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What is halving bitcoins? Halving bitcoins is a target time, roughly halving the incentives for truancy in encrypted currencies every four years. It is essential that bitcoins halving help to regulate the supply of bitcoins and prevent inflation, and that many users do not know what is halving bitcoins, and that little editor leads to a detailed half of 2024bitcoins.


strong> Half of Bitcoin 2024:


In order to find out the truth about the incident, a thorough review of the creation of Bitcoin is needed. Because Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency, anyone can generate bitcoin through a digital mining process.

它涉及使用强大的计算机通过工作量证明 (PoW) 过程来破译复杂的数学问题或加密的哈希值,验证交易并将其添加到区块链中。成功的矿工将获得预先设定的比特币奖励作为回报。

It involves using powerful computers to decipher complex mathematical problems or encrypted Hashi values through the PoW process, authenticating the transaction and adding it to the block chain. Successful miners will get a predefined bitcoin reward in return.


In essence, as a result of the halving of the Bitcoin block incentive, miners received a 50 per cent reduction in block subsidy incentives.


By reducing the incentive to dig, it reduces the incentive to dig, thereby increasing the scarcity of bitcoins and increasing the ratio of stocks to flows. Moreover, creating bitcoins of scarcity makes them more valuable and helps to maintain and appreciate over time, especially when demand continues to grow.


the history of halving bitcoin

当比特币网络于 2009 年上线时,挖矿奖励或比特币挖矿补贴为每个区块 50 BTC。比特币的匿名创建者中本聪将矿工奖励减少协议硬性写入了比特币代码中,作为其货币政策的一部分。

When the Bitcoin network is on the line in 2009, the mining incentive or the Bitcoin subsidy is 50 BTC per block. Benz, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, has written the mining incentives reduction protocol into the bitcoin code as part of its monetary policy.

因此,区块补贴减半代码将在每完成 210,000 个区块后自动执行,从而大幅削减未来四年给予矿工的奖励。

As a result, the block subsidy by half code will be automatically implemented after the completion of each of the 210,000 blocks, thereby significantly reducing the incentive given to miners over the next four years.

自 2009 年推出以来,已发生三次减半事件,第一次减半发生在 2012 年,随后是 2016 年,最近一次减半发生在 2020 年。因此,第四次减半将于 2024 年发生,区块高度为 840,000,其中第五个项目预计将于 2028 年实现。

Since its launch in 2009, three halves have occurred, the first in 2012, the last in 2016 and the last in 2020. Thus, the fourth half will occur in 2024, with blocks at a high level of 840,000, with a fifth project expected to be achieved by 2028.


bitcoin by half

几乎不可能确定下一次减半事件发生的确切日期或时间,因为它取决于完成 210,000 个区块。由于确认或向比特币网络添加新区块大约需要 10 分钟,因此减半时间表大约每四年一次。

It is almost impossible to determine the exact date or time of the next halving event, as it depends on the completion of 210,000 blocks. As it takes about 10 minutes to identify or add new blocks to the Bitcoin network, the halving schedule is approximately every four years.


strong>the technical significance of halving bitcoin in 2024


The halving of the Bitcoin cycle is significant because it promotes innovation and elasticity in its original encrypted currency, distinguishing it from the legal currency.

2024 年的比特币减半事件意义重大,因为它将影响新比特币进入市场的速度。该事件将导致奖励从 6.25 BTC 减少至 3.125 BTC,可能会促使矿工提高效率。为了保持盈利能力,随着奖励的减少,矿工必须找到优化运营的方法。这可以推动采矿硬件的技术进步,从而创造出更节能、更强大的采矿设备。

In order to maintain profitability, miners must find ways to optimize their operations as incentives are reduced. This can boost technological advances in mining hardware, thereby creating more energy-efficient and powerful mining equipment.

比特币的供应上限政策确保比特币的存在量不超过 2100 万,这与法定货币没有限制不同。

Bitcoin's supply cap policy ensures a presence of not more than 21 million bitcoin, which is no different from the legal currency limit.

2024 年比特币减半的经济意义

strong> Halve the economic significance of Bitcoin by 2024


Historically, the halving of Bitcoin has exacerbated market scarcity in encrypted currencies and led to pressure for price increases, which explains the cattle market that emerges after each halving event.

根据过去发生的事件,流行的社交媒体专家评论员 BitQuant 预测,比特币的价格可能会在 2024 年减半事件之前或之后达到历史新高。考虑到所有过去的事件都发生在比特币历史价格高点之前,这一断言并不奇怪。BitQuant 推测价格可能会达到 25 万美元的天文数字,是当前价值的九倍。

Based on past events, popular social media expert commentator BitQuant predicted that the price of Bitcoin might reach an all-time high before or after the halving in 2024. Given that all past events occurred before the historical high of Bitcoin, this assertion is not surprising. BitQuant assumes that prices could reach the astronomical figure of $250,000, nine times the current value.


