
资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:31 评论:0



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未来比特币涨到10万美元只是时间问题!随着投资者继续消化新的通胀数据以及美联储点阵图,加密市场呈波动走势。比推数据显示,比特币多头在早盘交易中试图推高,但在68,484 美元处遭到阻力,午盘后空头力量占据上风,BTC一度跌至 66,206 美元的日内低点。 在撰写本文时,比特币交易价格为 66,844 美元,24 小时下跌 2.5%。山寨币遭受重创,市值排名前 200 位的代币跌多涨少。

It is only a matter of time before the future bitcoin rises to $100,000! , with investors continuing to digest new inflation data and the Fed site map, the crypto market has fluctuated. Compared to the surrogate data, Bitcoin has tried to push up in early-discount transactions, but has been held back by 68,484 dollars, with BTC at one time falling to an in-day low of $66,206. At the time of writing, the Bitcoin transaction price was $66,844, with a drop of 2.5 per cent in 24 hours.


Today's Script House little editor to raise the future bitcoin to $100,000 is just a detailed reading of the question of time. Let's have a look at it with our friends!

前一日涨幅最大的 (IO) 周四跌幅最大,下跌 19.1%,CurveDAO Token (CRV) 紧随其后,跌幅达 19%,Arweave (AR) 下跌 13.4%。在为数不多的上涨代币中,Aelf (ELF) 领涨,涨幅为 7%,其次是 SKALE (SKL),涨幅为 6.5%,Toncoin(TON) 涨幅 4.1%。

The largest increase in the previous day was the (IO) with the largest fall of 19.1 per cent on Thursday, followed by the CurveDao Token (CRV) with a 19 per cent decline, Arweave (AR) with a 13.4 per cent decline. Aelf (ELF) increased by 7 per cent, followed by SKALE (SKL) with 6.5 per cent and Toncoin (TON) with 4.1 per cent.


The overall market value of the encrypted currency is currently $2.4 trillion, with a market share of 54.2 per cent in Bitcoin.


On the US side, as of the same date, the stock market closed with an initial decline of 0.17 per cent, a 0.2 per cent increase in the index index of plough 500 and a 0.3 per cent increase in the index, with the latter two trading days at a peak of 3.5 per cent for NVDA.O, apples (APL.O) by 0.5 per cent, and Tesla (TSLA.O) by 2.9 per cent.

周四公布的 5月份生产者价格指数显示,继 4 月份上涨 0.5% 之后,5 月份价格环比下跌 0.2%,说明通胀有所缓解,为投资者预期 9 月份降息提供了更多理由。 芝加哥商品交易所Fed Watch工具目前显示降息的可能性为 68.5%,高于昨天的 65%。

The PPI published on Thursday in May shows that, after a 0.5% increase in April, the price ring fell by 0.2% in May, indicating a slowdown in inflation and providing more justification for investors’ expectations of a reduction in interest rates in September. The Fed Watch tool of the Chicago Commodity Exchange currently shows a 68.5% chance of interest reduction, up from 65% yesterday.

分析师 Skew在 X 平台分析了交易所当前的买卖订单。

Analyst Skyw analysed the current purchase and purchase orders of the exchange on platform X.

在BTC现货方面,从流动性的角度来看,出价深度在 66,000 美元至 65,000 美元之间,但市场需要找到交易需求,以 66,000 美元作为支撑。在 70,000 美元及更高价格附近,有相当多的要价深度,市场可能需要一些新的叙事来刺需求。

In the BTC spot, from a liquidity point of view, the bid depth is between $66,000 and $65,000, but the market needs to find demand for the transaction, supported by $66,000. In the vicinity of $70,000 and higher prices, there is a considerable depth of demand, and the market may need some new narratives to punctify demand.

从BTC永续合约来看,Perp 订单簿相当活跃,有大量买入流动性较低,这通常是实际需求和大量空头寻求平仓的结合。

According to the BTC permanent contract, the Perp purchase book is very active, with a high level of buy-in and low liquidity, which is usually a combination of actual demand and a large amount of empty space seeking silos.

