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DEP (DEAPcoin) uses block-chain technology to achieve “interest is reward, fun is mining”, to provide for entertainment, to promote progress in global financial and social security systems and to create a new global pan-recreational economy.


The recent outbreak of the “new crown epidemic” in many countries around the world, in which most people are forced or self-segregated from their homes and are affected by disease and policy, the Internet and online applications have opened a well blow-out, online education, entertainment platforms, video media and, in particular, online games have ushered in explosive growth, and games and entertainment have once again become a spiritual anchor.


In areas severely affected by the epidemic, people have been unable to work for months because of their inability to do their jobs, leading directly to a reduction in or loss of income from their jobs, and many people in developed areas of the Internet have begun to exhaust online ways of socializing, sharing, and creating returns and rewards, while a large number of people are still affected by their inability to earn income at home. The epidemic has had an unprecedented impact, causing people around the globe to begin to aspire to more possibilities.


And it's an age when people all over the world need to be entertained and entertained.


It's also an era when people around the world begin to think about how to stay at home and also create self-worth and get a decent reward.


DEP (DEAPcoin) is prepared to change the rules of entertainment and further change the rules of the world through digital entertainment and digital assets based on block chains, thereby creating an era in which anyone can survive and gain wealth through recreation.

让娱乐规则从“花钱购买快乐” 变成“快乐地赚钱”

To make the rules of entertainment go from "paying for happiness" to "making happy money."

DEP 将为人们带来的,不仅是一个“乌托邦”,更是一个“黄金国”

DEP will bring people, not only a utopian, but also a golden nation.




Block chains + unicorns in trillions of entertainment markets

Digital Entertainment Asset Pte. Ltd.(DEA)总部位于新加坡,是一个致力于使用区块链技术发展全球泛娱乐产业的创新公司。

The Digital Enterprise Asset Pte. Ltd. (DAA), based in Singapore, is an innovative company dedicated to the development of a global pan-recreation industry using block chain technology.

泛娱乐的核心产业便是近年来全球高速蓬勃发展的游戏行业,而游戏一直都是互联网发展中重要组成部分,也是技术转化场景的头部领域,而区块链技术如:可发行唯一数字资产、P2P 点对点金融、智能合约处理、资产上链存证等,将为彻底变革用户行为,以及游戏带来全新盈利模式。

The core industry of pan-recreation is the fast-growing game industry around the world in recent years, which has always been an important part of the development of the Internet and the headlines of the technology transformation landscape, while block-chain technologies such as single digital asset distribution, P2P point-to-point finance, smart contract processing, asset chain documentation, etc., will bring about a radical change in user behaviour and a completely new profit model for the game.

这种即将到来的趋势,也正是DEA 企业的独特理念“兴趣即报酬,乐趣即挖矿”和渴望实现“Play Becomes Work”的目标诞生的原因!

This impending trend is also the cause of the birth of the unique concept of the DEA enterprise, “interest is reward, pleasure is mining” and the desire to achieve the goals of Play Becomes Work!

以过去传统游戏市场为例,2018~2019 年,全球游戏市场规模达8641.1 亿元人民币,中国游戏市场全年收入达2510.6 亿元人民币,市场总规模领先全球,而美国、欧盟及日本分列2 到4 位。2018~2019 年全球移动游戏用户规模达22.3 亿人次,而例如滥发道具、诱导付费、IP 授权难、游戏不互通、游戏资产不保值、玩家利益不公、版权侵权等众多的产业问题与落后的模式,这大大的限制了更多人们获取更多的快乐,也使得移动互联网人口红利过后,全球游戏行业陷入了发展瓶颈。

In the past, for example, in the traditional game market, the size of the global game market in 2018-2019 amounted to 864.1 billion yuan, the Chinese game market earned 251.6 billion yuan a year, while the total market size of the world was two to four places in the United States, the European Union, and Japan. Global mobile game users reached 22.3 billion times in 2018-2019, and the global game industry fell into a development bottle after the mobile Internet population dividend.

