of its norms. Because of the recent changes in the norms of 4844, they felt that if they were to be considered for promotion in Shanghai, they should have finalized them earlier, ideally in the next month or so.

以太坊基金会研究员 Ansgar@adietrichs 快速对规范当前正在修改的部分给出了概述,主要是两个部分 (1) 敲定关于费用市场的细节(见:https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/5707)(2) 可能在执行层预编译里再公开一个值 (见:https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/647#issuecomment-1284584357)。

Ansgar@adietrichs, an Ethio Foundation researcher, provided a quick overview of the part of the regulation currently under revision, mainly two parts (1) to finalize details on the cost market (see https://github.com/etherium/EIPs/pull/5707) (2) and possibly to disclose an additional value in the implementation layer pre-compilation (see https://github.com/othereum/pm/issues/647#issue12845853557).

他说,这两件事都应该在下个月敲定。除此之外,我们仍然需要设置 blob 大小、blob 保留时间的常数,并对密码学的内容做出一些调整。这些最后的变更大多数将从客户端那里抽象出来,因为它们将直接在密码库中实现。

He said that both should be finalized next month. In addition, we still need to set the blob size, the blob time constant, and make some adjustments to cryptography. Most of the final changes will be abstracted from the client because they will be done directly in the cryptography.

最后,还需要进行 KZG 仪式。关于仪式的更多信息,可以在这里找到:https://github.com/ethereum/kzg-ceremony。

Finally, a KZG ceremony is needed. More information about the ceremony can be found here: https://github.com/etheum/kzg-ceremony.

随后,不少开发者都表示,关于 EOF 的提案最好一次性完整实现,而不是分多步走,因为每个 EOF 版本都必须在客户端永久维护。

Subsequently, many developers expressed the view that it would be preferable for the EOF proposal to be fully realized once and for all, rather than in multiple steps, since each EOF version had to be permanently maintained on the client side.


and then the development team of the consensus-level client shared their views:

  • Lighthouse 团队表示,对于他们来说,提款和 4844 是目前两个主要优先项。他说,他们仍需要更多关于 4844 的数据和测试,因此他们想要在 Capella 升级/提款变更的基础上实现 4844,因为 Capella 升级有更高的确定性。
  • Prysm 团队表示同意,对他们来说,4844 最大的不确定性是带宽要求 (也就是合理的 blob 大小) 和 KZG 仪式的时间。
  • Lodestar 团队都表示同意。Teku 团队觉得提款比 4844 简单得多,并希望在两次分开的升级里部署,一边在他们的代码库做合并相关的清理。
  • Grandine 除非在测试中看到非常严重的问题,否则他们希望在下一次升级里都部署提款和 4844。


Source: https://twitter.com/TimBeiko/status/1585406583270775?s=20&t=zDIEDsAoBMQsWSPoWg7g3w


? Shanghai upgrade time projection and priority

开发者们对时间进行了预测:如果想要尽快部署提款,可以在 X 个月里实现,如果 4844 在另一个分叉里部署,它可能会发生在X+~6 个月里。而如果把两者一起绑在一次升级里进行,时间大概需要 X+~3 个月。

Developers predict time: if we want to deploy a withdrawal as soon as possible, we can do it within X months, and if we deploy in another fork, 4844, it could happen within X+-6 months. And if we tie the two together in an upgrade, it will probably take X+-3 months.

总结一下,上海升级的提案目前主要有 4 个部分:

In summary, the Shanghai upgrade proposal currently has four main components:

  • “上海升级的核心”,每个人都赞成在上海实现的,包括提款和一些小型 EIP (3651、3855 和 3860)
  • EOF 系列,目前进入 CFI 的 (3540 & 3670) 以及两份新增的提案 (4200 和 4750)
  • EIP-4844
  • “锦上添花”系列:1153 和 4758

为了不断取得进展,开发者们就以下几点达成共识:正式纳入第 1 部分的 EIP 到上海升级,为 EOF 和 4844 搭建开发者测试网,以衡量实现和测试的复杂性,并最终敲定规范,然后继续讨论第 4 部分的 EIP。

In order to make progress, developers agreed on the following points: EIP, which was formally incorporated in Part 1, was upgraded to Shanghai, EOF and 4844 were set up as developers testing networks to measure the complexity of realization and testing and to finalize the norms, and then continued to discuss EIP in Part 4.

