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  来源:深潮Deepflow 深潮作者|周伯仲

  一切源自 2 月 10 日 OKEx 公布的一则消息说起。

Everything comes from a news released by OKEx on February 10.

  10 日下午,OKEx宣布销毁尚未发行的 7 亿 OKB,实现“极致通缩”,OKChain 测试网及 DEX 同步上线,公链创始区块的 Token( OKT )将 100% 映射给 OKB 的持有者。

In the afternoon, OKEx announced the destruction of the undistributed 700 million OKB to achieve "extreme deflation", the OKChain test network and DEX to synchronise the line, and the Token (OKT) of the public chain's founding blocks will map 100% of the OKB holders.

  以上被视为利好的消息公布后,OKB 应声上涨。OKB 单日涨幅突破 50%,并在 6 天后到达新高 6.86 美元。不到半月,OKB 翻了一倍多。

After the announcement of what was considered a good news, OKB responded up. OKB one-day upturned by 50% and reached a new height of $6.86 in six days. In less than half a month, OKB more than doubled.

 今年以来,OKB涨幅领跑三大平台币 今年以来,OKB涨幅领跑三大平台币


“That's why it's so disgusting about the bells and coins.” Liu Fung said that he was working in a block chain investment fund.


He said that, in anticipation of this year’s half-cent of the cattle market, major exchanges such as the one with the money and the money have a market plan for the platform. “Okay, we're breaking everyone’s rhythm.”


The destruction of OKB, like that of South American butterflies, caused a “plate currency destruction storm” in the currency ring. On the same day, ZB indicated that it would hold 293 million ZBs in permanent destruction teams, while destroying 107 million ZBs in the User Security Fund, and the platform guaranteed no increase in the number of ZBs.

  FCoin也发布公告表示,决定将团队(FCoin Team)持有的全部FT进行永久销毁,共计7.2亿 FT。

FCoin also issued an announcement that it would be decided to permanently destroy all the FTs held by the team (FCoin Team) for a total of 720 million FTs.

  OKEx的“兄弟企业”火币也不甘人后,不久就发布公告称,近期将上线火币公链测试网,并且或将再次修改 HT (火币平台币)的相关规则。

Soon after the loss of the “brother business” of OKEx, an announcement was issued stating that it would be going to go on to the public chain test network in the near future and that the relevant rules of HT (the tender puncture) would be amended again.

  终于,在 2 月 29 日,火币宣布永久销毁 14741.79 万个 HT,并且彻底不再增发。

Finally, on February 29, the tender announced the permanent destruction of 147,741.79 million HTs and no more.

  OKEx 用一场自毁行为站在了交易所的潮头,其他交易所随之模仿照搬。有区块链媒体撰文称,如同 2019年初币安凭借 IEO 引爆牛市一样,2020 年的牛市将由 OKEx 掀起。

OKEx stands at the top of the exchange with a self-destructing act, and the other exchanges imitate it. There is a section of the chain media that says, as in early 2019, the 2020 cattle market will be opened by OKEx.


Looking at this, the exchange is about to take a tide and hang a swing of platform coins. But the next story, whether it's a show-up from the rich or a complaint from the pickle, is no better.


Rat warehouse


The HT scattered house at this point is covered in tears .

  HT销毁消息宣布当日,HT快速上扬,价格突破5美元,24小时涨超20%。但随后又迅速回落,涨幅不过 2%。此后HT继续补跌两天,截至发稿前,HT报价 4.65 美元,几乎回吐了销毁利好带来的所有的涨幅。

The news of HT destruction announced that on that day, the price of HT had risen rapidly, reaching US$ 5 and rising by more than 20 per cent in 24 hours. But then it fell quickly, rising by no more than 2 per cent. After that, HT continued to make up for two days, and by the time of the release, the HT offered US$ 4.65, almost spitting back on all the increases brought about by the destruction benefits.

  作为对照的另一边,宣布销毁当日,OKB 最高涨幅 50%,并且在不久后到达新高。无论价格还是市值,OKB都远超HT。

By contrast, on the other side, when the destruction was announced, the maximum increase was 50%, and soon it reached a new height. The price and market value of the destruction were far higher than the HT.

  利好却暴跌,被套的韭菜这才反应过来,HT 的老鼠仓太严重了。

That's why the HT rat's barn is so bad.


Rathouses are the term for stock-shares, which means that the dealer first sells his own personal (head of agency, handlers and their relatives, relatives) money at a low level before using public funds to raise the share price.


In the case of the tender, the rat warehouse refers to the fact that its internal employees and the large and well-informed owners are aware of the destruction information in advance, build the warehouse at a low level, and then sell it at a high price.


As a beneficiary of the “internal message”, Liu Hua was happy that HT had “fullly returned”.


