數字藏品(Non-Fungible Token,NFT)
Numerical Collection (Non-Fungible Token, NFT)
在國外,數字藏品被統稱為NFT,即非同質化代幣(Non-Fungible Token)[1],是指使用區塊鏈技術,對應特定的作品、藝術品生成的唯一數字憑證,在保護其數字版權的基礎上,實現真實可信的數字化發行、購買、收藏和使用。[2]
Outside the country, the digital collection is commonly referred to as NFT (Non-Fungible Token) NFT並不代表數字作品本身,而是一份購買者對作品的所有權憑證。用買房來比喻,NFT不是那棟房子,而是那張房產證——通過NFT這張“房產證”,人們可以明確得知作品是由誰創作的、現在歸誰所有,買下它的成交價是多少。[3]
NFT does not represent the digital work itself, but is a buyer's certificate of ownership of the work . By buying a house, NFT is not the house, but , people can clearly know how much > > > 對於購買NFT的人來說,NFT具有兩大價值:一個是收藏和投資的價值,每個NFT都是獨一無二的數字資產憑證。另外一大價值,是社交價值。動輒十幾萬元的NFT,並不是人人都能買得起。因此,擁有一個NFT,對於購買者來說,無疑是一種特殊的身份認證,就像是拿到了名流圈子的“入場券”,可以實現社交需求。[3]
For buyers of NFTs, NFTs are worth two things: one is a collection and investment value, and every NFT is a unique digital certificate. Another important value is social value. A trillion dollar NFT is not affordable for everyone. Thus, having an NFT is a special identification for buyers, as if they had a “check-in” from a well-known circle. 當下數字藏品成為行業熱點,品類豐富,包括但不限於數字圖片、音樂、視頻、3D模型、電子票證、數字紀念品等各種形式。[2]
When the digital collection becomes hotspot, , including but not limited to digital pictures, music, video, 3D models, electronic ticketing, digital souvenirs, etc. >. 音樂、門票、潮玩、卡牌、畫作、攝影作品、GIF動圖、表情包等等都可以做數字藏品。不同的數字藏品有著不同的玩法,例如,音樂類的可以聽歌、門票出入通行證、畫作長久保存欣賞等等。[3]
Music, tickets, tidal games, cards, paintings, photographic works, GIF animations, emoticons, etc. can be a digital collection. Different kinds of digital collections have different ways to play, for example, music can listen to songs, tickets to and from, drawings for long periods of time, etc. [3] (1)粉絲參與
(1) fans involved 數字藏品不僅僅是收藏品或藝術品,精明的品牌認識到最成功和最長期相關的數字藏品將是具有持續價值和效用的數字藏品。例如,數字藏品可以通過為球隊決策提供投票權、獲得獨家優惠以及獲得獎勵的能力,更好地將球迷與他們最喜歡的球隊或品牌聯繫起來。
Digital collections are not just collections or works of art, and smart brands recognize that the most successful and long-term digital collections will be digital collections of continuing value and utility. For example, digital collections can better connect fans to their favorite teams or brands by providing them with voting rights, exclusive benefits, and the ability to be rewarded. (2)客戶關係管理
Unlike real goods, the digital collections are traceable, so the wallet addresses where they are located can be viewed. The digital collections can open up unique details and participation strategies based on traceable factors associated with owning/buying the digital collections. This may include the type of digital collections that are owned, the number of items that are owned, or the duration of holding them. (3)潛在營收來源
(3) Potential source of revenue 由於數字藏品實現了數字稀缺性,品牌可以銷售獨家、有限的數字商品。與實物商品不同,數字藏品可以包含一個智能合約,該合約以內容創建者指定的版稅百分比進行編碼。因此,數字藏品的後續銷售或拍賣可以為原始數字藏品創建者創造收入,在出售或拍賣時提供持續的潛在收入流。
The scarceness of , can be sold by brands with a limited number of digital commodities smart contract sold 一是使數字內容資產化。在現在的互聯網下,我們僅擁有數字內容的使用權,無法真正使數字內容成為我們的資產。數字藏品(NFT)的出現拓寬了數字資產的邊界,數字資產不再只是指數字貨,任何一種獨特性資產都可以被鑄成數字藏品(NFT),無論是實體資產還是各式各樣的數字內容,如圖片、音視頻、游戲道具等,這提高了數字內容的可交易性。
