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  • 马上金融区块链BaaS平台
  • 2023-03-18
  • 栏目:Web3
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Web3.0是一个创新的概念,它引用了一系列技术,例如区块链,智能合约和数字身份权利,以及某些分布式系统,旨在改善互联网的使用体验。 它的核心目标是模糊海量信息的边界,确保数据的安全和私密性,改善创新,互联网运行的效率,并为金融和共享经济带来全新的机会。 区块链是Web3.0的重要组成部分,它是一种分布式的,可编程的账本技术,有助于保护,控制和跟踪数字资产和数据,因此使用数字资产促进了经济活动。

Web3.0 is an innovative concept, citing a range of technologies, such as block chains, smart contracts and digital identity rights, as well as certain distributed systems, aimed at improving the use of the Internet. Its core objective is to blur the boundaries of big information, ensure the security and privacy of data, improve innovation, the efficiency of Internet operations and create new opportunities for financial and shared economies.

它可以扩大金融系统,可能会带来许多变化,从技术角度而言,它可以将所有金融交易记录和手续费汇集到区块链网络,这有助于开发更加透明的金融服务和 系统。 此外,区块链Web3.0还可以改善智能合约的运作,这些合约确保交易员免受侵权和欺诈行为,而无需将欺诈能力交给中间方。 另外,它也对网上购物带来了好处,例如采购一个物品时,可以可靠地跟踪运送总线,并且可以通过去中心化应用程序和购买程序来安全分发网上购物积分或“购物动力”。 另外,Web3.0还可以改善未来贸易,这将帮助分布式贸易服务,为全球交易双方的支付保护提供支持。 通过使用智能合约,商家可以更快,安全地执行付款,以及有效地收集数据和总结报表。 此外,Web3.0还可以帮助提高数字识别的安全和私密性,从而更有效地处理相关的数据。

It can expand the financial system, and it can bring about many changes, by bringing together all financial transaction records and fees into a network of block chains from a technical point of view, which can contribute to the development of more transparent financial services and systems. Moreover, the block chain Web3.0 can improve the operation of smart contracts that ensure that traders are protected from abuse and fraud, without having to hand over fraud to an intermediary.

例如,可以使用全球差异加密(DIF),这种技术可以在不暴露其所有者机密数据的情况下,验证数字身份。 总之,Web3.0为人们提供了许多机会,可以利用它来创建一个更好的数字世界,实现数据安全,改善业务和产品流程,以及开发创新。

For example, global differential encryption (DIF) can be used, a technology that can validate digital identity without exposing its owner’s confidential data. In short, Web3.0 offers many opportunities to use it to create a better digital world, achieve data security, improve business and product processes, and develop innovations.



How do ordinary people get involved in the web3?



1. 去中心化:Web3允许用户直接与其他用户进行交互,而不需要通过中心化的第三方中介。区块链技术使得数据和应用程序可以分布式存储和管理,而不依赖于单个中心化的服务器。
2. 用户掌握数据:在Web3中,用户可以完全掌握自己的数据,并有权决定如何使用和分享这些数据。用户可以使用加密技术保护自己的隐私和数据安全。
3. 去信任化:Web3通过使用智能合约和加密货币等技术,减少了对中介机构的依赖。交易和合约的执行可以通过智能合约自动进行,无需信任第三方。
4. 去审查:Web3提供了更多匿名和隐私保护的功能,使得信息和内容的传播更加自由和开放。

1. 学习区块链和加密技术:了解区块链的基本原理、加密货币的概念以及智能合约的功能。
2. 创建自己的数字钱包:为了参与Web3,您需要一个数字钱包来存储和管理您的加密货币和数字资产。选择一个安全可靠的数字钱包,并确保妥善保管您的私钥。
3. 购买加密货币:通过交易所或其他渠道购买一些加密货币,如比特币、以太坊等。这些加密货币可以用于参与Web3应用的交易和治理。
4. 探索去中心化应用(DApps):去中心化应用是Web3的核心应用之一。您可以探索和使用各种DApps,如去中心化金融平台、去中心化交易所、去中心化社交网络等。参与这些DApps的使用和交易,体验Web3的去中心化特性。
5. 参与加密货币社区和项目:加入不同的加密货币社区和项目,参与讨论、分享经验和获取更多的信息。可以参与社区的治理、投票和贡献代码等。

6. 关注Web3的发展和创新:保持对Web3生态系统的关注,了解最新的技术发展、项目和应用。参加相关的线上或线下活动,与其他Web3爱好者交流和学习。

6. Focus on Web3 development and innovation: maintain interest in Web3 ecosystems and keep abreast of state-of-the-art technology developments, projects and applications.

