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5月20日晚11时许,在比特币高位横盘一日,众人急待变盘之际,一个突如其来的神秘“利空”消息砸来——“疑似中本聪挖矿地址突然转移出 50 枚比特币”,引起币圈社群的快速传播和密切讨论。

On 20 May, at around 11 p.m., while the Bitcoin high-rises were waiting for a change, a sudden and mysterious news of the “sensely illustrious” — “the sudden transfer of 50 bitcoins from suspected mining sites in China” — triggered a rapid spread and close discussion in the currency community.


Shortly after the news came out, Bitcoin fell sharply from over $9,800 to $9330 and, although $500 and 3 per cent of the fall was a “shock down” on the encryption market, because of earlier attempts by Bitcoin to explore 10,000 people and the concentration of high poles in the field, which resulted in a short-term explosion of up to $3.86 billion on a 24-hour basis, according to Coin.


The subsequent rebound of Bitcoin to $9,500 was a narrow shock, and a number of analyses also pointed out from various angles that the address that remained inactive during the decade should not be considered to be a medium-breath.


Although the address is a “upgu” mining address that has remained inactive for more than 10 years, it has not been marked as a Chinese-blind address, and the mining pattern does not correspond to Chinese-blind habits, while a portion of the bitcoin has been transferred to Coinbase, where it is unlikely that the latter would take a legal risk of requiring KYC's compliance exchange to sell the currency.


This coincidental node, familiar formula, leads to the suspicion that, at a time of high leverage in the field, rising moods, the main force, in conjunction with so-called “quick” messages, the Odaily Daily Planet is once again alerting a wide range of investors, that high leverage risks are high, and that there should be no blind pursuit.


"Strong" $3.85 billion a night, Nakamoto:?

最早曝出这个消息的是链上数据监测平台Whale Alert:2009年2月10日区块高度3654挖出的50 BTC从地址17XiVVooLcdCUCMf9s4t4jTExacxwFS5uh转移至两个地址,之后另一个地址向该地址转账,目前该地址余额为0.0001 BTC。

The first source of exposure was the link-based data monitoring platform, Whale Alert: 50 BTCs excavated at block height 3654 on 10 February 2009 were transferred from address 17XiVVVooLcdCUCMf9s4t4jTExacxwFS5uh to two addresses, followed by a transfer to that address, which currently had a balance of 0.0001 BTC.

Whale Alert称,该地址可能是中本聪拥有的钱包,该地址自2009年以来一直处于休眠状态。

Whale Alert states that the address may be a wallet owned by Nakamoto and that the address has been dormant since 2009.


After the information was sent, according to the flashnote Global campaign data, Bitcoin began a short-term sharp downward trend on 19 May at around 11 p.m., falling from a high of $9,800 to $9330, a short-term drop of over 3 per cent, and slowly rebounding to $9,500 on the bottom of $9330, currently in the vicinity of $9,500.

据币coin数据显示,过去24小时全网总计爆仓亿5.43亿美元(合计38.5人民币),爆仓人数60898人。其中OKEx爆仓3234万美元,火币爆仓276万美元,BitMEX爆仓9310万美元。爆仓金额前三的币种是BTC 4.33亿美元,ETH 6536万美元,BCH 608万美元。

According to Coin data, the total amount of the explosion was $543 million (a total of 38.5 yuan) for the last 24 hours, with 60,898 people. Of this amount, $32.34 million was in OKEx, $2.76 million in Fire Signs, and $93.1 million in BitMEX. The first three currencies were BTC $433 million, ETH $6,536 million and BCH $6.08 million.


According to the coin coin icon, the vast majority of investors were hit by multiple blasts, with more than $483 million in 24 hours (total RMB 34.26 billion) and nearly 10 days in size on May 20. A number of investors lamented that: “The drop of just $500 in bitcoin has caused so much money to burst, and the drop of thousands of dollars in previous days has not done so.”


A large number of these, the largest single blast warehouse bill, occurred in BitMEX-ETHM20 and the amount of the explosion was up to $47.78 million.


