
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:26 评论:0



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The first half of the year was either 38 or clear, or 54 or 61, both of which were not very mature.


This week, in the second half of 2018, where there are people, where there are fights, and where there are markets, let's see what this week's cucumber-eating crowds are watching:



Trump, who recently ruled the country, has really “smugged” all the countries.


for car battles between Japan and Germany: 20 May 2018, the Trump Government launched a “232 investigation” of imported cars, SUVs, light trucks and vans in the name of “national security”.


is a comprehensive trade war against China: May 28, 2018, at a regular session of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, the United States took the initiative to raise the issue of “China's technology transfer policy.” A 25% tariff will be levied on imports from China involving US$ 50 billion in “Industry Important Technologies” commodities.


Part of the Customs War against Canada, Mexico and the EU: May 31, 2018, the United States announced that 25 per cent of the iron and steel tariffs and 10 per cent of the aluminium tariffs would be imposed on Canada, Mexico and the EU as of 1 June this year.



The trade war, simple, effective and rough, and, in the light of the trade wars, the reduction of the US trade deficit is not a fundamental objective, it is a strategic imperative and complementary strategic decision-making. The end result, therefore, is to believe that it should end with compromise.

“领袖”身现区块链论坛 币圈无脑人士又作死?

Leaders present at the block chain forum where brainless people die again?


Last Monday's Henan Bodang Asia Block Chain Forum was like Beijing in October 1949. The special actor Xu Xiangxiang addressed the Forum and shouted: “I thank you in the name of the great man!”


In a few minutes, a 100,000-plus story was born, the efficiency of which scared the editor out of his chin. The leaders were so good that he worked a lot more every day than the dog, and couldn't write a few 100,000-plus in a month! Crying!


However, more than a decade later, this farce has given rise to new developments: the big players in the conference and the famous media have come out to “get out of touch” to avoid a fire, and to create a new profession of “high prices to help cut LOGOs”.


Two hundred thousand plus in half an hour, and the editor-in-chief is crying in the toilet...


According to industry sources, the Asian Block Chain Forum, which hired a special actor to use leadership as a block chain, was in clear violation of the relevant provisions of the General Directorate of Commerce and Industry, and there was no substantial demonstration of project results throughout the campaign.


The currency circles have always marked innovation, with an era of glamorous appearances in which IQs are so touching.


Tell those who fantasize about the fortunes of those who follow the money circle, to fill up their IQs so that they can't walk on their heads anymore, or they'll be sold and paid for that day!


Today's headlines claim 90 million, arraignment: affect my reputation, pay me $1 and apologize!


The headlines have escalated, the rhetoric has changed, and the court is called upon to see them. The headlines today indicate that the headlines have used monopolistic positions for various reasons, repeated unfair competitions, blocking headlines, etc., to demand public apologies and compensation of 90 million people.


However, 90 million people have not been able to fully placate the headlines of the injury, and today's headline also states: “A request for a ruling that the defendant's apology to the plaintiff for a 100-day public apology in a prominent place on the front pages of the various web sites has been removed”.


On 31 May, a news story entitled was posted on the user's phone.


In the evening, the headlines of today's

6月1日,腾讯起诉 “今日头条”不正当竞争行为,严重侵害了腾讯的公司声誉,要求其道歉并索赔1元。

On 1 June, the arraignment sued “the headlines of today” for unfair competition, which seriously damaged the reputation of the arraigned company, demanding an apology and a claim for $1.


The headlines, however, have turned to it, claiming that this is due to the attention paid to the 100-degree news by the duty officers, which is the same as the 100-degree push.


Poor Peeta, lying down and getting shot. It's all AI's plan.



Starting with April’s microenvelope, the current wave of headlines and arraignment has continued to this day, attracting large groups of people to stand. The editor-in-chief appears to be acting more like a child who wants to be cared for by the community.


What's the return on the investment?

本年度“吃一顿少一顿”的巴菲特慈善午餐以330.01万美元的价格成交,然而中拍者的身份可谓相当神秘——他叫“匿名”(anonymous)。有意思的是,曾有餐厅员工透露,Smith Wollensky每道菜在30-50美元之间,例如59美元的冷水龙虾尾和49美元的牛腰肉。相较于竞拍的天价,午餐花费可以说十分“便宜”。

This year's Buffett charity lunch, “eating a little less” was delivered at a price of $330.01 million, but the identity of the winner was rather mysterious — he was known as “anonymous” (anonymous). Interestingly, Smith Wollensky's restaurant staff had revealed that each course was between $30 and $50, for example, $59 for cold-water lobster tails and $49 for cattle.


It is well known that Buffett's lunches attract a lot of traffic and attention, that there are people who want to be exposed to the company in order to learn from their investment experience, that there are people who want to look at the frontlines, and that those who had lunch with Buffett get what they want?


