哔哔周报:比特币价格跌破6100美元 比特币现金创历史新高

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beep week: 6 November-12 November

11月6日 本周一

Monday, November 6th.

1、 乌拉圭推出数字货币试点 数字化比索由央行负责★★★

1, Uruguay has launched a digital currency pilot, and the digitized peso is the central bank responsible for .

乌拉圭中央银行(BCU)正式推出了其开创性的数字货币——乌拉圭数字比索BCU。根据阿根廷的一份报道,乌拉圭银行的负责人小心翼翼地提醒道“BCU作为一个试点项目,不是比特币之类的加密货币”,而是“一种仍由BCU负责的货币”。为了参与试点项目,乌拉圭人“必须从epeso.com.uy网站下载手机应用程序,访问数字钱包,并在Red Pagos公司注册账户且进行第一次交易,以创建数字钱包(Cash In)”。

The Central Bank of Uruguay (BCU) officially launched its pioneering digital currency, the Uruguayan digital peso BCU. According to a report from Argentina, the head of the Bank of Uruguay carefully reminded “BCU, as a pilot project, is not an encrypted currency such as Bitcoin, but “a currency that remains under the responsibility of BCU.” In order to participate in the pilot project, Uruguayans “must download mobile phone applications from the epso.com.uy website, access digital wallets, register accounts with Red Pagos and conduct first transactions to create digital wallets (Cash In)”.

11月7日 本周二

Tuesday, November 7th.

2、 尼泊尔继续施压,又有两名比特币商人被捕★★★

2, Nepal continues to press and two more Bitcoin businessmen are arrested .


According to the Himalayan Times, “the Nepali police arrested two people suspected of trading in bitcoin under the cover of cybertechnical operations.” A dozen bitcoin users have recently been arrested in prison, and two other bitcoin traders have recently been arrested again by the Government of Nepal, bringing bitcoin to a low level in Nepal.

11月8日 本周三

This Wednesday, November 8th.


1 with user loss of nearly $150 million due to Pairity wallet leaks


As a rival of Bitcoin, the encrypted currency of Etheeum, which was established in 2014, has been warming up in the global market to a total value of over $28 billion. But the security issue behind the global fire has also become more prominent. Following the hacking of Parity in July this year, which stole 153,000 Etherias (approximately $32 million), it is estimated that users of these wallets will not be able to access their funds, with a loss of at least $150 million.



芝加哥商业交易所(CME)名誉主席利奥梅拉米德(Leo Melamed)十分看好比特币,他预测这一加密货币将会成为除黄金和传统证券以外的新型资产类别。

The Honorary Chairman of the Chicago Business Exchanges (CME), Leo Melamed, looks very well on Bitcoin, predicting that this encrypted currency will become a new asset class in addition to gold and traditional securities.


As the father of the financial futures and the former president of the CME group (honorary chairman), Melamed viewed not only bitcoin as an encrypted currency, but also as a new asset class by his own means.


In an interview with Reuters, the legendary financial figure spoke of the CME’s plan to launch the Bitcoin Futures Contract this year. Melamed argued that the introduction of the Bitcoin Futures would open the door to large institutional investors wishing to enter the Bitcoins field. He also mentioned that the CME would “train” Bitcoins in the mainstream, while observing regulatory rules.

11月9日 本周四

This Thursday, November 9th.

1、2X计划被中止 比特币硬分叉被搁置 币价创约7900美元历史新高★★★★★

1 & 2 X has been suspended and bitcoin has been set aside at an all-time high of about $7,900.


The controversial Bitcoin app upgrade organizer suspended their attempt to increase the size of the block through a fork.

该计划被称为“Segwit2x”,简称“2x”,因其早期对比特币初创公司和矿池的支持而闻名。该计划预计将在11月16日前后,引发一次块规模的扩大,规模为494,784块。今天,比特币钱包软件提供商BitGo的首席执行官兼联合创始人迈克贝尔(Mike Belshe),作为Segwit2x项目的领导者之一,他认为这个扩大规模的提案太有争议,不能向前推进,在其电子邮件中宣布了2X被中止的消息。

The plan, known as “Segwit2x”, known as “2x” because of the early support of Bitcoin’s start-up companies and ponds. The plan is expected to trigger a massive expansion of 494,784 blocks around 16 November. Today, Mike Belshe, the CEO and co-founder of BitGo, as one of the leaders of the Segwit2x project, believes that the proposal to scale up is too controversial to move forward and announced the suspension of 2X in his e-mail.

11月10日 本周五

November 10th, this Friday.

1、 马云谈比特币:非常小心,总是好奇 ★★★★

1, Mavin talks about bitcoin: Very careful, always curious


“I have no great interest in Bitcoin, and what I want to know is what bitcoin can bring to society. But, again, I think that bitcoin technology is very powerful, so in Alibaba, Alipay, we are also trying to ensure that we will push the world into a society free of cash.” Maun, in a recent public event, responded to a live question from a bitcoin lover about its bitcoin.

2、 尽管硬分叉取消,Segwit2x期货仍在继续交易★★★★

2, Segwit2x futures continue to be traded despite the cancellation of the hard fork


Although Thursday announced that the expected Segwit2x hard fork would not occur, the Segwit2x futures market continues to be traded. On Hitbtc and Exrate, Segwit2x's futures transaction price is about $250; in Bitfinex, the transaction price is about $180.

11月11日-11月12日 本周末

11 November-12 November This weekend

1、 比特币价格下滑继续,市场跌破6100美元;

1, Bitcoin prices continued to decline, and markets fell by $6,100;

比特币现金价格创下历史新高 24小时上涨超75%报价1727.74美元 ★★★★★

Bitcoin cash prices are at an all-time high, with a 24-hour increase of more than 75% of the offer of $1727.74.


According to the overseas digital currency data website Coinmarkcap, the Bitcoin Price Index (BPI), the market has so far fallen to $6091, the lowest reported level since 1 November (at that time between $6,357 and $6,75017).


Additional Coinmarketscap data show that Bitcoin's branch currency bitcoin began to surge in cash yesterday, with 24h up by more than 75 per cent.




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