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From entry to master & #xff0c; dry section.


#xff0c; if you #xff1a;

  • 是一个专业的程序员
  • 如果你想了解以太坊当前可以做到什么程度,通过什么,如何做到。


Preparatory knowledgexff1a;

  1. 你需要知道区块链的概念及实现一个无需信任的电子货币的运作原理。可以先看看长版,如果你觉得太长,可以看看短版。但我还是建议,看那个长的视频。
  2. 如果你是一名软件工程师,拥有软件开发的经验。能知道从系统、架构角度学一个东西,其实能倍增学习效果。
  3. 如果有一周的空闲时间。好了,下面开始就不再是废话了。
  4. 你需要了解merkle tree的基本概念,看他是如何做到防止信息篡改,以及信息自校验的?


There is no need to read the white paper xff0c; there are just some basic concepts. But to be honest xff0c; not to read xff0c; not to believe these concepts xff0c; not to really understand them xff0c; so reading the white paper may still be the fastest way.


I suggest you read it in its entirety; learn from a higher level & #xff0c; then pick interested & #xff0c; one drill & #xff0c; maybe a few days.


You end up finding xff0c; the block chain is based on simple basic technology xff0c; it's not amazing. Though the different ICOs have been very hot lately. Everyone is standing on the shoulders of giants xff0c; if you're a programmer xff0c; you can understand these projects and technologies xff0c; you can understand them better. So don't lose a chance to upgrade yourself because of some other xff0c;


is a distributed computer xff0c; there are many nodes xff0c; each of these nodes xff0c; it executes bytes ff08; there is no central node xff09; xff0c; there is no single node xff09; xff0c; xff0c; no third party can intervene.


Obviously the above phrase xff0c; direct explanation of what is in Etheria. But you may have a lot of questions. You can first read of the White Paper in Etheria. or look at this video xff0c; 25 minutes to understand it as . xff08; Translator note #xff1a; #xff0c; there is really no good way to read xff0c; it is best to read the White Paper xff0c; xff09; xff09; xff09;


Smart contracts do not really differ from normal-time codes xff0c; they just run on a distributed platform like the Taiwan. This running platform xff0c; gives these codes immutable xff0c; certainty xff0c; distributional and self-verifiable status features. Storage xff0c of the status in the operation of the code is immutable. Each person xff0c; can open his or her own node xff0c; replay the entire block chain xff0c; will have the same result xff08; translator ff1a; enable control of all nodes to achieve consistency xff0c; so-called consensus xff09;


In xff0c, each contract has a single address to identify itself xff08; derived from the founder's Hash address and the number of transactions that have been sent xff09;. The client can interact with this address xff0c; send another xff0c; call function xff0c; query the current state, etc.


Smart contracts & #xff0c; in essence code & #xff0c; and the composition of two elements of the state stored on the block chain after the code runs. For example & #xff0c; your wallet used to send and receive ETH & #xff0c; in essence, a smart contract & #xff0c; just an interface set up outside.


The concept is very powerful xff0c; and I believe you've seen it. And you're watching the news xff0c; you hear it often with great potential xff0c; you hear frequently about asset/right management xff0c; decentralized self-government xff08; DAOxff09; xff0c; identity xff0c; social networking, that's what he really is.


xff0c; smart contracts xff0c; code xff0c; running the entire distributed network. Because every node in the network is a full node. The benefits are faulty xff0c; bad is inefficient xff0c; consumed resources and time xff08; interpreter xff1a; originally implemented only once at one node xff0c; now every node xff0c; executed the same calculation xff09; executed the calculation cost xff0c; directly related to the code.


The price is determined by the market xff0c; it's a bitcoin-like transaction fee mechanism. If your price is high xff0c; the node will prioritize your transaction because of interest issues.


In general xff0c; calculating and storing things in Etherum is more expensive than doing them in a traditional environment xff0c; but xff0c; Etheeum provides your code with the good attributes we discussed above xff0c; this may be equally valuable.


In general, xff0c; xff0c is free of charge in Etheria; only writing status is fee-based. The following article is some of the concepts .


A distributed App means & #xff0c; the service end runs one or more smart contracts on the Etherms network.


A distributed App does not have to store all states on the block chain xff0c; or does all calculations on the chain xff08; translator note xff1a; e.g. graphic rendering xff09; xff0c; that's too expensive. So a distributed App uses the technology xff0c; e.g. IPFS and Gelemxff0c; stores and calculates distributions under the chain. Although not in the community xff0c; it still uses block chain technology.