关于第 4 部分的内容,值得注意的是,这次的会议明确地给客户端团队提供了大部分的空间,但还没有从更广泛的社区获得意见。在下一次会议,开发者们将让社区的人参与并表达他们支持的在上海升级纳入的 EIP。

With regard to part 4, it is worth noting that this meeting clearly provided much of the space for the client team, but did not receive input from the wider community. At the next meeting, developers will include the EIP, which involves the community and expresses their support for upgrading in Shanghai.


Source: https://twitter.com/TimBeiko/status/1585682730771439617?s=20&t=zDIEDsAoBMQsWSPoWg7g3w


? Review the status of block occupancy

据 mevwatch.info 截止目前,合并后的所有 relay 打包的区块中大约有 88% 的区块实施着 OFAC 标准的监管,而合并后的所有生成区块中,有 43% 的区块遵循着 OFAC 监管。

According to mavwatch.info, approximately 88 per cent of all merged relay-packaged blocks are regulated by the OFAC standard, while 43 per cent of all merged generated blocks are regulated by OFAC.



 on recent developments in the Pacific: prediction and content of Shanghai upgrade time, progress of Layer2 and other ecological conditions


?Flashbots 开源 sync-proxy

? Flashbots open source sync-proxy

早在 8 月,Hasu 在推特上正式宣布开源 Flashbot 的 relay MEV-Boost 的代码,由此鼓励竞争、减少单点故障并避免市场垄断。

As early as August, Hasu officially announced on Twitter the open-source version of the play MEV-Boost code on Flashbot, thereby encouraging competition, reducing single-point failures and avoiding market monopolies.

10 月 26 日,Flashbots 开源了其基础设施的一部分 sync-proxy,这是信标节点和执行客户端之间的轻量级 proxy。sync-procy 负责运行 proxy 服务器,将来自信标节点 (BN) 的请求 proxy 至多个其他执行客户端;可以驱动 EL 从多个 BN 同步以实现冗余,以提高执行客户端同步的可靠性和简单性。

On October 26, FlashBots opened up part of its infrastructure sync-proxy, which is a lightweight proxy between beacon nodes and executing clients. Sync-procy runs the proxy server, and future self-confident node requests proxy to multiple other executing clients; it can drive EL to synchronize from multiple BNs to achieve redundancy to improve the reliability and simplicity of executing client synchronization.





? Prysmatic Labs 运行的节点短暂出现下线情况

Preysmatic Labs running nodes are briefly delineated .

10 月 29 日,负责监控以太坊质押池的 ethereumpool 向 Prysmatic Labs 发出警告,他们运行的 144 个节点出现了全都下线的情况。要注意的是,不是其 prysm 软件出现了问题,(我们认为)这些情况只发生在其团队自己的验证者身上。他们的资金仍然是安全的,而这只是一个小小的提醒。

On October 29, the etheeumpol, responsible for monitoring the Ethereumpool pool, warned Prysmatic Labs that all 144 nodes they operated had been downline. Note that it was not their prysm software that had a problem, which, we believe, occurred only on their team's own certifier. Their money was still safe, and that was just a small reminder.

同一天,而其开发者 terence 对此表示感谢,他回复称这是基础设施上出现了问题,目前他们都应该在线了。

On the same day, his developer Terence thanked him for responding that there had been an infrastructure problem and that they should all be online now.


Source: https://twitter.com/EtheumPools/status/15862983124407274

?Flashbots 工程师 Chris Hager 整理 PBS 重要研究和参考文献

? Engineer Chris Hager on PBS Important Research and Reference

Flashbots 的 Chris Hager 整理了关于 PBS (提议者/构建者分离) 的重要研究&参考文献清单。他将内容大致分为了基础文档、未来展望、视频以及其他。

Chris Hager of Flashbots collates a list of important studies & references on PBS (separate proposer/builder). He divides the content into basic documents, future prospects, videos, and others.