According to the Odaily Daily Planet, the 3 per cent drop could have such a strong impact on the market, which is closely linked to the intensity of the market in recent times.


On the afternoon of 20 May, Bitcoins went up $9850 with no results, then quickly went down, to $9650 at a minimum, then adjusted to $9760 at a high level and tried many times to break down. A number of investors in the market also learned from K-line analysis that Bitcoins was now close to the end of the trend triangle, and that a change was expected.


Observing large-scale data on OKEx contracts, it was found that there had been an increase in the number of people in the air between 19 May and 20 May, and that the leverage ratio of the voucher operation had risen from 1.1 on 15 January to the current 2.1, that the base structure remained above 0.5 per cent of the rise, and that the market continued to experience an increase in mood, with a number of investors being highly leveraged, waiting only for Bitcoin to break out the bar.


Markets often make it difficult for the majority to get what they want, and as a result wait for the mysterious news that appears to be re-emerging, to quickly return and to re-open.


Who does this mysterious address belong to?


If this "upset" mining address is not Chinese, who does it belong to?


The 50 bitcoins have now been transferred to two addresses and transferred on a scale of 4:1 and the encrypted currency data analysis platform Chainalysis states that the 40 bitcoins have not yet been used, but the data show that another 10 bitcoins have been transferred to different wallets, some of which have now been transferred to Coinbase.



A number of KOLs in the crypto-currency area considered that the 50 bitcoins' wallet addresses did not belong to China.

比特币核心开发者Jimmy Song在Medium上发文章从“挖矿模式”分析称,该转账非中本聪所为。Song称,被怀疑属于中本聪的比特币显示,在每一块被开采时,会有额外的nonce值增加。但3654区块与这些区块似乎不是由同一个人挖掘。此前,CoinMetrics联合创始人Nic Carter也曾表示,中本聪挖掘了一组特定的区块,被相信是中本聪挖掘的那些区块在nonce中具有特定的模式,但3654区块没有显示出相同的模式。

The Bitcoin core developer, Jimmy Song, analysed the transfer from the “mining model” in Medium, stating that it was not by the middle-breeding brain. Song claimed that the suspected middle-breeding bitcoin showed that there would be an additional nonce value when each piece was mined. But the 3654 blocks did not appear to have been excavated by the same person. Previously, Nic Carter, CoinMetrics co-founder, also stated that Chinabone had dug a specific group of blocks that were believed to have been excavated by the centre, but that the 3654 blocks did not show the same pattern.

Primitive Ventures联合创始人Dovey Wan在微博表示,刚刚动的区块高度3654(2009年2月份)是个远古大神的币,而不是中本聪。可通过线上分析可以分析出所有中本聪的区块地址,具体可以参见satoshiblocks.info。另外,其中一部分币已经转到Coinbase了,因为KYC,中本聪也肯定不会在Coinbase卖币。

Primitive Ventures co-founder Dovey Wan said in Weibo that the newly moved block was the currency of an ancient great god at 3654 (February 2009), not the middle-breathing. On-line analysis can be used to analyse the addresses of all medium-sized blocks, as can be seen from satoshiblocks.info. Also, part of the currency has been transferred to Coinbase, because KYC is sure that he will not sell his currency in Coinbase.

Coin Metrics联合创始人Nic Carter从比特币的nonce值分析了这50枚比特币不一定属于中本聪地址,Nic表示,“中本聪开采了一组特定的区块,中本聪在开采Satoshi区块时使用了特定模式,但区块3654不是Patoshi模式。关于中本聪的比特币的争论实际上比人们通常所知道的要多。按照媒体报道的方式,您可能会认为一个巨大的钱包归属于中本聪。实际上,这些地址的不确定性要大得多。”

The co-founder of Coin Metrics, Nic Carter, analysed the 50 bitcoins from the nonce value of Bitcoin as not necessarily belonging to a central hearing address. Nic stated that “The central bellows mined a specific set of blocks, which used a particular pattern in the mining of the Satoshi block, but the block 3654 is not the Patoshi model. The debate over the middle bells is actually much more contentious than is usually known. In the media way, you may consider that a large wallet belongs to the middle bell. In fact, these addresses are much more uncertain.”


