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Abstract: What's a dollar universe, 1,000 in the eyes of 1,000 people.



Recently, Facebook changed its name to Meta and went on a wave of hot searches; earlier in the year, Alitten, and other giants, such as Google, from abroad, announced their entry into the Senate universe; and the industrial “breathing” light, Lo Young-ho, announced its entry into the Senate universe, a term that is becoming more frequent and more frequent in the future.


So, what's the Woncosmos?


What's a dollar universe? There's a thousand dollars in 1,000 people's eyes.


Different media, companies, individuals, etc. have their own understanding of the meta-cosmos:

有的人认为“元宇宙”代表着人类文明的未来;而还有些人觉得“元宇宙”代表着虚拟世界的“躺平”,是个“邪恶”的东西,Elon Musk的冲向太空,才是人类文明的未来.....

Some people think that the "won cosmos" represents the future of human civilization, while others think that the "won cosmos" represents the "silence" of the virtual world, and that the "evil" thing, Elon Musk's rush to space, is the future of human civilization...


And between these two views, there is also the view that, like the Internet, the meta-cosmos is by itself free of any attributes, with the focus being on how we use it.


To explore what is called the metaspace, we need to explore the origins of human needs.


First of all, we dig from the perspective of the meta-cosm of the film literature at :




For the interpretation of the meta-cosm, it is now accepted that the word "Metaverse" has been translated from the 1992 Stephenson science fiction "Avalanche". The meta-cosm is simply that all people and things in the real world are digitally projected in this networked cloud world, where you can do whatever you can in the real world.




And in China, more than 2300 years ago, in a century of bickering, the Banker dreamt that he had become a butterfly dancing and that he did not know where he was when he woke up and wondered whether it had turned into a butterfly or whether it had become a butterfly. Which was really there?


Star Wars


In Star Wars, we saw R2D2 robots with a three-dimensional hologram feature; and something that is now popular in the playhouse: a full-scope display of helmets and a set of induction suits, which allow players to feel physically struck, stabbed and burned in the game, generate heat and cold, and even make a true simulation of their body being exposed in the snow and snow. It is mentioned in the triple-recorded homogenous game that Wang Qing walked behind her, and since the game was shown in the helmet in a holistic way, nothing could be seen on the display.


Ace Agent >/strong


In the American film "Ace Agent ", when you bring the exclusive AR glasses of the Ace Agent, the rest of the participants, even in different parts of the country, can have a holographic meeting around them.




In the Avanda film, scientists tried to combine the DNA of humans with the DNA of the Nevilles, creating a cloned Neville. And the most amazing thing was that the cloned Nevilles could put human consciousness in it, and thus become the “incarnation” of human activity on the planet.


The Black Mirror > /strong

在《黑镜》第二季第一集当中,名为“Be Right Back·马上回来”,讲述了一对情侣Martha和Ash搬去了Ash父母居住的远离尘嚣的小镇生活,但是社交网络狂人Ash却在归还搬家租赁的货车时死于非命。在Ash的葬礼上,Martha的朋友Sarah告诉了她一种和死去的人建立联系的新方法,就是用Ash在社交网络中留下的所有信息、状态,更新和Like,Martha可以创造出一个新的“真”Ash,从而帮助她减轻伤痛。

In the first episode of the second season of Black Mirror, called “Be Right Back Soon”, a couple of couples, Martha and Ash, moved to live in a small town away from dust, where Ash's parents lived, but social network man, Ash, died when returning his rented van. At Ash's funeral, Martha's friend Sarah told her a new way to connect with the dead, which was to use Ash for all the information, state, and update and Like, Martha, to create a new “real” Ash to help her alleviate her pain.



In Sword Field, you die in the game when you wear a brain interface device, and you die in reality.


Space Fortress >/strang >


"The Fortress of Space" has three very remarkable settings:


1. Holoband and Virtual Paradise


2. Conscious upload to clouds


3. Consciously downloads into the body of a robot and becomes the first generation of robots with a true "intellectual"


The number one player


In 2045, the real world on the brink of chaos and collapse was disappointing, and hope for salvation was placed in the Oasis, a virtual game world built by a ghost, James Halliday. With VR devices, people can enter this virtual world, which is a strong contrast to the real world.