我不知道谁开始在D上使用这个小小的缺点,是看起来酷,但会影响搜索。 你可以自由使用,但尽量方便别人的搜索。

I don't know who started using this little defect on D; it looks cool, but it affects the search. You can use it freely, but as easily as possible.


There is a directory of , there are some documents and examples. Before xff0c; you need to see the latest status of the document xff0c; they are likely to be eliminated.


Most distributed applications provide services through user-friendly front-ends xff0c; not all are willing to trade through command lines xff0c; and through their own manual assembly of Hashi strings and operational command codes.


xff0c; the client or front end is similar to xff0c; the distinction is only between them interacting with the Ether's block chain xff08; it can also interact with other services xff09; these clients often use JS to write xff0c; not all conversions to NodeJS have been completed for the time being.


Also xff0c; the reason for the use of JS by most Dapp clients xff0c; because it can run xff0c in browsers; because everyone has browsers xff0c; so everyone can run. Because there are more Go-language development tools xff0c; there are plenty of go-language writing clients xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; unless you have your own preferences xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; Rustxff09; selecting a language xff0c; xff0c; xff0c; to interact with the Ether district chain xff0c; and on the basis of an agreement developed by the Taiwan.


xff0c; & #xff0c; this means that Meteor has become a new standard developed by Dapp clients. This is definitely based on a preferred method for the creation of a full-scale application by JS. But what needs to be noted is that Meteor simply provides a development tool xff0c; does not match the DApp client xff0c; the Dapp client can also be developed in other ways. #xff08; Translator #xff1a; some other development tools xff0c; like Truffle#xff0c; very good #xff09;


Because of the dynamic xff0c developed around Meteor and Dapp; with a very large number of packages at xff0c; it provides many common operations xff0c; e.g. account management xff0c; getting the most recent 50 blocks from the block chain, etc.


A DApp browser & #xff0c; xff0c, as it literally says; used to make DApp client xff08; often used to interact with Ether's smart contracts xff09; used easier.


The main purpose of the DApp browser is xff1a;

  1. 提供到一个以太坊节点的连接(或者连接到一个本地节点或者远程节点),和一个方便的切换不同节点(甚至是不同的网络)。
  2. 提供一个帐户(或者一个钱包)来方便用户与DApp交互。


is a DApp browser in Taiku. A beautiful interface to interact with the Ether node #xff0c; deals with smart contracts.



is a Google browser extension & #xff0c; it transforms Chrome into a DApp browser. Its core characteristic is to inject the js client library & #xff0c; to every interface #xff0c; to connect DApp to the service provided by Metamask for the taupule node. But this Chrome extension xff0c; to allow you to manage your wallet xff0c; and to connect to different Etheria networks #xff08; Translator note #xff1a; including local development networks #xff09;



Similar to Bitcoin's nodes. Each node stores data from the entire block chain xff0c; and resets all transactions to verify the state of results. You can run a full node xff08; official node xff0c; Go xff09; xff0c; or to run a light node xff0c; it is written in third party xff0c; Rust language.


Your node needs to know from which block chain the data xff0c; and which node interacts xff0c; some common networks are described later.


You may be able to run all these nodes. If you don't want to run a node xff0c; there's a third party gateway service xff0c; for example , you can choose. There are also nodes xff0c dedicated to testing and development; local nodes xff0c; referred to later.


If you're developing a DApp client & #xff0c; you don't always have to offer connections to Ether. Because DApp's browser usually provides corresponding connections & #xff08; translator & #xff1a; say xff0c; use this xff0c; install an additional DApp browser xff09;


Now you should know that we can write smart contracts xff0c; and put the status on the block chain xff1f; if xff0c; if xff0c; in the state xff0c; we have a Map type xff0c; the key xff0c; the value is integer. Then we call these integer values xff0c; whose balance xff1f; that's what we're talking about xff08; that's the translator xff1a; that's the simple #xff0c; that's the data structure of the token xff0c; that's a user xff0c; that's the current balance #xff09;


Yes xff0c; all the tokens you have just heard xff0c; just some data xff0c; stored in a Hashi table xff0c; checked by api or so-called agreement xff0c; ethereum的创建一个众筹合约的官方教程。你将会发现它仅仅是一个合约(Crowdsale)与另一个合约(MyToken)交互,和前面的基本合约类似。并没有什么神奇的地方。

You can see the official tutorial for creating a public contract . You will find that it is just a contract xff08; Crowdsale) with another contract xff08; MyToken) interactive #xfff0c; and there is nothing amazing about it.