在未来展望的部分,只是收录了关于部分区块竞拍(partial block auction)和在协议层执行的提议者承诺(PEPC)两条内容,大家可以在在评论中贡献有关 PBS 未来发展的内容。更多内容,请查看来源。

In the section on the outlook for the future, only two elements are included, one on partial block competition and the proposalor's commitment to implement it at the protocol level. You can contribute to the comments about the future development of the PBS. For more information, see the source.



Source: https://backmd.io/@metachris/pbs-intro-materials

? Matter Labs 联合其他社区提议将Aave V3 部署至 zkSync V2 测试网

Motter Labs, in association with other communities, proposes to deploy Aave V3 to the zkSync V2 test network .

10 月 24 日,FranklinDAO 联合 Matter Labs 在 Aave 治理论坛发起提议,提议将 Aave V3 版本部署至 zkSync 2.0 测试网中。

On October 24, the Franklin DAO coalition matter Labs launched a proposal at the Aave Governance Forum to deploy version Aave V3 to the zkSync 2.0 test network.

zkSync 团队提交了一个 snapshot 投票 (部署至 2.0 测试网的投票),之后会针对部署至 zkSync 2.0 主网发起另一个 snapshot 投票 (当 DEX 流动性和其他项目满足标准时)。

The zkSync team submitted a snapshot vote (as deployed to the 2.0 testing network), which will be followed by another snapshot vote for the main network deployed to zkSync 2.0 (when DEX mobility and other projects meet the criteria).

投票从 CET 时间 10 月 30 日 3:00 PM 开始,CET 时间 11 月 2 日 3:00 PM 截止。而截至本文发布,支持的票数占 99.94%。

The vote began on October 30th at 3rd at the CET and ended on November 2nd at 3rd at the PM. As of the date of this paper, 99.94% of the votes were in favour.


Source: https://snapshot.org/#/aaave.eth/proposal/0x8257d8c7681a3587a61f0d97997045c4d 35815031d56386c854afa66f0d04351

?Arbitrum 上线新的 Nova 区块浏览器

? Arbitrum online with the new Nova block browser

10 月 27 日,Arbitrum 推出新的 Nova 区块浏览器,由 Etherscan 提供支持。这个新的 Nova 浏览器可以帮助用户在 Reddit 的游戏或社交后可以更加轻松地梳理自己的交易历史。

On October 27, Arbitrum launched a new Nova block browser, supported by Ethercan. This new Nova browser helps users ease their trading history after the Reddit game or socialization.


Source: https://twitter.com/arbitrum/status/1585532030391223304

?zkSync 2.0 推出主网 Baby Alpha 版本

? zkSync 2.0. Launching homepage Baby Alpha version

29 日,zkSync 宣布 2.0 版本 Baby Alpha 上线主网,将逐渐开放许可 (面向生态项目开放的 Fair Onboarding Alpha 和面向终端用户开放的 Full Launch Alpha)。

On 29 September, ZkSync announced that the 2.0 version of the Babe Alpha online main network would gradually open the licence (Fair Onboarding Alpha for ecological projects and Full Launch Alpha for end-users).


 on the latest developments in Taiku: prediction and content of Shanghai upgrade time, Layer2 progress and other ecological conditions

今年年初,zkSync 分享的路线图概述了通往主网道路上的关键里程碑,以下是已达成的里程碑:

At the beginning of this year, the road map shared by ZkSync outlined key milestones on the road to the main network, as follows:

  • zkEVM 架构升级 (2022 年 5 月)
  • 动态费用 (2022 年 8 月)
  • 项目注册登记加入测试 (2022 年 9 月)
  • 证明生成和验证 (2022 年 10 月)


main network phase:

Baby Alpha (October 28, 2022)

10 月 28 日,zkSync 2.0 推出主网 Baby Alpha 版本。这个里程碑包括将端对端系统部署到主网。在此阶段,不会有外部项目或用户,因此可以对系统进行一系列真实资产的压力测试,以验证其是否正确运作并按预期执行。

On October 28, zkSync 2.0 launched the main web version of Baby Alpha. This milestone includes deploying the end-to-end system to the main network. There will be no external project or user at this stage, so a series of real asset stress tests can be performed on the system to verify that it works correctly and as expected.


