來信與回覆 2007 年 9 月

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Angkor, I'm a college student! I've been following your website and the French Foreign Legion for two years! I've always wanted to go! But I still have some questions to ask you!


First, it's about the eyes; I'm 300 degrees in the eye. Do you need a orthopaedic surgery? Will the chances of getting selected with glasses be reduced?


must bring glasses to sign up if you see it! Otherwise you'll be eliminated. It's up to you to decide if you want to do it.


Secondly, it is a question of physical testing; would it affect my admission if I did everything very well, just a little bit of a flaw in swimming, but not in passing?



Thirdly, how long before the Legion can contact the family?



Fourthly, on the question of re-stay after five years; what is the possibility of a further legion?


will be fine if you don't make a big mistake.

小吴哥你好: 我是中国辽宁的 。我有几个不明的问题想要咨询一下。

Hi Wu: I'm Liaoning from China. I have a few questions I don't know about.

1. 新兵训练营的训练强度如何?(平均每天跑多少公里?每天行军多少公里?多少个俯卧撑/仰卧起坐?) 如果无法通过4个月的新兵训练营的话,那么根本就不用去法国了。

1. What is the strength of the training camp for recruits (on average, how many kilometres per day? How many kilometres per day? How many push-ups/sittings?) if it is not possible to pass through the four-month training camp for recruits, then France will not be used at all.

每天跑步 8 - 10 公里。基本上會有 5 ~ 8 次行軍,距離會慢慢加長 (從一晚 8 公里到最後五天四夜 80 - 100 公里)。

Runs 8 - 10 kilometers a day. Basically, there will be 5 - 8 marches, which will slowly increase the distance (from 8 km a night to 4 km the last 5 days).


> >. > > . . >.

2. 饮食问题 。 在训练营里每天能吃到什么? 能吃到多少? 我对吃黄油很不习惯,现在必须和红酒一起才可以吃下,我相信在训练营没有酒我也能(必须)吃下。

I'm not used to butter, I have to eat it with wine, and I'm sure I can eat it without wine at the camp.


I don't know how to describe it. If you don't want butter, don't eat it. No one's forcing you. And the mix of butter and wine is really weird, isn't it?


3. Is the physical test (12 minutes running/heavy/500 disorder/swaining) done in one day or in two days ?



What are the barriers of 4.500 (more than 7 minutes to zero).

我沒有相關圖片所以無法詳細解說。法軍最佳成績約在 3 分 20 秒左右。

I don't have a picture so I can explain it in detail. The French Army's best grades are about 3 minutes and 20 seconds.


5. How many are excellent when 40 sit-ups are passed?

只測到 40 下就喊停,所以無所謂優秀。

Calls off at 40 so it doesn't matter.

6。俯卧撑最少是50个, 70到80个够用不?我现在只能做35个5组。不过我会努力的。

Six. A minimum of 50 push-ups, 70 to 80 enough? I can only do 35 5 groups now. But I'll try.


看了8月15 日的回复,您自己出钱做网站,帮助我们这些迷茫的人,我非常钦佩您 你的网站给予了我很大的帮助。衷心地感谢你。 非常非常的感谢你。 如果能遇见您, 那是我的荣幸

Looked at the response of August 15, and you paid for your website to help us, lost people, and I admire you very much for your help. Thank you very much. Thank you very, very much. It would be an honor to meet you.


Hello, I don't know if you have time to see this letter, but I'd like to hear from you!


I'm confused about whether it's a real passport or a valid passport, and I have an idea that I need your confirmation, thank you for giving me a hand. If I'm gonna get an A-expatriate passport, then I'm gonna report that A-lose, then I'm gonna get a B-pass, and then I'm gonna go to France, because you said that all passports after going to France were in the hands of a tour guide, and then I'm gonna use an A-passport to sign up for the Regiment?


, I've already mentioned: I don't know if there's any mechanism or pipeline between countries for missing passports. But I've never met a Chinese who successfully joined the regiment with a missing passport.


Hello, Wu, I'd really like to join the Legion. I have a year's I.D. in France . A little bit of basic French. I don't know if the Legion will change my license. I don't want to work.


您好: 在您的网站上我看到有关到法国的事项其中说可以偷渡到法国,但是上面又提到没有护照是不能报名参加军团的,这是怎么一回事呢? 烦请给予答复 谢谢!

Hello: I see on your website that you can smuggle to France, but it says that you can't sign up for the legion without a passport. Thank you.


致小吳前輩: 您好!我是來自台灣的網友,經常瀏覽您的網站,對於您選擇進入法國外籍軍團服役感到敬佩,不過更令人敬佩的是您不辭辛勞、自掏腰包的經營網站,並回答許多網友問題(儘管有些問題看來真的有如鬼打牆一般,您回覆了一遍又一遍還是沒有用),對您的耐心與熱心致上最大的敬意。

To Xiao Oo: Hello, I am an online friend from Taiwan, and I have often viewed your website and admired your choice to serve in the French Foreign Legion, but even more admirable is the fact that you have given up your hard work, paid for your own business, and answered many of your online questions (although some of the questions do seem to be as bad as a wall, and you have answered again and again as useless) and paid the greatest tribute to your patience and enthusiasm.

您在2007年8月的回覆中提及前往法國的簽證僅需 400 人民幣,應該是指申根簽證吧? 目前申根簽證從2006年1月1日起已全面調漲成60歐元,折合台幣約2700元/620人民幣左右了,去年年中小弟前往歐洲旅遊時還只需要35歐元,漲了超過一倍……當然比起機票旅費等等還是算便宜啦,只是這麼貴的費用,卻只有入境九十天的效力(第一次申請旅遊簽證通常只給30天),真是讓人覺得相當昂貴啊,這一點新訊息提供在忙於軍旅生活的您作參考。(參考網址 http://www.fi-taipei.org/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=119)

You mentioned in your reply in August 2007 that a visa to France would require only 400 yuan, which should be the Schengen visa. The Schengen visa has now been fully adjusted to 60 euros since 1 January 2006, amounting to approximately 2,700/620, and last year's trip to Europe only 35 euros, which is more than double the amount.