People use tokens to do a variety of things xff0c; only imagination prevents people from using them. Currency is often used to motivate users to interact with an agreement xff0c; or to prove ownership of an asset xff0c; voting rights etc. Coinbase's Fred has a good article about the token xff0c; why xff0c; how to use it .


Etheium's founder, Vitalik, recently has a model for the sale of currencies xff0c; it's also a good article .


Everyone started defining their own interactive protocols with the tokens xff0c; these quickly appeared old xff0c; so some started to assemble xff0c; . Probably means xff0c; we define these interfaces xff0c; so you can use xff0c; for example, transfer is defined as xff0c; the first parameter is the account address to be transferred xff0c; the second parameter is the number of eths to be sent.


Some feel that the ERC20 agreement is too complicated xff0c; so they propose ERC197, a little simpler.


Because of a minor problem in ERC20 xff0c; a new ERC23. The ERC23 is backward compatible with ERC20. If you have created a currency contract xff0c; you can try to support ERC23.


It appears that ERC223 and ERC23 are the same concepts & #xff1b; the ERC values are 223, but when quoted & #xff0c; the author and all others misspelled the ERC23 very many times & #xff0c; it is still so quoted. If one sentence is clear & #xff0c; the ERC223 is the norm & #xff0c; it is better called ERC23 in the token.


For example, & #xff0c; REP, Augur's reputational token & #xff0c; and to encourage the use of Augur's decentralisation prediction protocols. Most of the Etherm's ERC20/ERC23 are protocols & #xff0c; for example, Golem's GNT, ICONOMI, BAT, etc.


App notes are used to stimulate the use of a particular Dapp or client xff0c; not because of the value provided by the agreement used. One example is SNT in Status xff0c; they can be used to get value in application xff08; e.g. xff0c; to carry out a message xff0c; xff0c; to vote xff0c; to get a user name, etc. xff09;


This paradigm shift is xff0c; we can start investment agreement tokens rather than application tokens xff0c; because we can build on them xff08; anyone can build a dapp, on agreements; or a Dapp client xff09 to achieve the agreement.


Before xff0c; this is not possible xff0c; because of encryption tokens xff0c; and the following xfff0c; to monetize xff0c; to create an application on the agreement yourself xff0c; and to achieve profitability. Because you can monetize the agreement #xff0c; you can all collaborate better in the future.



Your interaction with an intelligent contract xff08; also known as the call function and reading status xff09; connecting to an e-port node xff0c; and executing the code. There are a variety of e-port clients xff0c; development is easy. Geth and parity provide control tables or browsers in a way that better interacts with intellectual contracts.


If you want a program library to interact with an intelligent contract interface xff0c; this is also the case for a client. For JS languages xff0c; for web3.js. In Go languages xff0c; for >go-ethelum #xff0c; for interaction with smart contracts.


If only used to test and develop xff0c;


When you deploy an intelligent contract xff0c; the operation you actually perform is to send a transaction xff0c to an address; use the current contract content as a parameter xff0c; a tae-pane transaction details .


Once you start writing smart contracts xff0c; you repeat a lot of operations xff0c; e.g. compile the source code by bytes and bixff0c; deploy to the network xff0c; test and deploy the contract. You might want to focus more on what you want to do.


The Truffle and Embark framework & #xff0c; standardized and automated these trivial tasks. They provide a good development & #xff0c; deployment & #xff0c; and, more importantly, #xff0c; testing the experience of smart contracts.


You can view this article at to start the trip using Truffle.



Embark provides similar xff0c; slightly different tools to help developers organize their work.


When you first touch the smart contract, xff0c; you should try not to use the frame. xff0c; you should not start using xff0c; just like you shouldn't learn HTML by learning it.


Sharing is about xff0c; so ETHPM is a decentralised repository of smart contract management . Use ETHPM, you can connect or connect to a famous contract or library xff0c; reduce code repetition xff0c; and provide the best possible basis for future development.


/a> & #xff0c; details of relevant information and background.


Mainnet - Ethio Homenet & #xff0c; usually the default network for all clients.

Ropsten?- 以太坊使用工作量证明的主测试网络。这个网络,因为低的计算量,容易遭到DDOS攻击,分片,或者其它问题。垃圾邮件攻击后被暂时放弃,最近才恢复使用。

Ropsten? - Use the main testing network as proof of workload. This network xff0c; due to low computing xff0c; vulnerable to DDOS attacks xff0c; #xff0c; or other problems.