The next stages of

  • Fair Onboarding Alpha (2022 年 第四季度)
  • Full Launch Alpha (2022 年年底/2023初)
  • 提高开发者和用户体验 (2023 第一季度和之后)

值得注意的是,zkSync 表示将会在 2023 年第一季度进行 Layer3 的概念证明工作。

It is worth noting that zkSync indicated that a conceptual proof exercise for Layer3 would take place in the first quarter of 2023.

L2 是扩容的第一步。zkSync 会在 2023 Q1 发布兼容 EVM 的 L3 “Opportunity” 的概念证明:

L2 is the first step in expansion. zkSync releases the concept of an EVM-compatible L3 "Opportunity" at 2023 Q1:

  • 基于 L2 构建的 L3 HyperChain 的原型将会推出,允许生态系统对其研究和进行实验。
  • 启动开发者工具的开发,包括一个 CLI 和 SDK 来拆分出 L3 并与之交互。

最后,zkSync 计划于 2023 年实现去中心化。包括证明生成、区块生成和交易验证。团队表示已经在考虑如何对部分系统进行去中心化,并将提供关于如何运行节点的明确指示。

Finally, zkSync is scheduled to be decentralised by 2023. This includes proof of generation, block generation, and transaction validation. The team has indicated that it is already considering how to decentralize some of the systems and will provide clear instructions on how to run nodes.


Source: https://twitter.com/zksync/status/15886053698672656384


? L2beat issues a new feature focusing on transactions across programmes

L2 数据追踪和研究平台 l2beat.com 上线了一项重大更新,添加了 “Activity” 一栏。

L2 The data tracking and research platform l2beat.com is online with a major update with the addition of a column entitled “Activity”.


These include:

  • 过去一天的日均 TPS
  • 与过去一周相比,日均 TPS 的变化
  • 单天平均最高 TPS
  • 过去一个月总交易量
  • 数据来源


Source: https://twitter.com/l2beat/status/1585981268846868257?s=20&t=ohiputOaxsjHDFG5S7D-w

?StarkNet 编程语言 Cairo 1.0 即将上线,随后启动 Regenesis 阶段

? StarkNet programming language Cairo 1.0 will soon be online, followed by the regenesis phase

根据 StarkWare 团队,Regenesis 计划在 2023 年第一季度进行。而 StarkNet 将在 2023 Q1 初期开始支持 Cairo 1.0,并将于 Q2 初期开始废弃 Cairo v0 (这个日期会视社区的采用率而定)。

According to the StarkWare team, Regenesis is scheduled to take place in the first quarter of 2023. StarkNet will start supporting Cairo 1.0 in the early stages of 2023 Q1 and will be abandoned in the early stages of Q2 (this date will depend on community adoption rates).

在 Regenesis 的过程中,StarkNet 的合约将在一个过渡期中逐渐转向一种新的、更直接的、功能更丰富的语言 —— Cairo 1.0。也就是说,Regenesis 之后,StarkNet 将完全支持 Cairo 1.0 版本。

During the Regenesis process, StarkNet’s contract will gradually shift over a transition period to a new, more direct and functional language – Cairo 1.0. That is, after Regenesis, StarkNet will fully support Caro 1.0.

在这过程中,StarkNet 的 dApp 构建者需要做些什么?跟随下面的指引将你的合约迁移至 Cairo 1.0:

In the process, what does the dApp builder of StarkNet need to do? Follow the following instructions and move your contract to Cairo 1.0:


?Optimism 的 NFT 市场 Quix 与 Layer3 合作推出一个 NFT 桥接 Quest

Quick and Layer3 launch a NFT bridge Quest for the NFT market of Optimism

10 月 28 日,Quix 宣布与 Layer3 合作,一起举办一个 NFT 桥接 Quest,奖励用户桥接他们的以太坊 NFT 到 Optimism 上。

On October 28, Quix announced a partnership with Layer3 to host a NFT bridge Quest to reward the user bridge to connect their Ethio NFT to Optimism.


Source: https://twitter.com/qx_app/status/1558568549901580705?s=20&t=ohiputOaxsjHDFG5S7D-w

?Scroll 发布 8 千美元赏金计划

? Scroll released the $8,000 reward program .

