以太坊(Ethereum)是一个开源的、有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台。这个平台允许开发者构建和部署去中心化应用(dApps),并通过其专用加密货币以太币提供去中心化的以太虚拟机(Ethereum Virtual Machine, EVM)来处理点对点合约。
Etheeum is an open-source, smart-contracting public block chain platform that allows developers to build and deploy decentralised applications (dApps) and handle point-to-point contracts by providing decentralized Ether’s virtual machine (Etherium Virtual Machine, EVM) in its special encrypted currency.
How much is it today?
1. Real-time prices: 3,343.84 (United States dollars) at the real-time price of ETH.
Market value: The market value of Etheria is approximately $40,153 billion (US$).
Three, twenty-four hours:
Maximum price 24 hours: $3,424.04 (United States dollars)
Minimum price 24 hours: $3,246.77 (United States dollars)
24-hour increase or decrease: -2.28 per cent
24-hour transaction: $13.29 billion (United States dollars)
24-hour trade: 250 million (ETH)
1、挖矿:以太坊曾采用工作量证明(PoW)的共识机制,这意味着通过挖矿可以获得ETH币。挖矿是通过为以太坊区块链处理交易并创建新的区块来获得区块奖励,即以太币。挖矿需要投入大量的计算资源和电力,并且随着时间的推移,挖矿难度会逐渐增加。 1 Mining: The Etherm used a consensus mechanism of workload proof (PoW), which means that ETH is available through mining. Mining is rewarded with block incentives by processing transactions and creating new blocks for the Etherm block chain. 2、在加密货币交易所购买:目前有众多加密货币交易所支持ETH的交易,如币安、火币、欧易等。投资者需要在交易所注册账户,完成身份验证,并将法定货币(如美元或欧元)充值到交易所账户中。使用充值到交易所的资金,可以直接购买ETH币。购买时,需要关注交易所的手续费、买卖价格以及交易所的信誉度。 2. Purchase on an encrypted currency exchange: There are a number of encrypted money exchanges that support transactions such as currency security, coins, Euros, etc. Investors need to register an exchange account, complete identification and charge the legal currency (e.g., United States dollars or euros) to the exchange account. 3、以太坊自动柜员机(ATM):一些城市提供以太坊自动柜员机,允许用户使用现金或银行卡购买以太坊。这些ATM会向用户提供以太坊的公钥地址,用户可以将购买的以太坊发送到自己的钱包。 The ATMs provide users with a public key address for Ether to send the purchased Ether to their wallets. 4、以太坊钱包应用:下载并安装支持以太坊的钱包应用,如MetaMask、Trust
Wallet等。这些钱包应用通常提供内置的购买功能,允许用户直接通过应用购买以太坊。 4. Ether’s wallet applications: download and install wallets that support ether’s applications, such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, etc. 5、去中心化交易所(DEX):使用去中心化交易所,如Uniswap、SushiSwap等,可以直接交换其他加密货币或稳定币(如USDT、USDC)来购买以太坊。 5. Decentralized Exchanges (DEX): Decentralized exchanges, such as Uniswap, SushiSwap, etc., can be used for direct exchange of other encrypted or stable currencies (e.g. USDT, USDC) to buy Etheria. 三、以太坊有总量限制吗 III. Is there a volume limit for Etheria? 1、初始设计:以太坊的设计并没有设置总量限制。它是一个消耗币,根据市场消耗和流通量不定时进行发行。 Initial design: There are no volume limits in the design of the Taiwan. It is a currency of consumption that is issued on the basis of market consumption and volatility. 2、历史变化:在以太坊的发展过程中,其总量一直在增加。例如,在2021年,以太币的发行总量和流通量都达到了1.1亿枚。 2. Historical change: In the development of Etheria, its total volume has been increasing. In 2021, for example, the total amount of circulation and circulation in Ether had reached 110 million. 3、以太坊2.0和EIP-1559提案:以太坊2.0(又名信标链)的引入和EIP-1559提案的激活,对以太坊的发行机制进行了重要改变。EIP-1559提案通过引入“基地费用”机制,使得一部分交易费用被销毁,而不是分配给矿工,从而减少了以太币的供应。以太坊2.0的实施还引入了“质押”机制,验证者需要质押32枚以太币才能参与网络,这也进一步减少了流通中的以太币数量。 The ETP 2.0 and EIP-1559 proposals: The ETP 2.0 (also known as the beacon chain) introduction and the activation of the EIP-1559 proposal have made important changes to the ETP distribution mechanism. The EIP-1559 proposal has reduced the supply of TTs by introducing the “base-cost” mechanism, which has allowed a portion of the transaction costs to be destroyed instead of being allocated to miners. The Ether 2.0 implementation has also introduced a “mart” mechanism, whereby the certifying officer has to pledge 32 TTs to participate in the network, further reducing the number of TTs in circulation. 4、当前限制:通过以太坊2.0和EIP-1559提案,以太币的发行量已经受到了一定程度的限制。目前,以太坊的年发行量被限制在1,800万枚,并且最终目标是每年仅添加12,000枚以太币。 4. Current restrictions: The distribution in tae currency has been limited to a certain extent through the Taiyo 2.0 and EIP-1559 proposals. Currently, the distribution in taepan is limited to 18 million copies per year, with the ultimate goal of adding only 12,000 in tae currency per year.
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