非常感謝你的指正。我已經五年沒有申請申根簽證了。由於台灣護照要進歐盟需要簽證,所以我現在回台灣都是辦「回 (法) 國簽證 (visa de retour)」,只要 6 歐。

I haven't applied for a Schengen visa in five years. Since Taiwan's citizenship requires a visa to enter the European Union, I return to Taiwan with a "visa de retour" as long as 6 Euros.


My brother was trained by the National Army as an engineer and, of course, Taiwan engineers may not be as well trained as the French, but some of the equipment is slowly being changed, especially since the Taiwan government has recently discovered that engineers are still very useful in dealing with water-draught rivers and in trying to open bridges in the event of disasters (for free labour), so a lot of new equipment has been added in recent years to combat support units.

想順便請教您,一般的軍團成員在入伍之後,什麼時候會有有分官科、分專長的訓練(比如說,國軍是在下士受訓時有分官科,掛階時會有步兵、砲兵等的差別),還是一律一視同仁的當步槍兵用,直到擔任軍官時才有官科的分別?另外也期待您可以多介紹一些法軍的裝備,不過我想您應該難以撥允撰文,只能期待未來有機會看到您的文章囉。 敬祝軍安,並祝身體健康!

I'd like to ask you, by the way, when members of the general army will have a branch and a specialist training after they join the army (for example, the national army will have a section when a corporal is trained, infantry, artillery, etc.) or will be used as a rifle until you are a military officer? I also expect you to have more information about the equipment of the French army, but I think it will be difficult for you to write, but only to look forward to the opportunity to see your articles in the future. To the army, and to the health of the body!

和法國陸軍不同,兵團成員下部隊時的專長一律是 Grenadier (擲彈兵)。畢竟法國招募外籍人員來當兵是要拿來上戰場而不是來坐辦公室吹冷氣的。之後會再依你所屬單位的需要去受訓。另外,法軍的專長訓和階級訓是分開的,要晉升至上兵,或是士官,都必需要接受戰鬥訓練,及格之後才能晉升。我們在這裏笑稱:萬一發生戰爭,兵源不足時,縱使你已經體重 100 公斤,從事後勤已經十餘年,還是可以馬上去戰場,因為每人都有戰鬥專長...


Hello, Brother Wu. My questions may be a lot more complicated. I hope you'll be patient.


I've always been patient in answering all questions.


Can you send the Order of Honour? I don't know why I can't open it on the site. Thank you.



Is there anything else I can offer you? I'm fat and I don't want to be able to exercise to improve my health. Now it seems expensive to consult these people, and I think the Legion will be more effective in training, as much as possible. Thank you.



Can eyes be worn during the screening period?



Can I go if I don't study French? Will I not be accepted?


not in French, of course.


If I was told that I had not been accepted, could I come back and, if so, would I wish to be admitted, or would it not be possible?



What if I can't swim? Whatever way I do, can I just do it?


至於你說的「不管用什麼方法」的方法,試著游 100 米再潛水游 10 米。應該很不容易吧!


7. Should I use my national identity card as a valid proof of identity?


  1. 中國加入歐盟,成為歐盟的會員國之一。
  2. 中國把歐盟併吞了。



Will they be fired if the screening period is passed? I mean, it's not against discipline.




Is there a time limit on physical tests? How long would it be? I don't mean to delay the tests, but there's a point in mind.



Which brain test did you say I took 113 points with a chance of passing the test?



11. How do you test vision? With a machine or a visual watch? If I put a visual watch on my back, how does that count?



12. With regard to the question of scars, did it matter that I had a lot of scars on my leg, all of which fell down on the latter and something else?


You don't have to worry about it.


Are foreign armies to be hired? That means they're hired by other unofficial organizations.


Expatriate Army. So what do you think?


14. Is it possible for me to pass an oral examination in a little bit of French (basically in plain writing of daily language, such as hello, hello, anything)?



Hello, Wu!


You said the interviewer was French, so how to communicate with him.


When did I say that the interview officer was French? Since there was no Chinese-speaking interviewer, and you couldn't choose the interview officer, you'd be safe to learn that language and interview officer? Of course it's French. Otherwise you'd try to speak Russian, because there were more Russian-speaking interviews, and you might meet.


And there's 22 fractions of the bang you gave the downloads. How do you rank them?

不是有英語旁白嗎?例如 "Level eight two" 就是指第八級的第二趟。

isn't there an English adjective? e.g. & Quot; Level eight two & quot; it's level eight second.


Finally, you can tell me from your experience that interviews should be more focused on that aspect.


you can find answers to previous articles and answers.


I have a scar on my feet about half the size of my palm, caused by a 10-year-old wrestling.


I don't know, it's up to the doctor.


Finally, why haven't your friend been running for two hours and 45 minutes?

這是加入 GCP 的入選測試,這個單位本來就難進。和加入兵團沒有關係。


Hello, Wu: I have a friend with me in Harbin, mainland, and I know you have a way of sending us to France to contact us in this mailbox.



Hi, I'd like to ask you two questions. I've got two scars on my arm. I've had an operation. It's more than 10 stitches.


I don't know, it's up to the doctor.

而且我身上还有文身. 如果这两样影响的话,那我去做整形手术行吗?

And I've got a tattoo on me, and if it's any of these things, can I get a plastic surgery?


tattoos do not have problems without racist connotations.

你好 我是一名中国公民 军队是象我这个年龄的向往 可是中国现在和平 我不是说我的国家和平不好 但对于我来说在自己的祖国当兵守护着一个雷达站或是什么重要建筑结束我的兵旅生涯是件多么平凡的事 我期待刺激 我想加入雇佣军 那才是一个职业军人的天堂 可是我不知道作为一个中国人 是不是有权利加如雇佣军 如果有我将怎么加入 我将非常期待你的回答 谢谢

I'm a Chinese citizen, and the army is like my age, but China is peaceful now, and I'm not saying that my country is peaceful, but how ordinary it is for me to watch over a radar station in my own country or what important building is to end my military career.


you can find answers when you read my website. Otherwise, what am I doing for?


Hello, Wu:


Now that I'm applying for a visa, I'm supposed to be in Marseille around 11.20. Will there be fewer people at that time, and fewer competitions? Will it be Christmas in France at that time?

法國和其它國家一樣,聖誔節都是 12 月 25 日,所以應該沒有「是否要過節」的問題吧!

