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Recently, Bitcoin's on fire again.

10 月底,欧洲最高法庭裁决比特币只是一种中间等价物,整个交易不用收税。

10 & nbsp; at the end of the month, the European Supreme Court ruled that Bitcoin was only an intermediate equivalent and that the entire transaction was not subject to taxation.

11 月初, 短短的两天内,价格从 300 美元暴涨到了 500 美元。

11  at the beginning of the month,   in just two days, prices rose sharply from   300  US dollar to   500  US dollar.


Three days ago (10 November 2015), he was still the enigma founder of Bitcoin and was officially nominated as a candidate for this year's Nobel economics.

昨天(2015年11月12日),据 Engadget 报道,微软与一家专注于区块链(blockchain)技术的初创公司 ConsenSys 达成合作,希望将比特币的技术应用在金融相关行业上。

Yesterday (12 November 2015), according to   Engadget  reported that Microsoft and a start-up company focused on block chain technology & nbsp; ConsenSys  entered into a partnership to apply Bitcoin technology to finance-related industries.

也许谁也想不到,这是一个 2009 年才在少数极客圈中出现的新事物;更想不到当初 100 美元买几千几万个币,暴涨到后来每一个价值 1000 美元;甚至因为它的存在,世界最大的几个经济体国家的政府都先后专门对其发表声明。

Perhaps no one could have imagined that it was a & nbsp; 2009 & nbsp; that new things had appeared in a few circles of guests only year after year; even less, that the original & nbsp; 100 & nbsp; the dollar bought tens of thousands of thousands of coins up to every later value & nbsp; 1,000 & nbsp; the dollar; and even because of its existence, the Governments of the world's largest economies had issued successive statements to it.


Bitcoin, it's a very legendary story. You can't have it, but you should understand.


1 - Bitcoin of "Stick Up"

比特币身上的故事充满了戏剧性,甚至不能找出一个词来形容。它从一套加密算法演化而来,它的创始人中本聪真身至今不明,它的价值在 6 年的时间里最大波动达到数万倍,它还受到了部分政府的明令禁止。而我作为一名 2010 年就接触到比特币的玩家,很有幸的目睹了这一切的发生。

The story on Bitcoin is full of drama, and it can't even find a word. It evolved from a set of cryptography algorithms, whose founders are still unknown, and whose value is   6  whose maximum volatility is tens of thousands of times in a year; it is also explicitly forbidden by some governments. And I, as a   2010 & nbsp; I was in contact with a player in Bitcoin, and I was fortunate to have witnessed it.

这是一张比特币从开始到目前的价格 K 线图,看上去是不是比珠穆朗玛峰都带感呢。作为比特币其中一个最重要的特性,24 小时可买卖还无涨跌幅,仅通过交易来确定的比特币价值一直受到公众的关注。巨大的投机潜力也让比特币在中国引起了不小的风波,最后因为政府担心威胁到实体经济的平稳而开始实施监管。

As one of the most important features of Bitcoin, 24  the value of bitcoin, which is determined only by trade, has always been a matter of public interest. The potential for speculation has also allowed Bitcoin to cause a significant wave of wind in China, and, lastly, regulation has begun because the government fears threatening the stability of the real economy.

本来政府出场似乎就该剧终了,但是比特币却犹如一只打不死的小强,先后被 eBay,HP 加入到他们购物的支付方式中。而作为比特币核心的区块链技术更被一众金融机构作为未来的数据安全解决方案,甚至选择联合起来一起开发。

The government’s appearance seemed to be the end of the show, but Bitcoin was   eBay, HP  and was added to the payment method for their shopping. The block chain technology at the heart of Bitcoin was more used by financial institutions as a future data security solution, and even chose to work together.


2. This is the key to Bitcoin's success: block chain technology

这次微软合作的 ConsenSys 严格来说不是研究比特币的公司,而是一家专注区块链技术的公司。而区块链技术,正是比特币成功的秘密。

This Microsoft-cooperative & nbsp; ConsenSys  not strictly a company that studies bitcoin, but rather a company that specializes in block chain technology, which is the secret to Bitcoin’s success.


Let's start by looking at the relationship between bitcoin and block chain technology. Bitcoin should all know that virtual currency, decentralisation, transactional value is all of its characteristics. But why do they have these characteristics? Because bitcoin's core is block chain technology.


And the block chain is actually evolved by a set of rigorous encryption algorithms, which can even be mathematically proven to be safe. Let it be simple and impeccable. Through complex public and private key settings, the block chain network distributes all transactions of the entire financial network to each client, while ensuring that everyone can only modify their own property.


