個人理財: 投資

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:29 评论:0



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  1. 登入中信銀行國際網上理財
  2. 選擇證券交易(須進行雙重認證) > 選擇證券交易市場(香港證券交易 / 中國A股交易 / 美國證券交易)
  3. 輸入買賣交易指示內容 > 按遞交鍵
  4. 核實交易指示內容無誤 > 按確定鍵
  5. 系統接納交易指示後,會顯示交易編號(你可於「交易情況 / 更改交易指示」查詢有關交易狀態資料)


When it is entered, the sale can be made on the trading page, as follows:

  1. 輸入適當的證券編號或代號(如果閣下不知道證券編號或代號,請按「查詢編號」進行查詢。)
  2. 在「股數」欄輸入閣下想買入或賣出的股數。
  3. 輸入「限定價格」(如適用)
  4. 選擇「有效日期」(如適用)。
  5. 按「遞交」按鈕預覽閣下所輸入的指令或按「清除」按鈕清除所有以選擇之項目及重新開始。
  6. 按「確定」進行閣下的交易指令。


The transaction will then be confirmed to make sure that the transaction instruction has been accepted and processed.


When the Bank confirms that the purchase instructions are processed, the purchase will be frozen. The Bank will deduct the amount of the certified certificate from its account on the closing day.


Please select the appropriate account on the transaction page and then click on the "list available for the transaction" and the balance of the currency available for the transaction is immediately apparent.


You will receive a transaction number on the Internet immediately, which means that the bank has received instructions from the minister.


The categories of sales include active, listed, fully traded, partially traded, expired orders and rejected transactions.

  • 待處理 - 交易指示待本行處理。
  • 執行中 - 交易指示處理中。
  • 已掛牌 - 待完成交易指示。
  • 全數成交 - 交易指示全數被執行。
  • 部份成交 - 交易指示部份被執行。
  • 已過期指令 - 交易指示還未執行因已過了原有之指定時間。
  • 交易被拒絕 - 交易指示因特定原因被拒絕。

你只須在證券交易版面(須進行雙重認證),再進入「交易情況 / 更改交易指示」版面,便可查詢交易狀況或成盤結果。你亦可選擇接收電郵/短訊以獲通知成盤結果。

You can also choose to receive e-mails/sMS messages to get the results.


On certificate trading board (double authentication required)

  1. 按「交易情況 / 更改交易指示」。
  2. 在選定之交易指示列選擇「更改」,畫面上便會隨後出現「更改買賣指令」版面。
  3. 於所需的欄目內輸入更改的指令。此時現有指令詳情會列在畫面的左方,使比較起來更為方便。
  4. 交易確認隨後便會顯示,以確定此交易指令當中的更改已被接收,並進行處理。在這裡,閣下可進入「交易狀況」連結查核閣下的指令狀況。


Please note that the Bank will do its utmost to forward the cancellation instructions to the respective trading markets as quickly as possible. Any total cancellations, incomplete transactions, or partial transaction change instructions cannot be guaranteed to be fully enforced, either on the basis of the original transaction instructions or on the basis that they have been partially or fully enforced.


On certificate trading board (double authentication required)

  1. 按「交易情況/更改交易指示」。
  2. 在選定之交易指示列選擇「取消」,畫面上便會隨後出現「取消交易指示」版面。
  3. 按「取消交易」鍵以確定進行取消指令的步驟。
  4. 如果閣下選擇取消了一張不當的指令或閣下原本並不想取消的指令,請按「取消」鍵。如果當中發生錯誤,此時版面會顯示詳情。
  5. 交易確認隨後便會顯示,以確定此交易指令已被接收,並進行處理。在這裡,閣下可再按入「交易狀況」查核閣下的指令狀況。


Please note that the cancellation instructions submitted by the client will be forwarded to each trading market as quickly as possible. Any full cancellation, incomplete transaction or partial transaction change instructions cannot be guaranteed to be fully enforced, based on the original transaction instructions or partial or all of them.


When the market is closed on the effective date, all unmatched sales boards will be deleted. If you want instructions to be executed on the next working day, you need to re-enter them after the market is closed.


In the case of cancelled transactions, the amount of cash reserved by the pending order will be transferred back to the "buyable surplus".


When the market is closed on the effective date, the trade instructions will be shown as "problems of the transaction" and the "deprecated cash reserve" will be transferred back to "obtainable surplus".


如有查詢,請致電2287 6788
* 證券經紀佣金最低收費為港幣100元

1及2 :雖然 inVest及inMotion均為本行的流動應用程式,佣金率同為0.15%,但屬兩個交易途徑,故此,佣金將分別按經inVest及inMotion買入之成交金額計算,即HKD302.50 (=100.00+202.50)。

3及4:經inVest沽出相同股票,交易佣金可以按沽出之成交金額合併計算,即HKD225.00(=(15,000+135,000)X 0.15%)。

For example:

general customer buys the same stock four times on the same transaction day, as follows:


如有查詢,請致電2287 6788


If the client has held shares in any market during the six-month period (January-June, July-December of each year) and has not made any stock sale in any market, the bank will charge a voucher charge every six-month period. The voucher charge is collected semi-yearly and will be deducted in July and January of the following year. For example:

for stock held in any market and stock not sold in any market. >


The ‘average cost’ is based on the Bank’s knowledge of the average purchase price and fees, and the amount shown is only for reference purposes.