Uncontrollable Player >/strong


This year's new movie. The protagonist thinks he's the main actor in life, not just one of the world's NPCs, the puppets on the stage.



A wonderful set in UPLOAD:


One, upload consciousness to virtual paradise before death.


The world after death has two Gs and five Gs.


3. After death, attend his funeral in a hologram.


The Hacking Empire > /strang >


Humans of the future live in a virtual world made by robots, and robots are able to extract the bioenergy from the human body. But humans of the virtual world are unaware that their world is virtual, knowing the emergence of the Savior.


We're not talking about science fiction. What we're going to do is look at people's needs from these science fictions.


When it comes to needs, we may immediately think of Mask's “needs hierarchy”, but here we have to be more abstract:




First of all, we are looking at Meta, the previous Facebook. For Meta, this year was a very important year, because it changed the dollar. Of course, we all know that in China's history, an emperor changed his annual title by the name of “Rechange”, but for Meta, 2021 was also the year of change. We can see what its virtual reality was and what it did in the meta-cosmos before it changed.


In 2014, it acquired the shares of OculusVR with $2 billion. At the time of the acquisition, Zuckerberg said on his Facebook page that a immersed virtual reality game would be the first major application of virtual reality, but it was only a starting point, and virtual reality was not just a game, and we wanted it to be the next computing and communication platform.

2018年9月,Facebook在OculusConnect开发者大会上宣布推出独立虚拟现实(VR)头盔Oculus Quest,跟Oculus Go类似,这种头盔无需PC或手机即可提供虚拟现实功能。但是它提供了6自由度的游戏控制器,可以让玩家更愉快的玩耍。

In September 2018, Facebook announced the launch of an independent virtual reality (VR) helmet, Oculus Quest, similar to Oculus Go, which provides virtual reality without the need for a PC or a mobile phone. But it provides a six-degree free game controller that allows players to play more happily.

2020年9月,Facebook在开发者大会上宣布推出OculusQuest 2代,定价仅299美元。2021年11月17日,根据高通CEO透露的数据,Oculus Quest2代的累积销量已经突破1000万台!!!

In September 2020, Facebook announced the launch of the Oculus Quest 2 generation, at a price of $299. On November 17, 2021, according to data released by the Hightower CEO, the cumulative sales of the Oculus Quest 2 generation have passed 10 million!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

那么1000万台意味着什么?意味着 VR头显的设备已经跨越了所谓的第一个极限点,即将迈向真正的星辰大海。

So what does 10 million of them mean? It means that VR-heading equipment has crossed the so-called first threshold and is on its way to the real sea of stars.


The next few years will be three and four generations of Oculus, all under development, and certainly not more expensive than the second generation, and will solve many technical problems, but the timing of the release (possibly before Christmas in 2022) is still under speculation. In addition to the three and four generations, there are anecdotal versions of PRO, that is, more performance and higher prices, which may be new to the apples to be published in the legend.

看完上述的这些产品之外,我们也来看一看Meta还有其他哪些布局:2018年的Facebook F8大会上,Oculus首席科学家Michael Abrash宣布Oculus研发部门Oculus Research重新命名为Facebook Reality Labs,并同时涉足VR与AR技术的研发。

In addition to the above-mentioned products, we have come to see what other configurations are in Meta: at Facebook F8 conference in 2018, Ocuulus chief scientist Michael Abrash announced the renaming of Ocuulus Research as Facebook Reality Labs, research and development of VR and AR technologies.

Facebook AR/VR部门在2021年总人数已逾1万人,占总员工人数的近20%,而2017年该部门仅为1000人。

The Facebook AR/VR department had a total of over 10,000 people in 2021, accounting for nearly 20 per cent of the total workforce, compared to only 1,000 in 2017.


The meetings of two developers on Facebook are worthy of our attention: the F8 Conference in May to June of each year, and the XR Developers Conference around the end of October of each year.

Facebook于2017年发布了名为AR Studio的AR套件,并一直与全球社区合作,共同塑造和定义Spark AR平台。

Facebook released the AR package called AR Studio in 2017 and has been working with the global community to shape and define the Spark AR platform.

