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Photo Source Panorama Network


The grey tactics are endless, public opinion questions lingering, and policy pressures are not subdued, but they remain at ease, and the power of the role model gives confidence and reference to later generations and their peers. So what is the gap?


The titanium media commented on it.


Source: Media (ID:taimeiti)


A recording of Lee's laughter opened up the scariest veil behind the concept of the “block chain” and all the ugly, snobs hit everyone's eyes in a naked manner.


The name "Li laughs" also seems to have become a currency ring adage overnight. “Isn't he telling the truth about the currency ring, or is there anything to be surprised about?” The supporters of


In the founding group of the Ribbon Conference, the senior group sighed and summed up:


The industrial anomaly now is that the investor first looks at who's on the platform, who's on the investment team, and asks what kind of nonsense, which exchange you're going to do, how many times you're going to open up and when you're going to get me out -- and if the founder's red or if there's no red potential -- does anyone really care about the actual application value of the block chain -- these are both a summary of the laughter of the “record door” and a realistic picture of the currency circle.


so "Li laughs" instead of being a block-chain investor, they're called "stewards."


On the basis of public information and official information, we collated some of Li's typical approaches to the “road to wealth freedom” in recent years, and chose Li's laughter as a window because he was extremely representative, since 2013, when he was self-inflicted with “six-digit bitcoins” and was thus called “bitcoins-rich” in the industry, the authenticity of the “six-digit bitcoins” and the path to personal wealth growth were controversial until the “record door” broke out, and the name “strong” (“Li laughs”) appeared to be a typical microcosm of the “net” power of the currency ring and, more so, of the current currency turmoil in the country.


The purpose of this article is to take stock of history and the current situation in order to find a solution to the problem, to inspire the future, and to promote more rationally and constructively the transformation of the block chain.

其实,早有媒体对李笑来的报道称:“复盘李笑来的“通向财富自由之路”,实际上就是一条“名气变现”之路,他充分利用自己的名气,配以精妙的营销,最终通向了财富自由。” 这与“录音门”中,李笑来自己总结的“先成为网红,有自己的IP,再组建社群”、“价值投资无用论”等的“区块链投资”逻辑一样。

In fact, the media laughter of Lee has long stated that “the “road to wealth freedom” from “records” is actually a “beautiful realization” that takes advantage of his reputation, is accompanied by sophisticated marketing, and eventually leads to wealth freedom.” This is just like the logic of the “block chain investment” that Lee snivells out in the “record door” that “becomes red first, has his own IP, forms a community” and that “value investment is useless.”


An article by a black horse quotes the laughter of Lee: “There was a time when Lee held his cell phone and told me: > `Don't feel sorry for those people, don't promise nothing, as long as you look strong, they'd give you money.' spoke of his followers as fools, but he should have known it in his heart, I think.”


Then, of course, Li laughed to deny that he had said so. But the meaning of the phrase was the same as that of this “record door”.


What's the gap, even if the grey tactics continue, public opinion continues to question and the policy pressures are not subdued, but they still do what they do, and the power of the role model gives confidence and reference to later generations and their peers?




Some have published a tree map on the Internet, called the “Li laughs for money history”, and have classified its fund-raising instruments in recent years. On that basis, we have conducted a factual and one-by-one validation exercise. Although not comprehensive and individual details are not sufficiently precise, on that basis we have gathered more information, and by collating its different forms of fund-raising, it has been found that the money-earning instruments represented by Li laughs are truly strange, but they also largely cover or attract the “tide” and the participants.


Lee laughs about the history of money in circles. Source: Internet.


And that's why many investors, despite their anger at Li's loss in his investment projects, expressed their gratitude to the titanium media, “He's kind of taking us into the circle.” By the advantage of the flow, the Big Red V, which is represented by Li's laughter, is indeed constantly attracting new “celebrities” to the field.


For Li to laughter, not only the digital currency, but not just the ICO, but also the new forms of fund-raising that have emerged in almost every new era, such as the short rise in the number of shareholders in the middle, he has not missed, but he has little to do with the block chain. The titanium media has summarized the following typical means of fund-raising:


i. French-currency fund-raising, bit funds and equity fund-raising


In 2013, after becoming famous for the self-declared “six-digit bitcoin”, Li laughter raised more than $3.5 million (equivalent to 30,000 bitcoins at the time) to create the Bitfund, which attracted a large number of large money circles, such as Wu Steel, to participate in the buy-in (many larges either directly into bitcoin or, in order to be more legitimized, to convert bitcoin into French).