"On 28, I knew it was published on two important announcements, one on the public chain, the other on the destruction of HT, and the immediate leveraging of HT by the Maga."


Liu Hua can't stop spitting, "The rat's warehouse is too bad!"


“I've only cooperated, even I know it, and I don't know it, but I know it, and I know it, and I know it, and I know it, and I know it, and I know it, and I know it, and I know it.”

  2 月 29 日,火币宣布将销毁约 1.5 亿枚 HT。当晚 7 点左右,火币全球站 CEO 翁晓奇在金色财经群里做直播时宣布了销毁这一消息,同时,火币发布销毁公告,并给用户发了站内信和短信。

On February 29, it was announced that approximately 150 million HTs would be destroyed. At about 7 p.m. that night, CEO Onxic announced the destruction as he was broadcast live in the Golden Bank, while it issued a declaration of destruction and sent an inside letter and a text message to the user.

  CEO 直播放利好,交易所给用户发公告和短信喊单,一时间大量散户追高买入。非小号数据显示,2月 29 日,货币全球站当天HT成交量达到 7.93 亿美元,是正常交易量的2倍左右。

On February 29, the money global station reached $793 million, about two times the normal amount of transactions.

  “一边喊(单),一边跌。”HT 的投资者李雯兴欲哭无泪。

"As long as you shout, as long as you fall." HT's investor Lee Win-Hing wants to cry.


“HT pursued more than 5 million HTs with more than 5 blades, with a deal of more than 200 million, and can't run away now, with a loss of between 10 and 15 per cent.


Unlike OKB, which is owned by Xu Star, HT is a rat warehouse that is fed by large households and executives. Before the rise, a large number of people with inside information had ambushed HT in advance and put up a single shipment of more than $5.

  AICoin 显示,HT销毁公告发布后的三个多小时里,火币HT/USDT交易对总大单笔数为 134 笔,其中挂卖量 262.83 万HT,卖成交 294.27 万HT;挂买量 132.47 万HT,买成交 127.42 万HT。买卖挂单差-130.35万HT,买卖成交差-166.44万HT。

According to AICoin, in more than three hours after the HT destruction announcement was issued, the total number of HT/USDT transactions was 134, of which 2,62.83 million HTs were sold, 2.9427 million HTs were sold and 132.47 million HTs were sold, amounting to 127.42 million HTs.


In other words, after the issuance of the HT announcement, 134 large bills were issued, out of which 2.62 million large HT orders were issued.


"HT's rat warehouse is too serious to speak." One of them was told to the bottom of the tide.

  不过也有投资者对“HT老鼠仓多”这一说法表示不认同。HT 大户夏晨告诉深潮,他在这一波利好拉盘中,提前埋伏了5万余个HT。

But there are also investors who disagree with the term HT Rat Farther. HT Big House told the tide in the early summer morning that he had ambushed more than 50,000 HTs in this Polly Harbour.


"The public chain test online and the HT destroys this news, the flares have been announced long ago, and have been widely disseminated in the media. Any investor interested in HT is aware of this benefit. An advance ambush and delivery of HT over $5 is a normal investment based on public information."


"Once upon a time, OKB was a rat warehouse, but only a few people knew about the destruction of the OKB team." Summer morning called.

  OKEx 和火币仿佛是一对难兄难弟,HT 面对危难的时候,OKB 也少不了质疑。

OKEx and the sign seem to be a couple of brothers and sisters, and HT is less likely to question it when it comes to crisis.


suspected of sitting on the bank of OKB

  关于套牢盘,无论 HT 还是 OKB 皆是如此,不同的是操作手法:HT 有老鼠仓,OKB 有大庄。


“OKB was once known as the ATM of OK employees.” This time, however, OKB's destruction information was kept secret, and OKB was able to pull so much because there was no rat warehouse, only a few of the top managers knew it, and the exchange people were so proud.

  宣布销毁后,OKB在一周内涨到新高 7.5 美元。

After the declaration of destruction, OKB rose to a new height of $7.5 in one week.

  “OKB大部分还在老徐(徐明星)手上。OKB 筹码集中,很好拉盘。”胡耀辉调侃道:“老徐主动拿真金白银来拉盘,解放了所有套牢盘,从今天起,徐明星就不再欠任何人。”

"OKB is mostly in the hands of Old Tsui. OKB chips are concentrated. It's good to pull." Hu Xiao Xiao Xiao Xi took the initiative to pull the real silver plate and freed all the locks. From now on, Xu Xu doesn't owe anyone any more."

  但随着 OKB 的新高,又带来了新的套牢盘,“不套人是不可能的”。

But with the new height of the OKB, it brought with it a new set of locks, "It's impossible to do it."