France, like all other countries, is December 25th, so there's no question of whether or not to celebrate!


and winter is supposed to be a low-season period, depending on whether the admission rate is higher or whether there are competitors of national origin.


Thank you very much for your answer to my question. A very serious question has come up: am I weak enough to be part of the army?


小吴哥,你好. 我来自吉林我想问问你,到了那里要学多少种语言,还是就学法语一种.

I'm from Gilling to ask you, how many languages do you have to learn there, or French?


it's already very difficult to learn French, if you want to learn more other languages, it's not forbidden here.


And when you're on mission, what do you have for one-man rations?

除非派駐在前哨站,否則在主要據點還是有伙房的,不必吃口糧。口糧口味至少有 15 種。

, unless sent to the outpost, there's a team room at the main point, and there's no need to eat. There's at least 15 different food tastes.


I'm 168, 150 pounds of weight.

称呼你小吴同学有点不妥当 但我觉的加个同学瞒不错的

It's a little inappropriate to call you Miss Wu, but I think it's a good idea to add a classmate.


What am I supposed to say if you don't think it's proper to call me that?


One. Did I ask you if you had a passport to smuggle in?


> I've already mentioned that smuggling and passporting are out of the question. Please figure it out before you move.

2。2REP 是特战部队么 里面有什么特战部队,加入最强的特战部队可能性有多大?

2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, are there any SWAT units inside, and what are the chances of joining the strongest SWAT?


I don't have to advertise here. It's up to you, I can't answer here.


Three. Was it five years of SWAT service?



Four. Does the SWAT have a lot to do?

每年至少有 4 個月的派外。


Five. Is there enough unity in the SWAT?



Six. How's the death rate in the SWAT?


7。特战部队里学的徒手格斗多么? 有中国人的厉害么?

Seven. How good are hand-to-hand fights learned in the SWAT?



Eight. Is the SWAT on weekends?



Nine. How much does it cost to have sex there at a time? Isn't she pretty? What class?


is still a more appropriate question for yourself.


Ten. Is that 20 points of the intelligence test going in?



Eleven. Why do you say you've been there for five years with the same level of language as a French kid?


do you think you can learn French in five years?


Is it possible to go to college in France when you get out?



Thirteen. Doesn't it look like there's no so-called severance pay from the mainland?

服役滿 15 年就有終身俸。

has been in service for 15 years.


14: Do recruits usually go in English? I don't know English or French, if I go to English or French?


Learn French first!

15。还没想到就这些了 希望能答复我

Fifteen. I didn't think that was it. I was hoping to answer.

我想我会好好注意书写语句的. 我最近在跑渐进性跑步,渐进性在测试的时候每级都是往返6次吗?

I think I'll take care of writing.



Xiao Wu: Hello!


I haven't written to you for a while. Most of the questions were answered in Questions and Answers. But there's still something unclear. Someone asked you if your hepatitis was 100%. But you said you weren't very clear. I wanted to ask you this because I didn't want to go to the country for nothing. It's not easy for me to go to the country. Ask your friends around.


had a blood test only after he was selected, and now he's had blood in the early part of the election period, so if there's hepatitis, there's no chance at all.

小吴,你好:我想知道军团都用有什么(各种型号)单兵武器啊( 1步枪 2冲锋枪 3手枪 4枪榴弹 )?

Hello, Wu: I want to know what single-arm weapons are in the Legion (1 rifle 2 sub-machine gun 3 rifle 4 grenade)?

法軍標準單兵裝備就是 FAMAS。


Any more legion soldiers with bulletproof vests to carry out their mission?



What about training and combat and regular exchange in the legions from all over the world? Please respond!


I don't know how to train, fight and communicate. I'm just a soldier!


Hello. I'm a high school student. I'm interested in being a foreign mercenary.


I'd like to ask you about French when you're in Taiwan.



Two, how did you find out about the French mercenaries in the first place?



Does it hurt when you're in training?



Are there any veterans who bully new recruits?



I'm from asked when you were a French soldier.



and when I join the army, I have instructions somewhere on the website.


6 with experience in the field Mom /font?



How long does it take for 7 training to have a real experience?


you're working with your own company, and it's not about training.


What do you want me to do if I want to attend? I'm an American citizen.


American passport.

亲爱的朋友:您好! 你能提供智力题。

Dear friend: Hello, you can offer intellectual questions.


{\font color= {\cHFFE7C5}You're thinking too much!


Wu, would you please tell the soldiers what the full name and Chinese translator is? And their ranking by merit. Thank you.

1‘RE 2’REP* 3‘REI** 13’DBLE***


無所謂的排名,完全是看你所屬的新兵排的成員所填寫的志願來決定。此外,1RE 基本上不能選;3REI 及 13BDLE 也不是每一梯都有名額,所以根本無從比較起。


Hello, Brother Wu, I'm preparing for physical training, and it's only 2,800 meters in 12 minutes (which I think is the best part to do), and I'm doing a six-mile run for 30 minutes and 12-kilometre run for 60 minutes. I'm not satisfied with this. I'm trying to get better, I hope my brother gives advice or targets, and my brother has an aggressive goal. Thank you!


你好,吴大哥,我想过一两个月去法国试试看,请问你有Code d'honneur du légionnaire的发音录音吗?可否提供下载,我觉得提前背起来会好一点。

Hello, Brother Wu, I'd like to go to France in a month or two and ask you if you have a voice recording for Code d & #39; if you can give me a download, I think it'll be better to back it up in advance.

我沒有,而且我的發音也不標準,所以不好意思放上來。你可以請個會法文的朋友唸給你聽,或是在網路上找個法語唸文的網站 (例如 AT&T)。

You can ask a friend in French to read it to you, or find a website (e.g. AT&T) on the Internet.


Also, how long does it take to learn a French pronunciation?

由於法語具有看字即知發音的特性 (基本上啦),所以到達你說的看到文章會唸的程度,個人估計約需 2 至 3 週。

, since French has the character of reading and pronunciation (basically), to the extent that you read the article, it is estimated that it will take 2 to 3 weeks personally.


Thank you. And I wish you all the best.


