周内BTC牛市新证据出现! 交易手续费飙升4.3倍

资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:26 评论:0



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This week, the overall cryptography market surged sharply, with price performance reaching its strongest stage in a month. As of the morning of 2 May, the total market value of the encryption market was $249.94 billion, up 13.8 per cent from $21.91 billion on 26 April, and the market value of Bitcoin was 66.19 per cent, an increase of 1.89 percentage points over the previous week.


Total market value and turnover


Bitcoin market value as a percentage


Main currency market performance



1 NASDAQ, in collaboration with R3, set up a digital asset market platform on the Corda block chain


On 29 April, the NASDAQ Stock Exchange announced that it would work with R3 to set up a digital asset market platform on the Corda block chain.

2、MakerDao报告:已对系统做出关键更改 防止债务危机事件再次发生

2, MakerDao reports that critical changes have been made to the system to prevent a recurrence of debt crisis incidents

据Cointelegraph消息,MakerDao(MKR)发布了一份新报告,试图将“黑色星期四”的事件置于背景之中,并建议采取安全措施以确保不再发生。在3月12日至13日,以太坊(ETH)价格暴跌约50%,导致支撑Maker Dai(DAI)稳定币的债务头寸抵押不足。由于ETH网络出现拥塞,用户无法参与拍卖,一个竞标者以几乎为零价格的DAI赢得了近62843个ETH。Maker的报告确定了对Maker系统所做的几个关键更改,以防止协议在未来出现类似的危机。MakerDAO的治理现在可以“立即停止拍卖系统,从而进行清算”,以防止以0 DAI的价格出售抵押债券。拍卖系统的参数也进行了其他更改,包括添加了稳定币USD Coin(USDC)。Maker社区还创建了Web界面,以增加拍卖参与度。该报告还建议引入安全措施,以重新启动少于三个竞标和两个唯一竞标者的拍卖,每个拍卖批次不超过50个ETH批次的限制。

According to Cointelegraph, MakerDao (MKR) released a new report, attempting to put the incident of “Black Thursday” in the background and suggesting security measures to ensure that it does not recur. From 12 to 13 March, MakerDAO’s governance was now able to “stop immediately the auction system and thereby settle” and prevent the sale of collateral bonds at zero DAI prices. Other changes were made to the parameters of the auction system, including the addition of a stable currency USD Coin (USDC). The Maker community also created a Web interface to increase auction participation.


3; BitMEX is banned from Japanese users from next month and should respond to the latest regulatory amendments in Japan

加密货币衍生品交易所BitMEX发布公告,从 5 月 1 日起禁止日本用户访问,这也就意味着日本用户无法开设新仓位或增加现有仓位,而未平仓的合约将不受影响。该限制是对本月初《日本金融工具和交易法》以及《日本支付服务法》修正案的回应。BitMEX表示将继续与日本监管机构合作,后续将更新进展。

The announcement by BitMEX, an encrypted money derivatives exchange, that Japanese users will not be allowed to access from 1 May also means that Japanese users will not be able to open new or add existing warehouses, while unsettled contracts will not be affected. This restriction is in response to amendments to the Japanese Financial Instruments and Transactions Act and the Japanese Payment Services Act at the beginning of this month. BitMEX has indicated that it will continue to work with Japan’s regulatory agencies to update its progress.

4、Ripple Q1市场报告:XRP销量降至百万级

4, Ripple Q1 Market Report: XRP sales down to million

北京时间5月1日凌晨,Ripple发布了该公司2020年第一季度的XRP市场报告。2020年第一季度,XRP 的总销售额仅为175万美元,上一季度该数字为1308万美元。此外,Ripple决定继续暂停程序化销售,只专注于场外(OTC)销售,以在欧洲、中东和非洲等战略地区推动XRP的采用。本季度的总销售额仅为CCTT数据的0.6个基点(0.006%),较上一季度的8个基点(0.08%)降低了99.3%。

In the early hours of May 1, Beijing time, Ripple released the company's XRP market report for the first quarter of 2020. In the first quarter of 2020, the total sales of XRP amounted to only $1.75 million, compared to $13.8 million in the previous quarter. In addition, Ripple decided to continue the suspension of programmed sales, focusing only on off-site (OTC) sales in order to promote the adoption of XRP in strategic areas such as Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The total sales for the current quarter were only 0.6 basis points (0.006 per cent) of CCTT data, representing a decrease of 99.3 per cent from the previous quarter's eight basis points (0.08 per cent).