Web3 钱包是互联网的未来。它们为我们提供了一种使用硬件或软件来获取资金、与 DApp 和银行交互、收集 NFT、创建链上身份、与社区协作以及提供超出传统钱包范围的更多用例的方法。

Web3 wallets are the future of the Internet. They provide us with a way to use hardware or software to get money, interact with Dapps and banks, collect NFTs, create identity on the chain, work with communities, and provide more examples than traditional wallets.


This paper will present and explain some of the more common wallets, focusing on two specific categories, trust and non-trust. This is an important difference, as it means something to personal data and financial assets.


In traditional bank accounts, it's in a vault somewhere. But if you use encrypted money -- digital tokens that are traded through block chain technology -- your money isn't really anywhere. It's just data.


This is why wallets are so important. They store the information you need to access encrypted monetary funds, which are digital tokens stored on a public ledger called block chains.


If you have purchased or sold Bitcoin, Etheria or other encrypted currency, you may know that it is important to protect your encrypted currency.


But how do you do that?


Fortunately, there are several different types of wallets that can help you protect your encrypted currency. The encrypted wallet is an application or hardware device that allows you to access and store your digital currency. It has three main components: a public key for sending and receiving transactions; a private key, which must be kept confidential and kept secret, and which can access funds; and a word to help you create a new private key.

Web3 热钱包的类型

Web3 Hot wallet type

热钱包是基于软件的钱包,将加密货币存储在连接到网络的设备上。由于它们能够存储、发送、接收和查看代币,因此它们比其他类型的钱包更方便。就 Web3 钱包而言,热钱包被认为是实用性最高的,因为它们可用于支付或与智能合约交互。

Hot wallets are software-based wallets that store encrypted money on devices connected to the network. They are easier to store, send, receive, and view tokens than other types of wallets. For Web3 wallets, hot wallets are considered to be the most useful because they can be used to pay or interact with smart contracts.


Hot wallets store your private keys in encrypted files protected by passwords on your computer. This means that if your password is set correctly, you can access your funds from any computer that has access to the Internet.


Desktop Wallet


Desktop wallets are the safest hot wallets. They are downloaded to your computer as applications and run locally on your computer. Desktop wallets are a good option if you do not want to leave any funds in a transaction account, or if you want to store some encrypted currency on offline computers.




Mobile wallets are encrypted currency wallets designed to be compatible with smartphones. Because of space constraints and the need for simplicity, mobile wallets are often more primitive and have limited functionality than desktop wallets.


Essentially, mobile wallets allow users to store, send, receive and manage their digital assets during the journey without having to leave the couch or a comfortable home.

移动钱包通常比其他类型的加密货币钱包更易于使用,因为它们具有直观的用户界面 (UI) 和简单的功能,例如可与他人快速共享的二维码。

Mobile wallets are usually easier to use than other types of encrypted currency wallets because they have visual user interfaces (UI) and simple functions, such as two-dimensional codes that can be quickly shared with others.


web wallet


When you use the Internet wallet, your private key is stored in the cloud and is not shown to you or anyone else. This means that if you want to transfer funds from your wallet, you need to access the only address associated with your account.


The network wallets are usually considered less secure than the desktop wallets because they are more vulnerable to hacking.


Despite these risks, web wallets may be useful if you do not want to download anything or if you want to have easy access from multiple devices.


In order to protect their encrypted currency from cybercriminals and hackers, some investors choose to store their digital assets in cold wallets. These wallets are not connected to the Internet, and it is difficult to crack them.