Since the opening of the auction in 2000, three Chinese winners have served as guests in Buffett's lunches, namely, Yonghei, Chairman of the then High Step Group, Zhao Danyang, General Manager of the China Growth and Investment Fund, then the heart of Akiko, and Chu, Director of the Angel Entertainment Fund, who spent $62.01 million (2006), $211.01 million (2008) and $2.34577 million (2015), respectively, on the meal.


When asked whether lunch with Buffett at $62.01 million was worth anything at all, Yonghei said: “For investors like ours, to meet and talk to him every year, you'll focus more on his investment philosophy, and I think it's very valuable to think about what he's been talking about.”


Jo Danyang, the “principal father”: “What I get cannot be measured in monetary terms and will have a major impact on the investment that will follow.” Zhao Danyang used to value this expensive lunch.


It is worth mentioning that the head of God's Entertainment Board, Chu, became famous overnight for filming Buffett's lunch at a price of over $2.34 million. When he had lunch with Buffett, Chu told each other that “, and I wrote in a circle of friends, with a sense of emotion, that “The Boulevard is Jane, and you're good at it.”


In the first half of 2015, with Buffett, the gods invested seven companies, amounting to $625 million. After dinner, the share price of the angels for entertainment rose all the way, and on December 9, six months later, the market value reached its highest point — about $35 billion.


Theatrically, on the 10th of this month, the director of the company, Chu Xi, announced that the CSRC had decided to open an investigation into Chu for alleged violations of securities laws and regulations. As a matter of fact, those who are unable to sell their shares will end up on the stock market...


Now look, who was really going to get some dinner with Barclay?


International oil prices are falling and falling, and domestic self-sufficiency? Maybe it's expensive!


More recently, supported by the positive decline in OPEC production, the withdrawal of the United States from Iran's nuclear agreement and so on, international crude oil prices have continued to be strong in the early years of the year, and oil prices have reached their highest point in the year.


Since then, there have been reports that Russia is likely to withdraw from the production reduction programme, while oil-exporting countries are likely to cancel the reduction, plus a significant increase in United States crude oil stocks, a sharp turnaround in crude oil prices in a few trading days and a decline of more than 5 per cent in ICE oil.


Experts also expected that the crude oil market might soon reach its traditional high-consumption season, which also meant that supply constraints were likely to re-emerge.


So what, because domestic oil prices are not changing? A decade ago, $147 a barrel of international crude oil, 6.3 a barrel of domestic oil, $75.56 a barrel of international crude oil a decade later, 7.4 a barrel of domestic oil.

食品饮料股大面积涨停 火车售货员亮了

The food and beverage share has grown and the train salesman has lit up


This year's new wealth best strategy analyst has been dressing up as a train salesman promoting the report. She's always reminding you, "Berbeers, green ham, peanut-melt noodles, sir, legs."



You don't believe me? If you don't believe me, let's see what's going on with the A and the Hong Kong food and beverage.


You're crying, aren't you? You didn't even buy the editor.


If you don't have the ability to see people, don't complain about the loss of good shares. Let's focus on Grond. Let's grab the next bovine.


CHOI's hot on ice. Is this a daily reward or a money laundering?


In recent days, two very different styles, Choi Young Won Fan Ice, have a lot of headlines. It also means that the entertainment industry is a little different.


On May 24, Choi Young-won, “Webbo Hangers”, has a saying, and it's an understatement of Van Ice.


After that, Choi Young-won pursued it with a wave of tearing and tearing up: 60 million daily pieces from the award-winning event to Fan Ice, suspected large-scale contracts, tax evasion, and directing Van Ice to microblogging.


In fact, Choi Young-won played a wave of Weibo as early as May 11, except for Feng Xiaogang and Liu Zhenun. The day before that, Feng Xiao Weibo released a new film called "Cell Phone 2" and immediately called on Choi Yong-won to scold him.


Von Xiaogang's nickname, “The Little Steel Gun”, was never afraid of the hammer, and this time, both Von Xiaogang and Liu Zhenun chose not to fight back in the face of the words of Choi Young Won, “the scum”.


Looking back at the beginning of the incident, the sarcasm of the film "Cell Phone" began with Choi Young-won, and denied that he had taught Choi during the film. Now, mobile phone 2 is on the air, and the target of this attack is clear. The film, its director Feng Xiaogang, the woman's boss Fan Ice, the screenwriter Liu Xianyun, and the interest behind the reward of the entertainment business.


In the case of illegal transactions, whether the government is involved or not, it depends on whether or not the government is involved. According to recent developments, the Land Tax Office of the Lake Coast Region of Si Jin is currently involved in the investigation and evidence-gathering process, and the Van Ice Studio is in a state-of-the-art situation.


Real entertainment circles, cutting people and money, are much more complicated than movies.


Annex: Mr. Choi Young-won Teacher B-box:


"A real hair, a real collar.


a true dare, a true dare to give.


You don't have to act, you suck.


. .




Time goes by, Cui becomes Cui, but it's CHOI's teeth that don't change. It's stupid to know which is more complicated at the end of the circle of entertainment. And let's say a compliment if the big thing that came out is a real hammer.




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