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前段时间,有个名叫 2021 华人富豪 TOP 5 的排行榜,可刷爆了大伙们的朋友圈。

In the previous period, there was a top list of 2021 Chinese billionaires TOP 5 that blew up everyone's circle of friends.


It's just that it's not because the bad guys are on the list.

而是在众多熟悉的名字中,一位名叫赵长鹏的陌生老哥,坐拥了 5733 亿的资产登上了榜首。

Instead, among the many familiar names, a strange brother, Zhao Chang Peng, sat on the top of the list with 57.33 billion assets.


And it's crazy that most people don't even know what this guy is for.

其实啊,赵长鹏这位 “ 首富 ” 的资产,大部分来源于一家名叫币安的虚拟币交易所,赚得是币圈的钱。

As a matter of fact, Chiu Chang Peng, the “richest” asset, is derived mostly from a virtual currency exchange called MoneyAnn, which earns money in currency circles.


If you compare the currency circle to a big casino, then Zhao Chang Peng is the one who runs the casino and collects the charges.

虽然这份榜单上面的 BUG 多多,例如马化腾已经 50 岁了,并不是表中的 44 岁;赵长鹏也发推文表示自己的资产没有流动性,算不上是首富。

Although there are more BUCs on this list, for example, Matilten is 50 years old, not 44 years old, and Zhao Chang Peng has also sent a tweet stating that his assets are not liquid and are not the richest.


But the Virtual Currency Exchange, which is an industry, is known to be on this list.


Let's make it clear that


Moreover, virtual currency-related operations, such as the opening of an exchange in the country, are illegal financial activities, and I have never recommended that individuals pay the price.


But even so, many people still have questions about whether the Virtual Currency Exchange is really making money. What about the Virtual Currency Exchange?


In order to understand these questions, it was also a privilege for the bad judges to talk to the friends who were on a virtual currency exchange but who are now out of hand.


It turns out we don't talk, we don't know, we talk.

用一句话来形容这个圈子的话:那就是镰刀比韭菜还多,真 TM 的乱!

To describe the circle in one sentence: "Strong" is more sickle than pickle, it's a fucking mess!


The stock exchange has the ability to roll money at any time.


The first thing the bad judge was told about is that your virtual coins on the exchange are not really safe because they could be rolling at any time.


Let's just say that normally legitimate exchanges, like securities or futures, your accounts are held by banks, and they have no right to touch your tickets.


Even banks themselves have central banks that use deposit reserve systems to secure user withdrawals and liquidations.


But the vast majority of virtual currency exchanges, they don't exist. All the assets are in their accounts.


So these money exchanges can move if they want, and they can only trust their own conscience.


is just that, in most cases, it's almost as if it can't be trusted.

随便在网上搜索一下关键词 “ 交易所跑路 ”,大伙们就知道良心值多少钱了。

Searching online for the key word, "The Exchange Runs," people know how much conscience is worth.

就拿差评君采访的这位老哥为例,他就曾在全球某 TOP 20( 最高进过 TOP 10 )的数字货币交易所工作过。

Take, for example, the old man, who was interviewed by the bad judge, who worked on a digital money exchange at a TOOP 20 (the highest TOOP 10) all over the world.


Their former owners simply embezzled the assets of their users and went to another larger platform to buy bitcoin contracts, which were also leveraged.


It's just a process, but it's a result.


After the explosion, the money chain was broken and, finally, there were problems with the withdrawals on their own exchanges.

虽然他们多次自欺欺人地发布公告,说网上流言蜚语都是 “ 谣传 ”,但或许承诺只是因为没把握,最后他们的前老板还是选择了卷款跑路。

Although they have repeatedly deluded themselves to publish announcements saying that online gossip is a “mortgue”, perhaps promises were made simply because of uncertainty, and in the end their former owners chose to roll.


is not just a fee.


If you see this, you'll be told that the exchange is like the owner of a casino, and you'll be happy to have a drink of water. Why do you have to play all kinds of tricks to make quick money?

某交易所的手续费率 ▼

Fees for a particular exchange.


Theoretically, that's true.

就拿在美国上市的虚拟币交易所 Coinbase 为例,他们在去年的净收入就有 3 亿多美元,总收入中有 96% 都来自交易手续费。

In the case of the Virtual Currency Exchange, which is listed in the United States, their net income last year was more than $300 million, and 96 per cent of their total income came from transaction fees.

但是呢,并不是所有的交易所都像 Coinbase 这样,有着数千万的用户排着队送钱的。

But not all exchanges, like Coinbase, have tens of millions of users lined up to deliver money.


Some of the smaller two or three-line exchanges are actually not as big as the user dishes, and there is no pressure of compliance.

俗话说得好:为了 100% 的利润,不受监管的资本们就敢践踏一切人间法律。在币圈这个 “ 法外之地 ”,谁又会嫌弃钱多呢?