Although you mentioned that 160 centimetres would not be required to report to France, I am very interested in joining the French Foreign Legion, which is currently more than 159 centimetres and less than 160 centimetres, and would you like to ask your opinion? Would it be helpful if I studied basic French?

身高 160 公分是 1830 年代兵團成立初期所訂定的身高標準,所以不會輕易更改。

160 cm is the height standard set in the early 1830s, so it will not be changed easily.

其實身高是可以小小地作弊一下子的。有種醫療設備可以暫時地將身高拉長約 3 公分左右,但效果不是永久的,過幾天身高就會回復正常。不過我不建議你做這樣的事,畢竟對身體可能會造成傷害,而且你也無法確定你在什麼時候做體檢。

在測試beep test時才發現的問題,你說 : 及格成績如下:不及 7 級為淘汰,14級或以上為滿分。雖然已經合格,但想問清楚
合格是在綠音的lv seven one/twp/three/four..........或是要到在 lv eight one 要"完成" lv7才合格或是"到達"lv7才是合格?

The question only came up in the test beep test, and you said the following: Qualifications are as follows:

聽到 level seven one 就是第七級了。

吳先生你好,我是台灣剛的退役後憲 想請教您一些問題,問的問題比較深入,如有讓您不悅之處,麻煩了!!

Hello, Mr. Wu, I'm the post-retire constitution of Taiwan. I'd like to ask you some questions. The questions are deeper. Please!


You've asked a lot of personal questions!


What do you think would be the spirit of joining the army?



You're a soldier in Taiwan? Sgt. Ort?



Does your family (or you) miss you?


advances in technology bring people closer to each other.


How many times have you returned to Taiwan?



Would you like to acquire French nationality and retire?


I'm not sure yet.

6.你有做好退休的人生規劃? 在軍中有辦法或時間去做規劃?

Do you have a life plan for retirement?


I've got plans for this part. As far as time is concerned, it's a matter of control, depending on whether or not you want to plan, and not in the army.


What do you think is the reason why the Foreign Legion wants you to stay so far?


What's the last thing you want?



I admire those who can give up material life and pursue their own ideals.


Did I give up material life?


Thank you for answering the eight questions.

祝 平安健康 退休愉快 後備憲兵忠貞710T

Peace and health, and a good retirement.


Xiao Wu: I would like to introduce myself to the Special Unit Reconnaissance Battalion of an Armoured Division in the Beijing Military Region in 1999, to the Chinese Second Gun (Strategic Nuclear Missile) Force Command in 2002, to work as Deputy Minister Police, to be discharged from the military service in May, and to work in the advertising industry.


Looking at your website, giving me a good idea of the mercenaries, and the requirements of your screening, I see that I believe that access is no problem by comparing my own terms, and would like to ask if there is any advantage in entering the mercenaries on my terms?


I can't give you any guarantees that most of the people who come forward are ready, but they're limited in number, and someone's going to be eliminated. Since you've had experience with the army, show the nature of the soldier when you talk to him.


What is the distribution and status of entry?



Thank you very much! Because I love this career so much, I care about it. You should know that military service on the mainland. I can't help it.


Hello, little Wu.


I'm sorry to bother you again, but I'm waiting for you to get a taste of your home food in France!


I heard from a veteran that if you weren't a soldier, the regiment would send you to your embassy, send you back home, so that you would not stay in France to work in the dark and affect the employment rate of the local population, which would be a terrible thing for any French ruling party ``I want to verify if it's true. '


There's no such thing as


I don't know much. He's from Shandong. He's in South Africa in May. When can he go back to France?


When did France go to South Africa?


It was reported that the French authorities were now gathering illegal immigrants and whether it was true that there were reports that 25,000 illegal migrants would be repatriated.



And finally, if you don't understand French, `it means that you don't need an interview with a chief during the screening period, because he doesn't speak Chinese, you don't speak French, and there's no question or deception.


您好. 我是四川人.想請教一點問題.我21嵗.身高1.7米.體重60公斤.有點瘦. 基本上看完了你網站上的所有内容.雖然有何我比較類似的問題.但是答案不夠明確. 我從小就想當兵.但是大了發現現在中國的兵沒有當的意義.外面社會又可以說人心複雜吧. 我很期待能呆在比較團結的人群當中.所以想加入軍隊.我爸爸讓我在中國體檢過徵兵. 只有3點問題.加上你網站上有兩點.所以想請教一下.

Hi, I'm Sichuan. I'd like to ask you a question. I'm 21, 1.7 metres tall, 60 kilos heavy, a little thin.


I've had an operation on my left arm. Thirteen stitches. Is there a problem? If there's a tattoo cover?


There's a tooth problem. There's a frontal tooth.


The heart has a third class. Maybe it's because it's not ready. It's less practice.


Your first three questions are medical. I can't answer them. It's up to the doctor to decide. There's no need for tattoos to cover the scars unless you want to.


I have a stump tattoo on my left chest. I just like stumps. I don't know what that means.


that's okay.


The tattoo was only one or two years after the physical examination.
& nbsp;


The problem on your website.


I can't swim. Can you learn in the army?



The question of intelligence. It's probably nervous. All scores are 80 points.


/font >br'

我不是那種隨便換工作的人.第一次工作就是2年.現在還在. 很想去法國外籍軍團.期待你的答覆.衷心感謝.我打算明年來報名.之間的時間鍛煉下身體. 處理下牙齒.學下法語.看能不能學會游泳.而且明年冬天又是奧運會.也是淡季. 就寫到這裡了.耽誤你時間.見諒.

I'm not the type to change jobs. The first job is two years. I'm still here. I'd like to go to the French Foreign Legion. I look forward to your answer. Thank you very much.

祝: 早日達成人生目標

May we reach the goal of adult survival at an early date.

吴哥你好!我是今年去应聘的~~考试什么的都通过了~~去面试的时候教官说我护照有问题~叫我去换,换了法国护照来。我现在在去的话以前的成绩还算吗? 谢谢~~请回复

Hello! I'm running for the exam this year and everything. The instructor said I had a problem with my passport at the interview. I changed the French passport . Thank you.


You don't know what's going on with you. What kind of passport do you have? What do you call a French passport? Are you a French citizen?

