币圈敛财套路多 警惕陷入局中局

资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:24 评论:0



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  原创: 凯尔 蜂巢财经News 

Original: & nbsp; & nbsp; News & nbsp;




The city of Bears has been silent for a long time, and only some of the currency rings are still miraculous, dominated by funds and distribution drives.


Speculators who smelled money in the currency business were not only harvested by various currencies in secondary markets in the past 2018, but also fell into the trap of “demonious financing”, faced with hopelessness, powerlessness and even simply falling into a distribution scheme under the banner of the block chain.


Foreign and Chinese investors have joined forces to raise money, and the money is “smuggling” to attract money from poor Internet projects... Despite constant risk alerts from regulators, there are still participants in the trap.


Behind every set of roads is a team of mouths and mouths that emerges after the currency has faded away, turning the desire of speculators into a scar.


One of the losers smiled and, at the end of the year, comforted himself, “bought a lesson.” Less than a month before the New Year, many of the victims repeated their pits to their nests, alerting others to the loss caused by the fall of the scam.


  “中外”联手敛财 投资者20万变250元

"Middle and Out" joins forces to raise money and invests $200,000 to 250 dollars .


Mijong said that he had been deceived by a project carried out by a foreign national in association with the Chinese.


The name of the project, Zippie, which covers Mijo's project, was “It was previously Zipper, it wasn't the Zai Wenxi station, but now it looks like it's deliberately rubbing the side ball to confuse the record”.


Instead of focusing on the Tsai Wenjin project, Miyuan opened a network of officials of the same name project and contacted Liu Jie, a self-proclaimed director of the project's operations in China, and Matthew (Mathew), an American consultant, and walked into the “big pit”.


The two told Mickey that Zippie's core team came from the former Noki Sesebane Meego Development Group, “When the Seban system withdrew from the historical stage, the team was too ambitious to build a block chain.” They also told him that Zippie was targeting the Star Project and developing a block chain mobile operating system.


Miyuki knew “This Zippe is not Zipper” but was not encouraged by Liu and Matthew. In February 2018, he voted for 33 ETHs at 1:5,000 exchange rates.

  按照当时ETH币价 6000元的价格,米榕总共投资了约20万元,每枚Zippie代币(ZIPT)的成本价约为1.2元。

At that time, at an ETH price of $6000, Miyaka invested a total of approximately $200,000 and the cost per Zippie (ZIPT) was approximately $1.2.


Subsequently, Liu issued a paper mentioning that Zippie had entered into a partnership with Sony. They also said that Zippie would be on-line with digital asset trading platforms such as Korea's Network B, Bitfinex, and the Firebill, and that Zai Wen Sheng would invest in the Zippie project by March 2018.


A few months later, Mickey was stupid.


Zippie did not access the above-mentioned trading platforms, and the only one that landed was full of coins, which broke down on the first day of the trip, with an historic maximum price of only $0.28; Sony Chen did not manage the system; and Zai Wen Sheng did not invest.

ZIPT最高价仅为0.28元 来源非小号ZIPT最高价仅为0.28元 来源非小号


"Swindled." Mitsu and other investors planned to defend their rights, and they got kicked out of the community. He introduced that most of Zippie's investors were Chinese, and he said, "In everyone's understanding, foreign projects are a little bit more focused than they thought they would be cut."


Today, ZIPT fell to 0.015, leaving only $250 of $200,000 in rice, which he found ironic.

  而这个拥有“美籍顾问”的Zippie,从2018年2月热闹募资后再没动静,官方发布的最新推特停留在2018年12月21日,下面仅有一条评论,“Does zippie done for real?(zippie是真的吗?)”

And this "American consultant" Zippie, who hasn't moved since the popular fund-raising in February 2018, officially posted his latest tweet on December 21st, 2018, with only one comment, "Does Zippie done for real?"


“Now neither Matthew nor Liu would recognize them as project agents, saying they were just investors.” Mijong is still trying to recover his losses, but he finds little hope.


  互联网项目转型入场 捞完钱消失

Internet project transition & nbsp; cash disappearing


"The chains are yellow? What's the progress?"


“Quick on the exchange, scheduled for June.” In April 2018, in the official cable collection of the chain of God (ILC), there was a simple response to the investor's enquiries.