If you hold a United States certificate purchased on or before 27 February 2015, the average incremental cost of the goods in question will be calculated at the market price on 27 February 2015.


Yes. The transaction limit for each certificate transaction is 5,000,000 Hong Kong dollars.


If there is a record of the transaction in the account that day, the Minister will receive the order of the day. The monthly bill will also be sent to the Minister within the first seven days of the month.


You can ask for a copy of the certificate.

你可親臨中信銀行(國際)分行,或致電與本行客戶服務主任聯絡(香港證券及滬港通服務請致電:2287 6088;美國證券服務請致電:2287 6688)。

You can call the Central Bank (international) branch or call the Director of Services (Hong Kong Certificate and Hong Kong Port Services to call: 2287 6088; US Certificate Service to call: 2287 6688).


In order to strengthen security measures for online transactions, the client must double-check the certificate before carrying out the online transaction or checking.


Please see "Investment Services Charges".


The system will calculate the maximum amount of stock available for the stock selected on the basis of the purchasing power of your certificate, or show, for reference purposes, the maximum amount of stock available for the stock selected according to your certificate holdings. In addition, the layout will provide a fast-trading button to allow you to make a faster deal based on the full warehouse, half warehouse, one third of the warehouse and one quarter of the warehouse stock for the purchase power or certificate.


InVest Motivation Investment provides you with certificate investment services in Hong Kong, China A and the United States of America, including:

  • 證券交易
  • 查詢交易指示狀況
  • 更改及/或取消交易
  • 查詢成交記錄
  • 查詢持倉狀況
  • 自選組合
  • 新股認購(只適用於港股)
  • 回覆公司行動
  • 到價提示


Inventive investment provides you with information such as stock exchange, stock tracking, popular stock, index, self-grouping, price alerts, market news, panels, etc.


(Note: You have to log in to get real-time market information about the US share)


There are clients who need to hold:

  • 網上理財賬戶
  • 1戶通
  • inMotion動感銀行應用程式(已啟用裝置綁定)


If you want to do so, you can log into the InVest Momentum to access the relevant investment services.

* 當你首次登入inVest動感投資時,你將會收到短訊和電郵通知。

* When you first log into the InVest Motion Investment, you will receive SMS and e-mail notifications.


A stock track will list the largest market upswings or your own pool, stock holding and recently searched shares, so that you can monitor market information at any time. As for hot stocks, the top ten shares in the market are listed for reference.


You can set up 30 more shares per market in your own group.


You can enter stock numbers, stock names or keywords on the "price" and "trade" pages to search for stocks.


You can check the remaining free-in-time prices on the stock market page and in the settings.


InVest Motion Investment will send you a notice of market information, including technical analysis, company action, dividends, and news alerts, based on your certificate warehouse and self-checking.


You can check, change or cancel the transaction instructions via online finance, inMotion Motion Bank, CITIC money flow, automated or customized certificate buying and selling.


(inMotion Motion Bank does not have a transactional instruction service)


You can sell Hong Kong certificates through the following channels:

  • 網上理財
  • inVest 動感投資
  • inMotion 動感銀行*
  • 自動電話理財證券買賣專線
  • 專人接聽證券買賣熱線

* 就有關inMotion動感銀行上的證券買賣,請參閱inMotion內的常見問題以獲悉更多資訊。

* For more information about the sale of certificates inmotion-motion banks, please refer to the usual questions inmotion.


You have a choice:

  • 競價限價盤
  • 增強限價盤
  • 市價盤
  • 獲利限價盤
  • 止蝕限價盤


You only have to choose the "Hong Kong Stock Exchange" on the "Certificate Exchange" (double authentication) page, and then enter the "Sticking Stock" section, and you can enter the "Sticking Stock" section. Please note that the Bank does not accept the buyout.


The ‘effective date’ function allows you to set the transaction board for a maximum of eight transaction days. A transaction that takes you to the next transaction date will be processed in the form of a competitive price-limit during the pre-market period. If the transaction is partially complete, full-sized, cancelled or rejected, the instruction will not be taken to the next transaction day.


The Bank accepts only competitive price limits within 199 prices and within 23 prices. Trade instructions beyond the above range will be denied.

股價由(HK$) 最低上落價位
0.01 0.001
0.25 0.005
0.50 0.010
1.00 0.010
2.00 0.010
5.00 0.010
10.00 0.020
20.00 0.050
100.00 0.100
200.00 0.200
500.00 0.500
1000.00 1.000
2000.00 2.000
5,000.00 至 9,995.00 5.000

你只須在「證券交易」(須進行雙重認證)版面選擇「香港證券交易」,再進入「交易情況 / 更改交易指示」版面以處理改盤或取消盤指示。請注意,已確定之沽出碎股指示不能作更改或取消。

You must only select a " Hong Kong certificate transaction" on the "Certificate Exchange" (double authentication) page, and then enter the "Situation of Transactions / Change of Transactions Instructions" section to process changes or cancel the instructions. Note that confirmed shares may not be changed or cancelled.


Yes. You can choose to handle instructions across channels. For example, you can handle instructions through automated telephone systems or on-call lines.