According to media reports, in November 2017, four years after the four-year cut-off period for the Bit Foundation, Li laughter unilaterally announced a one-year extension.


A friend of Mr. Bo released a video on his microblog, saying that 30,000 coins had evaporated in his fund, and Mr. Bo himself shouted in the video that the best thing to do with Li's laughter was to tear it up. Wu Gang then forwarded the video and said, "I hope Bitfund can be transparent about the LP, free of initiality and entrustment."


But they did not receive a response.


Both the University of Newborns, the Mark School of Newborns and a piece of listening are not ongoing projects, but they were used as a means of raising public funds, as well as equity.


At the same time, there is little difference in the problem of exposure: project teams and progress are not transparent, financial management is not open, even LPs are not able to access the Fund's financial reports, projects are often “contributed” rather than ordinary investments, and projects end up almost all over again.


II, 600ETH Joining Club



"Those who pay 600 ETH will not pay for nothing, they will come back by various means, not only to recover the cost, but also to take advantage of the opportunity. Moreover, the people who pay 20 ETH have a lot of them and have their own groups, a 2 ETH per person, and they've developed a lower line."


As Lee’s previous laughter follower, MrChow wrote, “His interpretation is that 600ETH is designed to screen “qualified investors” so that those who meet this asset threshold can work with his fund. This is also a deliberate confusion: it is a different thing to ask investors to prove possession of so many assets and to ask investors to pay him so much!”


However, after joining the group, most of the money is recommended to the group, and many more are associated with Li laughing to issue it himself and to go to his own-controlled exchange. Most of the money that Li laughter recommended a few months later is badly broken, and many have not recovered their strength.


"Strong" in a scolding, Li smiled off 500 ETHs in the 600 ETHs -- and finally forced to put down the remaining 100 ETHs.


However, this introduction is still in circulation in the currency ring and in the troupe.


iii. The wind money fund is used to “sort” the payment treasure

根据李笑来官方微信号的发布,风利基金每份最小2万元募集,通过支付宝集资,按照年化 8% 的利息计算,投资者两年后赎回本金。

According to Lee's release of the official microsignal, wind money funds are raised for a minimum of $20,000 each, and investors redeem their principal in two years, based on an annualized interest rate of 8 percent.

“举例来说,某位投资者投资了 10 万元人民币,两年后到期,赎回本金 10 万人民币,期间产生的利息为 1.6 万人民币,以众筹的方式投入了某个早期创业项目。利息虽然是两年借期之后才能落实,但风利基金在投资者投入资金之后垫付相应的利息先行进行投资。”

“For example, an investor invests RMB 100,000, which expires two years later, redeems the principal sum of RMB 100,000, resulting in interest of RMB 16,000 during the period, and invests an early start-up project in a publicly funded manner. Interest is not realized until after a two-year loan period.


A lawyer who read the document said and described the wind money fund as having a typical “sort” function with a fixed return commitment and may be suspected of some of the “illegal stowage” potential.


Source: Li laughs at the micro-signal.


To date, the Wind Fund has been in operation for more than 30 years and has also issued a fixed interest rate “wind investment” in the cultural property (see figure below), which also lacks any qualifications.


iv. Confusion of ETF Open Fund with Candy Currency


Although Li laughter said in the media interview that he did not recommend coins and stated in general that 99.99 per cent of him was on the stand, his records of recommending various currencies on the Internet are still widespread. As a result, he has been subjected to a lot of online questioning.


The following excerpts are drawn from an article by Mr. Chow, a former follower of Li's laughter, which was published in February of this year and in the latter, Lee's laughter recorded some questions about “Candy” :


"Li laughs for the "Learn and Learn again" article, "Mist bitcoin, don't miss candy" details the candy coin that he issued, where he gets it, where it's worth, and which currency it anchors.


Quoting Li's laughter to the official description:


To be clear, CanDY is like the ETF, showing the value of the tokens it contains. These currencies include nearly 20 of them, including PRS, BIG, XIN, MTN, etc., and the total value is now about 80 million dollars.

ETF(Exchange Traded Funds)是股票里的概念,实际上就是把一揽子股票交给一个共同管理者,打包并重新发售的新股票。

The ETF is a concept in a stock, in effect handing over the portfolio to a co-manager, repackaging and reselling the new stock.


This explains the importance of avoiding and deliberately bypassing the most critical concepts. What is the key concept? How does the ETF share price go “a anchored package”. This should have been done:

1. 在一级市场,交易者可以直接拿自己持有的一揽子股票去换取ETF基金份额,也可以用ETF基金份额换回一揽子股票,因此基金份额的价格等于这一揽子股票的价格。

1. In the first-tier market, traders can exchange their share of the ETF fund directly for the stock package held by them, or the share of the ETF fund for the equity package, so that the price of the share of the fund is equal to the price of the portfolio.