Scroll 发布 8 千美元赏金计划,鼓励社区贡献者在其测试网或以太坊主网上构建项目。

Scroll publishes a $8,000 bounty scheme to encourage community contributors to build projects on its testing network or on the Internet of the Tai Po.

此次活动更加关注的项目类型包括 (1) 创新性应用 (2) 开源的开发工具 (3) 开发者和研究人员教育/引入项目 (4) 对于以太坊的研究与改进(如 EIP 等)。更多关于此次活动的奖项设置、福利等详细信息,可以点击来源查看。

The types of projects that are of greater interest to the event include (1) innovative applications (2) open-source development tools (3) developers and researchers education/introduction projects (4) research and improvement in Etherm (e.g. EIP, etc.). More detailed information about awards, benefits, etc. of the event can be viewed by clicking on the source.


Source: https://twitter.com/scroll_cn/status/15870002400329519104?s=21&t=kkxkhMdygl6VumvLu6NN4w

?FTX 支出 600 万美元补偿收到钓鱼攻击的 FTX 用户

? $6 million for FTX users who received fishing attacks.

25 日,FTX 的 CEO Sam Bankman-Fried 在 CoinbMarketCap 的 podcast 节目中提到,将用 600 万美元补偿受到钓鱼攻击的 FTX 用户。

On 25 November, CEO Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX mentioned on the CoinbMarketCap Podcast programme that $6 million would be used to compensate FTX users who had been attacked by fishing.

关于此次钓鱼攻击,可以查看上期七日谈编译的 FTX 连接至 Three Commas 网站的 API 密钥遭遇攻击事件。

With regard to the fishing attack, you can see the API key that was linked to the Three Commas website during the last seven days of the FTX compilation.


 on the latest developments in Taiku: prediction and content of Shanghai upgrade time, Layer2 progress and other ecological conditions

SBF 在这期 podcast 中提到,最近冒充其他网站的网络钓鱼攻击有所增加,例如加密货币机器人提供商 Three Commas。“少数用户”在通过虚假网站与作恶者共享了他们的 API 密钥后,最终被利用 —— 他警告说,一般“极少”有可以对钓鱼攻击采取的行动。

SBF mentioned in this issue that there has been a recent increase in cyberfishing attacks posing as other sites, such as encryption money robots provider Three Commas. A few users are eventually used when they share their API keys with their perpetrators via false websites – he warned that there are generally “very few” actions that can be taken against fishing attacks.


Source: https://twitter.com/CoinMarketCap/status/1558491543695679899] (https://twitter.com/CoinMarketCap/status/15844369568989(Collected)

?币安在 BNB 链上发布预言机服务

? The coin is placed on the BNB chain with a prophesy machine service

据 The Block,加密货币交易所 Binance 发布了名为 Binance Oracle 的预言机服务,帮助区块链应用程序连接现实世界的数据。而 BNB Chain 生态系统将成为首个使用 Binance Oracle 的区块链,其团队也计划将该服务扩展到其他链。目前已有超过 10 个 BNB 链项目与 Binance Oracle 集成。

According to The Block, the Encrypted Currency Exchange, Binance, has released a pronunciation service called Binance Oracle to help block chain applications connect data to the real world. The BNB Chain ecosystem will be the first block chain to use Binance Oracle, and its team plans to extend the service to other chains. More than 10 BNB chain projects have been integrated with Binance Oracle.

随着此次预言机服务的上线,Binance 进入了主要由 Chainlink 主导的利基市场。Chainlink 也是一个预言机网络,为多个不同区块链上超过 69 万名活跃用户提供服务。在区块链上广泛使用的其他预言机项目包括 Band Protocol、Ocean 和 Pyth 等。

With the introduction of this pronunciation service, Binance has entered the base market, dominated mainly by Chainlink. Chainlink is also a network of pronunciation machines serving more than 690,000 active users in multiple block chains. Other pronunciation sets widely used on block chains include Band Protocol, Ocean and Pyth.

据 The Block 数据,BNB 链上的 DeFi 应用程序中有着超过 70 亿美元的资产。

According to The Block, the DeFi application on the BNB chain has assets exceeding $7 billion.