The certificate and payment will be paid on the day of the T+2 transaction.


A certificate for sale under the Nasdak-American Stock Exchange Test Scheme is designed for investors who are familiar with investment techniques. Before you buy a certificate for the test, you should consult about the holder or registered person’s views and familiarity with the test. You should know that the certificate for sale under the Test Scheme is not controlled by the first or second-listed type of certificate on the Hong Kong Union Exchange Limited’s main board or start-up board.

雙櫃台證券指由交易所根據交易所規則指定的擁有港幣及人民幣櫃台並符合 Dual Counter Market Making 計劃資格的證券。

The two-storey certificate is a certificate designated by the exchange, in accordance with the rules of the exchange, for the possession of the Hong Kong currency and the People’s Currency counter and which meets the qualifications of the Dual Counter Market Making scheme.

雙櫃台證券名單將由交易所不時公佈,且僅同時於港幣及人民幣櫃 台發行的證券 (不包括交易所買賣產品 (「 ETP」)) 將獲考慮被列爲指定證券。

The certificate list will be published from time to time by the exchange and will only be issued in Hong Kong and the People’s Currency Counter (excluding the exchange for the sale of goods (‘ETP’)) and will be considered as a designated certificate.


The exchange may designate any certificate as a two-room certificate or cancel any designated two-office certificate, and each time it designates or cancels the advisory certificate and the future cargo supervisory board (the " SEC " ).


The exchange rules stipulate that two counter certificates can be traded in two different currencies, except that the certificate in question must belong to the same type of certificate.


The certificates at the two counters are of the same type, and the certificates held at the two counters can be converted without changing the beneficial ownership rights.


Investors can identify two counters through a share code and a short list of shares.

一般原則是不同的股份代號會被分別分配予港幣櫃台及人民幣櫃台。對於股本證券,人民幣櫃台的股份代號為以「8」開始的五位數字,港幣櫃台的股份代號則為以「 0 」 開始的五位數字。

The principle is that different shares codes are assigned to the Hong Kong currency counter and to the People’s Currency counter separately. In the case of equity certificates, the People’s Currency counter shares code is five digits starting with “8” and the Hong Kong currency counter shares code starting with “0” instead.

o 港幣櫃台 - 0XXXX
o 人民幣櫃台 - 8XXXX

Consistent with the current distribution arrangements, the last four digits of the shares code for the two counters are usually the same.
o Hong Kong Currency Counter - 0XXXX
o People's Currency Counter - 8XXXX

兩個櫃台的股份簡稱也有不同。人民幣櫃台的股份簡稱將後綴「-R 」以表示該證券以人民幣交易。港幣櫃台則不會有特殊的股份簡稱標記。 以下是股份簡稱的示例:
o 港幣櫃台 - 「XYZ」
o 人民幣櫃台 - 「XYZ -R」

The shares of the two counters vary. The shares of the People’s Currency Counter are briefly called “-R” to indicate that the certificate is traded in the People’s Currency.


The bank only provides the same counter-trading service, i.e. trading Hong Kong currency or renminbi. Only two stand-alone transactions, bought from one counter and sold from another, are not supported for the time being.


You can exchange the Hong Kong dollar vouchers into the People’s Currency Certificates through the Telephone Bank or private banker’s customer exchange instructions, and vice versa, for about three working days for the conversions, after which the certificate can be detected at the corresponding counter, and a fee sheet for the services of the investment product.


When buying and selling "double counters" (people's currency and Hong Kong currency counters), please note that issuers may distribute dividends in yuan only.

香港投資者識別碼制度適用於香港聯合交易所(「聯交所」)上市或買賣的證券。銀行將須就在聯交所發出證券交易指令或進行須向聯交所作出匯報的非自動對盤交易的客戶,向聯交所的數據資料庫提交有關客戶識別信息 (包括姓名、身份證明文件的簽發司法管轄區、身份證明文件類別及身份證明文件號碼) 。

The Hong Kong Investment Identification System (HKIN) is suitable for certificates of listing or sale at the Hong Kong Union Exchange (HKX). The bank is required to submit customer identification information (including name, signature jurisdiction for identification documents, identification documents, categories of identity documents, and identification document numbers) to the data base of the Federation Office in connection with the transaction order or non-self-reciprocal transactions that must be reported to it.


The Hong Kong Investment Index system is not suitable for derivatives sold in the Hong Kong Futures Exchange trading system, non-marketed structured products (e.g. stock holding instruments and stock stamping documents) and deliveries related to the delivery of market certificates based on these products.

現時,香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會(「證監會」)通過聯交所的交易系統,只可以知悉哪些交易所參與者 (即與聯交所系統直接對接的券商)就證券買賣下單。 當出現可疑交易時,證監會需要向券商索取該項交易背後的實際投資者資料,限制市場監察工作的有效性。通過投資者識別制度,證監會可更快得悉下單投資者的資料。這有助提升證監會的市場監察功能、保持市場的廉潔穩健並加强投資者保障,使市場行穩致遠。

At this point, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Supervisory Board (CVM) can only know, through its joint transaction system, which exchange participants (i.e., those directly related to the ICMS system) buy and sell bills for securities. When suspicious transactions occur, the CVM needs to seek information from the issuer about the actual investors behind the transaction, limiting the effectiveness of market surveillance.