In the ensuing months, similar questions and answers appeared in the teletherms. Until 2019, there was no trading platform in the chain of God, and only sporadic ads were left in the cold.



Official data show that the chain of God is a project to integrate the application of centrifugalization into the chain of blocks, known as “promotion of universal decentralisation.” To date, decentralization applications have not become widespread, and the weekly reports of the project have been closed since last June.


In the official version of the chain, the Chinese names of all team members appear in English, there is no real head, and investors have no way to verify the project information. But when the currency rises, no one pays attention to the BUG, and speculators only want to win a ten-fold and a hundred-fold return on the market.


  蜂巢财经调查发现,神链基金会主席“John Qiu”中文名为邱文城。创立神链前,他曾在移动互联网领域打拼多年,开发过“我的神灯”、“漂流局”两个社交APP。但无一例外,反响平平。

A survey of the Beehives found that “John Qiu,” the president of the Serial Chain Foundation, was called Qiuwen City. Prior to the creation of the chain, he had worked for years in the field of mobile Internet, developing two social APPs, “My Godlights,” and “The Drift Authority,” without exception.


In 2017, the first wave of token financing of the ICO began in the country, with the decisive entry of the city and the creation of a chain of gods. In February of the following year, the ICO was launched and 65 ETHs were raised, amounting to about 390,000 yuan at the current currency.


According to sources, the chain was activated using a “pull-in-the-money” model, which attracted tens of thousands of users into the herd of wool and then quickly released their private solicitations. At the same time, the herds were immersed in a number of “childcares” to inspire investment.


Today, this project on the Internet’s transformational block chain is completely unrun. The chain’s official Twitter update stopped on July 6, 2018.


"They run away, they're blind."


"Cutting vegetables in China is too simple, garbage chain."


Pulls up the telegram collection's chat record and leaves investors angry and scolding.



'Change' will lead you to


The home of Sicilian House, known as the Soccer Block Chain Investment Platform, exploded.


On 1 January, the China Economic Network reported that the fraud victims had invested in the house in Switzerland, that they had been unable to recover tens of thousands of yuan lost and that they had been unable to track down the company and the head of the entity behind them.


In November 2018, a college student named Xiao Go noticed in a circle of friends that the “Swissview House” was a “high-return” investment platform, attracting 20,000 dollars.


In just a few days, the family collapsed, and Go's capital went out, "I don't know what it is, because I believe in my friends and I don't know what's going on."


In their official presentation, the Platform was positioned as a “mainstream web platform and multifunctional tool” with the objective of providing equal opportunities for all... providing point-to-point financial services.


No one is interested in the nature of this platform, and the high-return returns model is the focus of their eyes, which shows that, under the static returns model, $110,000 is invested and $12,400 is raised in 10 days'time, while the dynamic returns require investors to grow off-line and the more off-line, the more rewards.



The static earnings plus dynamic returns model is full of distribution drives. Counsel points out that the rate of return on the Sage House investment platform is significantly higher than the national statutory standard – 36% annual interest rate – and is suspected of illegal distribution.


Within the industry, platforms such as Sage House, better known for their name, are the money trays, from insurance to P2P to block chains, which are constantly “changed” through the pursuit of capital booms, and attract users to participate in the zero-sum game with high rates of return.


There's a swilight house, and there's a million swindle homes, and there's a twig wallet with a wave-field name, a self-confident board game.


“Registration means sending 888 TRX”, “release of 10,000 to 100,000, deposit of 100,000 to 1 million, deposit of 1 million to 10 million”, “recommends 18 per cent of the Friends Locker Award”... The so-called “innovation targeting model” of the wave-point wallet is also attracting people to the pit at a high rate of return.


In other words, it is likely that the game will collapse in a few months, and there will always be receivers.



It's all good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good, it's good.


As early as August 2017, the China Internet Finance Association (CIFA) issued a “Standard on Protection against ICO-related Risks”, pointing out that some agencies at home and abroad used various misleading propaganda methods to finance activities in the name of ICO, including suspected fraud, illegal securities, illegal fund-raising, etc.


There have also been numerous exposures to financial scams, such as MMM, North Big Grain, Botco and others, reminding investors to stay away from such projects, which are baited by high interest rates.


Currently, the Chinese Internet Finance Association reporting platform (责任编辑:唐婧




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