2. 在二级市场,交易者可以挂单买卖ETF基金份额,成交价格跟那一揽子股票的价格相比,可能会有溢价或折价。

2. In the secondary market, traders may purchase and sell a share of the ETF fund on a single basis, and there may be premiums or discounts compared to the price of the portfolio.

3. 由于在二级市场交易ETF基金份额有溢价或折价,就会有人从事一级二级市场间的套利交易,最终会把溢价或折价拉平,套利交易的存在使得二级市场的ETF基金份额价格不可能跟一揽子股票的价格偏离太多。

3. As the share of ETF funds traded in the secondary market has a premium or discount, there will be arbitrage between the secondary market, which will eventually equalize the premium or discount. The existence of arbitrage makes it unlikely that the share price of ETF in the secondary market will deviate too much from the price of the portfolio.


So, is Candy an ETF?


Candy can actually be listed and traded on the Bigone exchange, which means it can be freely traded on the secondary market. But where is the primary market? Can I convert my CANDY back to the various currencies in the basket, or vice versa?


So here's what happened:

1. 李笑来声称他把一揽子各种代币放进了糖果盒,总价值8000万美元。

1. Li laughter claimed that he had placed a package of various tokens in the candy box, for a total value of $80 million.

2. 至于到底锁定没锁定这些代币,谁也不知道。

2. No one knows whether or not these tokens have been locked.

3. 就算真的锁定了这些代币,它们跟CANDY之间也看不出有任何联系。因为CANDY的一级市场是不存在的,只有BigONE的二级市场。

3. Even if these tokens are actually locked, there is no connection between them and CANDY. Because there is no primary market in CANDY, only the secondary market in BigONE.

4. 那么在二级市场上CANDY该值多少钱?反正有人卖,有人买,你相信它值多少钱,它就值多少钱。

4. How much would CanDY be worth on the secondary market? Someone sells it, someone buys it, you believe it's worth it, it's worth it.

5. 如果你相信CANDY锚定的总市值是8000万美元,所以每个CANDY应该值 8000万 / 1万亿=0.00008美元 ,你愿意当这个接盘侠,那也是你的自由。

If you believe that the total market value of CanDY's anchor is $80 million, it should be worth 80 million per CanDY / 1 trillion = 0.00008, and it is your freedom to be this handler.

李笑来不是刚讲过么,“在现代交易市场上,没有任何一笔合法交易是被迫形成的,双方买卖自由”(详见 所谓“韭菜”和所谓“无政府主义者”有什么惊人的共同之处?)。

Didn't Lee just say, “No legal transaction in the modern trading market is forced and free to buy and sell” (for more details, what is amazing in common with the so-called pickles and the so-called anarchists?

6. candy.one上面无数人留言提问“为什么提币到BigONE等好多天了一直在审核中”?而我想问的是,BigONE上面搞活动发放的CANDY远远少于candy.one上发放的,而candy.one上领到的币又提不出来,那么BigONE上挂单卖CANDY的都是谁在卖?

And I want to ask, "Why have the money been under review for days since Bigone's been waiting for us?" And I want to ask, "Who's the one who's selling Candy on Bigone, who's selling Candy, who's selling Candy?"


From MININ (which is also another famous project coin sponsored by Li laughter) to CANDY, fans are encouraged to use distribution links to brush screens as a “joke-to-be” method. It's really disgusting to see the micro-letters and friends fall.


Marketing is like taste, and it doesn't have to be too much. Don't you get bored when you don't see what's on the ground, when you see a lot of fans in the middle of it?


Is it true that Li laughter comes from spending money on benefits for everyone? No, it's essentially just a part of the crowd cutting off the other part of the crowd.

1. 通过层层分销,让社交网络中的大V有机会收割他们的粉丝,培养大V们的忠诚度。

1. Through layered distribution, the Big V in the social network is given the opportunity to harvest their fans and cultivate the loyalty of the Big V.

2. 通过自家完全控制的交易所BigONE,让最忠诚最脑残的韭菜们接盘。

2. BigONE, a fully controlled exchange of its own, allows the most loyal and demented veggies to be picked up.


V, coins, coins, coins


Some people go through incomplete statistics, counting Li laughter as many as dozens of them in a project to issue coins or “specify stations”, and most of these tokens go to the exchange that Li laughter has in his own hands.