The data in the database will be encrypted and will only be accessed by the SEC and the authorized members of the consortium. Any data search will be documented in detail, and unauthorized entries will be investigated. The confidential database will set up data security and data access surveillance measures.


The SEC lists the acceptable identification documents in the client's identification information in order of priority, based on the initial identification documents in the list below, and, unless you do not possess the document, uses the next document referred to, to the same extent.


If you are a customer of the company, the priority is (i) a legal fact-recognition encoded document; or (ii) a certificate of incorporation; or (iii) a business registration certificate; or (iv) other equivalent documents.


If you are a personal client, the priority is (1) a Hong Kong identity card; (2) a national identity document; or (3) a passport.


If you are a Chinese resident who does not have a Hong Kong identity card, you should provide the bank with the data on his inland ID (national identity certificate) or on his passport (e.g. no internal identity card) to identify your client.

根據《證券及期貨事務監察委員會持牌人或註冊人操守準則》(《操守準則》)第5.6(p)及5.7(h)段,銀行在向聯交所及/或證監會及/或其任何子公司及/或銀行使用之證券經紀轉移個人客戶的個人資料時,須取得個人客戶的明示同意 (公司客戶除外)。如屬聯名賬戶,所有賬戶持有人需提供適用於香港投資者識別碼制度同意指示而所有賬戶持有人的客戶識別信息均需提交聯交所的數據資料庫。

In accordance with paragraphs 5.6 (p) and 5.7 (h) of the Code of Conduct for Holders or Registerees of the Securities and Futures Supervisory Board ( " the Code of Conduct " ), banks must obtain the express consent of their clients (except corporate clients) when transferring personal data to the association and/or to the SEC and/or to any of its subsidiaries and/or banks for personal use. In the case of a joint account, all account holders are required to provide instructions appropriate to Hong Kong's investor identification system and all account holders'client identification information is required to submit to the Authority's database.


The introduction of the Hong Kong Investment Index (HKIP) system was tentatively scheduled for the second half of 2022, with the latest regulatory announcement as the date for its implementation.


Failure to provide the bank with personal data prior to the implementation of the Hong Kong Investor Recognition System, the above-mentioned consent instructions or acceptable identification documents for client identification information may mean that the bank will not or cannot (as the case may be) execute your transactional instructions, first-time public admissions, or offer you a certificate-related service after the formal entry into force of the Hong Kong Investor Identification System, except for the sale, transfer or withdrawal of your existing certificates in storage, if any.


These restrictions apply also to joint accounts, where all account holders fail to provide the bank with personal data prior to the implementation of the Hong Kong Investor Recognition System, the above-mentioned consent instructions or acceptable identification documents for customer identification information, and the above-mentioned restrictions on securities trading activities apply to your joint name accounts. Even if you submit such consent instructions and acceptable identification documents after the relevant system has come into force, they may not be immediately effective.


In order to avoid unnecessary restrictions on your account, it is possible to use the InMotion Movement Bank, the InVest Motivation Bank, online financial services, or the Automatic Telephone Certificates Purchase and Sale Speciality to submit an EPI directive prior to the implementation of the Hong Kong Investor Identification System.


Even if you later claim to withdraw your consent, the bank can continue to store, process, use, disclose or transfer your personal data for the purpose of the client’s declaration.


In order to avoid unnecessary restrictions on your transactions, the bank needs time to process the above-mentioned express consent instructions and/or the update of the acceptable identification documents.


You can visit a branch of the Central Bank (international) and your client service manager (if appropriate) or consult a branch officer.


The investor status arrangements under the Hong Kong Investor Recognition System will also be applied to the first public offer for the first time and will be implemented in the fourth quarter of 2022, on the basis of the latest regulatory announcement.

證監會: https://www.sfc.hk/TC/Rules-and-standards/Investor-Identification-and-OTC-securities-reporting

CVM: https://www.sfc.hk/TC/rules-and-standards/Investor-Identification-and-OTC-security-reporting

香港交易所: https://www.hkex.com.hk/Services/Trading/Securities/Overview/Trading-Mechanism/HKIDR?sc_lang=zh-HK

Hong Kong Exchange: https://www.hkex.com.hk/services/Trade/Securities/Overview/Trade-Mechanism/HKIDR?sc_lang=zh-HK


The "first public offer" (IPO) refers to a company that first issues new shares to public investors and sells certificates on a securities exchange.


I-banking clients can buy new shares (Yellow applications) through this service for the first time.


Clients must:

  • 為本行的i-banking客戶(個人客戶);
  • 為個人申請者;
  • 擁有有效個人名義1 戶通“投資” (黃表申請者);
  • 個別公司於首次公開招股或許會接受非香港居民申請,詳情請參閱有關招股書。

於決定認購新股前,你應該細閱有關之招股書,才作出投資決定。你可於登入i-banking後,到 "證券交易"(須進行雙重認證) > "新股認購"中取得有關之招股資料

the first step is
before you decide to buy a new stock, you should look into the offer and make an investment decision.