The . The , we only have digital content 去中心化儲存保證了資產永久性存在,不會因中心化平臺停止運營而消失;第二、為知識產權保護提供了新思路;第三、提高資產交易效率和降低交易成本(如收藏品真偽的鑒定成本),增強資產的流動性,吸引更多的數字資產的買家進行交易活動。
The second is the uniqueness, authenticity and permanence of the portfolio, and the effective resolution of rights issues. There are three advantages: first, saves the permanent existence of the asset and does not disappear as a result of the suspension of the hub level; second, new ideas are provided for the protection of intellectual rights; third, improve the efficiency of the estate transaction and reduce the cost of ; and third, improve the cost of 三是去中心化的交易模式一定程度上提高了內容創作者的商業地位,減少中心化平臺的抽傭分成。通過數字藏品(NFT)內嵌的智能合約,創作者能從後續的流轉中獲得持續的版稅收益。
Third, decentralised trading models have in part enhanced the commercial status of content creators and reduced the share of drawers in the centralization platform. By embedding , creators can earn a continuous royalties from the subsequent flow. (1)版權登記成本:傳統版權登記需要花費上千元,人工流程長,時間成本高。區塊鏈技術標記了作品的所有者和唯一性,基於區塊鏈上信息不可篡改的特性,能實現線上作品權屬的存證確權,降低作品確權成本。
(1) Copyright log-in costs: Traditional copyright registration costs thousands of dollars and a long manual process, /a> high time cost. The serial chain technology records the owner and soleness of the work, based on the immutable properties of the information on the chain, enables the authentication of work rights on the line to be realized and reduces the cost of work rights. (2)所有權追溯成本:數字作品的所有權非公開可查,追溯成本高。區塊鏈上的信息不可篡改、公開透明、可追溯,讓藏品的所有權信息更便於查詢、更可信。
(3) : The uniqueness of a traditional digital work 區塊鏈數字藏品通過區塊鏈和智能合約的技術,可以記錄作品未來的流向,創作者保留版權的同時,還能從作品轉賣中獲得分成。
(4) Founder security of earnings: The future commercial gains of a traditional digital work, once sold, cannot be traced back to the author's profits and the author's rights cannot be safeguarded. can record the future movement of the work, and the author retains the right to share in the sale of the work. 央財報告以螞蟻鯨探的數字藏品為例,總結了中國數字藏品意義:
An example of a digital collection of ants is given in the financial report, which summarizes the meaning of the Chinese digit collection: 一是合規可控,符合國家的法規政策,開創了一種新型可確權、可追溯的文化消費;
First, it is regulated and in line with the country's legal and regulatory policies, creating a new, determinable and retrospective ; 二是中國企業有充分的自主研發技術保障;
The second is that Chinese companies have sufficient autonomy to develop technology. 三是用戶規模優勢;
Three are user-based advantages. 四是合作共贏,傳統文化的保護、傳承與傳播因此變得更加高效;
The fourth is cooperation in winning, which makes the preservation, transmission and transmission of traditional cultures more efficient; 五是低碳環保,數字藏品能耗極低,不到供應鏈NFT的1%左右,真正做到低碳環保。
The fifth is low-carbon environmental protection, with a digital collection of extremely low energy, which is less than 1 per cent of the NFT supply chain, and truly low-carbon environmental protection. 數字藏品(NFT)發售平臺,為了能夠吸引國內玩家的註意,創造了多種發行模式,可分為三大基礎模式:
The launch of the Digital Collection (NFT) has created a multiplicity of distribution models that can be divided into three basic models in order to attract the attention of national players: (一)收藏模式
(i) Collection mode 1、發行量少,價格高。(幻核、元視覺)
