
资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:30 评论:0



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来源:雪球App,作者: Sulan2012,(https://xueqiu.com/6432534821/147565920)


I. Three short-termists.................................................................................................................................


There are three very typical “short-line thinkers”: opportunists, quickists and hesitants.


1. Oportunists


What kind of people are “opportunists”?

它说的是那些 一看到市场上的某个发财机会,就想大捞一笔、捞完就走的人。他们想要的是跳过“播种、施肥、浇水”的过程,直接就能收获花朵与果实的人生;或者说,他们想要的是快速的,不必花费力气就能实现的“财富自由”。我周围就有这样的“机会主义者”,不论什么“风”来了,他都要掺和一下。房价上涨时,他买房子,比特币上涨时,他买比特币,P2P火爆时,他买P2P。但不论哪一种投资方式,他其实从未真正搞懂过。

It's about people who, when they see one of the rich opportunities in the market, want to make a lot of money and go away. They want to skip the process of sowing, fertilizing, watering. They want to reap flowers and fruits directly; or they want to be quick, and they don't have to work hard. There's an “opportunist” like that around me, and whatever the “wind” comes, he gets mixed up. When the house prices rise, when the bitcoin rises, when the p2P explodes, he buys the P2P. But whatever the way he invests, he's never really understood it.


So, by now, none of them has achieved the wealth they want.


2. Rapidists


Frankly, I was a typical fast-tracker many years ago, always trying to achieve the goal of a promotion and a salary increase faster for my family to live the life I wanted. At that time, I was always anxious, but I forgot what was really to be cared for.

太想成功,是因为没有想过其实一生是足够长的,所以路应该一步一步的走,馒头应该一口一口的吃。如果想要几步走完马拉松,或是一口吃个胖子,必然就会带来意想不到的问题,甚至是极为严重的挫折。后来回首,自然早已明白其中缘由 -没有长期主义的信念,但又很想成功,所以就会急功近利,总是处于焦虑之中。

To be successful is not to think that life is long enough, so the road should be one step at a time, and the bun should eat one bite at a time. If you want to walk a few steps through a marathon, or eat a fat one, you will inevitably have unexpected problems, or even a very serious setback.


So, what does anxiety bring?


Anxieties can cause a person to become dissatisfied with himself, the surroundings, and the owners, and it is difficult to learn and grow, and it is difficult to do a very dedicated job, or even a very high number of complaints. Lack of input at work, complaints about the boss and the environment, in turn, can create more resistance to the short-term success that is desired, and the short-term success becomes increasingly elusive, and this sense of distantness will only further exacerbate our anxiety.


This is a very typical boosted return to a “quick collapse.” As you continue to evolve, you are likely to become a “serious complainer.” When you cannot achieve what you want in the time you want to do without giving up on it, attention is shifted to complaining. So, day after day, it becomes a bad habit to complain, and eventually becomes a person who is labeled “complaints” by the boss and colleagues.


Three, the hesitant one.


What's a "hesitant man"?


It's kind of like, trying to get on a boat somewhere, but worried that the boat might not reach where it wants to go, to step on the boat, to step on the docks, to be “living”, to be “waiting” and to be “unsurely alive.” Such people are so hesitant that they can't give up where they want to be completely or decide to go to the boat. What they don't know is that at any time, no one's future is 100 per cent certain. All futures are 100 per cent certain only when they happen, that is, when they become “now”.

既然不存在,那就只有一个方法去实现 - 那就是创造。创造自己想要的未来绝非易事,很多人正是因为把它想得太过简单,没有抱持“长期主义”的信念,认为它应该立刻出现,所以在“想要实现未来”与“无法立刻实现”之间最终走向了旷日持久的“犹豫”。

If it does not exist, there is only one way to do it -- that is, to create. It is not easy to create the future that you want, and many people think it too simple, not because they believe in “long-termism” and believe that it should emerge immediately, so there is finally a long-lasting “heavy” between “wanting to achieve the future” and “not immediately”.


Looking around, you find that some people are “hesitant people” at work, so it's hard for them to be really involved at work, and they're always “waiting” what, perhaps promises of a raise, or a possibility of a promotion, but they're hard to be really involved before they get these promises and possibilities. Some people are “hesitating people” at love, because they fear not being able to get the love and intimacy they want, they fear not to love, or, even if they do, it is hard to be fully engaged, and love is very “hesitating.” Some are simply “hesitating” in life, and they cannot live in the present, and they are always living in a 100 per cent certainty of future expectations, in fear and anxiety about future uncertainty.


What are all these consequences? Consequences one: inability to invest in the moment, to feel it, to enjoy it. Consequences two: inability to really create the future.


The three are the most common modes of thought and behaviour of the “short-line thinkers”, which, in any case, create obstacles to our human achievement, as well as all kinds of emotional distress.


ii. The long-termist case


1 . Chu Won-joo built a wall full of grain to be known as the King


The strategy followed was to build the wall, the grains, and the kings. The wall is to strengthen military preparedness and consolidate the rear; the grains are to develop economic production, reserve food, and strengthen the economy; and the kings are to refrain from calling the emperors prematurely, so that there is no excess of enemies. These three proposals are very strategic, and they are the guiding ideas of Chu’s early development.


The President evaluated Chu Li: the nine-word country has decided the way it is.


The most difficult thing about this strategy is to be called king.


2. Stiflers of the great kingdoms. >/b>


The great King once said a famous phrase, “Standing hard and fighting dumb”, which means doing it at all times, according to the most robust approach, with a view to understanding the essence, building up the structure, taking a steady and gradual step towards victory.