As the saying goes: For 100% of profits, unsupervised capital dares to trample on all human laws. In this “unlawful place” in the currency ring, who cares about money?


As a result, black and grey ways of making quick money, including the misappropriation of user assets, have grown.


/strong >

在这些黑灰产中呢,就有一个名叫 “ 上币费 ” 的玩意儿。

And in these black ash products, there's a thing called the "perceived fee."

还记得今年上半年,差评君为了讽刺币圈割韭菜的容易,花 5 分钟 “ 发行 ” 的虚拟币吗?

Remember, in the first half of this year, the critic took five minutes to "distribute" virtual coins for the sake of sarcasm?

其实 “ 割韭菜 ” 的步骤,我只做到了一半。

"Strong" actually, "Cut the vegetables," I only did half the way.

因为 “ 发 ” 的这些个币,全都躺自己的钱包里,发币方要割的,应该是用户们买币的钱。

Because these coins are all in their wallets and they're meant to be cut by the sender, and they're supposed to be paid for by the users.

这个时候呢,你只要愿意掏钱,这些交易所就会提供所谓的 “ 上币服务 ”,让你的空气币上架他们的交易所,这样就能面向广大的韭菜们了。

And at this point, if you're willing to pay, these exchanges will provide what you call a "perceived service" to put your air currency on their exchange, so that you can go to a lot of pickles.

根据爆料老哥的透露,因为他们交易所的体量较小,在 19 年前后,上架一个币的价格大概是 20 万左右( 当年他们上架了数百个新币 )。而某头部交易所 H ,当时最高能收到 200 万。

According to the source, because of the small size of their exchange, around 19 years ago, the price of the last coin was around 200,000 (they had hundreds of new coins in the year). A head exchange, H, was able to receive up to 2 million.


And that's not over, because they also have a variety of media resources.

只要钱给的到位,数百家的 “ 区块链媒体 ” 就可以帮你的币发通稿。

As long as the money is in place, hundreds of "block chain media" can help you draft your currency.

像是什么 XX 日报啊、X 色财经啊,立马就会把你上架的空气币给吹得天花乱坠,吸引韭菜们入局。

Like the XX daily newspaper, the X-manufacturing paper, you're going to blow up the air coins you're in, and you're going to get the pickles into the game.


And when good air money is in place on the exchange, the media are in place and users open the exchange to prepare for the deal.


is the real start.


Data counterfeiting,

为了让韭菜们相信某某币的交易很火热,交易所们就为发币方推出了 “ 付费 DLC ”,一个叫做 “ 庄家交易系统 ” 的玩意儿,能够自动刷空气币的交易量和深度。

In order to convince them that a particular currency is a hot deal, the exchange has introduced a "payable DLC" for the sender, a thing called a "bank trading system" that can automatically brush the volume and depth of the transactions.


In simple words, it's a bill.

爆料老哥给出了一个惊人的数字,除那些主流币之外,不少山寨币 90% 的订单都是机器刷的。

Blast brother gave an amazing number, and besides the mainstream, a lot of bounties, 90 percent of the orders were machine-painted.


And more than just two or three-line exchanges, most head exchanges also have data-painting habits.

更逆天的是,他们能用这套系统,应项目方的要求,不断地挂多单和收币( 交易所能让自家的买单,只收自家的卖单 ),慢慢地把空气币的价格抬高。

Even worse, they can use the system to increase the price of the air currency slowly by keeping more bills and coins on demand from the project party (the exchange allows them to pay their own bills, only their own ones).


When users are attracted by false data and incorporated into the condom, the estates can slowly throw away the currency in their hands and complete the harvest.


In addition to controls, time assassins also have a legitimate presence on certain exchanges.

如果出现了一些项目方和交易所不想看到的 “ 异常交易 ”,交易所立马能使出一招时光倒流,直接撤销交易和抹除交易。

If there are “unusual transactions” that project parties and exchanges do not want to see, the exchange will be able to reverse the tide of time, cancel the transaction directly and erase it.


Besides, in order to limit your transactions, it's like showing Internet errors and connections over time.


If you ask the customer service, it's just one thing, that's a big deal, a network jam, or you don't like it yourself.


In that case, the exchange, the sender and the block chain media are all their people, and the diaspora really can't fight them.

也因为各种中心化交易所的丑闻频出,不少散户便开始转战 uniswap、pancake 这一类的去中心平台。

Also as a result of the frequent scandals of various centralized exchanges, a number of dispersed households have begun to turn to central platforms such as uniswap, pancake.


The platform's code is open and all transaction records are on the block chain, and all transactions are identified by a block-chain browser.


It's not gonna be cut!


All you can say is that you're too young for the exchange to be centralized, but the distribution project is not to be centralized, and some of the shallow air currency projects are less expensive to control.