而DEA 企业打造的「PlayMining」,是一个使人们在享受游戏和漫画的同时可以赚取加密货币DEP(DEAPcoin)的泛娱乐平台,并通过其中的“Digital Art Aucition”可购买、再次交易游戏和漫画中的物品道具,从而建立起一个围绕DEP 泛娱乐经济生态,颠覆传统游戏产业,变革用户行为,实现“让娱乐获得报酬,兴趣成为工作”。而在「PlayMining」中,不仅是游戏与漫画,各类数字艺术品、数字娱乐内容、IP 也将可以通过DEP 经济生态,绽放出独特的珍贵价值!

And the "PlayMining" created by the DA Enterprise is a pan-recreation platform that enables people to enjoy games and comic books while earning the encrypted currency DEAPcoin and, through its "Digital Art Aucition" to buy and trade again objects in games and comics, to create a set of distinctive values around the DEC, to destabilize the traditional game industry, to change user behaviour, and to make entertainment pay and interest work. In Playmining, not only games and cartoons, but also digital art, digital entertainment content, IP will also be able to release unique values through the DEC economic ecology!


DEA 公司的CEO 吉田直人,作为一个成功上市三家公司的连续创业者,为【PlayMining】定下了“三年内达到1 亿用户”的目标,通过区块链技术与全新的娱乐挖矿模式将颠覆不仅是全球游戏市场,更包括了漫画、艺术品资产、数字娱乐资产、IP 资产、游戏支付、道具交易等多个超万亿的全球市场!而以区块链+娱乐的全新结合,也使DEA 将高速发展,追逐成为这个万亿市场的独角兽!

As a continuous entrepreneur of the three successful companies listed on the market, DEA CEO Yoshida, set the goal of “100 million users in three years” for [PlayMining], which would destabilize not only the global game market, but also the multi-billion global market of comics, art assets, digital entertainment assets, IP assets, games payments, props trading!



The utopia of gold everywhere.

DEA 如何实现成为全球泛娱乐市场的独角兽的目标?如何颠覆传统泛娱乐市场的规则?

How can the DEA achieve the goal of being a unicorn in the global entertainment market? How can the rules of the traditional entertainment market be subverted?


It's the combination of the two swords of "PlayMining" and "DEAPcoin" recreational economy.

·  在「PlayMining」平台内,用户可以通过游戏/漫画来挣钱。用户在漫画以及游戏中获得的点数,能够兑换为DEAP 平台上使用的独立加密货币(DEP),在该平台上不仅有DEA 公司开发的全新原创游戏,也将会加入全球多个游戏公司的知名游戏,目前已经有多个知名漫画IP 创作者加入平台中,将陆续完成发布。

& Middot; & nbsp; & nbsp; in the PlayMining platform, users can earn money through games and comics. Users can exchange points in comics and games for the stand-alone encrypted currency (DEP) used on the DEAP platform, which not only has a new original game developed by DEA, but will also be part of the famous games of a number of game companies around the world, and many well-known comic IP creators have joined the platform and will be ready for publication.

· 「PlayMining」平台内的数字艺术品拍卖(Digital Art Auction )设施,也将使用区块链技术实现原创者、IP、作品等的数字资产的发布与价值拍卖,让版权与众多内容资产、艺术数字资产在平台内实现价值。

& Middot; & nbsp; Digital Art Auction facilities within the PlayMining platform will also use block chain technology to auction the publication and value of digital assets such as originals, IPs, works, etc., so that copyrights and many content assets and artistic digital assets will be valued within the platform.

·  而「PlayMining」整个平台的业务流通,也将由具备区块链技术发行的加密货币DEP(DEAPcoin)作为媒介代币实现,并从而诞生出一个全新的泛娱乐数字经济生态!

·   & nbsp; & & nbsp; and the flow of the platform 'PlayMining' will also be achieved by using the encrypted currency DEP (DEAPcoin), which has block chain technology, as a media token, which will give birth to a completely new pan-recreational digital economy eco-economy!


通过玩/享受(Play),就能获得「钱」(加密资产),至今为止的游戏和漫画都是通过花钱去买快乐的,但DEA 将从根本上推翻了这个常识。  把娱乐由“通过金钱购买快乐” 改变成“快乐地赚钱”,从而去打造一个遍地布满黄金等待挖掘的乌托邦新世界!

"Money" (encrypted assets) is available through play/play, and so far games and comics are paid to buy happiness, but the DA will fundamentally reverse that common sense. & nbsp; changing entertainment from "money buys happiness" to "joy making money" to create a new world full of gold waiting to be excavated!