At present, however, the address remains unclaimed, and several early bitcoin developers and miners denied that it belonged to them.

著名计算机科学家Hal Finney的妻子Fran表示,“这些不是我丈夫挖出来的比特币,我们跟这件事没有关系。”

Fran, the wife of the famous computer scientist Hal Finney, said, “These are not bitcoin that my husband dug up, and we have nothing to do with this.”

Hal Finney于 2014 年死于肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症 。Hal Finney 在比特币诞生之初曾协助编写比特币代码,是最早使用比特币网络的矿工之一。他也曾与中本聪保持过非常紧密的联系。许多加密爱好者认为 Finney 本人就是中本聪,不过他本人也多次坚决否认了这一说法。

Hal Finney died in 2014 of myocardial spinal sclerosis. Hal Finney helped to write bitcoin codes at the birth of Bitcoin, one of the first miners to use the Bitcoin network.

比特币早期开发者Martti Malmi也否认这个地址是他的:“我是在 2009 年 4 月左右发现比特币的,”Martti 在5月20日在推特上回应相关问询时候说到。而这个出现比特币转移的钱包比 Malmi 的接触比特币的时间还早了两个月。

Bitcoin’s early developer, Martti Malmi, also denied that the address was his: “I found bitcoin around April 2009,” Martti said on Twitter on May 20, when he responded to the query. This wallet, which had been transferred by bitcoin, was two months earlier than Malmi’s contact with bitcoin.

另一位早期矿工、Metal Pay 首席执行官Marshall Hayner暗示,他也没有移动这些代币。这位早期矿工表示,他直到 2009 年 11 月才进入加密货币领域。不过有趣的是他同时也说道,“如果真是我的话,我也不会说的。真正的矿工很可能永远不会承认这一点。他们有大量的比特币,他们不想成为舆论目标。我确实是在2009年开始挖矿,但我永远不会公开披露我的加密资产。”

Another early miner, Metal Pay Chief Executive Officer Marshall Hayner, suggested that he had not moved the tokens either. The early miner said that he did not enter encryption until November 2009. But interestingly, he also said, “If it were me, I wouldn't say it. The real miners would probably never admit it. They had a lot of bitcoins, and they didn't want to be the target of public opinion. I did start mining in 2009, but I would never publicly disclose my encrypted assets.”

Hayner 肯定地说,交易者永远不会承认这些行为,“他们不希望受到负面的关注和潜在的犯罪分子以他们为目标,”他接着说,“他们宁愿因为对区块链的贡献而被人知道,或者也根本就不想为人所知。”

Hayner affirmed that traders would never admit to these acts, “they do not want negative attention and potential criminals to target them”, and he went on to say, “they prefer to be known for their contribution to the chain of blocks or not to be known at all”.

有意思的是,还有人认为这个比特币地址曾出现在 Craig Wright 所列的清单中,因此怀疑是 Craig Wright 移动了这些比特币。而对此 CoinGeek 创始人、BSV 支持者 Calvin Ayre 今日发推称:“确认不是Craig Wright,我刚和他谈过。”

Interestingly, it was also suggested that the Bitcoin address had appeared on Craig Wright's list, so it was suspected that Craig Wright had moved the bitcoins. And in response, CoinGeek's founder and BSV supporter, Calvin Ayre, today, presumably, said, "It wasn't Craig Wright, and I just talked to him."


It is still not possible to trace who this mysterious address belongs to, and curiosity and pursuit of Chinese intelligence may be the business's eternal asset and never have an answer.


In this case, it is more important than searching for the mystery of what is in the middle, that the market bells be sounded again for investors, that the market be easily predicted, and that technological indicators be used only as a reference for rational decision-making and not for high leverage trading. At the same time, despite the fall of the surface, the so-called "no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no.-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no




Early Bitcoin Miners denied they had 50 bitcoins transferred out of the address in 2009.


"Is Ben-tweezing's Bitcoin moving last night?"




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