1. Low volume and high price (phantom, metavision). 以幻核、元視覺為代表的部分平臺,通過發行具有強大IP流量的數字藏品(NFT),讓喜歡的消費者進行購買收藏。但是,有消息稱,至信鏈認為缺少二級交易,就缺少市場化的價格發現機制,無法有效的激勵生產端或創作端,因此在和多個國家級的交易平臺接洽溝通,嘗試由國家平臺來承擔二級交易。
Part of the platform, represented by illusions, metavisions, enables the preferred consumer to purchase a collection by issuing a digital collection (NFT) with a strong IP flow. But, according to some sources, the tow chain believes that there is a lack of second-tier transactions, a lack of market-based price discovery mechanisms, and an ineffective incentive to produce or create products, has engaged with several national trading platforms to try to carry second-tier transactions. 2、合成玩法,普惠性賦能(丸卡)
2. Synthetic play methods, inclusive performance (MALs) 這裡我們不得不提到一個平臺,是由北京海納星雲公司開發的丸卡平臺,平臺發佈數字藏品(NFT)以電影IP為主,將電影中的道具數字化進行發行,同時多個道具數字藏品(NFT)可以合成電影的宣傳海報數字藏品(NFT),並且對合成的電影海報數字藏品(NFT)進行賦能,只要持有電影海報數字藏品(NFT)的所有人平分電影固定日期票房的 1%分成,這樣雖然數字藏品(NFT)在沒有流通炒作的前提下,消費者的錢包得到回血,這種良心平臺很快便出圈。
Here we have to mention a table that was developed by Heinar Clouds in Beijing, where the digital collection (NFT) was launched with film IP as its main feature, which digitized the props in the film, while several digital collections (NFTs) made it possible to synthesize films (NFTs) and equipped the synthetic film poster digital collection (NFTs) with a 1% share of the fixed-date ticket for the owner's film poster collection (NFTs), so that, despite the fact that there was no circulation, the consumer's wallets were returned, which quickly went out of the circle. (二)轉增模式
(ii) Conversion pattern 1、發行量大,單價低。(鯨探、靈稀)
1. High volume, low cost. 以鯨探、靈希數藏為代表的部分發行平臺,藉助其本身就有的強大流量,選擇走平民化路線,每期數字藏品(NFT)發行數量 6000-10000個不等,一般藏品定價 9.9元,;3D普通藏品 19.9元,3D高端藏品 29.9元,數字藏品(NFT)持有 180天,可以轉增,但是獲得轉增後持有滿 2年方可進行第二次轉增,通過限制流通,得以極大的減輕了炒作風險。
The launch platform, which is represented by the Whale Explorer, the Ling Quantities Collection, helps itself to gain a strong flow, opting for a civilian route ranging from 6000 to 10,000 rounds of digital collections (NFTs) to an average price of $9.9; 3D general collections, $19.9; 3D high-end collections, $29.9; and digital collections (NFTs) holding 180 days, which can be converted, but which can only be replaced by a second increase of two years, which, by limiting circulation, can greatly mitigate the risk of fire. 2、特殊編號,抽獎賦能。(歸藏、洞壹元典)
2. Special numbers, drawing talent. 以最近表現火熱的歸藏、洞壹元典兩個平臺為例,消費者在購買數字藏品(NFT)時,藏品除顯示希哈值(區塊鏈標識)外,還有數字藏品(NFT)的發行編號(即相同數字藏品(NFT)發行 1000個,編號為 1-1000),通過數字藏品(NFT)發行編號如:111、222、1234等特殊編號進行實物贈送賦能及其他數字藏品(NFT)空投賦能,所有數字藏品(NFT)持有 15天或者 180天,可以轉增,從而促進市場流通,吸引流量。
In the case of the two tables of the Holo Monument, which have recently displayed heat, the consumer buys digital collections (NFTs), which, in addition to displaying the Shiha value (block chain tags), have the same digital collections (NFTs) issue numbers of 1,000, code 1-1000, which can be converted from a digital collection (NFTs) to a special number such as: 111, 222, 1234, and other digital collections (NFTs), which have a 15-day or 180-day NFT holdings, thus enabling them to move from market to market and attract traffic. 3、藏品合成、入住元宇宙。(洞壹元典、紅洞數藏)