Kovan-parity client testing networkxff0c; use of authorization certificate to increase resistance to spam attacks xff0c; and four-second block time.


-Geth client network xff0c; use group consensus xff0c; use xff0c; although low calculation xff0c; but are more resilient to malicious actors.


You can build your own testing network xff0c; use kubernetes or docker-compose, but perhaps you will not need much time soon.


An Etheraya account is a private key and a public key address. They can be used to store each other & #xff0c; there is no need to spend gas at the time of creation.


The wallets are smart contracts used to manage each other & #xff08; some codes & #xff09; . They have many properties xff0c; e.g. multi-user signatures xff0c; paper #xff1f; etc.


So #xff0c; we have correctly defined the two terms #xff0c; we have seen other people's confusion about the terms #xff0c; and we have called all those who can save each other Wallet.


The smart contract code running on each full node network is executed in EVM. This is your standard virtual machine & #xff0c; executes some bytes & #xff0c; separates this vm from the network & #xff0c; file system & #xff0c; processes. No one wants to write byte & #xff0c; so we have some higher-level language compiled into EVM bytes.



Solidity is the first language to describe intelligence contracts. The most popular language is xff0c; so there are also the most examples xff0c; xff0c; and lessons. You should learn this xff0c; unless you have other reasons to study.

你可以使用基于浏览器的Remix IDE来进行快速验证。

You can use a browser-based Remix IDE for rapid validation.


Here's a Solidity contract #xff1a;



LLL, is a bottom programming language like Lip & #xff0c; as can be seen from the name of the language. Although it is not used as the main language to support & #xff0c, it continues to be updated & #xff0c; and with .



Examples of LLL are as follows: xff1a;



If you're learning #xff0c; maybe it's not that easy to get used to LLL.



Serpent is an advanced language of Python xff0c; it will also eventually be compiled as an EVM byte code. It is mainly used by the Augur team.

但最近Zeppelin Solution团队发现其编译器有一个严重的bug,在这个问题被修复之前都不建议继续使用。

But recently Zeppelin Solution team found that its compiler had a serious bug, it was not recommended to continue until the issue was repaired.

如果你对Augur如何解决这些漏洞感兴趣,你可以阅读Zeppelin Solution的这篇文章

If you are interested in how Augur solves these loopholes xff0c; you can read the article .


Serpent's contract looks like #xff1a;



在各种可用性和发展状态中还有一堆其他的高级语言,而且无疑将会被开发出来。 为了广泛采用,语言和编译器必须经过彻底的审查和测试,这当然需要时间。

There are many other advanced languages xff0c in various availability and development situations; and they will undoubtedly be developed. To be widely used xff0c; languages and compilers must be thoroughly reviewed and tested xff0c; of course, this will take time.



prosity is available to reverse the byte code of the Taiyo Smart Contract xff0c; is available for Disassembly.


Once an intelligent contract is deployed on the Etherkom network xff0c; it will be immutable xff0c; and it will be permanent. If you write a bugxff0c; you will not be able to get off this problematic version xff0c; you can only fix it in a subsequent version.


Because the Etherum and other smart contract platforms developed by many engineers come from Web Development & #xff0c; the concept is so new & #xff0c; it is crazy.


ConsenSys has a great resource called , which is called the best practice of smart contracts & #xff0c; you should understand it in depth.


a Paris wallet is blacked .


When you deploy your smart contract xff0c; since you manage real money xff0c; you should start a bounty program #xff0c; and try to ensure that it is fully tested.


Whisper is an integrated message system in Ethio. It allows DApp to release a small amount of information for non-real-time messaging.


It uses protocols.


Although it has not been updated for some time xff0c; .


This is an organization xff08; like xff0c; a group of people xff09; xff0c; xff0c; using codes to ensure final enforcement xff0c; instead of using traditional legal documents. These groups use smart contracts to do everything that a common organization does xff0c; for example, to vote on something xff0c; for example, to decide whether to invest in something.


The side effects are decision-making & #xff0c; management & #xff0c; and the results of investment in what will be irreversibly stored on the block chain.


Previously, slock.it created a standard DAO framework to illustrate this idea. At there is a general overview of DAO concepts xff0c; how to use the framework to achieve one of its own DAO( interpreter xff1a; the project was hacked by ff09;


Aragon is also responding to the challenge & #xff0c; designing a company operating on the logic of smart contracts xff0c; focusing on creating an acceptable investment xff0c; processing xff0c; paying employees xff0c; distributing shares xff0c; just as we now know doing business with companies every day. They have also made it easier for them to use their agreements.