Source: https://www.theblock.co/post/180042/binance-releases-oracle-service-on-bnb-chain-rivaling-chainlink?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social

?Vitalik 就监管问题发表看法

? Vitalik commented on regulatory issues .

10 月 30 日,Vitalik 发推文公开谈论他对加密货币监管问题的看法,以及对在 DeFi 前端做 KYC 的看法。

On October 30, Vitalik sent a tweet publicly about his views on the regulation of encrypt currency and on making KYC at the front of DeFi.

在对加密货币监管方面,他认为以太坊社区目前不应该热切地极力追逐大型机构资本。实际上,他很高兴很多 ETF(交易所交易基金)都被推迟了。在以太坊社区得到更多关注之前,我们的生态系统需要时间成长。

In terms of the regulation of encrypt currency, he argued that the community should not be eagerly pursuing large institutional capital at the moment. In fact, he was pleased that many of the ETFs had been delayed. Our ecosystems would take time to grow before the Ether community received more attention.


Essentially, the current regulation is to allow the area of encryption to move freely internally, but to make it more difficult for the encryption project to enter the mainstream; however, it is far from as bad as the regulation of internal operations in the area of encryption.

对于在 DeFi 前端做 KYC 方面,Vitalik 则认为似乎不是很有意义,因为做 KYC 只会惹恼用户,不会对黑客造成任何影响,因为黑客已经编写了自定义代码与合约进行交互。但显然,在交易所进行 KYC 是更明智的,而且他们已经在做 KYC 了。

For making KYC at the front end of DeFi, Vitalik does not seem to make much sense, because doing KYC only annoys users and does not have any impact on hackers, because hackers have developed custom codes to interact with contracts. But obviously, doing KYC on the exchange is wiser and they are already doing KYC.

基本上,监管政策目标主要有两类:(i) 保护消费者,(ii) 让作恶者更加难以转移大量资金。有关 (ii) 的问题并没有集中发生在 Defi 领域,但一般会集中发生在大规模加密支付中。

Basically, there are two main types of regulatory policy objectives: (i) consumer protection, and (ii) making it more difficult for perpetrators to transfer large amounts of money. Problems related to (ii) are not concentrated in the area of Defi, but generally in large-scale encrypted payments.

此外,Vitalik 还提到监管 DeFi 前端的有用之处可能包括:(i)限制杠杆(ii)要求对合约代码进行的审计内容、FV 或其他安全检查有着有透明度要求(iii)通过基于知识的测试来限制使用,而不是用富豪的最低净资产规则。(译者注:FV 为 Future Value 缩写,这一个财务函数,用于根据固定利率计算投资的未来值。)

In addition, Vitalik also mentioned the usefulness of regulating the front end of DeFi, which might include: (i) limiting leverage (ii) requiring audit coverage of contract codes, FV or other security checks with transparency requirements (iii) restricting use through knowledge-based testing rather than using the minimum net assets rule for rich people. (Ref: FV is Fure Value, a financial function used to calculate the future value of investments based on fixed interest rates.)

此外,Vitalik 称,他乐于看到监管规则的编写方式尽可能通过零知识证明来满足要求。ZKP(零知识证明)在满足监管政策目标并同时保护隐私方面提供了许多新的机会,而我们应该利用这一点!

In addition, Vitalik states that he is pleased to see regulatory rules prepared in such a way as to meet the requirements through, to the extent possible, a zero-knowledge certificate. ZKP (the zero-knowledge certificate) offers many new opportunities to meet regulatory policy objectives while protecting privacy, and we should take advantage of this!


Source: https://twitter.com/vitalikbutterin/status/158655789651186944?s=21

?superphiz 创建呈现以太坊相关信息 Dashboard 的列表

? Superphiz creates a list of Dashboards with relevant information from the Tai family

31 日,superphiz 称没有找到可以很好呈现以太坊相关信息的 Dashboard 列表,于是他创建了 Dashboard 整合列表 Ethereum Dashboards。并且,他还呼吁大家提交 PR(pull request)为此做贡献或告诉他还能添加哪些 Dashboard。

On 31 January, after Superphiz claimed that he had not found the Dashboard list that would provide a good picture of Ether, he created the Dashboard Consolidated List, Etheeum Dashboards. He also called on everyone to submit the PR (pull request) to contribute to it or to tell him what Dashboard could be added.