希望让全世界的人们都享受着娱乐,在一边完成自我实现的同时,【PlayMining】也将推出基本收入2.0 版,通过享受娱乐内容来实现推动全球金融、社会保障系统发展完善的目标。

It is hoped that people around the world will enjoy entertainment and that, while completing their self-realization, [PlayMining] will launch a version of Basic Income 2.0, which aims to promote the development of global financial and social security systems through the enjoyment of recreational content.


DEP 将是黄金,也是炼金石

DEP will be gold, and it'll be alchemite.


作为区块链核心技术发行的加密货币DEP(DEAPcoin),以不可篡改、唯一性与稀缺性、共同记账、全球P2P 的特质,在【PlayMining】平台中,将会产生怎样的价值?

What value would the encrypt currency DEAPcoin (DEAPcoin), issued as the core technology of the block chain, have in the [PlayMining] platform in terms of immutable, unique and scarceness, common bookkeeping, global P2P?


As we all know, art is the most valuable.

而DEP(DEAPcoin)的价值源泉是人类创造出的创作本身。由区块链发行数量上限决定的DEP 的价值总和对应的是无限扩大的艺术作品、数字艺术品(Digital Art)、游戏以及漫画的总和。

The value of the DEP (DEAPcoin) is derived from the creation itself. The total value of the DEP, which is determined by the number ceiling issued by the block chain, corresponds to the sum of the infinite expansion of artistic works, digital art, games and comics.

比起世界许多传统货币的金本位制,DEP 更应定义为“艺术本位制”

The DEP is more defined as “artistic” than the gold standard of many of the world's traditional currencies.


DEAPcoin is based on an exchange guarantee with works of art of use and asset value, the value of which is also set. In other words, it is a secure encryption asset that can establish its value on the “artistic system.”

DEP(DEAPcoin)流通的平台【PlayMining】计划用UI 构筑虚拟世界。让人们可以享受游戏和漫画,并实现在沙盒虚拟现实中进行Digital Art(艺术数字资产)交易的未来,DEP(DEAPcoin)成为这个超前生态的的唯一货币,多个第三方(游戏)的参与、多种艺术数字资产的发行与流通使得在PlayMining 经济生态中流通的数字资产的质量和数量增加,DEP(DEAPcoin)的价值就会提高。

The platform for DEP (DEAPcoin) circulation [PlayMining] plans to build the virtual world with UI. People can enjoy games and comics and realize the future of the Digital Art (Artistic Digital Assets) deal in the sandbox virtual reality, with DEP (DEAPcoin) becoming the only currency of the pre-ecosystem, with the participation of multiple third parties (gaming), the distribution and circulation of multiart digital assets that increase the quality and quantity of digital assets circulating in the PlayMining economy and increase the value of DEP (DEAPcoin).


And the DEP will not just have the value of gold.

DEP 也将成为提炼出各类Digital Art(艺术数字资产)价值的炼金石!

The DEP will also be an extractor of the value of all kinds of Digital Art (artistic digital assets)!

随着DEA「PlayMining」即将推出的区块链相关游戏,近期在全球众多社交媒体引起新热潮, DEA 也计划在中国建立首个DEP 中文社区,招募热爱游戏与动漫的用户加入,首批加入社区将有机会获得首批DEP TOKEN 空投与红包福利!掌握DEP 第一手资讯与信息!

With the upcoming DEA "PlayMining" block-chain-related game, which has recently generated a new surge in social media around the world, DA plans to establish its first DEC Chinese community in China, recruiting game-loving and moving users to join it. The first community to join will have the opportunity to receive the first DEC TOKEN airdrop and red package benefits!


DEP 官方:

· DEP 官网:

·   DEP Network:

· DEP 游戏--Jobtribes 游戏官网:

& Middot; & nbsp; DEP Game - Jobtribes Game Officer Network:

· DEP 游戏--World Flags游戏官网:

& Middot; & nbsp; DEP Game - World Flags Game Officer Network:


Official social media:

· Youtube:

· Facebook:

· Twitter:

· Bilibili:

· Telegram 英文社区:

& Middot; & nbsp; Telegram English Community:

· Telegram 中文社区:

& Middot; & nbsp; Telegram Chinese Community:

· 币用中文社区:

·   Chinese-language community: https://0plus/DEAP001




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