2021年8月20日,Facebook推出测试性的VR远程办公APP,名为HorizonWorkrooms,有了该软件,Oculus Quest 2用户可以用虚拟化身参与会议。

On 20 August 2021, Facebook launched a pilot VR teleworking APP called HorizonWorkrooms, with which Oculus Quest 2 users can participate in a virtual body.


On 11 November 2021, Meta announced its collaboration with Microsoft to integrate the WorkPlace function under the Meta flag with Microsoft Teams to develop a meta-cosm office.


As we can see, the virtual reality and the layout of the original products and technologies now, from a few years ago, have increased dramatically to a new function of a new product in a year and a half or even months.

那么在内容生态上,Meta一是推出Oculus Store,目前已有超过60款Oculus Quest 游戏的营收超过100万美元;二是和第三方平台SideQuest合作。

In terms of content ecology, Meta has launched the Oculus Store, which has now received more than $1 million in more than 60 Oculus Quest games; and has worked with the third-party platform SideQuest.






Developer's Conference 2015, Microsoft, with WIN10, to launch the black technology product HoloLens;

2019年2月的MWC(世界移动通信大会)上,微软发布HoloLens 2代;

At MWC (World Mobile Communications Congress), February 2019, Microsoft launched the HoloLens 2 generation;


In April 2021, Microsoft took the $21.88 billion military-industrial version of the HoloLens contract from the United States Army.


In addition to the equipment,

2018年10月,微软首次启动AzureDigital Twins平台预览版;

In October 2018, Microsoft launched a preview of the AzureDigitalTwins platform for the first time;

2020年12月,微软宣布AzureDigital Twins全面上市;

In December 2020, Microsoft announced the full listing of AzureDigital Twins;


In March 2021, Microsoft launched a virtual platform with 3D chromosomes and other XRs to create applications that allow remote collaboration through AR/VR technologies. The Microsoft team will launch a brand-new 3D virtual incarnation, without the need to use VR/AR helmets, and users will be able to appear in videoconferences in the form of virtual missions or animated cartoons, and through artificial intelligence they can interpret voices and make their heads live and flexible.

可以看到微软的动作也是不断的加快:11月2日,微软在Ignite大会上宣布,计划将旗下聊天和会议应用Microsoft Teams打造成元宇宙,把混合现实会议平台Microsoft Mesh融入Microsoft Teams中。此外,Xbox游戏平台将来也要加入元宇宙。

It can be seen that Microsoft’s movement is accelerating: on November 2, at the Ignate Congress, Microsoft announced plans to use Microsoft Teams to create a metaspace for chats and meetings under the flag, and to integrate Microsoft Mesh into Microsoft Teams. In addition, the Xbox game platform will join the universe in the future.


Satya Nadera said that Microsoft's metacosystem initially focused on enterprise-level applications.


Microsoft (China)’s Chief Technical Officer, Wei Qing, has said that there is no need to dwell on what technology is now in use, whether it be called the Yuan cosmos or the digital twin. Never forget that the creation of virtual space was originally designed to strengthen the physical world, so that we can make production more efficient and lower production costs in real life.


Officer Wai Qing pointed out that technology companies like Microsoft, Apple and others operate in both virtual space and physical worlds that complement each other, rather than falling unilaterally into a certain field. The logic of meta-cosm construction is to model the objects and phenomena of the physical world into virtual space, imitate, predict, and eventually feed back into physical space to strengthen our physical world.


The following is Microsoft's Metaverse solution, which includes its physical world, connections, modelling, location, data, intelligent logic and collaborative platforms, among others, and can be seen to be biased towards productivity gains.








As can be seen, its understanding of the metaspace is more socially entertaining. In Wikipedia, the metaspace (a portmanteau of "meta-" and "universe") is a more precise and comprehensive definition of the internet, supporting universe on line 3-D social understandings through social interaction, as well as a well-known reality hearing.


To sum up, the Yuan cosmos is the next generation of the Internet.


So let's take a look at how the meta-cosmos is built, which is the technological foundation of the meta-cosmos.


The composition of the meta-cosmos is very numerous, including virtual reality, block chains, AI+ artificial intelligence, and so on.









Detailed steps can be drawn from the following graph:











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