
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:31 评论:0



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华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 赵奕 胡金华 上海报道

Reporter of the Summer Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn)


In 2023, the heat waves of the big AI model poured over the meta-cosmos and turned them into cold water. Since this year, the meta-cosm, which has attracted numerous companies to compete, has been “drawn apart” by many head companies.

10月25日,有消息称,微软(Microsoft)负责开发基于人工智能的无人机模拟软件Project Airsim团队被告知公司将解雇整个团队并终止项目。随后,微软方面也证实,将于今年12月15日终止该项目。

On 25 October, it was reported that Microsoft’s team, which was responsible for developing an artificial intelligence-based drone simulation software, had been informed that the company would fire the entire team and terminate the project. Subsequently, Microsoft also confirmed that it would terminate the project on 15 December this year.

在此之前,微软于10月19日正式停止了对Project Bonsai项目的支持,该项目用于构建工业用途的自动化系统。上述两个项目都被认为是微软“工业元宇宙”的重要组成部分。

Prior to that, Microsoft officially suspended its support for the Project Bonsai project on 19 October, which was used to build automated systems for industrial purposes. Both projects were considered to be important components of Microsoft's “Industrial space”.


“The current metacosystem has not yet found a suitable application except for the game.” The Director of the Institute of Industrial Space Research, a business expert, Xiaoling, told the reporter of the Summer Times that how the metacosystem can achieve an effective commercial transformation of data flow, information flow and business flow is an issue that must be faced and that when the scene of human reality and the virtual world can be transformed into a new social mechanism and business model, the metacocosystem can be truly developed.


Microsoft closed another meta-cosm project

据悉,Project Airsim和Project Bonsai这两个项目都是由微软首席技术官凯文?斯科特 (Kevin Scott) 推动成立的,孵化这两个项目的目的在于让工业客户使用微软云业务的新产品。

Both Project Airsim and Project Bonsai are known to have been created with the support of Microsoft Chief Technical Officer Kevin Scott to enable industrial clients to use new products from Microsoft Cloud operations.

2022年底,微软官宣其关于工业元宇宙的愿景,让人出乎意料的是,今年春季微软就终止了Project Bonsai,并裁掉了负责项目的100人团队,此时距离微软组建该团队不过几个月的时间。

At the end of 2022, Microsoft announced its vision of the industrial-dollar universe, surprisingly, this spring Microsoft terminated Project Bonsai and cut off the 100-person team in charge of the project, just a few months before Microsoft formed the team.


In addition, in January of this year, Microsoft, CEO Satya Nadra, issued a full-time letter confirming that Microsoft would downsize 10,000 people within three months, accounting for about 4.5% of Microsoft’s total workforce of 220,000. The current staff reduction focused on virtual reality-related sectors, including the hybrid hardware Holollens, the hybrid reality department, AltSpaceVR, Surface, and Xbox, all significantly fine-tuning the core structure.

与微软相比,“All in”元宇宙的Meta则更加惨淡。其近日公布的2023财年第二季度财报显示,公司第二季度营收利润都实现了正增长,但负责元宇宙业务的部门Reality Labs亏损37.39亿美元,较上年同期扩大33%。而事实上,自2020年第四季度以来,该部门已亏损约337亿美元(约合人民币2407亿元)。

Compared to Microsoft, the “All in” meta-cosm is even worse. Its recent financial statements for the second quarter of the 2023 fiscal year show positive growth in corporate profits in the second quarter, but the department responsible for the meta-cosm business, Reality Labs, lost $3.739 billion, an increase of 33% over the same period the previous year.

Meta首席财务官Susan Li坦言,预计2024年亏损会同比增加,但在业务发展方面,公司的雄心没有变化,公司有一个长期的时间跨度来评估在这方面的投资回报。

The Chief Financial Officer of Meta, Susan Li, confessed that, while losses were expected to increase in 2024, there was no change in corporate ambition in business development and the company had a long time span to assess the return on investment in this area.

尽管投入如此之大,Meta的元宇宙产品依旧无人问津。Meta报告称,截至目前,其元宇宙应用Horizon Worlds 已经建立1万个独立世界,但只有9%的独立世界有超过50人访问,大多数世界根本无人问津。不少用户进入Meta推出的Horizon Worlds虚拟世界后发现,目前元宇宙与想象中的元宇宙千差万别,首次体验感到失望后就再也没有登录过。

Despite this huge investment, Meta’s meta-cosm products remain unattractive. Meta reports that, to date, its meta-cosmos application has established 10,000 independent worlds, but only 9% of them have been visited by more than 50 people, and most of the world is completely unattended. Many users have entered the Horizon Worlds virtual world that Meta has launched, finding that the current meta-cosm is very different from the imaginary meta-cosm, and that they have never been recorded since their first experience.

此外,其公开售价1500美元的全新高端VR头显设备Quest Pro,仅仅三个月就因滞销而降价400美金。

In addition, its brand-new high-end VR head display equipment, valued at $1,500, Quest Pro, was reduced by $400 for three months only as a result of the delay.


Zuckerberg also mentioned opportunities related to AI on several occasions in a post-fiscal teleconference. He had previously stated that Meta would not miss the current wave of AI, but would also continue to invest in meta-cosmos-related business and focus on the integration of AI and meta-cosmos.