Look here at Aragon Core Contract to understand how it works.


( interstellar file systemxff09; a protocol xff0c; distributed documents. You can think of it as a document system based on and based on this concept xff0c; documents can locate xff0c; and they are immutable.

这是一个新的协议,它有一个http的网关和文件系统适配器,这让你可以通过http,挂载整个互联网文件系统到你本地的盘。IPFS还提供了一个寻址服务IPNS(星际命名空间),它允许可变的状态(需要注意的是在IPFS里的所有东西都是不可变的)。你甚至可以使用DNS TXT记录来定位到你的IPNS客户端,允许你生成用户友好的链接来指向到对应的数据。

This is a new protocol xff0c; it has a http gateway and file system adapter xff0c; this allows you to load the entire Internet file system to your local disk via httpxff0c; IPFS also provides an address-seeking service IPNS( interstellar naming space xff09; xff0c; it allows variable state xff08; what needs to be noted is that everything in IPFS is immutable xff09; you can even locate your IPNS client xff0c using DNS TXT records; you are allowed to generate user-friendly links to point to the corresponding data.

FileCoin是Protocol Lab为创建一个去中心化的基于IPFS的存储市场的努力结果,也就是向整个网络提供存储资源的激励层。FileCoin的共识协议没有使用浪费资源的工作量证明,而是使用了和来保证每片数据被复制某个特定的拷贝数量且存储某个特定的时间。

is the result of Protocol Lab's efforts to create a decentralised IPFS-based storage market xff0c; that is, to provide incentives for storage resources to the entire network. FileCoin's consensus agreement does not use wasteful resource workload proof xff0c; rather, it uses and ensures that each piece of data is copied in a given number of copies and stored at a given time.


You should read the IPFS White Paper ; .


Since currently FileCoin is not online & #xff0c; you can run html/css/js, using the current IPFS storage network; and will be used as a database similar to orbit-db.


Swarm is a decentralised storage network & #xff0c; integrated into Ether ecosystem & #xff0c; project & #xff0c as camp 1 ; see here . But in essence xff0c; basically the same xff0c; apart from their different philosophy #xff0c; and using slightly different protocols at the bottom.



is a decentralised predictive market xff0c; lets people bet on events in a real world. On the one hand, xff0c; users bet xff0c; xff0c; once the results have come true xff0c; the money they win has real value. To achieve this xff0c; you need to achieve a decentralized prophet agreement xff0c; to enter information xff0c in a real world; it uses .

你可以看看Augur项目的合约代码,以及了解下Augur Master Plan

you can see the contract code for the Augur project & #xff0c; and get to know Augur Master Plan.



Gnosis has a similar concept xff0c; it is also a decentralised forecast market. xff0c; and a comparison with project



is a distributed power market xff0c; a set of power-providing markets is constructed in the same way as IPFS.


You can see FAQ for a better understanding.



0xProject created an exchange agreement & #xff0c; and a DApp to achieve this. Developers can create an exchange based on their own distributional applications & #xff08; technologically called a relay & #xff09; & #xff0c; and users do not have to trust these apps to complete a transaction & #xff0c; settle on a block chain. The 0x protocol is designed to use offline third parties to broadcast transactions and manage orders & #xff08; create/update/ remove orders #xff0c; do not send slow/exceedable transactions directly to Etheum #xff09; #ff0c; but eventually use Etheum for settlement.


They achieve , a DApp uses this protocol to exchange money directly between users. 直接阅读FAQ

You can also skip these cool concepts #xff0c; .


Swap also has a very similar white paper xff0c; see also 󿼈 instead of a direct transaction based on an order form xff09; xff0c; xfff0c; here is an introduction to Bancor是一个协议,可以让你的代币1)可以根据订单自动给予价格2)可以通过持有其它的代币作为抵押器来即时创造流动性。

Bancor is an agreement xff0c; allows for 1xff09 of your token; allows automatic price 2xff09 to be granted on the basis of an order; immediate liquidity can be created by holding other currencies as collateral.



The value of the tokens that are managed in the Tetha block chain is often highly volatile. This is a very bad feature in real life xff0c; for example, your goal is to preserve the value.

