三大比特币平台违规融资融币 未来或恢复收手续费

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中国新闻来源:北京青年报 2017年01月19日 07:23 A-A+ 二维码
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When Bitcoin was deleveraging into the countdown, the top of the Bitcoin platform was reluctant to speak, and they were waiting for the latest move at the regulatory level.




Bitcoin China Overrun


Last night, the relevant head of the Shanghai headquarters of the People’s Bank of China issued a recent on-site inspection & ldquo; Bitcoin China & & rdquo; and the results reminded institutions and individual investors to attach great importance to the risks of the platform and to the safety of their property. The chief stated that the preliminary inspection found that “ Bitco China & & rdquo; trading platforms with over-extended operations, irregular matching of matching operations, and lack of third-party custody of investors’ funds.


The Ministry of the Management of the Operations of the People’s Bank of China announced yesterday that, since the joint investigation team’s arrival in “ ” & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; and after the initial discovery that the bitcoin trading platforms were operating in an irregular manner to finance coupons, the market was extremely volatile. Moreover, none of these platforms established the required internal controls to combat money-laundering. Bitcoin Chinese bitcoin prices jumped, and as of last night, at 10 p.m., currency prices fell to $6,000, a minimum of $5,700.




Regulatory investigation nearing completion?


& mdash; — bitcoinChina, the currency net, and OK coins have recently taken part &ldquao; deleveraging & rdquo; measures, &ldquao of bitcoin spot & & ldquao; financing & rdquao; & & & ldquao; coins & rdquao; restrictions or suspensions.


Bitcoin has announced a moratorium on lending and lending services since January 12, 2017 on the official network. The gunnet and the KOK banker network did not have a moratorium on financing and a currency melting announcement, but clients confirmed the “ deleveraging & rdquo; measures. Some gunnet investors have been unable to borrow before the date of their trading page, and the staff of the other party have indicated that it is because (the platform's total) leverage has been exhausted and others can return it. This means that the gunnet is a limit on the overall leverage of the platform, but allows new &ldquao; &rdquao; & & & & & ldquao; financing & & & & & & & & & & & & dquao; it has been suspended and can only carry out repayment operations.


In response to increasing regulatory measures, the next is likely to be related to deleveraging, as well as to the specific measures and severity of the measures, and to the fact that the industry is generally in a state of wait and discourages much discussion. The director of a central village of Bitcoin told Beijing youth reporters that, in his personal observation, the regulatory level investigation should be brought to a close and that the findings are likely to be published in the near future. & ldquo; three major exchanges are more formal, with little likelihood of violations, and they were previously known. & & rdquo; & & & ldquo; currently sensitive, or possibly count down, what kind of regulatory measures are to be taken at the regulatory level and not known. & & rdquao;


The co-founder of another Shenzhen Bitco, for his part, said & & ldquo; accepting that this year was the year of Bitcoin regulation, as to what the deleveraging measure was. & rdquao;





In addition to the new Bitcoin regulatory initiative, there is an international hotspot, the impact on the entire capital market of the inauguration of America’s new president, Trump, on January 20th. This followed the first news show in New York in the early hours of January 12th, when US President-designate Trump was under pressure, the dollar was under pressure, cash and silver were on short lines, and gold rose by $1190 per ounce.


Market analysts claim that bitcoin prices are still stable and that technological indicators confirm that the upward trend will continue. The dollar will continue to be weak, as traders are waiting for the market’s uncertainty of Trump’s taking office. Worse still, global market risks may increase as a result of the strong policies of the United Kingdom’s Europe Europe, because British Prime Minister Tresa & Middot; May’s speech has also encouraged consumers to seek returns on digital encryption money, rather than stocks or bonds.


This weekend may mean the end of the Bitcoin deleveraging observation week, and the market is likely to take a new direction.


/strong >


Will the leverage be completely shut down


&ldquo in Bitcoin; Chinese-style regulation & rdquo; ongoing. On 11 January, following a meeting with the heads of the three Bitcoin trading platforms in Beijing on 6 January between the central bank's Beijing and Shanghai headquarters, the central bank's Shanghai headquarters and the joint Shanghai and Beijing financial regulatory departments of the central bank's Beijing battalion formed a Joint Inspection Unit for “ Bitco China & & rdquo; & & rdquo; and & & & & & & rdquao; and the three well-known national Bitcoin trading platforms for a week-long on-site inspection.


According to Shao Xiao, the chief researcher on gold wallets, the purpose of this regulation is actually two, one being that, as bitcoin prices continue to rise, a lot of money begins to chase bitcoin, and even the old lady runs in the field, with a variety of schemes using bitcoin, and many liars are even more fearful if they do not intervene. And, on the other hand, a lot of unwieldy analysis has magnified the role of bitcoin in asset transfer and money laundering, leading to greater pressure at the regulatory level, such as central banks, and has to begin to examine it.


What is more relevant in the industry is whether the future leverage will be completely shut down once the platform begins to reshuffle.




Fees are likely to be charged in the future


Since the regulatory level, there has been a significant downward trend in the volume of Bitcoin transactions in several major domestic platforms, combined with “ deleveraging & rdquo; and the impact on the platform is expected to be significant.


Seniors in the industry have told North Ying newspaper journalists that once the exchange stops leveraging, it is likely that the transaction fee will resume & & ldquo; this will be the main source of post-leveraging exchange earnings. I assume that if the fee is restored, it should be within one in a thousand. & & rdquao;


TechWeb learned that raising fees and “ leveraging & rdquo; service charges are the main current profit model of the domestic Bitcoin trading platform. In raising fees for cash charges, for example, in bitcoin China, the Bitcoin spot currency transactions, users take one bitcoin (platform & ldquo; bitco coin now ”) the billing costs to the platform are 0.0001 bitcoins; the user raises the renminbi at less than 200 yuan, at more than 200 yuan, at 0.38 per cent. In “ poles & rdquo; in service charges, for example, when the user leverages, the platform charges interest on the leverage component, which is 0.1 per cent per day.




Proposed third-party hosting platform

  经过一轮大洗牌之后,比特币迎来了新一轮牛市行情。2016年比特币荣登国内最赚钱的投资,超过许多明星投资产品。随着交易人数增多,交易平台开始频出状况。继火币网1月5日、1月7日两度崩溃后,1月9日凌晨1点币行(OkCoin 中国)网站也突发“心梗”,交易暂停10余分钟。据悉,监管层已经注意到比特币存在的问题。

After a major shuffling of cards, Bitcoin received a new round of cattle market developments. In 2016, Bitcoin made the most profitable investment in the country, exceeding many star investment products. As the number of transactions increased, trading platforms began to get out of hand. After the two-degree collapses of the Firebill Network on 5 January and 7 January, the 1:00 A.M. (OkCoin China) website also erupted on 9 January & ldquo; Heartbone & rdquo; and the transaction was suspended for more than 10 minutes.


The central bank is known to have interviewed the head of the trading platform the previous night, and has consulted a number of professionals on the management of Bitcoin. There are also well-informed reports that the regulatory board will recently convene professionals in Kyoto to discuss the management of Bitcoin, or set up a third-party hosting platform.

  文/本报记者 刘慎良 供图/CFP

This post is part of our special coverage Human Rights Watch.




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