
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:28 评论:0



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原创 Carol PANews

Original Carol PANews


Author: Carol, PANews

全球最大的资产管理公司BlockRock在6月15日向SEC提交了比特币现货ETF的申请,尽管SEC最早也将在9月2日回应审核情况,但考虑到贝莱德在资产管理行业的全球地位,这一消息仍然被认为是一个重要的信号,预示着比特币和其他加密货币将可能被更多的机构采用。除此之外,近期同样向SEC提交比特币现货ETF申请的知名机构还包括Fidelity、WisdomTree、VanEck、Invesco Galaxy等。随着越来越多机构表明入局意愿,市场对迎来更多合规加密投资产品充满信心。

Block Rock, the world’s largest asset management firm, submitted a Bitcoin spot ETF application to SEC on 15 June, and although SEC will respond to the audit as early as September 2, this message is still considered an important signal that Bitco and other encrypted currencies will likely be used by more institutions. In addition, prominent institutions that have recently also submitted Bitco spot ETF applications to SEC include Fidelity, WisdomTree, Van Eck, and Invesco Galaxy.


What exactly does agency entry bring to the encryption market? To this end, PAData, a data news column under the PANews banner, analyses the transactions of spot ETFs, futures ETFs and trust funds in Bitcoin, which are already on the market, and finds that:

BTCC.U、BTCE和GBTC这3个基金的总持有量约为67.56万BTC(折合202.7亿美元)。自6月以来合计增长了9292 BTC,总体增长趋势较好。

The total holdings of the three funds, BTCC.U, BTCE and GBTC, amounting to approximately 6756 million BTC (equivalent to $20.270 billion), have increased by a total of 9292 BTC since June, with a better overall growth trend.


BITO, XBTF, BTF, BITS and DEFI, the five major Bitcoin futures ETF-managed total assets have reached $1,295 million. BITO is the only futures ETF with a full CME futures contract and other futures ETFs with a percentage of other assets, such as the United States Treasury debt.


The highest rate of return in the last month was BITS, which reached 33.20%, and only about 12% for all others. The highest rate of return since this year was BITS, which reached 137.65%, all of which were around 74%. The returns were better than on-the-spot ETFs and trust funds.


Within a week of the release of Black Rock’s application for Bitcoin spot ETF, the average daily spot price of Bitcoin rose by 2.78%, the largest daily increase in the statistical coverage.


The impact of agency ETF applications and listings on the price of the spot price of the currency may arise in three ways: in the form of a reputational endorsement of the institution itself; in the case of applications for the type of ETF, the increase in the information on the application of the spot ETF is even greater; and in the case of news when it occurs, price trends in bitcoin, where application and listings occur in the context of the upward trend of Bitcoin, they usually lead to increases in prices of a certain magnitude, which, if they occur in the downward trend, cannot normally be reversed.



Bitcoin spot ETF holdings increase

5640 BTC,灰度GBTC场外溢价率回升

5640 BTC, Greyscale GTC out-of-site premium recovery

加拿大投资管理公司Purpose Investment在2021年2月推出了全球首支比特币现货ETF,目前官网显示该ETF包括了4个交易产品,分别是BTCC(用加元购买的,并对冲美元风险)、BTCC.B(用加元购买的,不对冲美元风险)、BTCC.U(用美元购买的,允许投资者以美元持有比特币)、BTCC.J(碳中和),投资者可以在多伦多证券交易所(Toronto Stock Exchange)购买这些ETF,其份额对应实物结算的比特币,是一种用户友好、低风险的加密货币交易方法,而美国的普通用户无法购买该ETF。另一种与现货ETF有些相似的产品是封闭式的信托基金,同样对应了实物比特币,如灰度(GrayScale)在美国发行的,面向合格投资者购买的GBTC。以及德国ETC Group发行的BTCE,BTCE目前可以在两个交易所交易,Deutsche B?rse XETRA(法兰克福证券交易所运行的交易场所), SIX Swiss Stock Exchange(瑞士证券交易所)。

In February 2021, the Canadian Investment Management Corporation, Purpose Investment, launched its first global Bitcoin spot ETF, which is now shown by the Network to include four transactional products, BTCC (purchased in Canadian dollars and at risk to the dollar), BTCC.B (purchased in Canadian dollars, not risk to the dollar), BTCC.U (purchase in United States dollars, allowing investors to hold bitcoins in United States dollars), BTCC.J (carbon neutral), which investors can purchase on the Toronto Stock Exchange, with shares corresponding to the currency of the physical settlement, a user-friendly, low-risk method of encrypted currency transactions, which ordinary users in the United States cannot purchase. Another product similar to the spot ETF is a closed trust fund, which is also a physical bitcoin, such as the GreyScale, which is available to qualified investors on the United States Exchange GBTC.