After the encrypted winter of 2022 and the economic downturn of 2023, the time frame for the halving of Bitcoin by 2024 is crucial. By slowing the pace of Bitcoin’s creation, it will limit the supply of bitcoin over time.


Unlike the discretion of the central authorities of the traditional monetary system, halving events is predetermined, transparent, and predictable. Investors feel secure about such regularity, especially in unpredictable economic times.


Gold is a valuable asset for many gold lovers. Gold can always be resistant to inflation and provide safe havens during periods of economic downturn. Bitcoins in digital form have similar characteristics. Gold investors prefer to halve bitcoins, because it reduces supply, similar to gold mining. Andldquo; digital gold and rdquao; the concept suggests that bitcoins could play a similar role in the digital age. The halving of bitcoins is noteworthy for long-term gold investors, because both bitcoins and gold are deflationary.


the effect of the half-cycle of the price of bitcoin /span >


As halving reduces the incentive to extract bitcoin, it creates scarcity and raises the right question: Will halving bitcoin increase the price of bitcoin?


Looking at historical data on past halved events provides valuable insights, as they follow a similar pattern. This is mainly due to the decline in mining incentives and inflation as a result of the introduction of new bitcoins.

比特币用户通常会在减半前积累比特币,导致比特币价格停滞或小幅上涨。这种现象发生在第一次、第二次、第三次和当前减半事件之前,持续 13 至 22 个月。

Bitcoin users usually accumulated bitcoin before halving, causing bitcoin prices to stagnate or rise slightly. This occurred between 13 and 22 months before the first, second, third and current halving events.

过去的减半事件引发了持续10-15个月的牛市阶段,随后价格稳步上涨并创出历史新高。比特币仅经历过一次(2016 年)短暂回调,但随后反弹并遵循典型的牛市阶段轨迹。

The past halved events triggered the cattle-market phase, which lasted 10-15 months, after which prices rose steadily and reached an all-time high. Bitcoin experienced only one short return (2016), but then rebounded and followed the typical cattle-market track.

之前的所有牛市都以持续约 600 天的回调或价格调整阶段结束,尽管最后一次牛市只持续了约一年。

All the previous cattle markets ended with a recovery or price adjustment phase that lasted about 600 days, although the last one lasted only about a year.


the impact of halving bitcoin on miners

开采比特币是资源和能源密集型的。据估计,完成一笔比特币交易需要每小时1,449千瓦的电力。这相当于一个典型美国家庭 55 天的用电量。比特币挖矿奖励减半将对矿工产生影响,因为挖矿成本仍然很高,而奖励却下降。

The extraction of bitcoin is resource- and energy-intensive. It is estimated that the completion of a bitcoin transaction will require 1,449 kilowatts of electricity per hour. This is equivalent to 55 days of electricity used by a typical American household.

衡量盈利能力的行业标准是每秒每兆哈希值 (TH) 美元,指的是每秒产生一万亿哈希值的采矿设备所产生的资金。人们可以利用挖矿计算器来查找哈希率并衡量盈利能力。

The industry measure of profitability is the dollar per second (TH) for mining equipment generating $1 trillion per second. Mining calculators can be used to locate Hashi rates and measure profitability.

虽然比特币的价格波动较大,但在 2017 年高峰期,比特币挖矿价格为每 TH/s 3.39 美元,但到 2022 年中期,已跌至每 TH/s 0.104 美元。奖励减半将进一步侵蚀矿工的盈利能力,因此大多数矿工只能希望在牛市期间获利。

Although the price of bitcoins fluctuated considerably, the price of bitcoins was $3.39 per TH/s in 2017 at its peak, but by mid-2022 it had fallen to $0.104 per TH/s. Halving the incentive would further erode the profitability of miners, so most miners would only want to profit during the cattle market.


is it good or bad to halve bitcoin?


There are advantages and disadvantages to halving bitcoin. For example, halving costs new bitcoin distribution rates, creating scarcity, and could contribute to the appreciation of bitcoin prices.


On the other hand, halving bitcoin reduces profitability, which means that miners will receive half of the income from the identification of new blocks while spending the same amount on calculation and energy costs.

减半还可能对比特币网络安全产生负面影响,因为由于盈利能力下降,继续挖矿的矿工将会减少。从理论上讲,这可能会使网络遭受51% 的攻击,因为挖矿能力将集中在更少的参与者中。

Halveing is also likely to have a negative impact on the safety of the Bitcoin network, as fewer miners will continue to dig. In theory, this could lead to 51% attacks on the network, as mining capacity will be concentrated among fewer participants.




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