谢谢你的答复. 但我还是想问,是不是在查血时只要查到没有肝炎就OK了呢?我曾听朋友说过,解放军体检是只要得过都不能参军.完全治愈后年不复发才行.不知道,外籍兵团是怎么规定的? 第一次看到你的网站时,我就想到了这个问题.但我始终不愿面对这一事实.当兵是我从小的梦想,加入外籍兵团更是梦想中的梦想.倘若这一梦想破灭的话,我真的不知道自己还可以干什么了.对我来说,在地方上的生活真的是了无生趣.干着自己不喜欢的工作,说着自己不想说的话.....劳驾你好好打听打听,我在这儿先谢过了!!

Thank you for the answer, but I'd still like to ask if it's OK to find out if there's no hepatitis in the blood check. I've heard my friends say that an L.A. medical examination is impossible to join the army as long as it lasts.


而且,你一直沒有說明你到底得的是那型的肝炎,現在 A, B, C 型都有藥可以治療,所以還是把病治好比較實在。


I still want to stress that hepatic people shouldn't even be in the military profession. Don't joke about your own life.

国内飞法国的机票多少钱人民币 现在过了每年的报名日期了么 过去了 参加测试期间食宿确实免费么 我这有点空手套白狼的 意思。。。。。看过你的介绍了 体能不成问题 但是 我担心 的是 医疗问题 我有龋齿 左右的2个大齿 在 普通高中招收飞行员的 时候我就是这项没过 不知道会不会是很严重的问题 其他的 倒没什么

I've seen your introduction and I don't have any problems, but I'm worried about medical problems, and I've got two big teeth around my teeth, and I don't know if it's a serious problem, and it's nothing.

有把命豁出去的觉悟 。。。。毕竟 合同完了 待遇不错

There's a sense of life out there. After all, the contract is over and paid well.




Hi, I'm a college student in China, and I'd like to ask if I want to join the Foreign Legion, if I want to study French, and if I need a visa from China to France.



A month's salary is about less than a month's salary.


吴哥你好, 会驾驶装甲车对入兵团有帮助吗?我的一位朋友会驾驶法制AMX13轻型坦克,以前在s'pore 当过坦克兵。

How do you do, Angkor? A friend of mine will drive a light tank for rule of law AMX13. He used to be a tankman in S' Pore. He can't speak Chinese, so I asked him if he could answer. Thank you very much.

你的朋友年紀多大啊?AMX 13 不是在 1964 年就停產了嗎?我想這個專長對錄取沒有多大的幫助。

How old are your friends? Didn't AMX 13 stop in 1964? I don't think it would help much with access.

你好,吴哥: 我目前正在做准备工作,预算是1-2年时间.也就是说到那时候,我也29-30岁了!到那时间再去还不知道怎么样呢.但至少作为自己的一个目标来前进.纵使失败也没什么可抱怨的,你说是吧? 这段时间翻着法语字典看了下军团的官方网站,有几个问题跟你请教一下.

Hello, Angkor: I'm working on a budget of 1-2 years. By that time, I'm 29-30 years old. I don't know what to do at that time, but I'm at least going on as one of my own goals. There's nothing to complain about, though.

1:在官网看到,预选之前有个 '确认动机 '还有在体育测试后,又提到 '动机与安全访谈'这种问题,是否类似应聘工作面试时的情况?不知道你有没有这方面的情况透露一下,比喻在你当时情况面试官有提到那类的问题?当然,你可以不回答.

1: As the Network sees, there is a & #39 before the pre-selection; confirmation of motive & #39; and after the sports test, there is a reference to & #39; motivation and security interview #39; is this question similar to the situation at the job interview?


, which I've already mentioned many times. Yes, it's nothing different from the general working meeting. The content of the question is not important, but the way you answer it and your attitude.

2:官网上新兵基础训练是4周吧?后面有提到其他的训练内容,是否是根据以后在军团选择兵种而针对训练,还是可以选择其中的那1 2项来训练?

2: Is the basic training of officers on the Internet four weeks? There are references to other training components, whether they are targeted at training on the basis of the selection of troops in the corps at a later date, or which of the 12 training items can be selected?

基礎訓練是 4 個月,不是 4 週。既然是基礎訓練,就是一些你通通該知道的東西,所以當然是每樣都要學,不可以挑的。


3: Must a swim pass after the recruits have been trained? Or can't pass the test? (I can swim, but my friend who was drowned before was scared.) I dragged the body to shore. So there's a shadow to this day, always afraid to go to deep water.) Not all the soldiers need swimming skills, okay?


I told you. Swimming and running are basic physical requirements.


You drag your friend's body ashore, it's a good thing, but it's a psychological shadow. I suggest you think carefully about the motive for joining the army. More stress on the field. Can you afford it?


4: Are the recruits trained later or are they trained specifically when they are trained? Paranoids: snipers, tankmen, engineers, machine gunners, etc.



5: Did you study French at the time < < Reflets> >? Did you learn anything? French is too hard, it's always a bit of a pronunciation with English, and now you're studying on your own until you go to a French training course. Give advice to other friends who want to learn French, and try to forget 26 letters!


顺便提一下有关签证的问题,仔细看下法国驻中国使馆的网站有关签证的情况,就会有好的发现的.比如说 申根签证,而申根国家包括15个欧盟成员国,动动脑子就会解决签证问题的.没什么可罗嗦的了,马上要仲秋节了,在这祝愿吴哥;节日快乐!!!在军团的每天希望能开心的度过.

By the way, if you ask questions about visas, look closely at the visa situation on the website of the French Embassy in China, you'll find something good. For example, Schengen visas, and the Schengen countries, which include 15 EU member States, solve visa problems. There's nothing to worry about. We're about to go to the Autumn.

小吴: 你好!请问11月来到招募处时,马赛的天气好像已经很冷了吧?我去年5月时去到兵团的时候,都是洗冷水都还感觉有点冷,在兵团有热水洗吗??要知道突然在冬天洗起冷水真是要命,万一感冒了那就不用考了,如果真是洗冷水,我只好从现在就要开始适应一下了。还有最近听说东欧有近十个国家提前加入欧盟,那岂不是会多了很多人报名??

Xiao Wu: Hello! When I arrived at the recruiting office in November, the weather in Marseille seemed cold. When I went to the army last May, it was a little cold. Was there hot water in the army?