由于多个数据服务网站仅提供BTCC.U的持有量,因此这里仅不完全统计Purpose现货ETF中的BTCC.U。从BTCC.U、BTCE和GBTC持有的比特币数量来看,截至7月18日,3个基金的总持有量约为67.56万BTC。按照比特币近期30000美元的价格换算,相当于202.7亿美元。其中,GBTC规模最大,持有量为62.52万BTC,BTCC.U和BTCE的持有量都在20万BTC左右。从持有量变化来看,自6月以来,3个基金的持有量合计增长了9292 BTC,总体增长趋势较好,其中仅GBTC的持有量小幅下降了0.25%,BTCC.U和BTCE的持有量则分别上涨了24.83%和31.07%。

Since only BCTC.U's holdings are available on multiple data service websites, only BTCC.U in the Purpose spot ETF is not fully counted. The total holdings of the three funds as at 18 July, as measured by the number of Bitcoins held by BTCC.U, BTCE and GBTC, amounted to approximately 67,560,000 BTCs. This represents $20.270 billion at a recent price of $30,000 in Bitcoin. Of these, the BITCs were the largest, with 62.52 million BTCs, BTCC.U and BTCE holding around 200,000 BTCs. In view of the change in holdings, the combined holdings of the three funds have increased by 9292 BTCs since June, with a better overall growth trend, with only a small decline of 0.25 per cent in BTC holdings, while BTCCs.U and BTCE's holdings rose by 24.83 per cent and 31.07 per cent, respectively.


However, trust funds do not have a foreclosure plan, similar to “paper gold”, and therefore prices tend to differ significantly from their net asset values, but spot ETFs allow for marketability and, if there is sufficient liquidity, prices usually do not experience premiums or discounts. This difference is fully reflected in the returns performance of the three funds.


As at 18 July, the average rate of return for BCTCC.U for the current month was approximately 6.76 per cent, and the average rate of return for the current month was about 8.84 per cent, which was significantly better than that for BTCE and GBTC. The average rates of return for the latter months were -5.27 per cent and -26.39 per cent, respectively, and the monthly rates of return for the current year were - 5.85 per cent and -38.18 per cent, respectively - both in a state of loss, with a decreasing trend.


While BTCC.U's returns were better performing, they were not the highest. As at 18 July, BTCC.U had a monthly average of only 995 million transactions, while BTCC had a monthly average of approximately 22.17 million transactions, a total of 32.12 million, which was higher than the BTCE's average of 15.4 million during the same period, but lower than the GBTC's average of 39.26 million during the same period.


However, it is a matter of concern that, with the announcement of applications from more agencies in June and the steady recovery of BTC prices, the average daily turnover of these four funds rose in June, with the BTCC.U ring ratio rising by 74.89 per cent, the BTCC ring increased by 47.27 per cent, the BTCE ring increased by 23.66 per cent, and the GBTC ring increased by 112.67 per cent.



5 Grand Bitcoin Futures ETF



Although there is currently no spot ETF for Bitcoin on the United States market, there are some futures ETFs on the United States market. As of 18 July, the total assets managed by the five major ETFs, BITO, XBTF, BTF, BITS and DEFI, had reached $1,295 million. Of these, the BITO, officially released by ProShares in October 2021, was the largest in statistical terms, with a total of $1,199 million.

这些比特币期货ETF追踪的标的通常以芝加哥商品交易所(Chicago Mercantile Exchange,CME)的比特币期货合约为主。其中,规模最大的BITO是唯一一个全部配置CME期货合约的期货ETF,并实行“滚动”期货合约的策略。除此之外,其他期货ETF在配置CME期货合约的基础上,还配置了一定比例的其他资产,比如XBTF和BTF配置了美国国债,BITS配置了其他机构发行的区块链ETF,DEFI配置了现金。

These Bitcoin futures ETF tracers are usually dominated by the Bitcoins futures contract of the Chicago Commodity Exchange (Chicago Mercantile Exchange, CME). Among them, the largest BITO is the only futures ETF with a fully configured CME futures contract and a “rolling” futures contract strategy. In addition, other futures ETFs, based on the configuration of the CME futures contract, have allocated a certain proportion of other assets, such as XBTF and BTF, which have allocated US Treasury bonds, BITS has configured the chain of ETFs issued by other agencies, and DEFI has allocated cash.


According to recent net resource flows, BITO’s net inflows have also been the largest. In the last month, BITO’s net inflows have been $259 million. Second, BTF’s and BITS’s net inflows in the last month have been small, amounting to approximately $1.35 million and $790,000, respectively. If the time cycle has been extended to this year, the five bitcoin futures ETFs in the range of observations have received net inflows, with the highest net inflows still being BITO’s, amounting to approximately $333 million. Second, XBTF’s net inflows this year amounted to $658 million, while other ETF’s net inflows this year have been relatively small.