Meta的股东对此显然并不满意。2022年10月,Meta的股东投资及私募机构Altimeter Capital的主席Brad Gerstner曾公开致函称,应将“元宇宙”相关技术(即VR硬件和软件)的投入限制在每年最高50亿美元。

In October 2022, Brad Gerstner, the chairman of Meta’s shareholder investment and private fund-raising agency Altimeter Capital, wrote publicly that investment in metacosystem-related technologies (i.e. VR hardware and software) should be limited to a maximum of $5 billion per year.


According to Brad, “the current size of the company's investment in VR may take 10 years to see the return; however, it is terrible to invest a total of more than $100 billion in an uncertain future project, even by Silicon Valley standards”.


In terms of share prices, Meta’s share price has been down since September 2021, from an historic high of $384.33. In 2022, Meta’s share price fell by 64 per cent, the worst performer in large technology firms in the United States. It is interesting to note that Meta has been retrenched several times since last November. The treasury shows that, by the end of the second quarter of this year, the total number of Meta employees had fallen by 14 per cent, to 71,469.


In response, the Director of the Institute of Deep Science and Technology, Zhang Xiaoyong, told the reporter of the Summer Times that the cooling of the heat in the Woncosmos, or because its pace of development did not meet market expectations, did not yield significant returns, reflecting the many challenges that were still facing the development of the Yuan cosmos, including technology, market acceptance, etc. Moreover, the development of the Yuan cosmos required a great deal of technical support, including artificial intelligence, virtual reality, which is still in its development stage and is not yet fully mature.




At the same time, the meta-cosm projects of the national technology giants are facing difficulties.


In recent days, attention has been drawn to the news of “the departure of nearly half of PICO’s staff, and the departure of a number of executives.” Although PICO officials have responded that the company keeps its products running properly, and continues to strengthen its investment in product technology.

PICO的窘境或与 VR产品的销量不尽如人意相关。IDC中国发布的数据显示,2023年第二季度全球AR/VR头显出货量连续第四季度下降,出货量同比下降44.6%,出货量前五分别是Meta(50.2%)、索尼(1%)、字节跳动PICO(9.6%)、Xreal(略高于2%)和大朋VR(略高于2%)。

According to data published by IDC China, the volume of global AR/VR head exports declined in the fourth consecutive quarter of 2023, by 44.6 per cent over the same period, with the top five being Meta (50.2 per cent), Sony (1 per cent), byte PICO (9.6 per cent), Xreal (slightly over 2 per cent) and Gran Pin VR (slightly over 2 per cent).

另根据维深信息wellsenn XR的调研和跟踪统计,2023年二季度全球VR销量为144万台,同比下降37%,环比下降21%。其中国内市场VR头显销量为12万台,同比下滑65%;海外市场VR头显销量为132万台,同比下滑33%;国内市场VR头显C端销量为7万台,同比下滑75%,B端销量5万台,同比下滑6%;海外市场C端销量121万台,同比下降35%,B端销量11万台,同比增长5%。

According to the research and follow-up on VR sales in the second quarter of 2023, the global volume of VR sales was 1.44 million, a decline of 37 per cent and a decline of 21 per cent. Of these, VR head sales in the domestic market were 120,000, a decline of 65 per cent; VR head sales in the overseas market were 1.32 million, a decline of 33 per cent; VR head head C sales in the domestic market were 70,000, a decline of 75 per cent, while B end sales were 50,000, a decline of 6 per cent; and C end sales in the overseas market were 1.21 million, a decline of 35 per cent and B end sales, an increase of 5 per cent.


In response to the underdevelopment of VR, independent economist Wang Chi Kwan said to the Washington Times journalists that VR technology has made some progress over the past few years, but that there are still some technical constraints. For example, VR equipment is expensive and has limited user experience; VR equipment is large enough to be portable; and VR content development and innovation are some of the challenges. VR content development and innovation are important factors for the development of the VR industry.


With the exception of PICO, the byte beats the PHP “party island” that had previously shut down the meta-cosmos. In March this year, the 100-year Vice-President and head of the “Sykyo” dollar cosmopolitan product, Maji, announced his resignation and his transfer to the large model area as the “One Everything” executive. On February 16, the public announced that the tether game XR operation would change the hardware development path and make adjustments to the related business team.


A report by DappRadar shows that, in the first half of 2023, only $700 million was spent on global meta-cosm projects, less than one-tenth of last year’s total. The rhetoric of “the meta-cosmos is dead” has been rife.


In response, U Gaubin, Vice-President and Secretary-General of the China-China Senate Space Commission, stated to the Washington Times that the Woncosm, as an emerging concept, had been placed in high hopes. Over time, however, it has become apparent that the development of the Woncosmos has not been easy. Its complexity and technical difficulties have made the development and operation of the metacos project costly, while the benefits are not immediately apparent.


But reality tells us that the development of the metacosystem does not happen overnight. The exploration of technology and business models takes time and practice, and the departure of the giant enterprise may be a reassessment of the horizon of the metacocos.


But, in Goobin’s view, despite the problems, there is great potential. “We can expect that, as technology advances and business models mature, it will gradually develop better.” Wu Goobin says.

责任编辑:徐芸茜 主编:公培佳


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