Furthermore, the number of people reporting to the People's Corps in Eastern Europe after its accession to the European Union has basically increased rather than decreased.

小吳你好: 我是一個台灣人,對這個法國外籍兵團很有興趣,想要計畫前去法國甄選,不過有幾個問題想請你幫我解惑,謝謝:

I'm a Taiwanese, interested in this French foreign army, and I want to go to France to vote, but I have a few questions for you to help me out.


1. May I ask if, after many years, I could take my parents to France?


family reunion has nothing to do with the military. The rules have become more stringent since the new president came to power.

2.再來還有一個問題,我對法國的GIGN也有點嚮往,請問,當我從外籍兵團退伍以後, 我可以去申請參加GIGN嗎?

There's another question. I'm a bit attached to the French GIGN. Can I apply for GIGN when I'm discharged from the Legion of Expatriates?

首先,你必需先拿到法國國籍,然後你的歲數還在 Gendarme 的容許範圍內 (29 歲)。你可以報考加入 Gendarmerie,若你被錄取,之後再申請進入 GIGN。GIGN 是個很小的團體,要進去很難,所以個人認為是不太可能的事。

First, you need to get French citizenship, and then your age is within the scope of Gendarme (29 years). You can join Gendarmerie, if you are admitted, and then apply to GIGN. GIGN is a very small group. It's hard to get in, so it's not likely to happen personally.


3. Also, with regard to what you say about civil service organizations, such as Blackwater, how well are their employees saturated? Will too many of them cause problems in getting in?


I haven't been there, I'm sorry.


4. In conclusion, I would like to ask, is it not that the higher the grade of my selection, the more free I am to fill in the desired spot?



Finally, I would like to thank you very much for providing this site so that people around the world can learn more about it and wish you good health.

小吴 你好,我是大陆山东人,从小就喜欢枪,但是由于种种的原因进不了部队,我很郁闷!我在网上看到你的网站,就想问问你,如果不会法语可不可以进去兵团啊,我身高1.65体重110斤,如果你收到了我的信,请给我回信!!!

Hi, I'm from the mainland Shandong, I've loved guns since I was a kid, but for all the reasons I couldn't get into the army, and I'm depressed! I saw your website online, and I wanted to ask you if I could go inside the regiment if I can't speak French. I'm 1.65 pounds. If you get my letter, write back!


will not speak French or sign up, and will not be recruited to see yourself.

你知道有没有雇佣兵公司在中国大陆有招兵的吗?知道的话希望你能告诉我 谢谢

Do you know if any mercenaries are recruiting in mainland China? If you do, please tell me. Thank you.


I don't know. Do you think it's possible?


Xiao Wu: Hello! I signed up at the registration point in Paris on September 17 because there were too many people to sign up and there was no medical check-up in Paris, so I was taken to Marseille headquarters the next day.


The day after that, a preliminary medical examination wasn't really a medical examination, but it was a visual, and there was only one pair of shorts to be taken off there, one in turn into a room, one in a white doctor, and I turned around, and said I couldn't, so I came back in three months, and the chief explained that I had a problem with my leg, because the French was bad and I didn't understand what the problem was.


I want to say that I was a paratrooper in China and a special combat unit in the paratrooper, with no problems in all aspects of quality and body, and that I've been doing a full medical examination for this registration for more than two months, and if my legs aren't fit for military service, why did you ask me to sign up in three months?


It's just a simple visual rejection of a very good soldier. Lucky, maybe you're right. It's really important!


Anyway, thank you and wish you well in your legion!

醫官讓你轉一圈就說你不行,要你三個月後再來報名。這表示他發現你身體某方面有問題,而且是可以復原或治癒的。否則他會直接給你 inapte definitif。所以我建議你找個醫生仔細檢查一下,看到底是什麼問題,把問題解決再回來報名就好了。


I've always stressed the importance of French, although it is not necessary to know it at the time you sign up, but if you were able to communicate with the medical officer at the time, it might be possible to explain the misunderstanding on the spot, without wasting three months.

小吴: 你好!首先,祝你中秋快乐!

Hello! First of all, happy Middle Autumn!


The last time you answered my question about hepatitis, you didn't mention what I wanted to know. I had hepatitis B. I know it's hard to cure, but I have a way to make blood tests negative and raise my body well enough to cover five years of military service. So, you just tell me if you can't get past it if you don't find hepatitis at the time of the medical check-up.


if the results of the blood-smoking tests for hepatitis are negative, of course it's not. Besides, there is still a routine body check every year.


Joining the Foreign Legion is my only goal now. The continent now has rapid economic development, and social problems are acute. In an environment like this, I don't know what my life stance, values, or where I'm going. Your website has allowed me to reclaim my goals. I've done a lot to achieve it. That's bullshit.

刚才看到有的朋友因为身高差那么一点点很苦恼.我有个办法:面对墙壁,鼻子 膝盖 脚尖接触墙壁缓慢下蹲后起身再下蹲.鼻子膝盖脚尖始终不能离开墙壁.这样可以把脊椎拉长,还能锻炼腿部肌肉.这是我在一个气功网站上看到的,是一种腿功的基本功法.有网友说练了一个月长了两公分.身高不是差很多的朋友可以试试.

I just saw some friends get so upset because they're a little tall. I have a way: facing the wall, the nose, the knee, the toe, the toe, slowly crouching behind the wall. The nose, knee, toe can't get out of the wall. It can stretch the spine, and it can work out the leg muscles. This is what I see on a gas website, it's a basic method of leg work. There's a guy who says he's two centimeters long a month. He's not a lot taller than a friend who can try.



Wu, this update seems to have a lot of questions and answers about the liver.


I've got two-to-one hepatitis B, which is a case of previous vaccinations of hepatitis B or previous infections, but there's no immunity. Is that completely unrequited? If that's a problem, half of the Chinese have liver problems.

像這種醫學專業的問題我真的不清楚,所以我無法回答。而且你的說明也不夠清楚。你說有乙肝兩對半,「兩對半」指的是一種檢驗方式 (HBsAb, HBsAg, HBeAb, HBeAg, Anti-HBc),那檢驗的結果是什麼呢?