(The above figure is from the Web)


And these items, which are issued for the purpose of “distribution of currency”, are absurd to the extent that there can be more than one issue of currency under an (ERC) address. Here, it should be explained that usually the currency is issued in the Taiku, and an ERC 2.0 contract address corresponds to a token.


It is true that two typical tokens issued by Li laughter, the Token contract address of Candy and Pressone, were verified by titanium media technicians, each with several different currencies. They appear to have entered the above-mentioned 600eth Club proposal.


These five operations, however, cannot be separated from another typical cycle of interests.


Image Source Network



The following is a quote from the widely recorded recording of Li's laughter at the “record door”:


"I don't care whether you're speculating or investing, it's making money, it's going to be a success, it's going to be a failure, it's going to be a success. At the end of the day, I'll tell you a whole bunch of world views, and I'll fuck you for what? The core goal is just making money. So you have to find something at the core, and then we can't fool ourselves about it as a first-of-a-kind principle.


Of course, we're going to study a lot of tactics to do this thing. So you're going to look at me as a Candy, with such a shitty technical team, with a load balance on the website for the first day, and finally the next day, and the third day's fucking cost. The fourth day's going to be fine, and the fifth day.


The site was towed, so all the databases were taken away, and there was no money on the lost site. But I knew there was no money on that site, so whatever you do, you just do it. Seven days, two million users couldn't zoom in, I reached my goal, and we're going to study these tactics, how to get them up quickly.


And then how do we keep it going? It's about how much candy money we put in there, how much candy I've got in my candy box, and I know I'm sure I'm core-competitive, so I go out and grab money, and I'm not talking about talking to people, working with me right now, and you throw it in, or I'm not working with you, so I have the power, so this guy can't fight me. And then I'm worried about the fucking money, and I'm not gonna do it one day. So I'm gonna turn it into an exchange.


By April, it was an exchange, and you always had to throw it in, so it lasted, and he could go up if he lasted and I fucked him, so I knew how I could spread the candy coins to a lot of people in my way, and now it looks like it's at least 3 million. Because now there are more than 8 million registered users. But there are a lot of templates here, and there's only 3 million left.


And then there's an exchange, and the candy coins are now priced, so the next thing I say is that there are three things in it: one is the exchange, which is guaranteed to keep the money going in; the other is the game center, which is the engine of the game, which is that the fishing people are their development, and they can do all the probability games, so I open up this game hall, and I see you have consumption and circulation in it, and then I take that, you know, the golden horse, he's an alternative community, he's a community, he's a paid user, and it's easy to pull them up.


“I ask Kimma, how much do you pay these users? He's counting about 1.6 million. I say, I give you 16 million yuan, 10 times the RMB worth of 16 million, and you send them to your users, and they kick it. Then you start one thing, you run that piece of news, pick it up, everybody's doing chain media, and things happen again on the Internet.


And that's when there's more of this kind of media, it's not some kind of media, it's a condensed media, you put something in one piece. It's good to see this, and then you distribute the information.


I say you've got this. So here's the flow, there's the media, there's the game hall, there's the deal, there's the deal, there's the thing. So that's what you can tell by this example, we're studying tactics. We know how to do it, and then we do something really meaningful. But in the end, if you're real, you're dead.


The last three months of financing, five minutes of financing, 18 months of trading, and now they've agreed to go directly, so the middle line is gonna get killed, so I'm stupid if I'm in the middle. So we're a technology company.


We're a technology company, and we can send it to you immediately if you want to create a demand network; we'll have it ready for you immediately; you want to open an exchange, and I'll go straight to you; you have a community that wants to turn it into a block chain project, a block chain component, and I'll introduce you to the whole dollar wallet, and you want to build the community quickly, and you give me enough money, and I'll give you the flow, and that's what we do.”

上述内容,几乎是全部录音最精华的部分,充分曝光和拆解了“币圈大佬”或者说币圈流量掌握者们,疯狂做市操纵一条龙的操作方式, 且在“交易所”、“媒体”、“代币发行方”几乎合为一体, 交易利益主体之间毫无区隔。

The content, which is almost the most delicate part of the entire recording, is fully exposed and dissected by the money-circumstancers or the money-circumstance masters, who operate in such a way that the market manipulates a dragon, and is almost integrated in the “exchange”, “media”, “demonstrate issuer”, with no distinction between the interests of the trader.


A self-media article summed up the words: "Li laughs" are in themselves good or cheap wind signs, and most of them have the power to issue tokens, or have an exchange, or even hold both in their hands, both as athletes and as judges. The end result, of course, is that Li laughs become financially free, and the street becomes a "celebrities."


