Author: Deep TechFlow
The blocks, which are introduced by bitcoins, are simple and elegant, and most of the other encrypted currencies use the same structure. However, these chains have some inherent defects.
First, a consensus in a Bitcoin-like sector chain agreement ensures that only one block is created within a frequent time interval, the length of which is limited by Internet delay. This essentially limits the volume of transactions such a chain can support, as well as the frequency of mining blocks.
This has also led to higher transaction costs and has encouraged miners to form more concentrated mining pools in order to reduce the expected time and variability of the incentives they receive.
為了克服這些問題,區塊鏈領域提出了DAG 結構來取代鏈拓樸結構的加密貨幣協議。例如古早的IOTA,和目前代幣正火熱的KAS, 都是一些礦工執行PoW 計算以創建DAG 區塊的協定。
In order to overcome these problems, the area of the chain has proposed an encrypted currency agreement whereby the DAG structure replaces the chain structure. The early IOTA, for example, and the currently hot KAS, are agreements by which some miners run the PoW calculations to create the DAG block.
More requests can be found on the website .
此外,專案方不鼓勵專門購買設備參與挖礦,因為無法保證用戶能夠收回投資,Spacemesh 建議用戶最好是基於用戶已經擁有的可用硬碟空間運作。
In addition, the project does not encourage specialized purchases of equipment to participate in mining, as there is no guarantee that users will be able to withdraw their investment, and Spacemesh suggests that users should preferably operate on the basis of the available hard disk space that users already have.
為確保Spacemesh 網路免受攻擊者接管,系統採用了一種機制,該機制基於一段時間內分配空間的Smeshers。為了有資格參與並獲得獎勵,個體必須證明在一段時間內確實擁有所需的儲存容量。
In order to ensure that the Spacemesh network is not taken over by the attackers, the system has adopted a mechanism based on Smeshes, who allocate space over a period of time. To be eligible to participate and be rewarded, individuals must prove that they do have the required storage capacity over a period of time.
Such a co-sponsorship may have reminded you of an old project, Chia, which used hard disks to dig mines, which were mainly created &quat; graphs & & quots, which used hard disk spaces and generated blocks through space and time.
Spacemesh 挖礦流程與CHIA一樣,也是P盤( 利用CPU或顯示卡透過獨特的演算法將硬碟寫滿哈希數據,這個過程就叫P盤),空間越大獎勵越多,P盤速度依靠線程。
The Spacemesh mining process, like the CHIA, is a P-plate (the process of writing hard disks full of Hashi data through a unique algorithm using CPU or a display card, which is called P-plate), and the more rewards the space is, the speed of the P-plate depends on the thread.
但據參與具體挖礦的投資人反映,Spacemesh P盤速度相對慢,硬碟空間不是瓶頸,顯示卡數量才是瓶頸。
However, according to investors involved in specific mining, the Spacemesh P disk is slow, the hard disk space is not a neck, and the number of cards is a neck.
Secondly, in addition to PoST's system of consensus mechanisms, Spacemesh combines DAG to ensure the security and highly scalable expansion of decentralised networks.
共識協議創辦人: Tal Moran 教授,以色列人,相關專業哈佛博士後;
Founder of the consensus agreement : Prof. Tal Moran, Israeli, post-Harvard;
團隊成員:Aviv Eyal ,共同創辦人,在建立全端系統和建立新創公司方面具有豐富經驗;Tomer Afek,共同創辦人兼CEO,在廣告和投資領域累積深厚。
2018 年5 月,在創立初期,Spacemesh 憑藉其獨特性質吸引了BRM Group、iAngels、Alignment、Bancor 等公司的300 萬美元種子資金,並於2018 年9 月,Spacemesh 獲得Polychain 領導的1500 萬美元投資。其它投資者包括MetaStable,Paradigm(Matt Huang 和Fred Ehrsam 的新基金),Coinbase Ventures,Bain Capital,1kx,Arrington XRP Capital,丹華資本,Gumi Crypto,Electric Capital,Collaborative Fund,Jack Herrick 等。
In May 2018, Spacemesh attracted $3 million in seed money from BRM Group, iAngels, Alignment, Bancor, and in September 2018, Spacemesh received $15 million in investment from Polychain. Other investors include MetaStable, Paradigm (Matt Huang and Fred Ehrsam's new fund), Coinbase Ventures, Bain Capital, 1 kx, Arrington XRP Capital, Gumi Cripto, Electric Capital, Collaborative Fund, Jack Herrick, etc.
2021 年12 月,Spacemesh 再次獲得400 萬美元新融資,投資者包括Leland Ventures等。
In December 2021, Spacemesh again received $4 million in new investments, including by Leland Ventures.
As a whole, it's an old project with an Israeli background that travels through two cycles.