Step 2
uses the "Acquisition on the Internet" key and the new shares that your Excellency wishes to apply for, and details and general terms, to fill out the application form and issue the payment instructions in question, so that we can deduct the purchase from one of your "deposits" at a given time. ]


Step 3
confirms that the details of your application are available online and that your reference number is posted for the record. ]


Please make sure that your designated account has sufficient funds to allow us to pay at the specified time, or the application will be cancelled without further notice.


It is not possible to modify or cancel the application form once it has been accepted.


If there is any error on the application form or if your "deposit deposit" is not sufficient, the application will be cancelled without further notice.


The refund will be deposited directly into one of the client's “deposits” on the specified refund dates.

如客戶之申請全部或部份獲接納,所獲配發之證券將會直接存入客戶的1 戶通"投資"內。

If all or part of the client's application is accepted, the issued certificate will be deposited directly into the client's "investment" account.


This post is part of our special coverage EIPO.


You can't.

特殊目的收購公司 (SPAC) 是一種沒有經營業務的公司,其成立的唯一目的是在預定的時間內就收購或業務合併與目標公司進行交易(SPAC 併購交易),從而使目標公司上市 (繼承公司)。 SPAC 股份是由 SPAC 發行的上市股份類別,而 SPAC 權證是由 SPAC 發行的上市權證類別,持有人行使有關權證後可認購或購買繼承公司的股份。

The Special Purpose Purchase Corporation (SPAC) is a company that does not run a business and is established solely for the purpose of trading with the target company in the purchase or consolidation of the business (SPAC buy-off) within the prescribed time frame, thereby placing the target company on the market (inheritor company). The SPAC shares are classified as listed shares issued by the SPAC, while the SAC is licensed as a listing certificate issued by the SPAC, which allows the holder to purchase or purchase the shares of the company after exercising the relevant title.

只有根據證監會的操守準則下的專業投資者才能購買在主板上市的 SPAC 股份和 SPAC 權證。

Only professional investors under the SEC's code of conduct can purchase SPAC shares and SPAC rights listed on the board.


CUSTOND – The market for mutual entry and surrender/deep exchange is the certificate transaction and accounting interconnectivity established or to be established by the joint exchange, surrender/deep exchange, Hong Kong accounting and China accounting.


Hong Kong Stock Exchanges (HUNCs) – Inland equity investors can deliver to Hong Kong, through Hong Kong to South China, certificates issued by the Inland Certificate Office and the Stock Exchange of the Shanghai Stock Exchange/Shenzhen Stock Exchange (HUNSEX) to Hong Kong for the sale of shares in Hong Kong joint trading (HKCTS) issued by the Trade Directions for the sale of shares in Hong Kong’s joint stock exchange.


Stock exchange – Hong Kong and overseas investors can sell the transaction instructions issued to Hong Kong through the local certificate offices and securities trading services that have been traded to Hong Kong through Hong Kong to the north (excluding those that have been subjected to risk alerts and have not been sold in Chinese currency); the stock exchange certificate includes the shares of the stock exchange in the market where the transaction has been made; the shares in the stock exchange are valued at 180 points and the shares in the 380 points, and all the securities in the market that have been transferred to Hong Kong at the same time (not including those that have been subjected to risk alerts and not sold in Chinese currency); the shares in the stock exchange card include the shares of the stock exchange in deep evidence and the small and innovative indicators in deep evidence, which are valued at more than 600 million yuan in Chinese yuan, and the shares in the deep proofs of the new ingredients in Hong Kong, and all certificates in the same time that have been sold in Hong Kong and Hong Kong (not including those that have been subjected to risk assessment and not sold in Chinese currency)


You can buy bonds/deep coupons through the following channels:

  • 網上理財
  • inVest 動感投資
  • 自動電話理財證券買賣專線
  • 專人接聽證券買賣熱線


Only price-limits are accepted.


In contrast to the Hong Kong share transfer arrangements, the North-to-North trading meeting is conducted on the basis of the clearing period of the A share market at the drop-out/deep-off point.


You can only sell T+1 or later on the day of the transaction. In addition, you can buy other TPI/DEU coupons on the day of the sale.


North-to-North transactions are not allowed to change the purchase instructions. If you want to change the purchase instructions, you must cancel the previous unexecuted purchase instructions and, if they are successfully cancelled, your Excellency can resubmit the new purchase instructions.


You have to pay for third parties’ fees, such as manual fees, certificate fees, home fees, transaction stamp taxes, and fees for the business, such as agency commissions. Read more about the cost of investing in goods and services. The fees will be paid in the currency of the People’s Republic of China.


You will not be able to buy a stock exchange/deep certificate if:
a) the certificate is no longer part of the index;
b) the certificate is warned of the risks involved;
c) the share of H corresponding to the certificate is no longer traded in the joint transaction; and
d) the balance of the daily amount is reduced to zero or below.


All shares/deep shares are 100 shares per hand (the purchase instructions have to be sent out with the whole hand), but only indications are given that the shares can be collected (the shares have to be sampled at once). The lowest down payment for the shares/deep shares is 0.01 yuan. The maximum limit for each single purchase instruction is 1 million shares.


Your purchase instructions may end up with broken shares.


