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The formal domestic bitcoin trading platform is approximated with EurokeX, Upbit, BFX, BQEX, Coinw, JOYBIT, XT, Bittrex, which are the more useful formal bitcoin trading software in the country.

欧易OKX(点击注册)将持续向元宇宙、Web3.0、DeFi、GameFi等领域进发,欧易Blockdream Ventures已在全球投资了数百个区块链项目,推动加密经济的繁荣。目前欧易OKX在全球拥有超2000万用户体量,覆盖超过200个国家和地区;全球拥有美国、马耳他、迪拜等8个地区办公室,员工达2200人;年营收突破10亿美元,累计交易量突破10万亿美元。

EuroOKX ( in areas such as metaco, Web3.0, DeFi, GameFi, and EuroBlockdream Ventures have invested in hundreds of sectoral projects around the world to promote the prosperity of the encrypted economy. EuroOKX now has over 20 million users worldwide, covering more than 200 countries and territories; 8 regional offices in the United States, Malta, Dubai, etc., have 2200 staff members; the annual breakthrough of $1 billion and a cumulative transaction of $10 trillion.


Upbit is the Digital Currency International Station, launched by Dunamu in collaboration with the US International Station Bitrex at the end of October 2017, which currently supports more than 200 transactions of more than 110 currencies. Dunamu expects that Upbit will become the largest digital currency international station in Korea, and that the platform will gradually build more digital currencies in the future.

BFX专业化区块链资产合约国际站(bfx.nu),由BitFuture Group Ltd(注册地为BVI,公司编号1941935)开发运营。BFX是一家独立于交易标的现货国际站的数字资产永续交易合约平台。 BFX致力于完善区块链资产的行业生态,面向全球区块链资产的爱好者提供最专业化的区块链资产合约交易服务,营造最公平、公正、公开的区块链资产合约国际站,让区块链资产合约交易从此再没有恶意爆仓!

BFX was developed and operated by BitFuture Group Ltd. (registered as BVI, company No. 1941935). BFX is a platform for a sustainable trading contract for digital assets at a stand-alone spot. BFX is dedicated to improving the industry ecology of block-chain assets, providing services for the most specialized block-chain asset-contracting services for those who love the global block-chain assets, and creating the fairest, fair and open block-chain asset-contracting international station, so that the block-chain asset-contracting transactions will never again be maliciously overtook.


BQEX is a new international digital asset-trading platform, primarily aimed at global block-chain investors, with multi-currency, multi-linguistic currency-to-transaction services, based in the United States. The platform is based in the United States, using the best international trade-match technology, a rigorous wind-control management system, and is more focused on the field of industry-chain projects with practical applications, providing more secure, easy and comprehensive block-chain asset exchange services for global users, bringing together global high-quality block-chain assets, and working to build a world-class block-chain asset-trading system.


Coinw is a well-known digital asset international station in the British Virgin Islands that provides trading services for high-quality mainstream digital assets such as BTC, ETH, HC, EOS, LTC, XRP, and QTUM for global users.


JOYBIT, the leading global platform for the exchange of encrypted currency contracts, was established in May 2022 by the United States Senior Financial Quantification Team on Wall Street, which provides specialized, rich, and secure encryption asset services to multiple countries and regional users around the world. JOYBIT, in the field of encryption contracts, constantly explores innovations and selects high-quality projects that can now be traded in 20 plus hot currency currencies, including those of the BTC, ETH, DOT, SOL, MATIC, etc.; 0-100 times leverage, full warehousing, siloing, winding down, etc.; expands the contractual business format, simulation of accounts, unlimited models, lightning contracts, cattle bears versus bear, trading with singles, etc.; maintains “ users top to innovate beyond & rdquo; platform principles to continuously explore new areas, models, etc., to meet the demand of more users for contract transactions.

Zaif是基于日本的国际站,允许用户购买和出售比特币,monacoins和NEM币(XEM)。 这是Zaif如何应运而生:科技局有限公司,Zaif的母公司,从日本科技创投,一家日本风险投资公司的资金获得$ 835.000.并购买Etwings,当地的数字货币国际站。改善并将Etwings现代化,科技局公司购买之后推出并更名为“Zaif国际站”。

Zaif, an international station based in Japan, allows users to purchase and sell Bitcoin, monacoins and Nemcom (XEM). This is how Zaif was created: S.T.A. Ltd., Zaif's parent company, a Japanese venture capital company, obtained $835.000. and purchased Etwings, a local digital currency international station.


XT is committed to providing users with the safest, most trustworthy, and most convenient digital asset trading services by expanding their ecosystems. Our exchange is designed to give everyone, wherever they are, access to digital assets.


Bittrex, popularly known as Network B, provides currency, dollar and dollar services, and registration is very simple. Bittrex was founded in 2015 as the United States’ Bitcoin International Station, which supports more than 200 transactions, amounting to billions of yuan a day.


The Treasure Global Professional Station, an innovative digital asset international under the banner of the Treasure Group serving users of global professional transactions, is dedicated to identifying high-quality opportunities for investment in innovative digital assets and currently provides more than forty digital asset-type transactions and investment services, based in Singapore and operated by a team of the Treasure Global Professional Stations.