Maker DAO是一个DAO来管理Dai稳定币。Dai现在还不存在,但他们已经发布了一个alpha的版本叫Sai来展示这门技术。

is a DAO managing Dai stabilizer. Dai does not yet exist xff0c; but they have already to demonstrate the technology.


This is .


If we are to enter some information into an intelligent contract xff0c; for example, today's weather in New York xff0c; I may need to achieve a decentralised prophet agreement to ask a group of people xff08; expensive and slow xff09; xff0c; xff0c; if a service is written to provide information xff0c in a centralized way; and contrary to the idea of decentralizing application.


Oraclicize attempts to solve problem 1) send data from an external data source to your smart contract. 2) provide a certificate xff0c; data from a data source xff0c; and have not been modified. So if you trust oracle, you can use Oracle to generate a random number of contracts.

他们的集成非常强大; 您可以获取URL,解析JSON和XPATH,查询Wolfram Alpha等。

Their integration is very strong; you can get URLs #xff0c; parsing JSON and XPATH, query Wolfram Alpha et cetera.


BTCRelay as the Prophet's mechanism for dealing in the Bitcoin block chain xff0c; this means that you can write smart contracts in the district to respond to a transaction on the Bitcoin block chain xff0c; perform triggering follow-up operations. e.g. xff0c; you can get people to pay for your services through the BTC xff0c; use BTCRelay to provide corresponding services in the district after successful payment testing by the colonel in the district xff0c; and then use BTCRelay to provide corresponding services in the district.

Zeppelin Solutions是一个科技公司,在这个领域内正完成一些伟大,而且专业的事。它们实在做了太多事,太难一一说清了。

Zeppelin Solutions is a technology company #xff0c; it's doing some great #xff0c; and it's a professional thing. They've done too much #xff0c; it's too hard to explain.

他们管理了Open Zeppelin,一系列经过审查的,最佳的智能合约实践,你可以继承并应用于你自己的DApp中。你可以查看他们的github资源来学习更多。你应该读一下里面的每一个合约。

They manage , a series of reviewed xff0c; best intellectual contract practices xff0c; you can inherit and apply to your own Dapp. You can read

他们坚持代码复用的理念,然后进一步创建了Zeppelin OS。你可以忽略OS,它不是传统意义上的操作系统的概念。zeppelinOS特性,工具和服务的集合,旨在提供稳固的开发人员体验,同时最大限度地提高智能合同安全性。

They insisted on the concept of re-use of the code xff0c; they further created Zeppelin OS. You can ignore OS& #xff0c; it is not the concept of a traditional operating system.

zeppelinOS中的其中一部分是“zeppelinOS Kernel”。其实他们不是传统意义上的核心,而且是一组它们是通过库模型实现的可升级的智能合约,可以在出现安全问题时独立的进行更新。因为你在合约内包含的代码更少,部署也将花费更少的gas,而开发者也减少了代码的重复。

One of the components of ŽepelinOS is “Zeppelinos Kernel”. They are not the core of xff0c in the traditional sense; they are a group of . , which is an upgraded smart contract through a bank model #xff0c; it can be updated independently when security issues arise.


ŽepelinOS also has other well-structured planning xff0c; e.g. scheduler xff08; asymptomatic execution of smart contracts xff0c; because default contracts typically do not proactively trigger an act xff09; xff0c; market-level agreements and chain developers experience tools.


is a decentralised name registration service.


BAT tried to decentralize the advertising system xff0c; by monitoring everyone's attention xff0c; and by distributing the proceeds xff0c between the advertiser and the user; cutting off the middleman.

Brave和BAT由JS创始人Brendan Eich创建,同时他也是Mozilla的联合创始人。

Brave and Bat were founded by the founder of JS, Brendan Eich, and co-founder of Mozilla.


addressing decentralised identification issues.


is a higher-level decentralised market and community. The core is to manage user-distributed information xff0c; search xff0c; filter information xff0c; maintain credibility in the community xff0c; manage payments etc. It can be used to recommend markets such as Ethlance and .


They have great visual design.


Steem is a reddit, on the block chain; it uses protocol tokens xff08; STEEM) to stimulate the participation of this social community.



There are a number of responses on how the Steemit chain is activated and how the organization is supported to function .


ConsenSys( somewhat like a consensus xff0c; but as a company name; it is smart xff0c; smartly changed to xff0c; but I generally say “con-SEN-SIS” xff0c; avoids misreading xff09; is a “risk investment and product workshop”. They are xff08; actually very large xff09; Umbrella xff0c; it sponsors a number of core components and .




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