North-to-North trading arrangements in bad weather conditions are as follows:

  1. 若上交所/深交所通知由於惡劣天氣下一交易日可能暫停A 股交易,聯交所將會相應地通知香港市場。
  2. 假如 8 號(或以上)颱風訊號及 / 黑色暴雨警告在香港市場開市前發出,北向交易將暫停服務。當該訊號停止,北向交易按照現行香港做法恢復交易。(詳情請參閱香港交易所網站:http://www.hkex.com.hk/chi/market/typhoons/tradingarrangement_c.htm)
  3. 假如 8 號(或以上)颱風訊號在香港市場開市後但上海/深圳市場開市前發出(9 時至9 時15 分之間),北向交易將暫停服務。
  4. 假如 8 號(或以上)颱風訊號在上海/深圳市場開市後才發出,於訊號發出後15分鐘後將停止交易。之後只會接受取消買賣指示直至上交所/深交所收市。

情況 北向交易 香港市場現有安排
八號颱風訊號 / 黑色暴雨警告於香港市場開市前發出(即早上9時前) 不開放 不開放
八號颱風訊號於早上9時至9時15分之間發出 不開放 開市前時段後停止交易
八號颱風訊號於早上9時至9時15分之間發出(即早上9時15分) 15分鐘後停止交易,之後只接受取消買賣指示直至上交所/深交所收市 15分鐘後停止交易
黑色暴雨警告於香港市場開市後發出 如常交易 如常交易
八號颱風訊號 / 黑色暴雨警告於中午12時前解除 兩小時後恢復交易 兩小時後恢復交易
八號颱風訊號 / 黑色暴雨警告於中午12時後解除 不開放 不開放

/ black storm warns the Hong Kong market to release (i.e. 9 a.m.)
> >


No, China-China doesn't support the first public offer.


You can access more information about Hong Kong through the Hong Kong Exchange's "China Stockmark Market" website, such as investors' data files, investors' usual problems, equity shares, investment balances, etc.


( URL: )
Comparison of sales of Shanghai/ShenzhenA shares with Hong Kong shares

  透過滬港通北向交易買賣上海A股 透過深港通北向交易買賣深圳A股 於香港買賣港股
可買賣證券 - 上證180指數的成份股
- 上證380指數的成份股
- 同時在港交所及上交所上市的A股(不包括被實施風險警示及並非以人民幣買賣的證券)
額度 每日額度:人民幣520 億元 每日額度:人民幣520 億元 沒有額度限制
結算貨幣 人民幣 人民幣 港幣
每手股數 每手均為100股 每手均為100股 每手股數按個別證券而定
價格限制 落盤價位不可超過前一日收市價的+/- 10% 落盤價位不可超過前一日收市價的+/- 10% 沒有規定
最低上落價位 人民幣0.01元 人民幣0.01元 按證券價格由港幣0.001元至5元不等
交易時間 開盤集合競價:09:15-09:25
開市前時段:09:00 – 09:30
早市:09:30 – 12:00
午市:13:00 – 16:00
交易日 兩地市場均開放交易且兩地市場的銀行於相應的交收日均開放服務的工作日 兩地市場均開放交易且兩地市場的銀行於相應的交收日均開放服務的工作日 所有港交所交易日
交收及結算 證券交收:T日
回轉交易(即日鮮) 不允許,剛於T日買入的證券僅可以於T+1日或之後賣出 不允許,剛於T日買入的證券僅可以於T+1日或之後賣出 允許
收費及稅項 - 經手費(上交所收取):成交額的0.00487%
- 證管費(中國證監會收取):成交額的0.002%
- 過戶費(0.002%由中國結算收取,0.002%由香港結算收取):成交額的0.004%
- 交易印花稅(國家稅務總局收取):成交金額的0.1% (賣貨)
- 經手費(深交所收取):成交額的0.00487%
- 證管費(中國證監會收取):成交額的0.002%
- 過戶費(0.002%由中國結算收取,0.002%由香港結算收取):成交額的0.004%
- 交易印花稅(國家稅務總局收取):成交金額的0.1% (賣貨)
- 交易徵費(香港證監會收取):成交額的0.0027%
- 交易費(港交所收取):成交額的0.005%
- 印花稅(香港特區政府收取):成交金額的0.1%


ETF正式納入互聯互通標的後,所有香港及海外投資者,包括機構及個人投資者,均可買賣滬股通下的合資格上交所上市 ETF ,以及深股通下的合資格深交所上市 ETF。

After the ETF's formal entry into the ETF, all Hong Kong and overseas investors, including institutions and individual investors, are allowed to buy and sell the shares listed in the ETF, as well as the shares listed in the ETF.


You have to pay third parties’ fees, such as fees, fees, and fees for your business, such as commission fees.


Since July 25, 2022, the CSRC will restrict the participation of inward investors in the stock exchange system from trading northwards.


Local investors in the Bank's opening of an account are not allowed to buy and/or deposit their shares in Deep A.


Investments in the interior include Chinese citizens (including one of the co-founders of the mainland) who hold identity documents in China, and legal and illegal organizations registered in the interior of China, not including Chinese citizens who have been granted permanent resident status documents abroad.


If a legal person or an illegal organization is registered in the Mainland and its branch office or subsidiary is legally registered in Hong Kong or abroad, its branch office or subsidiary does not belong to the Mainland investor.


The bank will record, on the basis of the client’s identification documents, the restrictions imposed by the regulatory agency on the participation of investors from the Mainland in the North-to-North exchange of shares outside the country.


