In the first half of the year 2024, global investment market opportunities and risks coexisted — the tides continued, micro-soft, apples, and British Vitamins raced to market value “one brother” — and the Federal Reserve's expectations for interest reduction remained uncertain... The friends of cattle were both participants in the capital market and witnesses for the past.
Looking back at the experience of the past, welcome to the theme
In the first half of this year, following the global financial battle, the technologists were inexcusable, pushing the US stock to a new height. In this case, the funds referred to in the United States share deals (ETFs) were also a bit full, and the ETFs were not only tracking the performance of the various indices, business plates, but also different poles of choice for investors, and the earning power and the scale of the draw were strong and highly appreciated in the market.
In the first half of the year, the ETF's top-ranked "big winner" was more than the ETF that tracked the semi-guided plates. Since the theme of the AI is very topical, the British Weidelberg has a half-guided stock-assembly, and the second-guided ETF also earns the investors a "basket full."
其中,升幅最大的爲$ProShares Ultra半導體 (USD.US)$,該ETF以兩倍槓桿追蹤道瓊斯美國半導體指數的表現,今年漲幅高達202%。ProShares Ultra半導體ETF的資金規模9億美元,管理費0.75%。該基金前十大持倉中,英偉達佔比超30%,博通佔比7.5%,這兩隻個股今年漲勢均十分可觀,是該ETF走強的重要推動力。
Of these, the largest 除USD外,同樣追蹤半導體板塊表現的另外兩隻ETF$3倍做多半導體ETF-Direxion (SOXL.US)$、$半導體指數ETF-VanEck (SMH.US)$漲幅分別爲108%與58%。 In addition to USD, two other ETF 另外,今年美股漲勢較爲集中,科技巨頭屢創新高,前有蘋果、微軟、英偉達三巨頭激烈角逐“市值一哥”的席位,後有亞馬遜、谷歌、Meta等不甘落後,“抱團”大型科技股的ETF也漲幅驚人,其中$MicroSectors FANG+指數每日三倍做多ETN (FNGU.US)$接近翻倍,同類型的 In addition, this year's US stock boom was more concentrated, with technocrats stockid="nstock" stockid"75951111757" stockcode="Fnglimjjuljjjjjjjjjjöljjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjölmjmjmjmjjjjmjjmjjmjmjmjjjjjjmjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjmjmjmjmjjjjmjmjjmjmjmjjmjjjmjjjjjjmjmjmjjjjjmjjjmjmjmjmjjmjjjmjjmjjmjjjmjjmjjmjjmjjjjjmjjjjjjmjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjümjümjümjlnjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjdjdjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjdjdjdjdjjjjjjdjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjdvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvjümvjümvjün.lnjümvjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjümjjjjjümjümjümjümjümjümjümjümjjjjjjjjjjjjj. $DIREXION DAILY SELECT LARGE CAPS & FANGS BULL 2X SHARES (FNGG.US)$、$MicroSectors FANG+ Index 2X Leveraged ETNs (FNGO.US)$、$MICROSECTORS FANG & INNOVATION 3X LEVERAGED ETN (BULZ.US)$漲幅均接近六成。 彭博數據顯示,在今年資金流入最多的前十大ETF中,追蹤大盤的標普500指數ETF仍是吸金主力軍。其中,美國最大基金管理公司之一先鋒集團管理的$標普500ETF-Vanguard (VOO.US)$獨佔鰲頭,今年迄今流入資金451億美元,比第二名的$標普500ETF-iShares (IVV.US)$流入規模還多出兩倍有餘。 Pombo data show that among the top ten ETFs, the top 500 index tracking of the capital this year, ETF is still the capital-absorbing mainist. Of these, 另外,標普500指數是由500家美股行業龍頭編制而成的指數,與之掛鉤的ETF也是巴菲特的“投資首選”,適用於各類美股投資者。這些ETF在保持穩健的同時,回報也非常可觀,彭博編制的數據顯示,在644只專注於國際資產的ETF中,只有不到7%的基金跑贏了標普500指數。 In addition, the standard 500 index is made out of 500 U.S. shareholders, and the hooked ETF is Buffett’s “investment lead” for all types of U.S. investors. The ETFs are also impressive when they remain stable, and Bloomberg compiles data that show that less than 7% of the 644 E.T.F. funds that focus exclusively on international assets have won the P.P. 500 mark. 除標普500ETF指數ETF外,現貨比特幣ETF自1月11日獲批以來,也迎來了一波投資熱潮。貝萊德旗下的比特幣現貨ETF$iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT.US)$今年來資金流入量超176億美元,成爲美股市場上所有ETF資金淨流入的第三位。 In addition to ETF coordinates 500ETF, the current currency ETF has received a wave of investment since 11 January. 值得一提的是,IBIT達到100億美元的資產管理規模,僅僅用了七週時間,打破了此前SPDR黃金ETF的記錄,成爲“史上最快”達到100億美元規模的ETF。比特幣相關ETF今年也都表現不俗,IBIT年內漲超31%,首圖提及的兩倍做多比特幣ETF$2x Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITX.US)$漲幅超過70%,位列漲幅榜第四位。 It is worth mentioning that IBIT reached $10 billion in property management, only seven weeks after breaking the record of the previous SPDR gold ETF, “the fastest” amounting to $10 billion. ETF related to Bit currency also performed well this year, when it grew by more than 31% and the two times mentioned in the first ETF 年中盤點曬單活動重磅來襲,2024上半年股市如火如荼,你捉住咗邊啲牛市機會? 歡迎你分享貼倉+投資心得,同牛友一齊復盤上半年投資成績表。仲有限量版牛牛(福牛手辦、士兵牛牛、騎士牛牛),大量積分等你拎,歡迎大家參與~ welcomes to share the warehouse plus investment, and to spend the first half of the year with friends of cattle. Welcome to . 編輯/new
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