唯一艺术倾力呈现 全国最大体量元宇宙主题NFT数字艺术展

资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:26 评论:0



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[Explosion Highlights]

3大展览板块,近90位艺术家,200+件NFT 数字艺术品

3 large exhibition panels, close to 90 artists, 200 plus NFT digital works of art


The world's first online NFT digital art store.


The new way of living in the Woncosmos, the super-new exploration of NFT art.

由唯一艺术(TheOne.Art)主办的元宇宙新生活数字艺术展“c位出道”将于2021年12月24日至2022年2月20日在上海广场2层举办。届时,将会以创新形式呈现近90位艺术家200+件NFT 数字艺术品,全球首个线下最大体量元宇宙主题NFT数字艺术品商店将会同步开启,共同探索web3.0元宇宙新生活!

The “c-bit exhibition” of digital art by the only art (TheOne.Art) will be held on the 2nd floor of Shanghai Square from 24 December 2021 to 20 February 2022. At that time, nearly 90 artists will be presented in innovative form with 200 plus NFT digital artworks, and the first digital art store on the world’s largest subline meta-cosm theme, NFT, will be opened in synchronous fashion to explore a new web3.0 dollar universe.


元宇宙Metaverse 源于美国作家尼尔·史蒂芬森的小说《雪崩》,意指一个平行于真实世界的虚拟世界。Metaverse中的“meta” 意为“超越”,这表明元宇宙应当是一个更加开放、更加独立的世界,这个生态系统使得不同背景的人们能够更加紧密地相连在一起,人们因为共识而达到共建。NFT作为共建中的媒介,它是元宇宙中的社交筹码、虚拟资产、身份认证等。本次展览通过以NFT艺术作品作为切面,以提供对未来全新人类生活方式的探索与想象力。

Metaverse, which originated from the novel by American writer Neil Stephenson, means a virtual world parallel to the real world. The word “meta” in Metaverse means “beyond.” This suggests that the metaspace should be a more open and independent world, an ecosystem that allows people from different backgrounds to be more closely connected and built together by consensus. NFT, as a co-builder, is a social chip in the metacosystem, virtual assets, identity certification, and so forth. This exhibition provides an opportunity to explore and imagine a new way of life for mankind in the future by using NFT as a face-to-face.


bright one:


3 big exhibition plates with 1,000 squares of digital art displays


to explore the new frontiers of artistic creation under the Yuan cosmos

整个展览共占地1000平方米,通过三个展览板块来设想在未来元宇宙境遇中呈现。第一单元《像数迷宫:Future is Now》展出了来自10位艺术家高郁韬、陶心琪、邓恩皓、赵芷茜、Oops Studio、梁廷玮、谢亦伦、王一才、徐心怡、张文谛的作品,涵盖了各种形式的实体艺术作品,从数码艺术、电脑图绘、动画,到虚拟艺术、网络艺术、互动型艺术、3D打印艺术,展现了技术如何被艺术所应用,艺术又如何被技术拓宽形式,来探索元宇宙之下艺术创作的方向。

The exhibition, which is 1,000 square metres of land, is conceived of in the future meta-cosmos through three exhibition panels. The first module, “Future is Now,” displays works from 10 artists, such as Tao Qi, Deng Xiao, Zhao Xi, Ops Studio, Liang Ting Xing, Sheiren, Wang Ichi, Xu Xi, Zhang Man Xi, covering various forms of real art, ranging from digital art, computer graphics, animation, virtual art, web art, interactive art, 3D-printing art, showing how technology is applied by the arts and how it is broadened to explore the direction of artistic creation under the meta-cosm.

第一单元:《像数迷宫:Future is Now》

Module I: Fature is Now


Module I: Selected displays of artists'works


The entire exhibition room created a complex maze-like path with air-inflated membranes, inviting viewers to reflect in the exhibition: Will our autonomous behaviour remain manageable in this impending “everything is on board” meta-cosm change, and what future will technological renewal lead us to? Perhaps there, in a new world that is nothing but empty, what is seen here is the reality of the future, the future, the present.