If you are an investor in the interior, you will not be able to buy in/to a deep A share, but you will still be able to taste a deep A share.


You must update your bank identification file to buy the deep A share.


The most recent announcement of the Hong Kong Exchange to ban the foreign participation of domestic investors in the interconnectivity of stocks can be consulted.

參考: https://www.hkex.com.hk/-/media/HKEX-Market/Services/Circulars-and-Notices/Participant-and-Members-Circulars/SEHK/2022/CT08822c.pdf

References: https://www.hkex.com.hk/-/media/HKEX-Market/Services/Circurels-and-Notices/Participant-and-Members-Circurels/SEHK/2022/CT08822c.pdf


The company’s US certificate-trading service provides the purchase and commissioning of United States certificates, including those listed on the New York Stock Exchange and on the Nasdak Stock Exchange. Only the bank does not accept any purchase instructions for certificates with a market value of less than $50 million and a stock value of less than $0.5 million.


You can sell American certificates through the following channels:

  • 網上理財
  • inVest 動感投資

現有客戶可於網上渠道開立交易賬戶。客戶另須填妥W8-BEN表格並透過inMotion動感銀行上載或交回分行(親身交回或寄回),以啓動美股交易服務。(最新的W-8BEN 表格可於 Internal Revenue Service下載 : https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw8ben.pdf)。請注意,本行的證券買賣服務不適用於美國人士。

The customer must also fill out the W8-BEN form and upload or return the branch (in person or in person) through the Inmotion Motion Momentum Bank to activate the US share trading service. (The latest W-8BEN form can be downloaded from the International Review Service: " target="_blank"https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw8ben.pdf/a>. Please note that the certificate sales services of the company are not suitable for US personnel.

W-8BEN 表格是用作向美國國稅局 (Internal Revenue Service) 申報非美國人士身份的文件。此表格是需要每 3 年更新一次。否則,於 W-8BEN 表格過期後,本行不能再爲閣下提供美股交易服務。

The W-8BEN form is used as a document for reporting the identity of non-Americans to the United States Revenue Service. This form is updated every three years. Otherwise, after the W-8BEN form has expired, the bank can no longer provide United States stock exchange services to the Under-Secretary-General.

  1. 北半球夏令時段 - (香港時間) 21:30 - 04:00
  2. 北半球冬令時段 - (香港時間) 22:30 - 05:00

北半球夏令時段由每年三月的第二個星期日的凌晨 2am 開始。
北半球冬令時段由每年十一月的第一個星期日的凌晨 2am 開始。
閣下可於(香港時間) 19:30至美國證券市場收市前經本行的網上銀行進行交易。

The period of summer in the northern hemisphere begins at 2am, the second Sunday in March of each year.
The period of winter in the northern hemisphere begins at 2am, the first Sunday in November of each year.

由2024年5月28日開始,美國證券交易的結算週期由交易日後2個工作天 (T+2) 改為交易日後1個工作天(T+1) 。

Starting on May 28, 2024, the crediting period for US securities transactions was changed from two working days after the date of the transaction (T+2) to one working day after the date of the transaction (T+1).


Yes, as long as the U.S. Stock Exchange is a trading day.


Non-Americans are exempt from paying any US tax on capital gains from the sale of US certificates, but the dividends are paid 30% of the withholding tax. This is not a tax recommendation.

美國證交會收費即本行投資產品服務收費表上所指的銷售稅(Sales Tax),是根據1934年證券交易所法而釐訂,這項費用適用於沽出交易所上市之證券。這項費用爲個別收費,與經紀佣金及其他交易徵費不同。美國證券交易委員會將不時重估有關收費。

The US SEC fee, the sales tax (Sales Tax) referred to in the bank’s investment product service bill, is set under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which is used to sell securities on the exchange. This fee is used as a separate charge, and is not the same as that charged by the agency’s commission and other transactions. The US Securities and Exchange Commission will periodically re-evaluate the charges.

如有任何問題,可聯絡本行的美國證券服務專線(852) 2287 6688 尋求協助。

If you have any questions, contact the Bank’s American Certificate Service Line (852) 2287 6688 for help.

週一至週五: 上午9時至翌日上午6時#
週六: 上午9時至 晚上8時#

Service hours (Hong Kong time):
Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 a.m. #/sup>
Saturday: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Hong Kong/United States public holidays


The U.S. Public Trading Partnership/Commercial Certificate refers to any partnership that has a normal deal in the securities market or that can be easily traded in the second-hand market, regardless of the number of partners.

根據美國國家稅務局(英:Internal Revenue Service) (IRS) 之最新規定, 就《國內稅收法》 (英:Internal Revenue Code) (IRC) 第 1446(f) 條,對非美國投資者持有的公開交易合夥事業/ 企業 (英: Public Traded Partnership) (PTP) 中的權益/利益轉移將徵收額外預扣稅。該規定將於2023年1月1日起生效,據此,非美國投資者在進行持有/出售、交易或轉讓 PTP 相關標的等行為時,將被征收以下美國稅收:

  • - 收到股息/利息/孳息時:將按分配之金額徵收 37% 的稅額;
  • - 在出售、交易或轉讓PTP相關標的等行為以獲取補償時:將扣除所獲得的“總價”的 10%。

According to the latest regulation of the U.S. National Revenue Service (IRS), the transfer of rights/interests from non-United States investors’ public trading partners/businesses (U.S. National Revenue Authority (IRS) will require an extra deduction of taxes. The regulation will enter into force on 1 January 2023, according to which non-United States investors will be taxed on the following US taxes:

    trade partners/interest/interest recipients: 37% of the allocation; non-United States investors will be taxed on the sale, sale, sale or conversion of PTPs, and so on: < < < < < interest/ interest > > > on the sale, sale, sale or conversion of PTPs.