  用真金白银拉盘难以持续,OKB 想要真正释放利好只能靠一件事——将合约收入纳入 OKB 回购。

It's not sustainable with a real silver plate, and there's only one thing that OKB can do to actually release the profit -- to include contract income in the OKB buyback.

  “此前 OKEx 迟迟未将合约收入用于回购 OKB 就已经让很多投资者不满,如果这时候直接推出 OKT,势必会被投资者攻击,就像曾经HT的持有者不满火币发行 HPT 一样。”胡耀辉透露,将发行时间未定的 OKT 映射给 OKB 持有者,一面拉高 OKB 币价,一面稳定抛压,这是 OKB 尚未崩盘的主要原因。

“Before, the delay in using the contract income to buy back the OKB has caused many investors to be displeasure, and if it were to be rolled out directly at this time, it would inevitably be attacked by investors, as if the owner of the HT had been displeased with the issue of the tender HPT.” Hu Xiao Xiao Xing revealed that the mapping of the undetermined release of the OKT to the OKB holder, one side to raise the price of the OKB currency and one side to push down steadily, which is the main reason why the OKB has not yet collapsed.

  2月11日,OKEx CEO Jay Hao在做客线上AMA时表示,OKEx合约交易的手续费收入将纳入OKB的销毁和回购中。

On 11 February, when working on the AMA line, OKEx CEO Jay Hao stated that the revenue from the fees of the OKEx contractual transaction would be included in the destruction and buy-back of the OKB.


“Please note that inclusion, rather than impending, can take six months, or one year, and it is in the future that all investors get a good expectation.” Hu Xiaohui laughed that the slogan OKEx has become a joke from last year to the present.

 去年 9 月,OKEx 就说要将合约收入纳入回购 去年 9 月,OKEx 就说要将合约收入纳入回购

  “这是OKB的最后杀手锏,不到万不得已,OKEX不会真正行动的。”他补充道,如今, OKEx 这般销毁旧币、发行新币的行为无异于变相的 ICO。

"This is the last killer of OKB, and it's not going to work until it's done." He added, "OKEx now destroys old coins and issues new ones like ICO.


awkward currency


The exchange was marked by a great war of deflation between OK and the tender, with the major exchanges involved in the dispute, either destroying the pyrotechnics or destroying themselves, and in the corner, the exchange’s one-goin and BNB investors were able to follow it in silence.

  BNB的投资者面面相觑,向赵长鹏、何一投去期待的目光,期待一场销毁,然而销毁并未成真,等来的只有一个 98 年的六六与九妹( OKEx大客户商务总理)交锋。

BNB's investors looked at each other, looking to Zhao Chang Peng, who looked forward to a destruction, but the destruction did not come true, and only one of the six and nine sisters (the prime minister of commerce of the largest customer of OKEx) met in 1998.

  但让币安一下子销毁团队手中的BNB恐怕只是妄想,BNB 如同币安的命根子,割不得。

But I'm afraid the BNB in the hands of the destruction team is just delusional, and the BNB, like the root of the coin, cannot be cut.

  赵长鹏此前曾公开表示,币安 90%员工的工资是以BNB的形式发放;币安的收入就是BNB……

Zhao Chang Peng has previously stated publicly that 90% of employees' wages are paid in the form of BNB; the income of the currency is BNB...

  对于币安来说,BNB 具有战略和财务上的双重价值。

For currency security, BNB has both strategic and financial value.

  早在 2019 年 4 月,币安在新版白皮书中,删除了 “回购”一词,原版本中关于 ”每季度公司将用 20% 的利润回购并销毁 BNB “的条款,改成了”每季度公司将基于币安交易利润销毁 BNB“。

As early as April 2019, in a new version of the White Paper, the word “repurchase” was deleted from the original version, which stated that “the company will buy back and destroy BNB on a quarterly basis with 20 per cent of its profits” instead of “the company will destroy BNB on a quarterly basis”.

  去年 7 月,币安发布官方公告,称已完成第八次季度销毁,销毁的BNB 是来自币安团队持有的 BNB 份额,并表示从本次(第八次)销毁开始,放弃团队持有的 BNB 份额,团队所持份额将加入到 BNB 季度销毁计划中,直至销毁总量达1 亿个 BNB 为止。

In July of last year, the currency issued an official announcement stating that the destruction of BNB was completed in the eighth quarter, that the BNB share was from the BNB share held by the currency team, and that the BNB share was to be given up from the time of this (eighth) destruction, and that the team’s share would be added to the BNB quarterly destruction plan until 100 million BNB were destroyed.


As soon as the news came out, there were a lot of online users who thought that it was a cash-as-you-go, giving the money a red bag with the benefit of all BNB holders.


