币安回应黑客攻击事件:无法回滚交易 自行交易用户损失自担

资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:25 评论:0



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凤凰网WEMONEY讯 3月8日,数字货币交易所币安(Binance)针对3月7日晚VIA/BTC 交易异动,触发自动停止提币事件进行了回应说明。

On March 8th, Phoenix Network Wemoney, the Digital Currency Exchange Currency Security (Binance) responded to an altercation of the VIA/BTC transaction on the night of March 7, triggering the automatic suspension of the tender.


At the same time, an insider told Wemoney on Phoenix that, in the case of the hacker attack, it would be handled if the user suffered a loss as a result of the theft, but not if it was a self-trading user.


Previously, several users had reported that the currency exchange system had broken down during the night of 7 March and that a number of users had found various forms of currency held in their currency accounts and that digital currency had been sold into bitcoin, mainly involving more than 20 currencies.


At the same time, the market for encoded currencies, including currency security, currency coins, fell sharply, with mainstream currencies like BTC, BCH, and ETH falling by more than 5%. The BTC/USDT deal also showed up in large quantities, with BTC falling by $10,000.


According to some users, the failure of currency security was due mainly to the hacking of some API robots, which used the account number of the embezzled user to buy VIA, which resulted in an explosion of the highest price of VIA to $0.025, an increase of more than 11,000 per cent compared to the lowest point in 24H.


On 8 March, a currency announcement was issued in response to the whole incident. The currency security side stated that, within 22:58-22:59 two minutes of Hong Kong time on 7 March, the VIA/BTC transaction was different, triggering system wind control, which led to the automatic suspension of the deposit. The currency security side argued that it was a large-scale fishing effort to obtain user accounts and attempted to steal money.

根据币安公告,黑客在长时间里,利用第三方钓鱼网站偷盗用户的账号登录信息。通过使用unicode的Binance域名钓鱼。黑客获得账号后,自动创建交易API,之后便无动作。直至3月7日黑客通过盗取的API Key,在VIA/BTC交易市场,程序化下市价买单,和31个预先充值VIA币的账号高价卖VIA。目的为把BTC输入到31个预先准备的账号,然后迅速想将这31个账号里的BTC提走。

According to the currency bulletin, hackers steal accounts from their customers for a long time using a third-party fishing website. Fishing is done by using the Binance domain of unicode. After hackers get the account number, they automatically create the transaction API, and then do nothing. Until March 7, hackers took the stolen API Key, at the VIA/BTC trading market, programmed the purchase of the market price and 31 pre-filled VIA account numbers to sell VIA. The purpose is to enter BTC into 31 pre-prepared accounts and then quickly want to remove BTC from those 31 accounts.


It is understood that the entire process took place within two minutes, that the unusual transactions triggered automatic wind control, which led to the suspension of the coin, and that the above-mentioned VIA currency was not presented and that the pre-positioned VIA currency of 31 accounts controlled by hackers was frozen.


It is worth noting that, according to the currency security side, the incident was organized by hackers who, after successfully fishing users’ account numbers, were not eager to profit, but patiently waited for the best of times and chose the less liquid VIA to maximize their profits. Some users were stolen by fishermen for their account numbers and bought BTC into VIA or other currencies, but since the rivals were not hackers, they were unable to roll back the deal.


For & & ldquo; currency cannot roll back & & rdquao; there is talk in the market, and the media interpret it to mean that bitcoin is stolen by hackers because other currencies have been converted and the losses incurred are borne by the investors themselves.


In response, the Phoenix Network WEMONEY contacted an insider, who responded that during the hacker attack, the currency had not been lost and therefore not “ stolen & & rdquao; one said that if the user had lost because of the theft, the currency would be treated; but if the user was trading on his own, the money would not be dealt with. That is, the self-trading person would be responsible for the loss.


In the case of the aforementioned hackers, YOON Zhentao, Deputy Director-General of the Financial Research and Studies Unit of the China Social and Economic Institute, stated that if the exchange was hit by hackers for technical reasons and the client suffered damage, the platform was subject to a certain amount of compensation in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, as is evident in the case of foreign countries.

“不过,如果有人能够举证,被盗并非平台造成,而是客户自身原因导致账户被盗,那平台的责任就会相应降低。但即便如此,由于在信息服务、防范等方面未尽到应有的责任,平台方面还是要承担相应责任。”尹振涛说。(凤凰网WEMONEY 刘四红/文 张颖馨/编辑)

& & ldquo; however, liability for the platform will be reduced if someone can prove that the theft was not caused by the platform, but by the client's own cause. But even so, the platform has to assume responsibility for the failure of due diligence in information services, prevention, etc.. & & & & & & & & Zhentao said. (Oxford Network WEMONEY Liu 4 Red/Wing Zhang / Edition) >




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