3. The collection is synthesized into the meta-cosmos. 2021年不止數字藏品(NFT)市場火爆,同樣火爆的還有元宇宙市場,以洞壹元典、紅動數藏為代表的部分平臺,宣傳購買其平臺部分數字藏品(NFT)的消費者,數字藏品(NFT)通過合成,獲得入住相對元宇宙世界的優先權,從而促進平臺銷量。
In 2021, the market for more than the digital collection (NFT) exploded, as did the market for the Woncosmos, a part of the platform that is represented by the Hole, the Red Number Collection, and promoted the purchase of a portion of the digital collection (NFT) of its platform, the digital collection (NFT) which, by synthesizing, gained a privileged right to live in the relative metaspace world, thereby promoting sales to the floor. (三)二級市場模式
(iii) Second Level Market Model 1、發行量少,單價高(IBOX)
1. Low volume and high unit price (IBOX) IBOX屬於最早一批的數字藏品(NFT)發行平臺,用的是物依稀為貴的發行模式,每期數字藏品發行數量在 100-2000個不等,定價 69.9-999不等,開放二級市場,允許實時交易流通。IBOX雖然開放了二級,但是這種平臺發行作品數量少,價格也高,致使發售即破發的情況時有發生。
IBOX belongs to the first batch of digital collections (NFTs) and uses rare distribution patterns, ranging from 100 to 2000, with a price range of 69.9 to 999, opening up second-tier markets, allowing real-time transactions to take place. IBOX, though open, has a second-tier, but it has a low volume and a high price, which leads to a situation in which sales are broken. 2、盲盒發售,分級賦能(藍貓數字、OneMeta)
2. Blind box available, graded (Blue Cat Number, OneMeta) 以藍貓數字、OneMeta為代表的部分平臺,將數字藏品(NFT)分多個級別且發行數量依次遞減放入盲盒內進行發售,通過購買盲盒隨機獲得不同等級的數字藏品(NFT),並對不同級別的數字藏品(NFT)進行不同級別的賦能,數字藏品(NFT)發行級別越高數量越少賦能越好。同時開放二級市場,允許實時交易流通。
The blue cat number, OneMeta, represents part of the platform where the digital collection (NFT) is divided into multiple classes and the number of distributions is reduced in turn into a blind box, where random purchases of blind boxes are made for different levels of digital collections (NFTs) and where different levels of digital collections (NFTs) are given different capabilities, and where the higher the number of distributions of digital collections (NFTs) is reduced as much as possible. At the same time, second-tier markets are opened to allow real-time transactions. 3、碎片盲盒,合成賦能(唯一藝術)
3. Debris blind box, synthetic gift (only art) 唯一藝術平臺是除支付寶外現今流量最大的數字藏品(NFT)發行平臺,將一件完整的數字藏品碎片化,分成 6-8個碎片放入盲盒進行售賣,並設定碎片數量依次遞減,同時開放二級市場,促進碎片交易,且在規定時間段進行數字藏品(NFT)合成上鏈,同時給予賦能。賦能形式也多種多樣:實物賦能、其他數字藏品優先購買權、入住元宇宙資格、二級市場交易手續費分成、線下藝術品交流會門票等。
The only art stand is a digital collection (NFT) with the largest current flow in addition to paying for the treasure, which fragments a complete digital collection into six to eight fragments for sale in a blind box, and sets the amount of debris down in step, opening second-tier markets at the same time, facilitating the trade in debris, and synthesizing the digital collection (NFT) over a specified period of time and giving it the capability. There are also many kinds of gifts: real talent, other digital collections first buying rights, access to the meta-cosm, second-tier transactions fee sharing, online art exchange tickets, etc. 周傑倫的猴子
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Jellon Chow's monkey {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D} 目前,NFT應用最火熱的是數字藝術領域,包括數字畫作、數字頭像、GIF、經典meme等。
