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originated in a decentralised database, essentially a decentralised database. , which in essence marks the birth of a digital cash system based on P2P network technology, encryption technology, time-stamp technology, block-chain technology, etc. This marks the birth of a bitcoin. Two months later the theoretical step is followed by the birth of a zero-bit coin-breaking block on 3 January 2009.

        区块链公司  155---0116---2665  近年来,世界对比特币的态度起起落落,但对区块链技术的关注度越来越高。在比特币形成过程中,区块是一个一个的存储单元,记录了一定时间内各个区块节点全部的交流信息。各个区块之间通过随机散列(也称哈希算法)实现链接(chain,后一个区块包含前一个区块的哈希值,随着信息交流的扩大,一个区块与一个区块相继接续,形成的结果就叫区块链。

& nbsp; & nbsp;           block chain & nbsp; 155 - 0116 - 2665 & nbsp; in recent years, the attitude of the world's Bitcoin has risen and fell, but there has been increasing interest in block chain technology. During Bitcoin formation, blocks are a storage unit that records the full exchange of information by block nodes over time. As the exchange of information expands, one block is called the chain as it follows one block.


It is common to say that block chain technology refers to a way in which people are involved in bookkeeping. There is a database behind all systems as a vehicle that can be seen as a large account book. It becomes important who keeps this account book. Who's the one who's in the system at the moment, the notebook is in the system, and Ali is in the book. But now everyone in the system has an opportunity to be involved in bookkeeping. If there is any change in data in the system for a certain period of time, everyone in the system can record the account, and the system will judge the fastest and best person in the period of time, write the contents of his records into the account book, and others in the system can copy the information records for that period, and everyone in the system can find complete information.


Block chain technology is considered to be the most disruptive technological innovation since the Internet was invented, relying on cryptography and mathematically sophisticated distribution algorithms. On the Internet, where confidence-building is not possible, consensus can be achieved without the involvement of any third-party centre, resolving the challenge of reliable transmission of trust and value at very low cost.

 区块链在持续延长,而且新区块一旦加入到区块链中,就不会再被移走。区块链实际上是一群分散的用户端节点,并由所有参与者组成的分布式数据库,是对所有比特币交易历史的记录。比特币的交易数据被打包到一个“数据块”或 “区块”(block)中后,交易就算初步确认了。当区块链接到前一个区块之后,交易会得到进一步的确认。在连续得到6个区块确认之后,这笔交易基本上就不可逆转地得到确认了。

The block chain is continuously extended, and once added to the block chain, it will not be removed. The block chain is in fact a decentralized user endpoint, with a distributed database of all participants recording the history of all bitcoin transactions. After Bitcoin transactions are packaged into a “data block” or “block” (block), the transaction is initially confirmed. When blocks are linked to the previous block, the transaction is further confirmed. After six consecutive blocks are confirmed, the transaction is essentially irreversibly confirmed.


The block chain is publicly available on the network and can be consulted in every offline bitcoin wallet data.


From the process of forming the block chain, the block chain technology has the following characteristics.


The first is decentralization. Block chain technology is not dependent on additional third-party management or hardware facilities, has no central control, and apart from the self-contained block chain itself, through distributed accounting and storage, the information is self-validated, transmitted and managed at all nodes. Decentralized is the most prominent feature of the block chain.


The second is openness. The technical basis of the block chain is open-source, and the data in the block chain are open to everyone, with the exception of the confidence of the parties to the transaction that it is encrypted, and anyone can access the block chain data and develop relevant applications through open interfaces, so that the information throughout the system is highly transparent and open.


Third is independence. On the basis of consensus norms and agreements (a variety of mathematical algorithms, such as the Hashi algorithm used in Bitcoin), the whole block chain system is not dependent on other third parties, and all nodes can automatically and safely validate and exchange data within the system without intervention by anyone.


The fourth is security. As long as 51% of all data nodes are not controlled, network data cannot be manipulated arbitrarily, making the blocks themselves relatively secure and avoiding subjective data changes.


The fifth is anonymity. Unless there is a legal norm to do so, the identity information of each block node does not technically need to be disclosed or authenticated, and the information may be transmitted anonymously.


The UK has included block chains as a national strategy, the Central Bank of Singapore has supported a block chain-based record system in 2015, and Japan is now in the lead in the block chain area. R3CEV, the first commercial alliance set up with the goal of creating distributed book applications, currently has more than 50 members worldwide, including flag, Morgan, rich countries, scum, etc.


In China, a coalition of China’s basic master-account agreements, the China Centre for Applied Research in Block Chains, and the Financial Block Chain Alliance have been established to promote research and cooperation in block chain industries. The chain of blocks is officially included in the 13th Five-Year Plan for Informatization, and the technical study of the block chain is at its best trigger point.


However, the country’s block chain entrepreneurship project is still largely at the stage of research, small-scale pilot projects, few business models and lack of formal institutional organization. Therefore, the creation of a large and strong consortium to promote and enhance the level of research, application and development in the technical field of the block chain in our country, prompting the relevant industries to move out and seize technical standards and patents in the new round of international competition, with high-levels and voice rights, will be our future focus in the technical field of the block chain.




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