5、数据显示:过去半年新老鲸鱼增持超6.5亿美元ETH 超过2019全年BTC流入总额

5 data show that the last six months have seen more than $650 million in new and old whales, more than the total BTC inflows in 2019 .

4月30日消息,搜索引擎DuckDuckGo的高管Adam Cochran表示,经过审核以太坊前10,000个地址,在过去六个月中,现有的鲸鱼新增持有以太坊增加了5.5亿美元以上。而相比之下,去年全年比特币的新资本流入总额估计为6亿美元。Adam Cochran强调,不仅是现有的鲸鱼正在积累以太坊。在前10万名以太坊地址中,有相当数量的新钱包地址是与法币交易所onramp进行的第一笔交易,而该交易所主要为大型客户(主要是Gemini,、Kraken和Coinbase)提供服务。这些新钱包地址通常购买价值10万到25万美元的以太坊,它们占前10000个地址的6%左右,或者说这些地址在过去6个月里新购买价值1亿美元的ETH。总的来说,过去半年里,新老“鲸鱼”总共购买了价值超过6.5亿美元的以太坊,超过了2019年全年比特币流入总额。

Adam Cochran, the top manager of the search engine DuckDuckGo, said that, over the past six months, the existing whale stock had increased by more than $550 million over the previous six months by over 10,000 sites that had been cleared in front of the Taihouse. By contrast, new capital inflows in Bitcoin were estimated at $600 million over the last year. Adam Cochran stressed that not only the existing whales were accumulating in the same area.


6, law firm: The main changes in Japan's fund settlement law, which came into force on 1 May, are directed at encrypted money custodians


With the new regulations in force, significant changes are taking place in the area of Japanese encryption currency. The main changes in the new regulations outlined by Morrison&Foerster, an international law firm, include: regulation of the service provider of encryption currency custodians, who do not sell, purchase or centralize encrypted currency and encryptive currency derivatives. The former are now PSAs, while the latter must be registered under FIEA. The same encryption derivatives that provide encryption services need to be registered as an encrypted currency exchange. There are currently 23 certified encrypted currency exchanges in Japan.


Currency reading data:


1. Tiger list:


A week-long list shows the first ten currencies of inflows and outflows from the encrypted market over the past seven days. In the list, BTC and ETH ranked the top two in terms of $3.64 billion and $1.12 billion, respectively, while AMO ranked the top in terms of outflows of $310 million.


2. Bitcoin Active Address


The number of active addresses in BTC from 27 April to 1 May shows a high-profile shock, and the overall value is running at short-line heights, which is very much in line with the BTC’s strong price rise. It is worth noting that up to 900,000 active addresses for up to three trading days in the week. The active addresses on 28, 29 and 30 April were 932,000, 910,000 and 949,000, with the same value as at the end of June 2019. That is to say, the BTC is already in a state of high activity, which is very favourable to the price increase.


3. Large transaction monitoring


In terms of large transactions, BTC’s volume peaks in the week to the highest level since 20 March. On 29 April and 30 April, there were 1,086 BTC’s number of transactions, 1,136, indicating that from $7,800 to $9,500 below, the most important trading range.


4. Transaction fees


As BTC fluctuations increase in intensity, there are significant signs of a recovery in turnover. Transaction fees also rebounded from low levels, peaking at 110.19 BTCs on 30 April, up 430% from 20.75 BTCs on 26 April.


It is worth noting that, even during the fall of 312, there were only 84.3 BTC miners with only transaction fees. Thus, the sharp rise in this miner's fees suggests that a large number of BTCs are vulnerable, which may be an important sign of the start-up of the BTC cattle market.


Currency reading analysis:


In terms of BTC’s upswing performance, the price performance remains strong. Because of the excessive increase during the $9,500 shock, short-line retrenchment is normal selling pressure releases. And by identifying the size of the transaction, it can be seen that, after four hours of intensive use in the K-line map, the volume contracted after two four-hour cycles.




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