Currently, NFT uses digital art fields, including digital painting, digital heading, GIF, classic meme, etc. 以周傑倫的“猴子” NFT為例,這個由BAYC(無聊猿)出品的數字系列頭像,是如今NFT市場中炙手可熱的香餑餑:BAYC根據膚色、表情、飾品等元素,一共繪製了170個不同的特征,光是膚色就有棕皮、豹紋皮、金屬皮等多個版本,最終由演算法程式自動組合排列,生成了1萬隻形態迥異的猴子頭像.jpg,並放到官網上售賣。
For example, Jayon's “monkey” NFT, a digital series of images produced by BayC (the boring apes), is today's hotly fragrant fratricidal in the NFT market: BayC has a total of 170 different features based on such elements as skin color, looks, ornaments, etc., with brown skin, leopard skin, metal skin, etc. in its skin alone, and eventually is automatically combined by algorithms, producing 10,000 different-shaped monkeys' heads.jpg and selling them on the official web. 而周傑倫擁有的BAYC #3738號NFT ,是一隻粉色皮膚、眼神憤怒、牙齒冰冷的卡通猿圖片——NFT讓全世界都知道,但這隻猴子真正的主人是周傑倫。
And JayC #3738 NFT is a pink skin, angry eye, cold-toothed cartoon ape -- NFT is known to the world, but the real owner of this monkey is Jay. 和現實生活中的藝術作品一樣,每個人都可以擁有蒙娜麗莎的1:1複製版畫、典藏海報,但真正的原版作品只在一個人手中。
Like works of art in real life, everyone can have 1:1 copies of Mona Lisa's paintings, posters, but the real original works are in the hands of only one person. NFT第一次讓數字作品的版權和所有權得以明確,全球僅發行1萬個的“猴子”NFT,也因為商品稀缺性而大受歡迎,更加具備藝術收藏價值。除此之外,BAYC還允許購買者用NFT創作T恤等周邊,並用於商業用途,這也是肉眼可見的價值。
NFT, for the first time, and make it clear that only 10,000 “monkeys" produced worldwide 流媒體操作,以NFT的形式進行“首映”。
Taking the entertainment industry as an example, in September 2021, the latest film, "Hannibal" Anthony Hopkins, "Zero Connection", abandoned the traditional line of 粉絲經濟“狠狠拿捏”了。
A total of 11 NFTs, each of which is known to contain not only a full film video, but also a film egg that is different from other NFTs, can be described as “cooling” the 使用權而已,實際上,物品的所有權還是歸游戲廠商;
As game players, we regularly buy character skins, games props, and only get their . In fact, the ownership of the items is still in the gamemaker's hands; 而目前市面上已有的NFT游戲,則開創了“Play to Earn”的商業模式,玩家可以在游戲中獲得 NFT,然後賣掉它掙錢——在未來技術允許的條件下,玩家在一款游戲中購買的NFT游戲道具,還可以帶到另一款游戲中使用,以實現真正的“元宇宙”。
And the existing NFT game on the market , where players can get NFT in the game and then sell it for money - under conditions permitted by future technologies, players buy NFT instruments in one game and bring them to another game to be used for the purpose of 美妝行業
(b) Make-up industry (b) 2022年3月,就連美妝界的雅詩蘭黛也開始試水NFT——在3D虛擬世界平臺Decentraland舉辦的首屆虛擬時裝周上,雅詩蘭黛推出了小棕瓶NFT,聲稱用戶購買了NFT之後,其在平臺上的虛擬形象就會“容光煥發”。
In March 2022, Yashrande also started to try NFT — on the first Virtual Fashion Week at the 3D virtual World Platoon Decentraland, Yasciland introduced a small brown bottle NFT, claiming that its virtual image on the platform would be “glow” after the purchase of NFT by the user. 畫作
Painting 美國的數字藝術家畢普(Beeple),從2007年開始每天畫一幅素描,在畫了5000天之後,將它們合併成NFT畫作《Everydays: The First 5000 Days》,在佳士得拍賣會創下了6930萬美元的驚人紀錄,比莫奈的名畫《睡蓮》還高出1500萬美元。
A digital artist in the United States, Beaple, drew a sketch every day from 2007 and, after 5,000 days, combined them into NFT paintings, Everydays: The First 5000 Days, creating 69.3 million $15 million more than Monnet's famous painting of Sleeping Lotus.
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