I really don't know, so I can't answer. And your instructions aren't clear. You say two-and-a-half pairs of hepatitis B, and "two-and-a-half" means a test. What's the result of the test?


Speaking of Christmas issues, it should take about 20 days to select, and if I arrive at the end of November or early December to extend the selection because of the holiday?



Another earlier question-and-answerer said that after signing the contract, you had to confiscate all your clothes. In December, it was winter. Is it enough to wear only the clothes that the legion gave you? Like two pieces, it would freeze to death. Is it warmer in the south of France? About what temperature would it be? And if they were chosen, would they return them to you at the farm, so that they could be uniform in the uniforms of the legion?



There is also the question of shoes, the last time a brother said he'd send everything, shorts/cleaners and shoes at the time of signing the contract. Is it unnecessary to wear his own sneakers? Ha ha ha, because the best running shoes are certainly very light and thin and there are electric machines in them, which are really not suitable for the winter. You think you should still wear your own shoes -- that's a lot harder.


您好,我关注您的网站快2年. 现在,我有问题想咨询你,我179公分,82公斤. 今年已经28岁,已经在德国学习4年了,德语,英文流利,法语正在入门级别,12分钟可以跑2800米,迎体向上12个,仰卧起坐40个/分,俯卧撑30个,游泳正在努力的学习.攀绳因条件无法测试.

Hello, I've been following your website for almost two years. Now, I have questions for you, I'm 179 cm, 82 kg. 28 years old, I've been studying in Germany for four years, German, fluent English, French at entry level, 2,800 m in 12 minutes, head-up 12, sit up 40 points, push-down 30, swim hard to learn. Strengths can't be tested.


Unfortunately, I've been carrying hepatitis B for over a decade, without any symptoms, and your website is not sure if it's going to pass the test.


I don't know.

想在年底去法国尝试下,如果因为上述问题,那我只好忍疼作罢. 谢谢您的解答. 祝您一切顺利!

I'd like to try to go to France at the end of the year, but if it's because of the above questions, I'll have to put up with it.


Do you have combat training every day? What's basic training? I'm very interested in fighting when I'm 19 years old. I'm not going to the Legion for money.



Can you get a military knife or a double-barrel device when you sign up?


you didn't even read "know your name." Bringing these things will only reduce your chances of being recruited.


Please tell me the nearest place to sign up as soon as possible. Thank you.


小吴你好:我现正在做准备到法国参加军团(法语 身体 证件)。但我发现签证的申请十分困难如果想要跟旅游团赴法到法后护照无法回到本人,若以个人名义赴法以我的经济状况肯定拒签。若以商务形式去需有法方的邀请函。所以我想问你下军团能不能给我出具份邀请函,这样签证申请也会增加几成把握。烦请回答,谢谢!

Hello, Wu: I'm preparing to join the French legion now. But I find it very difficult to apply for a visa if I can't return my passport to France once I've come to France with the tour, and if I go to France personally, my financial situation will be denied. If I go to business, I need a letter of invitation from the French side. So I'd like to ask you if you can give me an invitation from the next legion, so the visa application will be more certain. Please answer. Thank you.


all the costs and administrative procedures before you step into the recruitment station have to be handled by yourself. The regiment will not give you any help. So of course, it will not be possible to give you an invitation.


Hello, Brother Wu: I didn't expect the last letter to come back so soon. The website's almost all over the place. There's nothing to ask. But there's three things I'd like to ask before I leave, and it's better to think about it in advance.


1: What is the lowest weather temperature in Paris and Marseille in January?

-5°C ~ 15°C 左右。

> > 5°C 15 > > > >.


2: In winter, when you're doing a physical test, are you wearing a short-sleeved shirt outside the room, as well as in the pictures you've provided?



3: How far is De Gaulle Airport from the Paris recruiting office? How much does it cost to take a taxi?

約 35 公里,大約 50 歐元左右。

about 35 km, about 50 Euros.

小吳您好:不好意思又來打擾您,但是,您的網頁好像有點筆誤,在(外籍兵團生活)--(野戰口糧)裡的第一張圖,一天份的法軍口糧(北大西洋公約組織認可),下面有一段[APPROUVE OTAN],北大西洋公約組織應該是NATO而非OTAN?也許是我搞錯,但是我覺得還是應該寫信來告知以排出疑慮,不好意思打擾了,祝您身體健康

Hello: I'm sorry to bother you again, but your web page seems to be a bit of a glitch, in the first graph in the "Foreign Army Life" -- a day of French food (Approved by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and there's a paragraph below [APPROVE OTAN] that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should be NATO instead of OTAN?


NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization

OTAN : Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord


Xiao Wu:


That's what I called you before the year '02. Isn't France more beautiful than the nation's Gangnam?


is beautiful to feel on your own.


I finally chose there, and if everything goes well, I'll be in Paris next month.



That's it.

Dear Monsieur.Wu:

I have watched your website for years.You have done a great job.It must be very very hard to go on like this. But I'm afraid maybe on some angles that kind of informations will lead someone into a track they can never imagine.


But I admire the spirit of Angkor. Your patience is very respectful of our little brothers, and to be honest, many of them are going to have a bit of a broken head. Asking very remote questions will upset you.

Maintenant,je suis etudiant chinois de CLCF a Paris.Je habite a Beijing.Nous "les etudiants du premiere annee"apprenons le francais AND OUR MAJOR en Chine for the first year.J'apprende le francais (IM SO SORRY)(since this august,only un mois..hahaha)

Sorry for using so much anglais...I want to know how far did you guys learn on REFLETS?only la premiere livre?or to la seconde livre?You told us everyone should have at least 500 hours of francais study,right?I just want to know how far "you guys in the legion" learn on REFLETS the book.Enfin,merci beaucoup,mon ami.


> I've already mentioned that the French curriculum of the Legion is self-edited and not the same as on the market.

老实说,我根本没有打算进兵团,小弟和你是同行,以前是学工科的,后来我才去CLCF搞Realisateur(不晓得拼写是不是有很多错误,抱歉),有人说,当你意识到自己真正想做什么的时候,你要付出很大的牺牲。我想吴哥对这种话一定是深有体会的,小弟目前视力、体能、签证、语言,一切都还好,到明年这个时候可能就万事具备了吧,也许等到在巴黎的学习毕业了,大脑坏掉或者犯了点小错误,会拿进兵团作为一种选择吧。with no offence,I respect your job for 100%.Which is also what ma mere did for her life,a soldat's life.Someone said:to live one day as a lion better than 100 years like a sheep.

