Investors, welcome to the business analysis section of today's June 9th! I have always adhered to the principle of “beep-in-the-ground” in an effort to make every reader understand the dynamics of the market easily. Here, let us take a closer look at the performance of the mainstream currencies and the platform currencies.
BTC分析:1. 比特币现价报7600美元,上行遭遇强阻力位7800美元,此前多次尝试突破均告失败。这正是我近期在“路飞说币”免费星球及文章中反复提醒大家逢高减仓、维持七三开(七成仓位、三成现金)的原因。
Bitcoin, at a current price of $7,600, was hit with a strong resistance position of $7,800, and many attempts to break through failed. That is why I have recently repeatedly reminded you, in a free planet called Luffy, of the need to cut down and maintain 70 per cent of the warehouse and 30 per cent of the cash.
2. 短期内,比特币预计将在第一支撑位7400美元与压力位7800美元间窄幅震荡,由于市场资金匮乏,暂无明显上涨动能,亦难现大幅下挫。此刻,最佳策略无疑是持币静观其变,待方向明确后再做决策。
2. In the short term, Bitcoin is expected to experience a narrow shock between the first supporting position of $7,400 and the pressure position of $7,800, and will not be able to achieve a significant setback due to a lack of market finance. At this point, the best strategy is to remain silent and wait for a clear direction before making a decision.
EOS分析:1. EOS凭借其广泛的共识机制,已成为诸多主流币种的风向标。一旦EOS成功突破上方压力位15美元,有望引领其他主流币共同上扬。
With its broad consensus mechanism, EOS has become a wind sign for many mainstream currencies. Once EOS has succeeded in breaking the pressure position above $15, it is expected to lead other mainstream currencies to co-opt.
2. 目前,EOS盘面显示上方套牢盘已基本释放,筹码主要集中在14.5美元下方。从技术角度判断,短期突破15美元的可能性较大。撰文时,EOS已回落至14.2美元,为投资者提供了低位吸纳的良机,后市看涨。
2. Currently, the EOS plate shows that the upper set has been largely released, with leverage mainly below $14.5. Technically speaking, there is a greater likelihood of a short-term breakthrough of $15.
布局主流币种:1. 早前推荐的ADA、BTM、ETH、LRC等币种,请查阅“路飞说币”免费星球昨日文章以获取最新观点。今日重点关注ONT、AE和ZIL。
For the earlier recommended currencies such as ADA, BTM, ETH, LRC, please refer to the free-of-charge Luffy Currency article of yesterday's planet in order to get up to date. Today, the focus is on ONT, AE, and ZIL.
2. ONT前期分析显示,上方套牢盘稀疏,压力较小,经历回调后有望成为领涨品种,短线、长线皆宜,建议在支撑位8美元下方分批建仓。
2. The pre-ONT analysis showed that the top silos were thin and under pressure, and that it was expected to be an upscaling variety with short lines, long lines and short lines, and it was recommended that the silos should be built in lots under the eight-dollar support position.
3. AE盘面走势稳健,后市潜力可期,当前值得密切关注。ZIL长期前景向好,待行情趋势明朗后择机介入。
The long-term outlook for ZIL is good, and the trend is clear.
平台币:1. 四大平台币OKB、HT、BNB、ZB仍被长期看好,预计其表现将超越九成币种。其中,ZB已展开小幅反弹,后续回调至4元附近可适当关注。HT经历大涨回调再反弹后,现处于整理阶段,长线投资者可在十日线4.8元附近设置买入挂单。
Four platform currencies, OKB, HT, BNB, and ZB, are still being viewed for a long time and are expected to perform well beyond 90%. Of these, ZB has launched a small rebound, which can be followed by a move around $4.
山寨币:1. 早在五月底波场(TRX)未能如期上线主网时,我即发出撤离信号。已持有TRX的投资者可坚守至月底主网上线,观察是否有突破可能。此外,TRUE横盘已久,当前价位低于先前提示的15元关口,可小额参与。TNB在盘面企稳后,仍值得持续关注。
1. As early as the end of May, when the TRX did not reach the main network as scheduled, I sent an exit signal. Investors already holding TRX can stay on the main web line until the end of the month to see if there is a possibility of a breakthrough. Moreover, the TRUE drive is long and its current price is below the 15-dollar threshold indicated earlier, and can be involved in small amounts.
This is a detailed analysis of the situation today, in the hope that it will help you make your investment decisions.
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