In this regard, how does it explain on Twitter that “the first destruction, which remains unchanged at 20 per cent of the profit, and the second destruction team component, which means that the team gives up 100 per cent of the BNB that it should hold to ensure stability in the market, resolves the question that the team would smash the plate...”.


Today, BNB investors, who were already unhappy with the “revision of the White Paper”, can only look at HT and OKB in absolute deflation and pull it straight, while the currency is slowly destroying the BNB in the hands of the exchange profit team, with no need to mention it.


"It used to be BNB, HT, OKB, and now BNB can only follow HT, OKB."


As a former BNB investor, Li Fung-bang complained that, in his view, BNB was no longer a deflationary encrypted currency, lost the “claim-like” growth logic of secondary market buy-back destruction, and that the BNB was now a purely practical proxy, dependent on the users of the bulk, and the question was, how much room there was for the exchange to grow in the business of currency security at a time when the exchange was so competitive.


An awkward currency, which is neither willing to spend nor known externally as the “BNB is bigger than the coin,” is unlikely to be available on six or six occasions.

  币安不得不面临的尴尬情境 ,BNB 事实上充当了币安团队的摇钱树,如果全部销毁,相当于自己砸了自己的小金库。

The awkward situation that the currency had to face, the BNB actually acted as a money-shaking tree for the money-security team, and if it was completely destroyed, it would be like smashing its own little vault.


Destruction or Harvest?


  据彭博报道,2019年火币收入约6.8亿美元。今年1月份火币回购了约2千万美元的HT,按火币全球站和火币 DM 收入的 20%用于回购 HT推算,火币今年 1 月的收入约为 1 亿美元。

According to Bloomberg, in 2019, it earned about $680 million. In January of this year, it bought back about $20 million in HT, using 20 per cent of its global station and its DM revenues to buy back HT, and in January of this year it earned about $100 million.


Just on March 2, OKEx also announced that it had repurchased about $17.5 million in the first quarter, which, based on 30 per cent of the return revenue of the OKEx currency to buy back the OKB, had earned more than $58.3 million in the first quarter of this year. This does not include the income of the “treaking tree” that was traded under the contract.

  而在1月18日,币安公布了BNB第10 次销毁( 2019 年第四季度销毁)情况。根据币安历次发布的销毁数据核算,币安 2019 年全年累计利润为5. 78 亿美元。

On January 18, BNB’s 10th destruction (destroyed in the fourth quarter of 2019) was published. The accumulated profits for 2019 amounted to $578 million.


Had the exchange made so much money to fulfil its legal and social obligations?


Xu Sing has publicly questioned on Twitter that friendly businesses are involved in tax avoidance and tax evasion. The same applies to all exchanges, including OKEx.

  火币的销毁,看似公开透明,实则危险。在国内加密交易所政策尚未明朗的态势下,火币主动披露自己一年6.8亿美元的收入,每个季度收入多少,在公告里写的清清楚楚,很容易招来监管注意——比如,火币一年收入 6.8 亿美元,但有多少缴税了呢?

The destruction of the coin, which seems to be open and transparent, is dangerous. In a situation where domestic encryption exchange policy is not clear, the coin voluntarily discloses its own income of $680 million a year, how much it earns every quarter, and it is clear in the bulletin that it can easily attract regulatory attention — for example, $680 million a year, but how much taxes it pays?


"The wind will destroy the wood in the forest." The idea that Xu star is so smart that, in keeping with the adage of "silently rich", the most profitable contract business of OKEx has never been announced.


Where do the three major exchanges come from with billions of dollars in profits? There's an inhuman story in it.

  2019年,这个故事要从 IEO、合约爆仓、杠杆说起,到了 2020 年,这个故事又由 OKEx 重新讲述一遍,只不过这次套上的概念是减半、销毁……

In 2019, the story began with the IEO, the contract crash, the leverage, and by 2020, the story was repeated by OKEx, but this time the concept was halved, destroyed...


“The issue of halving should be almost cold, now waiting for a new white knight to appear. Without new hot spots, markets will inevitably remain depressed in the short term.” A digital money analyst says.

  “所谓极致通缩,就是OKEx 们一次杀鸡取卵的自毁表演。”被套住的李雯兴恶狠狠说道。

"The extreme contraction is the self-destructing act of the OKEx at a time to kill the chickens to get their eggs." The ensnared Li Ying-hing said.


The clouds and the clouds are the time of the recovery of all things. Billions of platform coins have been destroyed, and the seedlings, one after the other, have emerged.


  *深潮DeepFLow 提示各位投资者防范追高风险,本文所提观点不构成任何投资建议。

> *DeepFlow alerts investors against high risk, and the views presented here do not constitute any investment proposal.






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