Specifically, it is where the thugs arrive, first of all, to dig trenches, for example, if the fence is eight feet thick, if the wall is six feet thick, if the ravine is six feet deep, if it is a man, if the thug is five feet taller, if it is two feet deep, if there are two or three layers. In the war, the thugs often dig tens of miles deep, not one, but two, three, four, five or six. The thugs are more like an engineering unit because they are too determined to dig the thugs.


3. Buffett rolls snowball


Buffett said, “Respecting my 77 years of investment history, much of the success has been in the United States economy.” Buffett, in his long investment of the past 77 years, the return of the highest year was only 59.3 per cent, which really made Buffett proud of the group, but which was a compound effect, 20.3 per cent a year, because the investment was long enough and ultimately 7584 times higher. So Buffett was famous for saying, “Multill is like rolling snowballs from the mountains, and it's very small in the beginning, but it's gonna be big in the end, if it's long enough.”


4. Divisions of


"First, be a man who doesn't have a big heart."


First of all, it's great to stress that “big” here is a great deal of pleasure. The term “big” refers to the attitude to do things on the ground. We're going to do things that we like without greatness. At the same time, we're going to try to like what we do. I think it's only when we do what we like, so everyone has to put a lot of energy into finding things that they like. At the same time, I want to emphasize that I like what I do.


And two, be the one who doesn't make a difference.


We used to say, "Do something, do something," but I want to stress, "Do something." I've heard it a long time ago, do things right, and then do things right. After all these years, after a lot of headbreaks, I really started to understand what that means. The right thing is to know what's wrong and what's wrong and what's wrong and what's wrong and what's wrong. It's easy to say, and it's hard to do it. To do it right, it's a learning process, it's always the least price. I see a lot of people who know that they're wrong, they're wrong, and they're wasting a lot of years after they've done it.


Number three, be an honest man.


Whether or not these two things can be done, the basic thing is to be an honest man. I don't know what it's worth to be an honest man, but at least it's a life-long open.


Let me just say three things: college graduation is our starting point for social college, and what we're going to learn is endless. And finally, I wish every classmate a wonderful life of his own."


iii. Be a long-termist


“Some investors and entrepreneurs say that we respect and love Lu Qi, but we don't like what he does, because China has passed the dividends of the business cycle.”


Lu Qi replied: “I decided to be YC China, and almost all my Chinese friends were against it, and none of them supported it. It's not surprising to me, in a sense, but it's my argument.


It is inevitable that something worthy of doing and of long-term value will not be understood. If everyone understands it, you will not do much, because everyone wants to do the same thing, and they will all be your competitor.” Rho-Jin-woo said, “Anyone, no matter how powerful you are, looks for a long enough time, you can be friends of time through a long-termist pattern of such behaviour.”


It can be said that being a long-termist is the path of our common man.


There are four ways to be a time long-termist:


1. Accumulation effects, long-termists.


The exponential growth is characterized by the initial rate of progress, which makes it almost impossible to achieve a significant increase in capacity in a short period of time. In fact, in many cases, no matter how hard you try, you may not feel much progress. Then, until one day, you suddenly feel blessed with your heart, feeling like you've broken through a biography, breaking a long-standing barrier, and then you hang around and take off, and your skills are growing faster.


What skills follow exponential growth? For example, technological advances, a person’s level of writing, an increase in the reading and fans of a public number, physical research. When you do something that fits the exponential growth pattern, the most afraid is to start with something that doesn’t change. That's what we usually say. The platform period of logarithmic growth, or the beginning of exponential growth, is actually one of the principles behind it: the cumulative effect of the advantage.


2. Do something with a long half-life. Make time to zoom in.


The longer the half-life, the slower the rate of loss of earnings, for example, you spend an hour communicating with your friends in good faith, and the more you feel, the more the next few months, and even years, the more the gain remains between you and your friends.


And, for example, you take a week to read a book, and you change your way of thinking and thinking. This change is your gain, and it will continue to influence the way you deal with problems in your life. The first thing we do is to do more, with a high yield, a long half-life, a low yield, a long half-life. To be a friend of time, we have to learn to sift out what to do, what to do and what to do, and what to not do. To do that, in the long river of time, we can reap a high value. These high values will create a “building effect” that will build up from one of the first small advantages, a great advantage, a great advantage for you and, ultimately, one that no one else can see.


Three, beat the hand of the moment with a light hand.


For example, in Snoke pool, it doesn't matter how good a single individual action is. What really matters is that you can keep on hitting. Your stick, actually, needs to be ready for the next one, so that continuity can be maintained. That's what it means to be a "one-size-fits-all hand," every move that may look flat and, eventually, amazing.


It focuses on long-termists who do time, not on individual extreme effects, but rather on individual moves that ultimately add up.


Each of us, in order to be a true long-termist, must understand, and be able to do, not to pursue the effects of a single effort to shock the heavens and the earth, not to look everywhere for the so-called recipes and secrets, but to see all our efforts as a prelude to a big move.


4. Rejecting utilitarianism and developing a system of life


In the book Time as a Friend, when it was mentioned that he was 10 years old, he had been involved in a great deal of work at


People who lack “systemic thinking” always measure from this moment on whether something is worth or not, and do not know how to put it in the larger system of life. So, they often give up what seems to be useless, a typical utilitarian. With less utilitarianism, more systematic thinking, and your system of life, it is possible to develop better.




“Lucky, 59 years old, entrepreneur: real masters, long-termists of time”


"The real masters are long-termists."

3. 《段永平浙江大学演讲》

3. Tsiyongping Zhejiang University Lecture




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