As FCN also reported, at the time


The New Kyoto newspaper also responded to Li's laughter by stating that he was both a member of the EOS Development Block.com and a shareholder of the cloudnet, which was widely raised for EOS, “to make a deal for EOS using a cloudnet platform, which is equivalent to turning the money of the cloudnet customers into money in his pocket”.


According to media reports, last July 10, apart from EOS, Li laughter opened another larger ICO project, Press.One, which announced the sale of 22 billion yen, of which 10 billion PRSs were produced by the public and valued at $200 million. The biggest controversy in the project was the absence of a white paper, with hundreds of references written on the official web site.


It's ridiculous that an unknown project, even a white paper, was too lazy to raise $200 million.” One investor said to the New Kyoto newspaper at the time. Now, of course, the state of Press.One, whose tokens have become almost a part of the deal on Bigone, which Lee only laughed at himself.



As block chains and digital currencies remain a more sensitive zone at the policy level in China, making the credibility of the Government a special endorsement.


On 9 April of this year, the Yuhang District of Zhejiang County, the Government of the Future Science and Technology City Council and the Hangzhou Investment Management Corporation Ltd. co-financed the creation of a “Major Bank Global Block Chain Innovation Fund”.


The total size of the fund is RMB 10 billion and is managed by Yao Yongjie's investment and by Lee laughter, an INBlockchain, a consortium of older cats.


According to media reports, the Hangzhou municipal government will contribute 3 billion dollars, 30 per cent of the total, and 70 per cent of the funds will be publicly collected from socially qualified institutional investors.


Since then, Li’s laughter has assumed more “government support” – the image of the SWF as a block-chain investment fund supported by China’s first government background, and the need for “government endorsement” is more important than the SWF’s investment of currency circles.


It is worth noting, however, that two of the first investment lists published by the Yu An Foundation include VNbig and ThinkBit, while several other project parties are planning the ICO, “government background holds” undoubtedly becoming their biggest mark.


Although all exchanges are now referred to as overseas exchanges, it is undeniable that “exchanges” remain strictly prohibited by the national Government and that the ICO has not been made clear since last year 94 was “one-size-fits-all”.


After that, there were also media calls from one of the contributors to the future Science and Technology City Council and the government of the Yu Hang District for information, but no response was received.


According to the sources, the government-directed fund is a regular solicitation in the priority planning area, and it is difficult to describe it as funding from the government background. At the same time, after the conference, the government has not actually funded it, as the matter is also controversial within the Hangzhou municipality.


, however, according to the participants in the meeting, in practice the Hangzhou City leadership is not a foundation, but a research institute.


One local government official said that in this case, the government was apparently the one that was taken in. “The Zhejiang and Hangzhou governments have always dared to try and actively support innovative economic development, leading enlightened and private business.


However, it would be retort if the government's credibility were to be consumed because of the need for currency speculation, the use of government venture investment to guide policy, and the fiction of a $10 billion government fund image designed to attract trust among the diaspora”.


Far from being a human matter, these are highly representative and universal acts, ranging from primary to secondary markets, such as billing, billing, trading, etc., all over the world, but because China's existing legal standards and the characterization of encrypted currencies are unclear and difficult to regulate.


, taken together, why there is a “disturbing” of the entire currency circle, for the following reasons:


(b) The high knowledge and cognitive threshold of the block chain is confusing, and ordinary people cannot follow the so-called “net red” forces of trust, while the Government can only observe for a while;


The illusions and role models of “one-night rich” shaped by various circles are constantly driving the dangerous road to “freedom of wealth” that inspires human greed;


Regulation remains as elusive as a sword of Damocles in the air, but the arbitrage that it offers is also enormous, with few major players involved, traditional mainstream competitors afraid to come in and, in the absence of competition, give speculators in the market a huge arbitrage opportunity.


The power of transformation in the block chain is enormous, but much remains to be done.


(Only titanium media in this post)


Editor: Wei Fan


If that's possible, it's in front of the times of the strong.


If you can't, you can move on with the times of strong.


But never fall behind the times of strong.


- Breusesov.




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    0.000 15693比特币等于多少人民币?根据比特币对人民币的最新汇率,0.000 15693比特币等于10.6 1678529美元/76.86554996人民币。比特币(BTC)【比特币价格翻倍】美元(USDT)人民币(CNY)0.000/克洛克-0/5693【数字货币矿机】10.6 167852976.8655254996比特币对人民币的最新汇率为:489,807.72 CNY(1比特币= 489,807.72人民币)(1美元=7.24人民币)(0.00015693 U...