200+件NFT 数字艺术品,全球首个线下实体NFT 数字艺术品商店

200 + NFT Digital Artworks, the world's first online NFT Digital Art Shop


Module II: New discoveries of NFT digital art

第二单元“NFT数字艺术新发现“呈现了来自《像数迷宫future is now》参展艺术家实体艺术作品的NFT艺术创作,开启数字艺术作品全新的收藏单元。NFT艺术作品的出现与火爆,不仅开拓了新的艺术收藏领域的布局,更将多个跨领域行业中的艺术创造力释放了出来,越来越多的艺术家依托于新的数字传播媒介进行创作。

The second module, “NFT's new discovery of digital art,” presents NFT artistic creations from the real artistic work of the artists in the “Future is now” exhibition, opening a new collection of digital art. The emergence and explosion of NFT art not only opened up new art collections, but also unleashed artistic creativity in a number of cross-cutting industries, and an increasing number of artists rely on new digital media for their production.

《像数迷宫:future is now》参展艺术家限量定制版NFT展示

A limited number of tailor-made NFT presentations by artists at the show "Foundation Labytery: Future is now "


The third set of open spaces, the NFT Images, is the world’s first online NFT digital art store. This open space presents many types of NFT digital artists, including the sole artistic platform, such as the undersigned artists Aden, Aju, Pride, Spots, Buku, the warehousefish, Singlin Sea, Da Hye, TaTA, Winter Four, Beans, He Ho-Hung, Jiang Myeong, Li Sam-jin, Lin Shuyun, Dreamqing, Monsan, etc., which not only enriches and extends the creative content of the artists, but also demonstrates the potential for the use of the NFT-based entities, and brings new artistic consumption options for viewers in the metaco-digital age.


Third module open space, NFT Image Market, the world's first offline NFT digital art store


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in the new social age of the future, NFT art consumption becomes a new trend


> to become an indigenous nation of the meta-cosmos in community formation


When everything is digitized, NFT provides the best proof of people’s ownership, which makes NFT one of the future forms of socialization. When we buy an item, we buy the meaning behind it, which is consensus-building, identity and exploration of the way of life, and the emergence of NFT digital art provides the best symbol of socialization.

第三单元开放空间”NFT图像市集 艺术家阿久作品

3rd unit open space, NFT Image Market, by artist Ku.

第三单元开放空间”NFT图像市集 艺术家孙宇哲作品

3rd unit open space, NFT image fair, by artist Sun Woo-chul.


The exhibition also included a series of activities, including activities of entities under the meta-cosm construction line, workshops for artists, forum lectures, etc., to develop a consensus through community build-up and invite all to participate in the joint construction.


Whether the general public questions or is optimistic about the future of the meta-cosmos, artists and lovers, as pioneers of the most exploratory spirit, always explore and experience new possibilities through art.


Module 3 Open Spaces "NFT Image Market


With the NFT exhibition under this line, the only art not only allows the audience to participate in the exhibition and experience co-exist as a way to explore the super-new aspects of NFT art, but also invites you to explore the concepts and challenges of the meta-cosm, to participate in its co-construction and, in the construction of the meta-cosmos, to become the native people of Metaverse.


♪ The One. Art ♪


In terms of shareholders and compliance, in September 2021, the only artistic platform received investments in state-owned capital, while it acquired the qualifications required under many existing policies. Companies operating in qualifications, compliance, the size of users, and the number of works have become leading companies in the country’s digital art platforms. At the end of September, thousands of artists had participated in events and competitions organized by the only art platform, and the number of transactions and users had grown rapidly.


[Explosion Information]


Exhibition name: "C-bit-out" Digital Art Fair for New Life in the Yuan Cosmos

展览日期:2021.12.24—2022.2.20 (节假日期间正常营业)

Dates of exhibition: 2021.12.24-2022.2.20 (normal opening during holidays)


Exhibit hours: Tuesday to Sunday: 10.30am-8:00 pm (weekly closed)


Exhibition address: Shanghai Square, 2nd floor of Xiaohai Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai City


Organisation: TheOne.Art




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