
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:70 评论:0



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浏览器打开 https://electrum.org/#download 选择windwos版本的安装程序

Browser Opens https://electrum.org/#download  Select installation program for Windows version




& nbsp; click download and install


Hint Enter Wallet Name




& nbsp; the next step: standard wallet




& nbsp; creating a new secret feed




& nbsp; the next step, select an old address




& nbsp; writing a secret feed




& nbsp; next step, enter a secret feed





Enter Password




& nbsp; the next step, enter the main interface




& nbsp; click on the "Address" tab, which has created many collection addresses and zero addresses, all of which are test addresses starting with m




& nbsp; showing zero balances, next we get a test bitcoin for one of the collection addresses

Get BTC Testnet coin
We can get BTC test coin from BTC faucet websites, here are several available examples sites which we can get BTC test coins from:


Browser opens https://kuttler.eu/en/bitcoin/btc/aucet/




& nbsp; found to have used Google's authentication code service and unable to display pictures, requires the installation of a Gooreplacer plugin from the GOOGLE browser, which is used to redirect the file addresses in the web page to other addresses.


Browser opens https://www.chromefor.com/gooreplacer_v3-10-0/


A browser plugin downloads the website, downloads the plugin, selects the site to download



& nbsp; successfully downloaded is a.crx suffix file



& nbsp; open google browsers, select extension programs, drag files directly into browser totals, and automatically install plugins for browsers



After & nbsp; succeeds, display the following interfaces



& nbsp; click "add" to add an address redirection rule




That is, www.google.com/recaptcha to recaptcha.net/recaptcha, which will provide a certification service, so that it can be accessed in the country.




Reopening test currency website https://kuttler.eu/en/bitcoin/btc/aucet/



& nbsp; has been successfully displayed and then entered our collection address, and has been verified and obtained


& nbsp; & nbsp; show success, go back to the Electrum interface and show that the wallet address is in balance



We click right on " Address ", select " Details ", open a detailed information interface for this address



& nbsp; you can see the public key to this address, as well as the history of the transaction, where only we currently choose to get this record of the test currency, right click on this record and choose " Details " to show details of the transaction



& nbsp; HASH values for this transaction, currently confirmed by several blocks, which block is packaged, input and output of the transaction


Copy a collection address in the current address list and then click the Send tab into the Transfer Interface



& nbsp; paste the duplicate address to the payment box as the payee's address and fill out a figure smaller than the balance of your wallet. The more the charge, the more expensive it is, the more likely it is that the miner will pack the chain in time, because the fee is paid to the miner.


We're going to click on Preview.


bf3c198243b0d79d10594189daafaef053e9eb97e3a3061adafb2dfebe41c827:19 这个表示,交易的输入是我获取的测试币的那笔交易的ID:和输出的位置

bf3c 198243b0d79d 10594189d 1059489daafaef053e9e9b97e3a3061addafb2dfebe41c827:19  this means that the transaction was entered into the ID: and the location of the output of the transaction for which I obtained the test currency


The output contains the address of the receipt and the location and amount of the change. Click on " Sign ", give the transaction your own private key and click on "Broadcast ".



& nbsp; shows that payment has been sent and returns to HASH for the transaction. Returning to the address list, it can be seen that the collection address has 10 bits of money in balance and finding a zero address has been transferred to the remaining 110 bits of currency.





& nbsp; reverting to the historical interface, the record of the transaction has been shown, clicking on details




& nbsp; as it was transferred to an address in my own wallet, the amount of delivery shown here is zero


We can also click right on the transaction log and select " Use block browser " to view more detailed information.



& nbsp; click on DETAILS



& nbsp; displays input and output scripts for this transaction.


You can see the input script in the transaction input, as well as the output script of the previous transaction, which is validated at the full node by executing the input script first and the output script of the previous transaction to verify the validity of the transaction


Enter Script

OP_PUSHBYTES_72 3045022100841e9bcc720fb3e689ee5ed19bda95c531a38e981e3c50c587c6c126acb084940220579fff024189bc73afe5b2ddcf2194685ea1025fba16fd95fa7af155fe90927c01
OP_PUSHBYTES_33 03ffeeb710d76f6bf11c6534749f1407da6805be63697bff919995b7db2c6a8c32


Previous transaction output script

OP_PUSHBYTES_20 9c88615abc0525dca340f038a3f3b7b5bfe05fd3


The implementation process is as follows:

OP_PUSHBYTES_72 3045022100841e9bcc720fb3e689ee5ed19bda95c531a38e981e3c50c587c6c126acb084940220579fff024189bc73afe5b2ddcf2194685ea1025fba16fd95fa7af155fe90927c01:将用私钥签名的信息入栈

OP_PUSHBYTES_72304522100841e9bcc720bc3e689ee5ed19bda95c531a38e981e3c50c587c6c126acb084040205779ffffffff4189bc5b2df2df2194685ea1025fba16fd95fa7f155fe90927c01: enter information signed with a private key

OP_PUSHBYTES_33 03ffeeb710d76f6bf11c6534749f1407da6805be63697bff919995b7db2c6a8c32:将公钥入栈

OP_PUSHBYTES_33  03ffeeb710d76f6bf11c653474f1407da6805be63697bff919995b7db2c6a8c32: Put Public Keys in Bank

OP_DUP :复制一个栈顶元素,并入栈

OP_DUP: Copy a top element and merge into a store



OP_HASH160:弹出栈顶元素,并作hash160运算 H(Public Key),得到账户地址,并入栈

OP_HASH160: Ejects top elements and performs shash160 operation & nbsp; H (Public Key), gets account address, merges with warehouse



OP_PUSHBYTES_20 9c88615abc0525dca340f038a3f3b7b5bfe05fd3 :将收款账户的公钥HASH既收款账户地址入栈。

OP_PUSHBYTES_20 9c88615abc0525dca 340f038a3f3b7b5bfe05fd3 : to store the address of the public key HASH account.



& nbsp; OP_EQUALVERIFY: Ejects the top two elements and compares them to whether they are equal, i.e. to verify that the account of the payer is correct and is indeed the recipient of the previous transaction, where only the public key of the payer and the signature of the private key of the payer are left.



& nbsp; OP_CHECKSIG: Two elements of the roof are ejected, and the public key is used to verify the transaction.





& nbsp; reproduced from https://www.cnblogs.com/sky-cheng/p/172128.html


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