BITO is also one of the five bitcoin futures ETFs with the highest average volume of transactions per day, about 9.9691 million, which exceeds the current month’s average GBTC transactions by 15.93%. But other futures ETFs have not had a high volume of transactions, with BTFs at about 38.38 million, XBTFs at about 17.8 million, and the remaining two at less than 10,000.


Overall, BITO is well ahead of other Bitcoin futures ETFs in terms of size of funds, inflows and average daily transactions, but in terms of returns, BITO is not.


According to statistics, the highest rate of return in the last month was BITS, which reached 33.20%, while in other observations the rate of return was only about 12%. Even if the period of time has been extended to this year, the highest rate of return has been BITS, reaching 137.65%, while in other observations the rate of return has been around 74%.


It is reasonable to assume that futures ETF returns are more related to the exposure of the assets it is configured, and that the highest-return BITS has deployed another block ETF, in addition to the Bitcoin futures contract, which points to a wider range of encrypted assets, not just bitcoins, which may bring higher returns to BITS. But, overall, Bitcoin futures ETFs perform far better than spot ETFs and trust funds.



ETF News Against BTC Price



There is no doubt that the agency’s entry into the market can bring money to the encryption market, so information about the agency’s application and distribution of ETFs can always lead to a change in the spot price of Bitcoin. Although the impact of the information is not the only reason, at least one of the reasons, how is that impact?


PAData, on the basis of publicly reported information, calculated changes in spot prices for bitcoin within a certain time frame after some of the ETF applications and listings. If the published information becomes available on a specific date after cross-checking, the price changes within a week after the date of the publication usually reach a specific date for the listing of futures ETFs; if the published information becomes available only for a specific month after cross-checking, the price changes during the month of the statistics usually have some ambiguity about the timing of the ETF application. In order to compare as much as possible on the same scale, PAData calculates the average daily changes in bitcoin prices within a given time frame, using an average of seven days per week and 30 days for the same month.


According to statistics, within a week of the release of Black Rock’s application for the Bitcoin spot ETF, the price of the Bitcoin spot price rose by 19.49%, equivalent to an average of 2.78% per day, the largest daily increase in the statistical coverage.


Second, during the GBTC's rapid growth period (October - December 2020), the spot price of Bitcoin rose by 168.21 per cent, equivalent to an average increase of 1.87 per cent per day, but in the week immediately following its entry into the market, the spot price of Bitcoin increased by only 0.42 per cent per day.

其他由消息面带来的日均涨幅较高的还有VanEck期货ETF申请当月,比特币现货价格日均上涨了1.56%;Jacobi现货ETF获批当月,比特币现货价格日均上涨了1.33%;Fidelity/Wise Origin和SkyBridge Capital现货ETF申请当月,比特币现货价格日均上涨了1%。另外,也有一些消息面并没有带动比特币价格上涨,比如最近Valkyrie现货ETF申请消息被报道的当日,比特币现货价格还下跌了1.15%。

Other high average daily increases from sources include Van Eck futures ETF applications, which rose by 1.56 per cent per day in Bitcoin spot prices; Jacobi spot ETFs, which increased by 1.33 per cent per day in Bitco currency spot prices in the month in which they were granted; and Fidelity/Wise Origin and SkyBridge Capital spot ETF, which increased by 1 per cent per day in Bitcoin spot prices in the month in which they were applied. In addition, there are news sources that did not lead to higher prices in Bitcoins, such as the recent news that Valkyrie spot ETF applications were reported, which fell by 1.15 per cent per month in Bitco spot prices.


In general, the impact of agency ETF applications and listings on the price of the spot price of the currency may come from three sources, namely, the reputational endorsement of the institution itself, such as BlockRock, which stimulates market confidence; and from the fact that the applicant's ETF type, which is subject to greater regulatory pressure and which has not yet been approved, has not been listed in the United States, so it has been common in the past that information on the application of the spot ETF has increased significantly; and from the time the news happened, the price of the bitcoin trend. PADATA uses the mid-point of the price of the currency at the time of the news, with successive extensions for six months, to observe the price of the bitcoin at that time.


As a result, it is difficult to attribute the recent increase in Bitcoin prices to one of these factors. In addition to the good news that Block Rock has brought about, it should be noted that the recent number of transactions in the Bitcoin chain has been affected by the rise of the BRC-20. On 18 July, the number of transactions in the Bitcoin chain reached 58.25 million, an increase of 210.83% compared to the 1874 thousand at the beginning of the year.


But ETF applications and approvals are inextricably linked to the development of the market as a whole, which should be mutually reinforcing and interrelated systems. The analysis in this paper seeks only to take stock of the distribution of the Bitcoin ETF and to observe the impact of the information in order to provide a basis for future analysis, on the basis of which PAData will keep an eye on the transactions of the Bitcoin ETF.


Original title: Read bitcoinETF: 5 future ETF total assets close to $1.3 billion, and how much of Bitcoin is affected by the application?





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