比特币价格突破50000美元,创两年高位,分析师称 比特币ETF已接近主流

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:24 评论:0



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周一,比特币价格上涨至 2021 年 12 月以来的最高价格,全球顶级加密货币两年多来首次突破 50,000 美元的价格水平。

On Monday, since December 2021, and for the first time in more than two years, the world's top encrypted currency was able to break 50,000 dollars in price levels.

此举引发了加密货币和相关股票的上涨。Coinbase 股票和比特币 ETF 大幅上涨,而比特币矿商Marathon Digita l ( MARA ) 则大幅上涨。

Coinbase shares and ETF, while bitte currency miner Marathon Digita l (MARA) increased significantly.

比特币在上午短暂触及 50,314 美元(2021 年 12 月以来的最高水平)后,周一下午交易至 50,200 美元以上。比特币在 ETF 发布当天飙升至 49,000 美元,但随后在 SEC 宣布之前回落至 2023 年 12 月初的水平。尽管如此,今年迄今为止,BTC 的涨幅仍超过 18%。

bit briefly touched $50,314 in the morning (the highest level since December 2021) and traded to over $50,200 on Monday afternoons. Bitcoin jumped to $49,000 on the day ETF was released, but then fell back to its 2023 early December level before the EC announcement. Despite this, so far this year BTC has increased by more than 18 per cent.

以太坊徘徊在 2,650 美元附近,处于四周高位,2024 年迄今已上涨 15%。

in the vicinity of /a US$2,650 and at a surrounding height of 15% since 2024.

加密货币交易所Coinbase ( COIN ) 周一飙升 3.8%,回到 50 日移动均线上方。Marathon Digital 股价飙升 14.2%,接近 12 月底的高点。

The encrypted currency exchange Coinbase (COIN) skyrocketed by 3.8 per cent on Monday, returning to the 50-day move above the average line. Marathon Digital stock prices soared by 14.2 per cent, close to the end of December.

比特币 ETF 表现与此同时,现货比特币 ETF 在周五上涨约 4% 后,在交易期间上涨了 5.5% 以上。

At the same time that Bitcoin ETF behaves, the spot bitcoin ETF rose by over 5.5% during the transaction after an increase of about 4% on Friday.

根据BitMEX 研究数据,自1 月 11 日推出现货比特币 ETF以来,贝莱德( BLK ) 的 iShares 比特币信托 ( IBIT ) 一直是资金流入的明显领先者,截至 2 月 9 日,资金流入约为 37.5 亿美元。Fidelity Wise Origin 比特币基金(FBTC)以 30 亿美元的流入量排名第二。

According to the BitMEX study, the iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) of Belede has been a clear leader in the flow of funds since the introduction of the Bitcoin ETF on 11 January. As of 9 February, the inflows were approximately US$ 37.50 billion.

周五,ARK 21Shares 比特币 ETF ( ARKB )在资金流入方面超过了 Bitwise 比特币 ETF ( BITB )。截至 2 月 9 日,ARKB 的总流入量为 9.185 亿美元,而 BITB 的流入量为 7.858 亿美元。

On Friday, ARK 21Shares Bitcoin ETF (ARKB) outperformed Bitwise Bitcoin ETF (BITB). As of February 9, ARKB's total inflow was $918.5 million, while BITB's inflow was $785.8 billion.

截至 2 月 9 日,灰度比特币信托基金( GBTC ) 的资金流出量约为 63.8 亿美元,该资金流出量已稳步放缓。尽管如此,Grayscale 仍然在资产方面处于领先地位,管理资产为 221.2 亿美元,其次是 iShares Bitcoin Trust,管理资产为 41.8 亿美元。

As of 9 February, the flow of funds from the Greyscale Bitcoin Trust Fund (GBTC) was approximately US$ 63.8 billion, which has slowed down steadily. Nevertheless, Grayscale is still in a leading position in terms of assets, managing US$ 22.12 billion, followed by iShares Bitcoin Trust, managing assets of US$ 41.80 billion.

BitMEX 研究显示,尽管 GBTC 出现资金流出,但新 ETF 自推出以来已录得 26.5 亿美元的资金流入。

The BitMEX study showed that despite the GBTC financial outflows, the new ETF has recorded $2.65 billion in financial inflows since its launch.

其他 趋势将在 2024 年推动比特币发展,包括即将到来的 4 月份减半事件以及 ETF 推出预计将带来的机构参与涌入。

Other trends will drive the development of Bitcoin in 2024, including the upcoming halving of the April event and the expected institutional involvement of the ETF roll-out.

LMAX 集团市场策略师 Joel Kruger 表示,最重要的因素将是主流采用。

Joel Kruger, a LMAX group market strategist, said that the most important factor would be mainstream adoption.

Kruger 告诉 IBD:“既然比特币现货 ETF 已经获得批准,传统机构将做出更多努力来推广比特币的价值主张。”

Kruger told IBD that “since Bitcoin's spot ETF has been approved, traditional institutions will do more to promote Bitcoin's value proposition.”

VanEck 数字资产产品总监凯尔·达克鲁兹 (Kyle DaCruz) 表示,但我们仍然尚未看到机构资金流入的全部力量。VanEck 于 1 月 11 日推出了其现货比特币 ETF VanEck 比特币信托 ( HODL )。据 BitMEX 称,自推出以来,HODL 的资金流入超过 7550 万美元,截至 2 月 9 日管理的资产为 1.617 亿美元。

Van Eck, Director of Digital Assets Products, Kyle Dacruz, says, but we still have not seen the full power of institutional inflows. Van Eck launched its spot ETF Van Eck Bitcoin Trust (HODL) on 11 January. According to BitMEX, HODL has received more than $75.5 million since its launch, with $161.7 million in assets managed as of 9 February.

DaCruz 告诉 IBD,大多数财务顾问还无法接触 ETF,因为许多平台都需要进行尽职调查和满足其他参数,而这通常需要几个月的时间。

DaCruz told IBD that most financial advisers were still unable to access ETFs, as many platforms required due diligence and other parameters, which usually took months.




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