BTC币安Perp 和 Bybit Perp对比来看,永续合约市场表现出明显的对冲模式,目前空头受到青睐,不过,好消息是资金费率较低且现货溢价持续更久,意味着泡沫正在离开市场。

In contrast to BTC’s Ann Perp and Bybit Perp, the market for durable contracts shows a clear hedging pattern, which is now favoured, but the good news is that lower funding rates and longer spot premiums mean that bubbles are leaving the market.

Secure Digital Markets 分析师表示:“随着美国股市创下历史新高,预计比特币可能很快也会跟进。然而,我们应该为 70,000 美元左右的短期阻力做好准备,而更大的阻力位在 72,000 美元。”

Secure Digital Markets analyst says: “ with the US stock market at an all-time high, Bitcoin is expected to follow up soon. However, we should be prepared for short-term resistance of around $70,000, with greater resistance at $72,000. & rdquo;

尽管自 2 月底以来,比特币的价格走势一直处于横盘整理状态,但许多分析师表示,上涨趋势的恢复只是时间问题,大多数人预测,比特币最终将在这一牛市周期的某个时刻突破 10 万美元。

Despite the fact that the price trend in Bitcoin has been moving horizontally since the end of February, many analysts indicate that the recovery of the upward trend is only a matter of time, and most predicts that Bitcoin will eventually break by $100,000 at some point in the cattle cycle.

分析师兼数学家 Fred Krüeger在其播客节目中表示: “从理论上讲,到今年年底,比特币价格应该接近 10 万美元,甚至可能达到 9 万美元。但比特币的价格可能会比这些水平高出两个标准差,这将使我们今年的价格达到约 20 万美元,甚至达到 40 万美元。”

The analyst and mathematician Fred Krüeger said in his podcast: & ldquo; theoretically, by the end of this year, bitcoin prices should be close to $100,000, or perhaps even $90,000. But bitcoin prices could be two standard deviations above these levels, which would bring our prices this year to about $200,000, or even $400,000.

他补充道:“如果我们再看一年,到 2025 年,我们可能会达到 14 万美元的趋势线,如果我们能比这个数字高出一两个标准差,我们就能达到 60 万美元,这将是一个重大举措。”

He added: & ldquao; if we look at another year, by 2025, we may reach the threshold of $140,000, and if we get one or two standard deviations above that figure, we can reach $600,000, which would be a major initiative. & rdquao;

Krüeger表示,他认为“本轮周期我们确实有可能看到 50 万至 60 万美元左右的高位。”

Krüeger says he thinks & ldquo; we do have a real chance of seeing highs of between 500,000 and 600,000 dollars in the current cycle. & rdquo;

市场分析师 CryptoCon 对周期市场顶部的看涨情绪略低,他给出的“3 级”目标价为 91,539 美元,周期顶部目标为 123,832 美元,不过他指出,周期顶部目标正在上升。

CryptoCon, a market analyst, showed a little less vibe about the top of the cycle market, giving & ldquao; level 3 & rdquao; the target price was $91,539 and the top of the cycle was $123,832, although he noted that the top goal of the cycle was rising.

分析师 Rekt Capital 在X平台解释了为什么横盘价格走势实际上是一件好事。

The analyst Rekt Capital explained on platform X why cross-cutting price movements are actually a good thing.

他在推特上写道: “比特币难以突破的事实对整个周期是有利的 。比特币从未在减半后这么早出现突破。如果真的出现突破,周期将加速到牛市将比平时更短的程度。”

He writes on Twitter: & ldquo; the fact that bitcoin is hard to break is good for the whole cycle. Bitcoin never made a breakthrough this early after halving. If there is a real breakthrough, the cycle will accelerate to a shorter degree than usual.

Rekt Capital 表示:“这种持续的盘整使价格能够与历史减半周期重新同步,这样我们就可以实现正常的牛

Rekt Capital says: & ldquao; this continuous consolidation allows prices to re-synchronize with the historical cycle of halving, so that we can achieve normal cattle.


The city. Bitcoin has been rounded up for three months in this re-cumulative zone. History shows that this situation may last for another three months. It is not surprising, therefore, if prices fall from the high resistance position in the zone.


This is just a detailed description of the future bitcoin going up to $100,000 shared by the Script House editor. It's only a matter of time. It's only a matter of time to believe that bitcoin going up to $100,000!




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