冷钱包可以是实体的也可以是数字的。还有一些硬件钱包可以提供比传统冷存储方法更高级别的安全性,因为它们通过 USB 端口直接连接到您的计算机,而不是像软件钱包那样通过浏览器窗口连接。

Cold wallets can be physical or digital. There are also hardware wallets that can provide a higher level of security than conventional cold storage because they are connected directly to your computer through USB ports, rather than through browser windows, as is the case with software wallets.


Hardware Wallet >/strang >

硬件钱包是看起来像 USB 驱动器的物理设备。他们使用随机数生成器来创建用于保护加密货币的公钥和私钥。它们被认为是最安全的选择之一,因为它们不连接到互联网,因此您的私钥不会被盗。这使得硬件钱包成为长期投资和存储的理想选择。

Hardware wallets are physical devices that look like USB drives. They use random number generators to create public and private keys to protect encrypted money. They are considered one of the safest options because they are not connected to the Internet, so your private keys are not stolen. This makes hardware wallets the ideal option for long-term investment and storage.


Hardware wallets can be used with any existing encrypted currency wallet or exchange, making them multifunctional tools for anyone interested in investing in encrypted currency. They are also easy to use; they simply need to be inserted into your computer like a flash drive and start your software. You can even use them on a variety of devices, including tablets and smartphones!

使用硬件钱包的唯一缺点是它们不如应用程序或基于 Web 的钱包等其他选项快。但是,它们仍然可以随时使用,同时保护您的所有资金免受黑客或其他威胁。

The only disadvantage of using hardware wallets is that they are not as fast as other options, such as applications or web-based wallets. However, they can still be used at any time, while protecting all your funds from hacking or other threats.

Web3 钱包是加密货币的未来。与任何其他钱包类型相比,它们为用户提供了更大的灵活性和对其交易的控制。以下是使用它们的一些优点:

Web3 wallets are the future of encrypted currencies. They provide users with greater flexibility and control over their transactions than any other wallet type.


is easy to use

Web3 钱包的优势有几个原因。首先,它们允许您管理和交易您的资产,而无需通过第三方。它还使您可以完全控制您的资金,因此您可以轻松管理它们或根据需要进行交易。

First, they allow you to manage and trade your assets without having to go through a third party.

此外,它们易于设置,这对于刚接触加密空间的用户来说是一个很大的优势。设置过程只需几分钟。创建帐户后,您就可以开始交易,并且可以轻松访问多个 web3 产品。与其他传统数字钱包相比,这非常容易使用。

In addition, they are easy to set, which is a great advantage for users who have just come into contact with the encryption space. The setting process takes only a few minutes. When an account is created, you can start trading and have easy access to multiple web3 products. This is very easy to use compared to other traditional digital wallets.


Privacy and Anonymous

Web3 钱包提供高水平的隐私保护。这意味着当您与另一个地址进行交易时,任何人几乎不可能知道收件人是谁。

The Web3 wallet provides a high level of privacy protection. This means that when you deal with another address, it is almost impossible for anyone to know who the recipient is.


enhanced security

当您投资加密货币时,您需要知道您的投资是安全的。您需要知道有关您的信息(包括您的身份和资金可及性)是完全安全的。Web3 钱包使用加密的注册/登录程序和加密的存储系统,确保没有违规行为,其他人无法访问您的钱包。大多数 web3 钱包也不允许提款以提高安全性。

When you invest in encrypted money, you need to know that your investment is safe. You need to know that your information (including your identity and financial access) is completely secure.

如何创建 web3 钱包?

How to create a web3 wallet?


A digital wallet is an online account that allows you to store and transfer encrypted currency associated with the block chain.

最受欢迎的加密货币是以太币或 ETH。如果您想创建 MetaMask 钱包,请按照以下步骤操作:

The most popular encrypt currency is in Tai currency or ETH. If you want to create a MetaMask wallet, please follow the following steps:


Install Extensions


Click to create a wallet


You need to create and reconfirm your password


Remember to keep your secret restoration phrase safe and reliable and confirm your secret restoration phrase.






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