Of course, there are other people's transaction records in the books, and while you can see values and corresponding transaction addresses (a long hiatus of letters and numbers), you cannot know the true identity of the dealer without using other technical means.

当你对自己的资产进行修改的时候,账户的改动会通过 P2P 网络传播到整个网络账本系统中,只有被网络中其他客户端(超过 51% 即可)记录之后,你的交易才会成功。这种分布式的结构让篡改账目成为了一件“几乎不可能”的事,这也是网络搭建的数据库第一次变得如此可信。

When you modify your own assets, the account changes are disseminated through   P2P  the network as a whole, and your transaction will be successful only if recorded by other users in the network (more than   51%  that is enough). This distributed structure makes the alteration of accounts a “almost impossible” thing, and this is the first time that the database created by the network has become so credible.

3、51% 攻击:区块链的阿喀琉斯之踵

3, 51% & nbsp; attack: the Achilles heel of the block chain

可能你注意到我用了“几乎”这个词,这是因为“51% 攻击”的存在。正因为账单是分布式的,所以就像股份一样,每一个比特币拥有者都有自己的一份账单话语权。

Maybe you noticed that I used the word "almost" because of the existence of "51%  attack." Just because bills are distributed, like shares, every bitcoin owner has his own billing voice.

那么只要你拥有 51% 的挖矿能力,那么你就可以实现一个账单的伪造。这一种威胁在数据量最低的时候最大,但是如果数据和用户量非常大的话,想要实现这种威胁已经变得非常困难。

So as long as you have a mining capacity & nbsp; 51% & nbsp; then you can fake a bill. This is the biggest threat when the data are the lowest, but if the data and the number of users are very large, it has become very difficult to achieve it.


Four. Technology is perfect, but you still have to make sure the computer isn't hacked.


There have been many thefts in the history of Bitcoin, but the whole process has nothing to do with technology itself. Because if the private key to an operating account is stored locally, then if your computer is hacked and your private key is stolen, then your money is all for hackers.


Since hackers actually took control of the computer and stole the Bitcoin, this failure should not be blamed on Bitcoin and could only strengthen the protection of their own private keys through a number of other measures.


Maybe it's never going to be a currency, but it's going to change a lot.

毫无疑问,首当其冲的肯定是各种金融机构。今年9月份 Business Insider 就曾报道,摩根大通,道富银行,瑞士联合银行,苏格兰皇家银行,瑞士信贷银行,西班牙对外银行和澳洲联邦银行这 9 家全球性大银行已经一起签署了联合开发 blockchain 技术的框架。

There is no doubt that the financial institutions are the first to hit. In September this year,   Business  Insider & nbsp; as reported, Morgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, Swiss Union Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, Swiss Credit Bank, Spanish External Bank and Australian Federal Bank, & nbsp; big global banks have joined together to sign a framework for joint development & nbsp; Blockchain  and technology.

为它们提供技术支持的纽约金融公司 R3 的首席执行官 David Rutter 对路透社这样说道:

New York Finance Corporation (NYFC) & nbsp; R3 & nbsp; CEO & nbsp; David & nbsp; Rutter & nbsp; said to Reuters:

“通过几次圆桌会议,我们都深深的感觉到了 blockchain 可能带来的影响,不仅仅是节省金钱和时间,更重要的是创造出一个更加完善规范的金融世界。”

“through several round tables, we all felt deeply about the potential impact, not only of saving money and time, but, more importantly, of creating a better regulated financial world.”


Of course, apart from finance, there are many potential markets for block chain technology. By adjusting the level of encryption of its secret keys, its distributed storage features are particularly appropriate as a common database; conversely, using only the encryption and authentication features of its secret keys, they are qualified for various levels of authorized authentication.


As you can also see, the block chain is essentially a complete encryption of data and a complete solution for validation. With a range of applications, such as big data and machine learning, the enormous potential of block chain technology to build future data architecture has emerged, and the value of data is the most important reason for its attention.

也许是因为在比特币以及在金融方面的冲击更加明显,比特币的创始人“中本聪”才被诺贝尔经济学提名。虽然他的真实身份依然是个谜,但是他所创造出来的这个 Coin 肯定会对世界的未来产生深厚的影响。

Perhaps because of the more obvious impact in Bitcoin and in finance, the founder of Bitcoin was nominated for Nobel economics. Although his true identity remains a mystery, his creation of this & nbsp; Coin  will certainly have a profound impact on the future of the world.


I've always thought that bitcoin is something that's more and more interesting.




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