
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:27 评论:0



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  作者:中国人民大学金融科技与互联网安全研究中心主任 杨东

Director, Centre for Research on Financial Science and Technology and Internet Security, People's University of China


On 4 September 2017, seven ministries, such as the People's Bank of China, announced the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Money Issue Financing (hereinafter referred to as “the Proclamation”), banned the activities of ICO (the block chain project for the first time issuing a token), and took steps to shut down the virtual money trading platform within the country. However, the heat of the ICO has recently increased inversely, and the heat of transactions in Bitco and other virtual currencies has increased and prices have risen. This is due to the fact that some of the virtual money trading platforms located in the country have left the country, registered abroad and continue to provide virtual currency trading services to domestic users, even by means of so-called “off-site transactions” to facilitate point-to-point transactions between individual users. Currently, Japan is a more common trading platform. Japan has taken the lead in legislation allowing the creation of virtual money trading platforms at the national level, attracting trading platforms from around the world to apply for trading licences in Japan.


Indeed, the ICO itself is a financial innovation, and the government should allow part of the high-quality ICO project to develop in a legitimate and risk-controlled environment. In this situation, financial regulatory bodies such as central banks, CVMs, based on the position of protecting financial consumers, must take steps to regulate it, regardless of whether the project is in the name of the country or abroad.


First, it is determined to combat criminal offences. For the ICO project, which is suspected of being a criminal offence, such as a distribution offence, a securities offence, market manipulation, false statements or malicious fraud, the criminal liability of the perpetrators is firmly established by law, in accordance with the principles of personality and protection of the criminal law.


Second, strengthening account controls. By regulating accounts, contact, identification, and access to regulatory data should be achieved, as should black transfers under the line.


Third, foreign exchange controls are strengthened. For overseas ICO projects, foreign exchange risk management and transaction management are strengthened, foreign exchange flows are monitored and the real use of foreign exchange is verified.


Fourth, penetrating regulation should be strengthened. The nature of innovative financial practices should be accurately, in a timely and comprehensive manner, and the ICO project, which meets the characteristics of “securities”, regardless of its external presentation, should be regulated in accordance with the requirements of the securities regulations.


Fifth, cross-border regulatory cooperation. Many countries around the world have integrated virtual currency transactions and ICOs into their legal regulatory systems, allowing for extensive cross-border cooperation with these countries and joint measures to protect the legitimate interests of financial consumers.


Sixthly, a blacklist system is established. For problematic offshore ICO projects, regardless of the nationality of the operator or principal responsible person, their subjects and the persons responsible are blacklisted, prohibiting or partially restricting their future activities and financial operations in the country.


In the course of historical development, currencies have evolved from metal to paper, to monetary systems in cyberspace now, and value transmission through cyberspace is an inevitable trend. Developments in human history have been driven by technology. The emergence of digitally encrypted currencies is therefore quite normal. Bitcoin, despite its many problems, still holds technological and institutional values, a practice that is embedded in the history of digital money.


First, ICOs, which are essentially securities models, should be regulated by the regulation of securities. At present, the CSRC is considering the possibility of reintroducing a pilot scheme for the collection of equity shares, i.e., a system of exemptions for the registration of small public issuances of securities. Many of these legislations are already in place abroad and have had better results, and there are available institutional experiences in domestic trials. In this context, it is important to combat illegal fraud and other offences such as fraud by ICO, while also encouraging legitimate financial innovation in the chain, by encouraging qualified ICO projects to apply the provisions of the pilot scheme for the use of equity, to fulfil their value of direct financing under the safeguards of regulatory sandboxes, and to meet the financing needs of small and medium-scale innovative financial and technological enterprises, among others.


Second, the key to the success of block-chain projects that are not part of the securities model is better integration of block chains and trading scenes, which should be regulated with a view to controlling financial risks and encouraging innovation. For example, the play-over cloud is an innovation in a block-chain with application scenarios that is, to some extent, more advanced than Bitcoin. The play-over cloud is able to make efficient use of idle resources and, through dedicated terminals, uses idle storage space, arithmetic, network bandwidth, etc., to provide users with a token called “chain-gram” as an incentive while generating real value. This model is more advanced than the model of “mining” that Bitcoins consumes huge power resources.


Third, the block chain industry should embrace regulation and strengthen industry self-regulation in order to prevent the emergence of thugs. Practitioners should be vigilant not to think that they are lucky to be out there and to trade abroad, but to defend the rights of financial consumers on their own.


Fourthly, it is proposed to introduce regulatory technology (RegTech) to guide compliance with the ICO project, using, inter alia, “regulating sandboxes.” “regulating sandboxes” refers to a “test area” provided for new models, new business patterns, new ideas for the financial technology industry, allowing financial institutions such as banks and start-ups to test new product and service models in “safe areas” and, at the same time, with a modest easing of the restrictions and controls on participating in test products and services. This regulatory model gives space for new technologies to be tested wrong and for risks to be controlled.


Fifthly, improving the provisions of the Civil Code on virtual property on the Internet, and the legitimate interests of the holders of assets in protected areas. Compared to abroad, our General Civil Code has taken the lead in regulating the rights of virtual property on the Internet, but it still lacks precise and specific provisions on the nature and content of virtual property rights on the Internet. It is proposed to further refine the provisions on the rights on virtual property on the Internet in the future Civil Code to clarify the content of the rights of civil subjects to virtual property on the Internet.


Sixth, to speed up research and preparation for the issuance of the statutory digital currency. At present, Japan's commercial banks are leading the attempt to issue digital currency equivalents of 1:1 yen, with a view to reducing the cost of paying for the settlement and avoiding the outflow of consumer data. Our central bank also has a plan to issue digital currency, the technical conditions for which are already in place, but the impact on the possible monetary system, the economy, finance, social life, and governance of the country are still under-researched after the introduction of the legal digital currency.




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