與其他國人主導的挖礦計畫不同,Spacemesh 社群的分佈呈現多元化:
Unlike other national-led mining projects, the Spacemesh community is diverse:
United States: 18 per cent; Hong Kong: 9 per cent; Japan: 5 per cent; Germany: 4 per cent; China: 4 per cent; Viet Nam: 4 per cent; United Kingdom: 4 per cent; Canada: 3 per cent; other countries: 40 per cent.
打開Spacemesh的官網,率先映入眼簾的是一個響亮的口號- On a quest to become the people's coin (致力於成為人民的貨幣)!
Open Spacemesh's official network and take the lead in a loud slogan -- on a question to become the people #39; s coin!
Spacemesh 聯合創始人Tomer Afek 曾表示,“Spacemesh 的低進入門檻和激勵兼容性,激發了從比特幣誕生開始的真正去中心化的最初願景。”
The Spacemesh co-founder, Tomer Afek, once said, “The low-entry and stimulating compatibility of Spacemesh has inspired a genuine decentralisation of the original vision from the birth of Bitcoins.”
出於這樣的願景,Spacemesh 選擇在7月14日,也就是法國國慶日,歷史上巴黎人民攻占巴士底獄的當天,正式開啟主網。
As a result, Spacemesh chose to open the main network on 14 July, the day the people of Paris took Bastille in history.
When reading Spacemesh's file or official blog, it is clear that the team's "symbolism" is even of medium quality, such as at , where Spacemesh shouted loud slogans, refused to be systematized, resisted authority and formation:
"We may not be able to change the world alone, but change always begins with our choices.
我們很重要,我們的聲音很重要,我們的決定很重要,我們不只是「系統「中的齒輪。 」
We're important. Our voices are important. Our decisions are important.
這也讓Spacemesh有了一絲MEME的成分,在技術發展方面,Spacemesh 已經發布了他們的技術路線圖(2023-2026+),涵蓋了5個階段,設計全面虛擬機、生態發展、測試行動裝置等,例如專案方希望實現Spacemesh在各種不同裝置上的運行,包括智慧型手機。
This also gives Spacemesh a piece of MEME, and in terms of technological development, Spacemesh has published their (2023-2026+) covering five stages of design of comprehensive virtuals, biodevelopments, test action devices, etc., such as the project's desire to make Spacemesh operational on different devices, including smart cell phones.
However, the project also stated that the road map is not static, that it is a dynamic document and that it will continue to evolve over time.
SMH 是該協議的原生代幣,最近經歷了一次大暴漲,11 月10 日的價格還停留在0.55 美元,11 月17 日價格已經飆升至2.4 美元,僅一周漲幅就達到3 倍多。
The SMH, the original currency of the agreement, has recently experienced a major hike, with prices remaining at $0.55 on 10 November and 2.4 on 17 November, a three-fold increase in just one week.
SMH 代幣上限為24 億,將在941 年內發行,其中22.5億枚( 94.75% )將分配給Smeshers(Spacemesh 礦工),沒有預挖。
The SMH currency cap of 2.4 billion will be released within 941 years, of which 2.250 billion (94.75 per cent) will be allocated to Smeshers (Spacemesh miners) without predestination.
In addition, 150 million (6.25 per cent) will flow into an early investor's and team's “treasuries”, without initial release, to be released one year later and to be released within three years.
In other words, in the first year of market circulation, there were only coins in the hands of miners, but in the fourth year, the coins in the hands of the team and the investor would have been close to 40 per cent of the plate at that time, and the miners would have been increasingly covered, and in the tenth year, the percentage of the coins in the hands of the team and the investor would have been 25 per cent of the money in circulation at that time.
與比特幣每四年減半不同,Spacemesh的減半週期約為29年,比比特幣慢約7.3 倍,最後一個完整的比特幣將在2140年左右發行,但最後一個Spacemesh幣將在大約在2899年發行。
Unlike the Bitcoins, which are reduced by half every four years, the Spacemesh is about 29 years, the Bitcoins are about 7.3 times slower, and the last complete bitcoins will be released around 2140, but the last piece of Spacemesh will be released in 2899.
整體來看,Spacemesh 的崛起代表了對傳統區塊鏈結構的一場挑戰。
As a whole, the rise of Spacemesh represents a challenge to the formation of traditional blocks.
透過引入PoST 機制,Spacemesh 打破了傳統挖礦的限制,讓家庭桌上型電腦用戶也能參與區塊鏈的挖礦和共識過程中,而不需要特殊的硬體設備,使得區塊鏈更為包容,更容易被普通人所接觸。
Through the introduction of the PoST scheme, Spacemesh breaks traditional mining restrictions, allowing family desktop computer users to participate in the process of mining and sharing the chain without the need for special hardware, making the chain more inclusive and accessible to ordinary people.
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