To be honest, I didn't intend to join the army, my brother and you, who used to be in engineering, and then I went to the CLACF to do Realisateur (and I don't know if there's a lot of mistakes, I'm sorry), and some people say that when you realize what you really want to do, you're going to sacrifice a lot of money. I think Wu must have understood that.

Like you,mon amie.A true lion in both your life and the world of Chinois.I salute you!

May saint denny and notre Dieu be with you as always!

吳你好~我是在台灣的網友,我瀏覽你在網站上的所有文章與所有的問題回覆~ 有個問題想請教你:

Hello. I'm an online friend in Taiwan. I'm browsing all your articles on the site and answering all your questions.

我現年28歲,只有高中學歷,現在身邊沒有任何存款,我想請問一下在報名前我應該 準備多少的金錢去法國呢?(包含了申請簽証、机票、生活費)你說要10萬含机票,再來是還要30萬的帳戶存款(是必要的嗎~?)

I'm 28 years old, with only a high school degree, and there's no savings around, and I'd like to know how much money I'm supposed to have in France before I sign up?



Hello, Wu!

我在上海,看您的网站已经有1年多了。 虽然没有加入兵团的打算,但也非常感谢您给了大家一个进一步了解兵团的机会!有一些问题想请教一下:

I've been looking at your website in Shanghai for over a year, and although there is no intention to join the regiment, thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to learn more about the regiment.

1.您提到加入兵团的甄别面试中,最重要的是看有没有"军人的样子",可以详细的说明一下这个"军人的样子"具体包括些什么内容呢? 比如是不是应该站得笔直目不斜视,在长官问话的时候非常强劲有力的回答等等?

You mentioned that the most important thing in the screening interviews for joining the army was whether there were &quat; the look of the soldiers & & Quot; you could elaborate on this & Quot; the look of the soldiers & Quot; what was the details, for example, whether there was a need to be a straight line, a very strong answer to the Chief's questions, etc.


is basically eight to ten.

2. 在解放军中,回答长官问题的时候,要先说"报告首长,XXXX";美军要说"Sir,XXXX"or"XXXX,Sir";国军好像是说"报告长官,XXXX"之类的,总之是在回答长官问话的时候,要有敬称。 不知道法军或兵团中,有没有类似的说法呢? 能否说一下对应的法语?

In the SLA, when answering the questions of the chief officer, say & quot; head of the report, XXX & quot; the U.S. Army says & & quot; Sir, XXXX & quot; or XXXX, Sir & quot; the U.S. Army seems to say & Quot; chief of the report, XXX X & quot; or, in any case, when answering the questions of the chief, to say quot.


我在网上检索了一些您加入兵团前的一些事迹,真的非常佩服。 祝您工作顺利!

I'm really impressed that I retrieved some of your stories online before you joined the regiment.

小吴, 上次说道发现有乙肝2对半,立刻去医院做了全面的DNA检查---竟然还不能入保险。结果是肝功能完全正常,医生的结论是接种乙肝疫苗后产生抗体的正常反应,既是体内携带乙肝抗体。不能认为是肝炎的症状。如果没有抗体可能在出国体检的时候---去某些非洲国家,还建议注射乙肝疫苗。 如果是这个情况,那么在入选检查的时候验血会不会被认为是乙肝患者尔永不录用?

Wu, the last time hep B was found to be half-to-half, went immediately to the hospital for a full DNA test -- which was not yet insured. The result was that liver function was perfectly normal, and the doctor concluded that hepatitis B had a normal antibody reaction, both in the body. Hepatitis could not be considered a symptom.


if it's really an antibodies injection, then don't worry.


Hello, Angkor.


I mean, for example, the normal selection process is 3-25 days, but most of us on the mainland should not have been able to get visas for more than 15 days. What if they were to be eliminated during 15-25 days, that is, if the return ticket was no longer valid and it was not possible to use a credit card or something like that, what about return to the country?


First, in terms of validity, a visa is issued and a ticket is issued. You can buy tickets for six months or a year.


RER A2 RER A4 RER A6这3条城郊捷运有没那条是跟戴高乐机场是同一个方向的?这3条捷运路线应该比机场离招募处要近一些吧?还有巴黎这个城市有没"区"之分?就好象北京就是几个区组成的(海淀区,朝阳区等),换句话就是招募处是在那个"区"?(办理签证时候需要预定酒店)对自己去学很少一段时间的法语没什么信心,问清楚点好.

RER A2 RER A4 RER A6 is in the same direction as De Gaulle Airport. These three routes are closer to the airport than they are to the recruit. Is there a "zone" in the city of Paris? It's like Beijing is a few districts. In other words, the recruiter is in the district?

首先,根本就沒有 A6 這條線,你是從那裏聽來的?機場在 B 線,你可以從機場搭 RER B 線到 Chatelet 轉 A 線。

First of all, there's no A6, where you heard it? The airport's on line B. You can take the RER B line from the airport to Chaelet A.

兵團在巴黎的招募站並不在巴黎市內,所以沒有區。它是位於 94 省 CRETEIL 的 Fontenay Sous Bois。

帮你回答个问题!有位朋友提到过(我有有乙肝2对半,属于以前接种过乙肝疫苗或者曾经感染过但现在不存在已经有免疫力的情况。那这种是否属于完全被认定永不录用)他说的这种情况应是HBsAb+,HBsAg-, HBeAb-, HBeAg-, Anti-HBc-.跟全是(-)的一样都是健康人群,并且前者比后者要好一点,有抗体了.唯一要注意的就是最好每年都检查一下

Answer a question for you! A friend has mentioned (I have two-and-a-half pairs of hepatitis B. I've been vaccinated against hepatitis B before or have been infected, but there's no immunity at present. That's whether it's completely or not.) He said it should be HBsAb+, HBsAg-, HBAb-, HBAg-, Anti-HBc-. is a healthy population, and the former is better than the latter and has antibodies. The only thing to note is that it is best to check every year.


Thank you for the information.




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