In order to reduce the risk and impact of collusive taxes that arise from investing in these goods, banks will no longer be subject to trade orders to purchase PTP-related labels as soon as possible.


The bank will cease or limit the sale, transaction or other transfer possibilities (including any of the exceptions listed in the Act) of the PTP label completely as of 28 December 2022.


This information is based on the former US National Tax Administration bulletins and decrees. The measures will change in response to the laws of the day. The bank will not give additional notice of any changes in the laws and regulations governing PTP products, so investors should focus on their investment situation, the development of the laws and regulations, and their impact on their own interests.

如閣下持有PTP相關標的,請盡快諮詢並參考閣下的稅務顧問以了解持有、交易或其他有償轉讓以及對資產配置相關權益的影響及建議,或自行考量是否於2022年底前出售PTP 相關標的。

If you have a PTP-related label, please consult and consult your tax counselors as soon as possible to understand the implications and suggestions of holding, trading, or other remunerative concessions, as well as the benefits associated with the asset allocation, or to consider whether to sell the PTP-related label by the end of 2022.


The information is based on the former United States National Revenue Service bulletins and decrees, and investors should follow the relevant announcements of the United States National Tax Administration Network.


The list of PTPs that have been temporarily affected has been published on several platforms, and banks cannot guarantee the integrity of the list because it is based on information from their counterparts in the market and a circular issued by US financial institutions. In addition, the list is subject to changes as a result of updates, and investors should pay attention to the relevant announcements of the US National Tax Administration Network.

相關例子有ProShares Ultra Gold (UGL) 、Invesco DB Agriculture Fund (DBA)、United States Oil Fund LP (USO) 、ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Crude Oil (UCO)、ProShares Ultra VIX Short-Term Futures E (UVXY) 、ProShares Ultra Silver (AGQ)、Invesco DB US Dollar Index Bullish Fund (UUP)、Teucrium Wheat Fund (WEAT)、United States Copper Index Fund (CPER)、ProShares UltraShort Bloomberg Crude Oil (SCO) 、Enterprise Products Partners LP (EPD)等。

Examples include ProShares Ultra Gold (UGL), Invesco DB Agricultural Fund (DBA), United States Oil Fund LP (USO), ProShares Ultra Bloomberg Crude Oil (UCO), ProShales Ultra VIX Short-Term Foundations E (UVXY), ProShales Ultra Silver (AGQ), Invesco DB US Dollar Index Bullish Fund (UUP), Teucrium Wheat Fund (WEAT), United States Copper Index Fund (CPER), ProShares UltraShort Blomberg Club Oil (SCO), Enterprise Products Partners Partners Ltd.


“Virtual assets” are assets whose value is expressed in digitized form, which may take the form of digitized currency, such as functional currency, stable currency, or currency supported by a certificate or asset, but does not include currency issued by a central bank in digitized form.


“Property-related products” are investment products that are (a) the main investment target or strategy is investment in virtual property; (b) their value is primarily derived from the value and specificity of virtual property; or (c) follow-up or simulation of investment results or returns that closely match or correspond to the performance of virtual property.


For the time being, the Bank has not been able to provide such a virtual ETF/ETP transaction service.

  1. 於inVest動感投資登入時,選擇以「inMotion動感銀行」進行認證。
  2. 打開已綁定裝置上的inMotion動感銀行,認證框將顯示出認證詳情,確定正確無誤後點撃「批准」
  3. 認證成功後即可於inVest動感投資繼續操作。


Since you have changed the login data, the service provided by the biometric login device will be disabled to ensure that the account is secure.


In order to strengthen the security level of transactions on the Internet, since 22 April 2018, clients are required to double-check certificates before they can carry out online transactions or inquiries.

如你忘記你的密碼,請在「inMotion 動感銀行」流動應用程式的「忘記用戶名稱/密碼」功能重設密碼,或請親臨本行任何一間分行辦理。

If you forget your password, reset the password in the "forget username/password" function of the "inMotion Motion Bank" mobile application, or visit any branch of the business.


If you enter the wrong password four times in a row, your online financial account will be locked for security reasons.

請你立即發送電郵到ibanking@cncbinternational.com或致電 (852) 2287 6767 (選擇語言後再按“7” 字),我們會儘快為你跟進及處理。

Please send an e-mail to ibanking@cncbinternational.com or call (852) 2287 6767 (click “7” after language selection), and we will follow you as soon as possible.




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    0.000 15693比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.000 15693比特币等于10.6 1678529美元/76.86554996人民币。比特币(BTC)【比特币价格翻倍】美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000/克洛克-0/5693【数字货币矿机】10.6 167852976.8655254996比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489,807.72 CNY(1比特币= 489,807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00015693 U...