比特币 Bitcoin,一种去中心化、非普遍全球可支付的加密数字货币,而多数国家则认为比特币属于虚拟商品,并非货币。比特币的概念,诞生于 2008 年署名为中本聪的一篇论文,并于 2009 年 1 月 3 日,基于无国界的对等网络,用共识主动性开源软件发明创立。比特币协议数量上限为 2100 万枚,以避免通货膨胀问题。使用比特币是通过私钥作为数字签名,允许个人直接支付给他人,不需经过如银行、清算中心、证券商等第三方机构,从而避免了高手续费、繁琐流程以及受监管性的问题,任何用户只要拥有可连接互联网的数字设备皆可使用。

Bitcoin, a decentralized, non-universal global, encrypted digital currency, is considered by most countries to be a virtual commodity and not a currency. The Bitcoin concept was born in 2008 as a Chinese-brained paper, and was created in January 2009 on the basis of a reciprocal network without borders, using consensus-based open source software. The Bitcoin agreement was capped at 21 million to avoid inflation. By using a private key as a digital signature, it allows individuals to pay directly to others without having to go through third-party institutions, such as banks, clearing centres, securities dealers, etc., thus avoiding high transaction costs, cumbersome processes and regulatory problems, any user having digital devices connected to the Internet.


SOL's liquidation for the last 24 hours exceeded $20 million.


2. Close to $4 million in FTT liquidation over the past 24 hours


3. Central Bank of the United States report: Encrypted currency is no longer the ten most frequently cited potential risks (profits)


4. President of the European Central Bank: EU will soon submit a proposal for digital euro legislation (profits)

5.数据:某巨鲸从 FTX 以每笔 50 万美元连续提现,两日内已提现逾 2.2 亿美元(FTX遭遇挤兑)

5. Data: A giant whale has withdrawn more than $220 million in two days (FTX has been squeezed) from FTX at a continuous rate of $500,000 each.


6. The United States Department of Justice seized $3.36 billion in bitcoin related to the Silk Road (neutral)

7.SBF:FTX 拥有足够的资产来覆盖所有用户存款,在客户资产方面受到严格监管(中性)

7. SBF: FTX has sufficient assets to cover all user deposits and is subject to strict control over customer assets (neutral)


8. Starfleet Bank: if the Democratic Party loses control of Congress, the dollar loses its advantage (neutral)

据报道,比特币矿企Marathon Digital宣布终止与加密银行Silvergate的信贷安排,Marathon 表示,3 月 8日,定期贷款预付完成,公司与 Silvergate Bank 的信贷额度终止,据悉该公司减少了 5000 万美元的债务,并释放了价值约 7500万美元的比特币作为抵押品。Marathon Digital还表示一直在采取措施,通过偿还部分债务和释放被用作抵押品的受限比特币来支撑其资产负债表。1月,Marathon 表示已在 12 月完全还清了Silvergate 的 3000 万美元循环贷款,释放了 3,615 比特币 ( BTC )作为抵押品。

The company reportedly reduced its debt by US$ 50 million and released some US$ 75 million in bitcoins as collateral. Marathon Digital also indicated that measures were being taken to support its balance sheet by paying part of the debt and releasing the limited bitcoins used as collateral. In January, Marathon stated that it had fully repaid Silvergate’s $30 million revolving loan and released 3,615 bitcoins (BTC) as collateral in December.

在不到一个月的时间里,比特币网络增加了近一百万个持有非零余额的钱包。根据 Glassnode 提供的数据,2 月下旬,到 2 月23日,网络上的非零钱包数量从约 4420 万下降到约 4380 万。然而,截至 3 月 15日星期三,该指标已大幅回升至 4477.8 万的历史新高。

In less than a month, the Bitcoin network added nearly a million wallets with non-zero balances. According to Glasnode, the number of non-zero wallets on the network fell from about 44.2 million to about 43.8 million by late February and 23 February.


More non-zero-balance wallets are considered to correspond to more individual users of the network and to more Bitcoins investors. In theory, an increase in the number of non-zero-balance addresses means an increase in the demand for bitcoins, which should increase their value (in the long run).

具有非零地址的钱包数量的急剧增加并不是比特币需求呈正向趋势的唯一链上代表。根据 Glassnode 的数据,与比特币网络交互的新地址的 7
天指数移动平均线 (EMA) 自去年夏天以来一直走高,并在本月早些时候达到 2021 年年中以来的最高水平。

The sharp increase in the number of wallets with non-zero addresses is not the only chain representative of a positive trend in Bitcoin demand. According to Glasnode, the 7
average day index movement line (EMA) of the new address interacting with the Bitcoin network has been high since last summer and has reached its highest level since mid-2021 earlier this month.


After a false breakthrough in Bitcoin's search for 27,500 yesterday morning, the mood has shifted from a broad-banded shock to a narrow-banded shock box, and the
subsides of the offer are moving upwards, so our layout has to be adjusted accordingly. Bitcoin's current prices are at a near-previous height, and the top is still not recommended to be empty, even if it is higher. We continue to be more focused in our operations, using 28,400-200 reference points in our field position, and the upper target 29,000 has been reduced by lots. Don't feel that the current position is too high, that the structure has changed, just like the 27,700-500
before us to look at 28,200, and that 28,000 was still a distant dream, but the structure is now 28,000 is a low point in the new round.


1. Decentralization: Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency that has no central authority to control its distribution and circulation, but is jointly maintained by all users in the network.


2. No tampering: Bitcoin uses block chain technology, each of which contains information on the previous block, forms an inexorable chain structure that ensures that all transaction records are recorded and transparent.


3. Limited distribution: With a total distribution of 21 million bitcoins, a pre-established mechanism of halving the number of bitcoins per four-year incentive for excavation will be halved until the last bitcoins are excavated.


4. Anonymousity: Bitcoin transactions are publicly recorded on the block chain, but the identity information of the participants is not made public, which gives Bitcoin some anonymity.


5. High liquidity: Bitcoins are global, round-the-clock and highly mobile.


6- Separability: Bitcoin can be divided into smaller units, with the smallest unit being Satoshi, which can meet different transactional needs.


That's what's good about a formal domestic bitcoin trading platform? The details of the bitcoin trading software in the top ten countries, more information about bitcoinapp’s top ten rankings, please follow other relevant script house articles!




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