项目方们同样把量化交易软件一开,把一万笔交易批量分散到 100 个账户上,在把每个账户的买卖行为配置的合理,就算数据公开,大部分人也都看不出异常。

In the same way, the project parties separated the quantitative transaction software, dispersed 10,000 transactions into 100 accounts, rationalized the sale and sale of each account, and, even if the data were made public, most people did not see abnormalities.



Of course, sometimes more than just users are cut, and occasionally the project party that issues the money becomes the wrong guy.


"Strong," according to the insider's brother, they've had that kind of thing, and they've lost their pants.

其中就有一个不愿买付费 DLC 的,他们只付了上币费,默默地上架了自家的空气币。

One of them was not willing to pay for the DLC, and they paid for it in exchange for their own air currency.

或许是为了省钱,没买 “ 量化交易服务 ” 的项目方,相当原始地雇了十几人在他们的交易所手动刷单。。。

Perhaps in order to save money, the project party that did not buy the `quantified trading services' employed a dozen people in their exchange manually.

结果也可想而知,在默默上架之后,因为没 “ 热度 ”,所谓的社区、流量也都没有,币价也就默默归零了。

As a result, it can also be expected that, after the silent rise, the so-called “hotness” and the absence of the so-called community, the flow and the currency price would be zero.


♪ Start an exchange ♪ ♪ with the money ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪ the money ♪ ♪


Discrepancies are subjected to cutting of vegetables, block chains and media, and even the project side is likely to lose its blood.


So it's like a platform exchange can make a lot of money if it doesn't mess with itself.


That's a problem. How much would it cost to open an exchange?


In fact, the virtual currency exchange circle has long formed its own industrial chain.


The older brother who gave the bad judges the information that their company had a substitute exchange service in addition to their own.

稍微咨询了一下,你要是想开个交易所,最低只需要 5 万块一个月。。。而且除了钱之外,需要提供的只是一个域名罢了。

A little consultation, if you want to open an exchange, it'll take at least 50,000 a month. And in addition to money, it's just a domain name.


After your little exchange opens, the fees they earn, they'll charge for the service, and then they'll split it with you little deals.


And you get the money directly from your ability, and they usually don't get it much, and that's a part of the small exchange that can get it all.


One of them is an interesting story.

化名为小 A 的大兄弟,就曾找爆料老哥所在的公司代开交易所,但是呢,却只开一个月。。。

The older brother, known as Little A, was looking for the company where the Big Brother was running the exchange, but it was only for a month.


Everyone's wondering, why would anyone open an exchange for only a month?

后才得知,这完全就是个局。因为小 A 混迹各种山寨币空气币社群,认识了个想发币上交易所的冤大头项目方,但这项目方其实啥都不懂。

It turns out, it's a game. Little A, he's mixed up with a variety of bourgeois aquarium communities, and he's got an idea of what he wants to do on the exchange, but he doesn't know what he's doing.

而小 A 开交易所的目的,就是为了坑这一个项目方。上币成功,拿到上币费跑路,这可不是就开一个月就够了吗?

And A-chan's purpose is to pit this project. Isn't it just a month to get the upper currency and get the upper money to run?


It's only a pity that the big guy who tried to cut his own vegetables in the currency lost so thoroughly.

另外呢,市面上还早就有专门提供 “ 合约服务 ” 的商家了,简单地说就是提供期货系统,一些没能力自建合约系统的交易所们,往往就会花钱买他们的服务。

Moreover, there are long-standing vendors on the market that specialize in providing “contract services”, in short, futures systems, and some exchanges that do not have the capacity to build their own contracts often pay for their services.

甚至某些交易量 TOP 5 级别的虚拟币交易所,也都是买的 SaaS 商家的服务。

Even some TOP 5-level virtual currency exchanges are bought services from SaaS traders.


So, it's a virtual currency exchange for cutting vegetables, which is something that can be done without a lot of skill, just a little bit of money.

你要是想自己做个 demo, 网上直接就有现成的代码。

If you want to make a demo yourself, there's a code on the Internet.


Of course, that's all I'm saying. It's not about telling you how fast people come here with stupid money.


is a reminder of how deep the water is and how low the threshold is.



But as the saying goes, all the gifts of destiny have long been priced in the dark.


is in the hands of the service delivery platform because of the control of the various virtual currency in the small exchange under the flag.


Finally, the blasting of the warehouse by his former boss triggered a number of thunderstorms and led to the destruction of dozens of exchanges where they served.

那些在国内打着 “ 技术服务公司 ” 的幌子,实则在给交易所提供技术外包服务的公司,也有一些被警方找了包,后面就进去了。

In the country, companies that provide the exchange with technical outsourcing services under the guise of “technical services companies”, as well as companies that have been picked up by the police, went in the back.


And this year, in the context of the state's response to the virtual currency disorder, a number of exchanges have also cancelled domestic subjects and removed continental users.


And finally, that's the word.



And as for those who want to continue to defraud with this, their end shall be the same as that which their brother said: Put your hands on your head and sit down on the ground.


"Strong" has been waiting for you for a long time because of the law.




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