他将 Ethereum Dashboards 分为综合 Dashboard、生态系统健康 Dashboard、质押 Dashboard、货币政策 Dashboard、DeFi Dashboard、MEV Dashboard、Dune Analytics 的 Dashboard 以及 NFT Dashboard。目前列表中共有 24 个 Dashboard,贡献者包括 superphiz 在内共有两位。

He divides Etheum Dashboards into comprehensive Dashboard, ecosystem health Dashboard, pledge Dashboard, monetary policy Dashboard, DeFi Dashboard, MEV Dashboard, Dune Analytics and NFT Dashboard. There are 24 Dashboards in the current list, with two contributors including Superphiz.




?Apple 应用商店不允许通过 NFT 回避“苹果税”

? Apple application stores are not allowed to avoid Apple Tax through NFT

据前端工程师 @wongmjane,Apple 更新了其应用商店的审核指南,禁止将 NFT 作为一种避开 Apple 应用内购买机制的方式。这意味着通过 NFT 避开“苹果税”的方式也许不再可行。其中,其指南中新增的一条规则写道:

According to the front-end engineer @wongmjane, Apple updated its application shop audit guide to prohibit NFT as a way to avoid the Apple application purchase mechanism. This means that it may no longer be feasible to avoid the Apple Tax through NFT.

应用程序可以使用应用内购买来出售非同质化代币 (NFT) 以及出售与 NFT 相关的服务,如铸造 、发布和转让 NFT。应用程序会允许用户查看他们自己的 NFT,前提是其 NFT 所有权不会解锁应用程序内的特性或功能。应用程序会允许用户浏览他人拥有的 NFT 集合,前提是应用程序不得包含按钮、外部链接,或者不能引导消费者跳转至苹果应用内购买机制之外的其他购买渠道。

Applications can use in-application purchases to sell non-homogenous tokens (NFTs) and NFT-related services, such as casting, publishing and transferring NFTs. Applications will allow users to see their own NFTs, provided that their NFT ownership does not unlock the properties or functions in the application. Applications will allow users to view NFT pools owned by others, provided that the application does not contain buttons, external links, or does not lead consumers to other purchase channels outside the Apple purchasing mechanism.




?推特开发者宣布正在测试对 NFT 卡片的展示

? Twitter developers announce that they are testing a display of NFT cards

28 日,推特开发者官方宣布,目前正在测试 NFT 推特卡片(Tweet Tile)。一些链接至 @rarible、@MagicEden、@dapperlabs 以及 @Jumptradenft 上 NFT 的 URL 可以在发布时显示为卡片状的形式。如图所示:

28 On Twitter developers officially announced that the NFT Twitter card (Tweet Tile) is currently being tested. Some links to @rrible, @MagicEden, @dapperlabs and the URL on @Jumptradenft can be shown as a card form at the time of release.


 on the latest developments in the Pacific: prediction and content of Shanghai upgrade time, progress of Layer2 and other ecological conditions




?Google 为 Web3 开发者引入区块链节点引擎

? Google introduces block chain node engine for Web3 developers

27 日,google 宣布为 Web3 开发者引入 Google Cloud 区块链节点引擎(Blockchain Node Engine)。

On 27 September, Google announced the introduction of the Google Claude block chain node engine (Blockchain Node Engineering) as a Web3 developer.


The block chain node engine is a fully hosted node hosting service that provides services such as relay transactions, deployment contracts and writing or reading block chain data.




?下一届 Devcon 举办地点调查

? Next Devcon place survey

Devcon 论坛上关于下一届 Devcon 7 举办地点提议的调查已于 11 月 1 日结束。目前,最受关注的城市为伊斯坦布尔,其他较为受关注的城市包括芽庄市、台北市、波尔图以及贝尔格莱德。

The survey at Devcon’s forum on the proposed venue for the next Devcon 7 was completed on 1 November. Currently, Istanbul is the city of greatest interest, with other cities of greater interest including Meiji City, Taipei City, Porto, and Belgrade.







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