- 該條目對應的頁面分類是期貨合約。
期貨合約(Futures Contract)
Futures Contracting
期貨合約(Futures Contract)是期貨交易的買賣對象或標的物,是由期貨交易所統一制定的,規定了某一特定的時間和地點交割一定數量和質量商品的標準化合約。期貨價格則是通過公開競價而達成的。
(Futures Contact) is for sales 1、期貨合約的商品品種、數量、質量、等級、交貨時間、交貨地點等條款都是既定的,是標準化的,唯一的變數是價格。期貨合約的標準通常由期貨交易所設計,經國家監管機構審批上市。
1. The terms of the future commodity agreement, volume, quality, grade, , etc. are established, standardized, and the only variable is price. The criteria for the future agreement are usually set by the futures exchange, and are reviewed for listing by the national regulatory body. 2、期貨合約是在期貨交易所組織下成交的,具有法律效力。期貨價格是在交易所的交易廳里通過公開競價方式產生的。國外大多採用公開喊價方式,而我國均採用電腦交易。
for futures exchanges for public prices. 3、期貨合約的履行由交易所擔保,不允許私下交易。
3. The performance of futures contracts is guaranteed by an exchange and private transactions are not permitted. 4、期貨合約可通過交收現貨或進行對沖交易履行或解除合約義務。
4/ The futures contract may be delivered by or by performing . 一是吸引套期保值者利用期貨市場買賣合約,鎖定成本,規避因現貨市場的商品價格波動風險而可能造成損失。
One is is used by The second is to attract of venture investment and increase market mobility. 期貨合約與遠期合約雖然都是在交易時約定在將來某一時間按約定的條件買賣一定數量的某種標的物的合約,但他們存在諸多區別,主要有:
The long-term agreement with , although at the time of the transaction it was agreed to sell a certain amount of the subject matter at a certain point in time, varies from region to region, notably: 遠期合約遵循契約自由原則,合約中的相關條件如標的物的質量、數量、交割地點和交割時間都是依據雙方的需要確定的;期貨合約則是標準化的,期貨交易所為各種標的物的期貨合約制定了標準化的數量、質量、交割地點、交割時間、交割方式、合約規模等條款。
The long-range agreement follows . The relevant articles of the contract, such as the quality of the label, quantity, and the timing of the handover are determined according to the needs of both parties; the date contract is standardized, and the date exchange sets specifications on the quantity, quantity, timing, timing, timing, etc. of the cut for each item. 遠期合約沒有固定的場所,交易雙方各自尋找合適的對象;期貨合約則在交易所內交易,一般不允許場外交易。
The long-term contract does not have a fixed site and the trading parties each seek the appropriate match; the futures contract deals within the exchange and generally does not allow . 遠期合約的履行僅以簽約雙方的信譽為擔保,一旦一方無力或不願履約時,另一方就得蒙受損失;期貨合約的履行則由交易所或清算公司提供擔保。
The performance of the long-term contract is guaranteed by only on the basis of the credibility of the parties to the contract. The performance of the future agreement is guaranteed by the exchange or by liquidation company.
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